Volume 32 B*sf „- ', * i- 1 ■Lit > » * ' V ( 'I ' . -mm *■ j> if ,ml mvm V -•- 1* . ,/'; H f§& T** X. I z i mIA I UK IBL laJ m fl 1 : 7mwr r Rev. Jesse Hushes receives check for fret place award for Green Mountain in Community Development Contest from Roy Ray. president of Yancey United Green /mountain Takes First Plate In Community Development Contest Dr. George Hyatt, Jr., Direc tor of the N. C. Extension Ser vice, was guest speaker at the annual Farmers’ Night and Ci/mmun ty Awards Program Monday night at the Community Building. The program for awards is sponsored by Burns ville Men’s C.ub. Dr. Hyatt spoke on the Yan-, cey County and State-W.de Tar get 2 Program. He explained that this is a program planned by lpeal advisory committees and that the 1971 goal in Yancey County was $6,508,550 or 38 per cent increase above the 1965 figure. He pointed out that cf this increased income will ccme from hcrt cultural crops, such as, tomatoes, pole beans, pepper, Christmas trees, native shrubbery, and strawberries. Dr. Hyatt was introduced by M. E. Hollowell, Western Dis trict Extenson Agent. Green Mountain won first place in the over all Commun ity Cntest judging. Newdale *%****s§ ! to y >** , T y . | < Jk, : ' "..M ! ■ W ' IPRI ■ if M- Tj*' yi* . r>«re* Jr. p*-','cV p.' speaker ,ii Former’s N'-’M p , '-t n!- n Tir-w * r»s5 00 co'-h nrize to one adult and one student. Rite Awarded Plaque For Conservation Farmer \i 1 & x * mM, h-thgjiAk^wmmßKß Carlie Rice of Burnsville has been named the Outstand.ng Conservation Faimer for ttie western area cf Soil Conservation Districts. The award, a plaque, was given Mr. Rice at a dinner meeting Thursday n ght at Nor th Buncombe High School. Os farmers judged in the 14- ccunty area. Mr. Rice was judg ed to be the best in conservation act vities on his farm. These ac tivities included farm plan and practices, farm income and general knowledge of sod c>n rorvation. Inc’uded also in the judging was the appearance of the farm, as well as community porticipat cn and use of avail ab’e services to farmers. Others attending the meeting firm Burnivil’e besdes Mr. and Mrs. Rice were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Arney Fog, Mr and Mrs. E. L. D’Minqham Mr Sutton is Jtoil ConsqrvaFon Specialist for Yancey County.