THURSDAY DEC 28 1987 ; New Books Added To Regional Libraries By Ashton Chapman GOD SPfcAKS by Charles I Peguy, whose religious poetry | ranks unquestionably with the I greeatest and profoundest rel.g- I ious poetry of all lime. THE BEST TIME OF YEAR. I Irvjng Petite, author of MISTER ! B. ‘ and THE ELDERBERRY TREE shares further experien ' ce with nature and wildlife in the Puget Sound country. ENTHUSIASM MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Norman Vincent Pcale shows how enthusiasm de velops and maintains the qual ity of determ nation which is vitally important in overcoming barriers to a better life. YEARS OF HARVEST. Poems and tales from the Smoky Foot hills by Janie May Jones Stok ley. THE CANDLESTICKS AND THE CROSS. This intense, en thralling pp'c by Ruth Freeman Solomon surges through the last years of Tsar Nicholas' reign and charts the climatic end of an era. THE MARKET SQUARE by Mss Read. The market square was the heart of the quiet coun try town of Caxley. It was there that Bender North lived with his wife and v ch ldren in the year 1901. A charming, nostalgic tale. At b superY flfl \ MARKET \\wmm» m If i 1 T *■-«>." BAB SUPER MARKET Will Be Closed Jan. Ist. jft Hunt’s Catsup 18 H H j| . H HI ;.-'-rV, , _ I |mmmhhhmmM|| IK H II Vm\ ■ \ THE HOBBY SHOP In this tender and percept've novel Morton Grosser has something positive to say about the rela tionship between people of d'f ferent ages—there is hope for those on both sides of the "gen eral mn gay.” ESSAYS PRESENTED TO CHARLES WILLIAMS, ed ted by C. S. Lewis. In this book the reader is offered the work of one professional author, two dons, a solic tor, a friar, and a retir ed army officer. HUNTING FOR FOSSILS. A guide to finding and co!lect : ng fossils in all 50 states, by Mar ian Murray. WORKERS' PARADISE LOST by Eugene Lvons. As this book was being finished. Stalin’s daughter Svetlana defected to tiie West. Her comments cn cul tural and sp ritual freedom in the Soviet Union completely confirm the author’s picture. THE GRAND TOUR by Geof frey Trease. A history of the “Golden Age” of Travel, with pctures and n aps. NOWHERE MAN by Tromas Curley. This novel explores the American myth of freedom and the “pursuit of happiness ” THE LITTLE PEOPLE. In Jus i. -v d John Christophe’- writs >f an engaged couple. British, who become owners of a “haunted” castle in Ireland ry and a warm, colorful por trait of a disappearing Ameri can wlikh will long be remem tv-rf tl through books like th : s. THE ATrEMPT by John Hop kins is an account of an appar entlv rootless American’s ap parently aid less wanderings and adventures through modem Peru. A GLIMPSE OF EDEN by Evelyn Ames captures the mag ic of Africa: the color and page antry of wildlife, the importance of preserving it. and the mystic answer w'ldlife holds for our ov erburdened civilization. RANDALL JARRELL 1914- 1965, edited by Robert Lowell, Peter Taylor and Robert Penn Warren, is a collect'on of critir cel essays about Jarrells’ try and prose as well as per sonal memoirs and about Jarrell by a distinguished group of bis admrers. WHO FEARS THE DEVIL by Manly Wellman. All of the stor ies of John, the wander“nV* bal lad-singer of the Southern moun tains. in one compact volume. BETTER HOMES AND GAR DENS BABY BOOK. A new edi tion of America’s nrst trusted baby book—the favorite of mo thers everywhere. I Valleydale Lard Whip I Qt - I <■ B b I Pizza With Cheese I SH WMd, .wkKGAN, Ranger of tno Revolution of North Cal lahan shows tnat he had the brave, fight ng heart of a true hero. A PRIVATE AND PUBLIC FAITH by William Stringfenow draws in bold outline the possi bility and content of a relevant anu honest witness to Christ m the 20th Century. THE DISMAL SWAMP CANAL by Alexander Crosby Brown is the story of the waterway that parallels the history of North Carolina and Virginia, whose nav gable waters it connects. THE GRIMKE SISTERS FROM SOUTH CAROLINA, Re bels Against Slavery, by Gerda Lerner. The little-known story of two gallant women who stood briefly in the center of history. THE WORLD OF THE FROG AND THE TOAD, with many puotos. George Porter, is as talented with words as he is with came. . His descriptions of woodland and w Id country, with their rare and precious wildlife treasures, are fase nating. ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRE SENTS: STORIES THAT SCAR ES EVEN ME. Twenty-!'ve sel ections guaranteed to hold the reader’s interest throughout. BASKETS AND BASKETRY by Dorothy Wright, with photos an diagrams. The first book to be written combining the his tory of the craft and an aware ness of the importance of the element of design. THE YANCEY RECORD If you let us work hard to earn all your insurance we will earn it with personal service?" ROBERTS INSURANCE AGENCY Burnsville, N.C. representing E9 LIFE & CASUALTY . ) Dixie Bell Saltines IQc I£f Qf Campbells I L m m !■ Chicken ■ Noodle Soup H Can iff, HCarnation ■ Breakfast ■ Chocolate