Volume 32 JUNIOR WOMEN BEGIN PROJECT AT SUN VAUEY NURSING HOME 9 Members of the Junior Wom an’s Club started their project of planting shrubbery at the Sun Valley Nursing Home on Wed nesday, Nov. 8. $117.00 was spent to purchase shrubbery from the Wayside Nursery in Asheville and Young Nursery in Newdale. The project is still not complete more shrubbery will be added later. The Club would like to express their appreciation to the follow ing people for their help: Rev. and Mrs. Tom Weeks. Mrs. PLANS FOR DAY CARE CENTER TO BE FORMULATED AT MENTAL HEALTH MEETIHG There will be a meet ng of the Yancey County Men-al Health Association in the fellowship hail of Hggins Memcr-al Meth odist Church Tuesday nignt, November 21st, at 7:30. Mrs. W. P. Honeycutt, Chairman of the Mental Health Association, stat es that the ma n item of interest on the program will be formula tion of plans for the Day Care Center for Retarded Children, which it .s hoped will go into operation very shortly, with headquarters in the Burnsville Catholic Church. This will be a project of W.A.M.Y., but all or ganizat ons, churches, as well as individuals are being asked to cooperate to make th's cen ter the succers that it should be. The Center will be under the supervision of trained V'sta workers, but a great many vol unteers will be needed. Contri bution of SIOO.OO is needed to get it off the ground. In addition to the SIOO, listed below you will ind a leng list of items which are needed immediately: Blocks, (Hardwood); Chairs (small); wood for tables, horses, steps, dividers, form'ca: peg bard and fiber board; hooks, coasters, hinges for div'ders 'contact Mr Yaffo): sneakers, paper plates, cardboard boxes; crayons, balls, construction paper: powdered THE YANCEY RECOUP Burnsville, N.C. Weeks is Cha rman of the Com mittee, and spent a lot of time Planning the project. Mr. Paige - m *Ui Mm-.mm* ...i II —— shrubbery. Mr. Arthur Edge for donating a box wcod. Mr. Joe GL.espie for hauling sawdust. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rhinehart for lean ng us a trailer. Mr. William Linbury, Wayside Nursery, As heville, for drawing free of charge a landscape sketch, show ing what plants to use and where to plant them. To the staff at the Nursng Home for serving paint; paint brushes 1”; tr'ey cles; big dolls (to be made) contact Mrs. Yaffe; aprons (to be made); diapers; trucks (old); insurance; m rricr approx. 2’ x 3’; scissors (blunt ends); p’astic dishpans; doweling large beads; material for sand box (wood); magazines; paper bags; full length mirror; scraps of yarn; materials for large easel; 2 telephones; locks and keys; peunding bench; potty chair; tolet paper; kleenex; paper towels; ivory soap; ma terial for shelf space; plastic truck; outside play equ pment; watering can; plants; boxes for personal possession (14” x 14”); materials for narrow bathroom table (plastic mat); play peo ple; scrapbooks to be made (See Mrs. Yaffe 682-3585); p!t cher for hot chocolate; mater ials for walk'ng and balancing boards (see Mr. Yaffe); gold fish and tank: e’av. Mr. or Mrs. Yaffe teL 682-3585 re garding spec sic types of supplies needed, sizes, coiors, etc. Also if you wish to donate byway of ■ a ca h purchase call the same number. After the Center is well e»* tabl shed, money will be avail able fr< m the State to keep it, go.ng However, there will al ways be nerd f( r volunteer workers as well as donations Dedicated To Thu Progress Os Yaucoy County us lunch the day we planted. We would a’so like to thank t'c’* sale, and buying the Hallo ween candy, which made our project possible. The Club is going to be the sponsoring organ'zation for the Day Care Center for Retarded children being established by W.A.M.Y Tfcnsfiy, Novbtr 14, 1947 To date 12 trainable, edueable chldren up to 12 years of age have been lined up for opening day. Trained personnel. is on hand. AH we need to make this much needed ch Id care center a going concern is the coopera tion of the people of Yancey County. The main idea behind all th ! s is to give these unfortunate children the tra'ning they are unable to receive in their own homes, and to make of them re sponsible c tizens who through concentrated tanning may de ve’op into wage earners, and irofead of eventually landing in an institution stav ; n the'r own home a"d contribute to the r own live’ihood. What finer way con’d be found to ce’ebnqfe the birth of our Savior than to nlunge whole heartedly into this very fne c»’’«e. rememhering the words of Jews "Tru’v I s’v to vnu. as you did it to om> of t*>e ’en«t of these r>v Wiirpn. voy did it to me.” (Matthew 25:f0). FARM AND CITY PARTNERS IN PROGRESS