Volume 32 mbazi- -: : Bbtek*. - v. r* jL^r>t» ■■><. R v. : mK^^mij^> : .■:'■■■■ ■•■:', * >iC ™ / $V' ■ S . A / "''• ■ ilf&Bhbfc. ?•:. -; -,. fr> . -~-- Burnsville Junior Scouts, First Placo Winner Burnsville Cadetfe Scouts, Second Place Winner jM :e^HH^P | . i , : ■■■ «% -SsiF - : * £*•** fifirrv MmjH School, Third °!«»ce Winn»> THE YANCEY RECORD Burnsville, N.C. Thursday, December 7. j* 6 ; Burnsville’s Fourth Annual Christmas Parade Big Success Burnsville's fourth annual Chr.stmas parade on Saturday, was, frun the viewpoint of both viewers and sponsors, a great success. In spite of overcast skies and ch lly weather, ap proximately 4,000 people were on hand to help usher in the Christ mas season. Only those working on the floats, costumes, and routne work that gees into staging a parade, know the number of hours which were put into mak ing the parade a real ty. Each foat deserved "first place”, but since only three "places” could be named, it had to be narrowed down. First p'ace and a *75 00 pr'ze went to the Junior Girl Scouts. The Scouts, all dressed in green elve frits, were bss'ly engaged ,in mak'ng toys while rid ng on the colorfully decorated float. The Cadette Scouts, second p’ace winner with a SSO 00 cash prize, were dressed as engineers in brigK’y colored pants and wh'te sweat shirts and engineer caps. They marched behind their float, which was in the form of a train. East Yancey H'eh, third p'ace winner w ! th a $25 00 ca«h prize, was represented by huge "nan thers" pulling a Santa Claus sleigh. In add tion to the cash awards mentioned above, $20.00 went to all entries. These prizes were contributed bv the sponsoring Yancey Merchants Association and Yancey County Chamber of Cormerce. First Baptist Junior & Youth Choirs To Present Cantata Sunday Night The choirs of the First Bap tist Church have been hard at work since early in October in preparation for the special Chr stmas services. On Decern ber 10 at the 7:30 worship henu, the Junior and Youth choirs will present “The Night the Angels Sang", by John Peter son Peterson is composer of many Christmas Cantatas in cluding "Night of Miracles" wh ch was presented by the Adult Choir last Christmas "The Night the Angels Sang” is Peterson's first cantata wTit Mrs. Deyton Appointed Home Economics Agent Here The Extension Service of North Carolina State Univers ty has an nounced the appointment of Mrs. Mary Margaret Deyton as Home Economics Extension Agent for Yancey County. The appont was approved by the Board of C mmissioners and became ef fective December 1, 1967. Mrs Deyton will work with Extenson Homemakers Organi zations and the 4-H youth in the areas of home, family, commun ity. i«v v »• > ton's H|'»t>nrf number fourteen And what would a Christmas parade be without good old “Sant Nek”, who was there, wh skers and all, bring ng greetings to all and candy for the ch ldren. An added attraction this year was the parade of beauty queens, which drew much admiration and speculation from the cheer ing crowd. We say “speculation”, because from these will be crowned on Friday, the Isth, at East Yancey High, "Miss Yan cey County". Since Yancey County Schools are sadly lacking in bands, the appearance of our neighbor, the Harrs High marching band, is always a welcome sight, and this year’s was no exception. The French Broad High School Band, with ’ts colorful uniforms, precise drills, and swirring muse, was a sight to behold and a delight to all. We are much indebted to both Harris High and French Broad High for add ng so much color to our parade. May the day hasten when a Yancey County Band may be stepping along there with the best of them. Judges were Asheville televis ion newsman A. Jack Belt, lan Mcßryde. and newspaperman Larry Corn. May we express our approba tion to the sponsors for the time, effort and money that went into bringing the Christ mas Spirit to Bumsv lle It was indeed a joyous occasion for both old and young. ten especially for youth It com bines choruses, solos ami narra tion in telling the Christmas story. On December 17 at 4:00 p, m the Adult Choir will present a most unusual cantata. "Dawn of Redeeming Grace" by Robert Graham. The cantata was written in 1960 and both the original text by Jeana Graham and the music by Robert Graham are very pic turesque It tells the wonderful old Christmas story in a wonder fully new way. Home Economics teacher in Bun combe and Yancey Counties and a total of eleven years as Home Economies Aeent in Transylvan ia and Mitchell Counties For the past 16 months she was on the Professional Staff of Psgah Girl Scout Council aa Field Advisor for Avery, Mitch ell. Yancey, and Madison Coun ties. She rece'vH her trainee from Ashevit'e College, the University of Tennessee and has had h»- srrvlcr traning at N C. State University

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