Winners Named In PP&K Pictured above are trophy winners in the Punt, Pass and Kck competition in this county. Six winners of the age class, Terry Childress, Edie Thomas, Steve McClure, Joey Biggerstaff, Johnny Biggerstaff, and Charles K. Webb entered the contest at Morgan ten last Saturday. There were no w'nners in the Moreantrn contest. TRUCK HEADQUARTERS For WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA TRUCKS AT DISCOUNT PRICES Used trucks that mate like new carry the @ Tag . Every truck that carries the @ Tag is inspected, reconditioned and road-tested where necessary. Check with Us Before You Buy. Prices Will Never Be Lower - Low Finance Rates Insurance & Financing On The Spot ( No Down Payment On Many Models With Proper Collateral- Check With Us For More Information. ROBERTS CHEVROICT-BUICK, INC. Burnsville, N.C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1987 Above, left to right front row: Jeff Bailey, Eddie Wooten, Steve McClure, Donme Laws, Eddie Thrmas, Terry Childress. Back row, left to right: Keith Webb. Stanley Rich ard Bank 1 ?, Johnnie Biggerstaff, Randy Thomas, Joey Bigger staff. Young Auto Sales awarded tiie trophies. NOTICEOF SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT north Carolina YANCEY COUNIY YANCEY COUNTY Plaintiff vs. Luther Wajne Anglin, and others, Defendants Under and by virtue of a Judg ment of the Superior Ccurt in the above-entitled case appoint ing and authorizing the under signed C:mmissicner to sell the lands of the Defendants hereinaf ter described to satisfy tax liens due Yancey County for the years of 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967 in Egypt Township, the undersigned C.m missicner will at 10:CO o’clock A. M., cn the 31st day of October, 1567 at the Courthouse doer in Burnsville, North Carolina, offer for sale fer cash to the highest bidder the following described tract or parcel of land in Egypt Trwnship, adjoining the lands of Bill Renfro and others and de scribed as follows: BEING the lands described in a Deed from Myrtle Sparks, Widow, to Luther Anglin and wife, Arelen Ang'in, which Deed is registered in the Office of the Register cf Deeds for Yancey County in Deed Bock 126, page 149, reference to which is here by made for a specific descrip tion of said lands. This September 27, 1967. Bill Atk'n*. C"mmissioner Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 Tri-County Health Council To Incorporate With Watauga The Health Council of Avery, Mitchell and Yancey counties is metrung in its newly proposed role of Blue Ridge Health Coun cil on Saturday, October 28th the Valle Crucis Mission in Valle Crucis to officially take action to incorporate as a four county unit (including Watauga also) for tiie purpose of preparing a comprehensive health plan and to consider ways and means to meet immediate needs. The Health Seminar to take place this Saturday, sponsored by the Health Council, has been made possible by the services of W.A.M.Y. Community Action, Inc., which has assigned one of its Planning Staff, Mrs. Helen McElyea, as a Planning Con sultant to the Health Council. J. T. Mcßae, M. D., of Spruce Pine, President of the interim Board of Directors, stated today that the help provided by W. A. M. Y. has, from the Health Council’s informal beginnings about eighteen months’ ago, been of much value in organizing and taking cognizance of the hea’th needs of the communities cover ed in the four county area. Dr. Mcßae also stated that the cooperating and persistence of staff and Boards of the Health Departments in making stud : es, with the assistance of State Health Department, personnel, has encouraged the group to be gin steps for comprehensive planning. Keynoting the Seminar with an address on “Partnership for Planning” will be Jrfcn Reece, M. D., Pathologist of Grace Hos pital in and a part pre oi dent of the Medical Society of North Carolina who will speak to the group at ti’e noon lunch eon to be prepared bv women of the Mission. Expected is a 1 so Edward Sorngbom. of the Comprehensive Hea’th Planning Division of the Department of Health, Education a«d Welfare’s regional office in CharMtesville who is scheduled to set the framework for discussion o n “Coordination and Involvement” from a panel to be composed of local heaMh and welfare staff I NOW OPEN Ben Hensley Radio— T.V.—Refrigeration Appliance Service. —ifi! Basement Os Home Off Highway 197 (Green Mtn. Highway) About 300 Yds. Off Highway 191. 7) For Service On All Above Items Call 682-3460 WE YANCEY RECORD and officials, physicians, h-soi tal administrators, representa tives of the local economic De velopment Commission and Technical Action Panel*. Wrk groups in the morning and after noon sessions indude discussions centered around Needs Deter mination, Medical and Dental Advisory Committees, and Coun ty Organization followed by Planning ofr Home Health Care, Nursing Homes and Extended Care, and Dental Services. Miss Grace Daniels, acting chief Health Ecuaticn Services of the Slate Dept, of Health, is coordi nating the workshop sessions with the hlt of other State Health staff. The Seminar is open to the public. Inquiries concerning the registration and schedule may bod ; ceded to the Hea’th Coun cil office in Spruce P ; ne. tele phone 765-9’65 or to the plann ing Office, W.A.M.Y., in Boone. Mrs. Davis Presents Pupils In Recital The following Young People participated in an organ rec tal given by students of Mrs. May Davis in the Sanctuary of Hig gins Memorial Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon: Ronald Biggerstaff, Mary Anne Howell, Mark Warner, Jeannie Ray, Jeanette Roland, Jeannie Bigger staff, Irene C~letta, Anita Ang lin, with a p’ano and organ duet by Irene Coletta and Anita Anglin. An impressive part of the pro gram was the benediction, wh’ch was tiie reading of the 23rd Psalm, with a background of hurnmine and organ mus’c by the students. The reading was by Mrs. Earl Boyles.