TOURISM DEVELOPMENT ASSOC MEETS IN SPRUCE PINE Blood Donations fall Short Blood donations to the Blood m-bPe rn Tuesday fell far short of the 100 unit goal set. 68 p-'nts were donated, with 15 rejec t'rns. making a total of 83 con tributors and would-be contribu tors. This seems to be the his tory of the Blocdmobile v : sits to Yancey County. Perhaps we need a little educating the lines of blood giv'ng and the good that comes from it: the that mav be saved by patients in hosp ta’s, manv of them not able to pav die high cost of blood transfusions. Also the fact that giving a pnt of blood doss no harm to the donor in fact, in rn«e cases mey even be benefic'al. OBITUARIES —-Dtmdu 71, retired Burnsville business man, who died Thursday after noon, were held at 10 a. hi. Sat urday in Higgns Manorial Met hodist Church. The Rev. J. M. G. Warner and Mrs. Arthelia Brooks off elated. Burial was in the Holcombe Cemetery. Pallbearers were Tom, Ed, Ben and Ted Wilson, Harold and Bruce Angl n, Alvin Blanken ship and Billy Ray. Honorary pallbearers were members of Earl Horten Post No. 122, Am erican Legion. Mr. Ray was a veteran of Worid War I, and was Reg ster of Deeds for Yancey County from 1926 to 1928. He served in the Yanrey Countv Se’eetive Service Board from 1956 through 1966. Surv'v’ng are the widow, Mrs. Mildred Hens’ey Pav; a son, James A. Bav of Miami Fla.: and a Wayne Ray of Pensacola, N. C. ED RICHARD WILSON Ed Richard Wilson, 79, of Bur nsville, Rt. 5, died early Sunday mc.rn.ng after a long illness. Mr. Wilson was a retired em ploye of the N. C. State Parks, with 20 years of service on ML M tchell. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Julia Murphy W.lson, and , feur sens, Robert and Walter Wilson of Burnsville, Rt. 5, Ran som Wilson of Marion, Rt. 1, and Emmett Wlson of Forest City: three daughters, Mrs. Robert Shuford and Miss Joyce Wilson of Burnsville, Rt. 5, and Mrs. Luther Berryhill of Marion, Rt. 1; 13 grandch ldren and 3 great grandchildren. Also 3 brothers, Fred Wilson of Marion Rt. 4, and Brvrn Wilson of Burnsville. Rt. 5. Funeral serv'ces were held at the Mt. Mitchell Baptist Church Tuesday after-iron at 2:30 by Rev. Chas. Willis and Rev. Jas on Salyers and burial was in the Cragg Cemetery. Nunbtr Eluvua Approximately 40 members of the newly formed North Carolina -Tennessee H ghway and Tour ism Development Association met at a dinner meet ng in Spruce Pine last night. The meet ing was held at Baker’s Restaur ant, wth members present from Avery, Mitchell, Madison, and Yancey County, and Carter County, Tennessee. The Association was formed pr marily to promote the con struction of a highway from US 19 23 in Madison County to Eli zabethan, Tennessee. Attorney Philip Thomas, North Carol'na co-chairman of the group presided at night’s meeting. Herman Robinson of ETzabeth ton, Tenn., State Chairman of the Governor’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped for the state of Tennessee and co-cha rman of the new associa tion, was present with the Tenn essee delegation. John Hampton, Gov. Moore’s representative on the Appalach ian Regional Development pro gram and Hilton Curry, renre - Mating Gov Ellington of Tian. ■poke to the group concerning possibiTties of the highway link. A plan was adopted bv the group, which will be brought out In detal in the near future, to give a greater we->ht and mo meoJoin to its efforts in area development. In addition to Attorney Tho mas. Yancev Countv was repre sented at the tneet'n* hv jne Young. Paul O. W. Dev ten, Harion Woioombe. James Rav, Lowe Thomas, and Arney Pax. Parade Plans Proceeding Plans for the Christmas Par ade, to be held in Burnsville Saturday afternoon, Dec. 2, are proceeding according to schedule, but mere floats are needed. There is plenty of time to enter your float, so see Mrs. Banks at the office of the Chamber -of Commerce. Let’s make this the biggeot and best parade ever seen in Burnsville. The follow ng floats have been entered in competition: Cane River High School, C’earmont Elementary School, East Yancey H gh School, Junior Girl Scouts, Cadette Scouts, Brownie Troop 86, Micaville Scouts. The non competition flea’s w'll be the Forest Service and the Santa Float. And, of course, there will be the parade of Beauty Queens 17 of them who will be riding in cars. The South French Broad High School Band and Spruce Pme High Band, also riders from the Mt. M'tcbell Bridie and Sadd’e Club will he there to add color to the occasion. Judges for the pa-Me w’ll he Larry Com. State Editor of t*e >qhevPi e C>!»en-Tinv*s. ,*Hc p*»i». News Fd'»or for T's Staten Wl-OS. AshevWe and Mrs. Ted Shea of Spruce Pine.