LOCALS Mrs. Richard Currie, who is visiung her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yvestal 1 spent sev eral da>s last week wuh Mr. and Mrs. Edwin (juinn ,n Kings port, Tenn. She returned to burnsvilie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gould and baby daughter Karen of St. Thomas, Virgn Islands, arrived in BumsV.lle Monday for a visit with Mrs. Gould's mother, Mrs. Annie Bennett at Nu-Wray Inn. Mrs. W. R. Sechler and baby son, Joe; of Sunnyvale, Calif., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sechler in Burnsville. Mrs. Sechler’s husband, Navy Lt. W. R. Sechler, son of the Ralph Sechlers, is serving aboard the attack aircraft car rier USS Ranger, now operating in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of North V etnam. Rev. Frances Radford is now making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Burl Austin on Prices Creek. Her maling address is still the same Box 155, Bur nsville. Mrs. James A. Anglin honored Mrs. Richard Currie of Fens, France and Mrs. W. R. Sechler of Sunnyvale, Cal f, who are vis iting in Burnsville with a lunch eon on Tuesday. Mrs. Elriabeth E. Silver, who - spent the Christmas and New Years holidays with her daugh ter. Mrs Jack Rogers, Dr. Rog-- ers and children, in Winston- Salem. has returned to her home here. Miss Sandra Fox, a freshman at Winnate Collepe, Winpate, N. C , who has been spend'ng the hol'd ivr with her narents. Mr. and Mrs. Amev F>x. returned to cnl'ePe on WednSsdav, Char’es Ran'to’nh of Newgate is a patier,; n Spruce Pine Com munity Hospital. A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Burl Baflew of Rt. * on Sunday at Spruce Pine Hospital \u and Mrs. Joe Moore of Estatoe became the parents of a baby boy. Roger Lee, bom in Marion General Hospital on Monday, the Bth. Mrs. Zetta Randolph and Mrs. Harmie Briggs vis,ted relatives in Tulsa, Oklahoma, during the Christmas holidays. They had a very enjoyable visit with Mrs. Zetta Richardson and Mose Bailey, whim they had not seen for many years Mrs. Randolph and Mrs. Hr Kgs also did some sight seeing, inelud ng the Will Rogers estate at Claremont, Oklahc- a, and many other pla ces of historical interest. Due to - weather condit ; ons, M - Norris Gentry of the French Bread Electric Membership Corp., who was scheduled to be >n Rurnsvjlc this week, has (< und it necessary to postpone his coming for another week. DonatiensMade To Day Care Center ‘ J The Day Care Center for Re tarded Children would Ike to thank the following donors: Mr. David Powers: Methodist Chur ch at Celo; Sen or Girl Scouts and Higgins Memorial Method ist Church in Burnsville. Special Eduration Class Postponed Due Jo -Weather conditions. (1 uaimont Adult Basic Educa t'f.n ( lasses had to be postponed this week. Classes .will beg.n Monday night, January !§* gt "cop. m. .>. * THE YANCEY RECORD Sheila Turbyfill Harold Stanley Evans Married &*• Sheila Regina TurbyfiU and Harold Stanley Evans were united in marriage January 6, at 7:00 p. m. in the Bolen's Creek Baptist Church. The Rev. A Z. Jamerson conducted the double ring ceremony. Sheila is the daughter of Mrs. Maxine Turbyfill. She is a grad uate of East Yancey H gh School and is now employed at the Yancey Hospital. Harold is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Evans. He is a graduate of Cane River High School and is now employed with Westco Telephone Company. The couple will live on Route 1, Burnsville. Evans- Bumgarner Vows Spoken Miss Diana Nell Evans, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Evans of Burnsville, and Norman Bur-gamer of Rt. 3, Newton, were married Friday evening in an eght o’clock ceremony at the home of the bride’s uncle, Ar thur W. Petersen, of Rt. 3, Hickory. The Rev. Leo Smith, pastor of New Jerusalem Luth eran Church, offic ated .at the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a street-length dress of white imported lace and a white orchid. She is a gradu ate of Cane River High School in Burnsville and also a graduate of Steed College of Technology in Johnson City, Tenn. She is em ployed by Central Telephone, Company in Hickory. The bridegroom is a graduate of Startcwn High? School and is also employed by Central Tele phone Company. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C’ovd Bumgar ner of Rt. 3, Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson honor ed the couple at a wedd ng re ception at their home" following the ceremony. After the recep tion the couple left for a wed d'ng trip to Miami, Fla., and vpon their return will reside on Route 3. Hickorv. Home Demonstration Club Meets The Brush • Creek Home De monstration Club met in the re creat onal area of the Deyton Bend Methodist Church for their December meet ng, which was a family night Christmas dn ner. Several members with their families were present. Mrs. Mary Margaret Deyton, the new Home Extens on Agent, with her family, was present for her first meeting w : th the Club. The group enjoyed an evening of Am and the exchange of Christmas gifts. Whisnant Will Speak To Club Carolina Hemlock Junior Wom an’s Club will meet Monday night, the 15th, at 8:00 p. m. with Mrs,, Roy Hensley. Dr. Clyde Whisnant win give a pro gram on oral hygiene. Club Meeting Postponed Because of weather cond : tions. the regular meeting of the Bur nsville Woman”s Club has been postponed until Thursday even ing, January 25th, at 8:00 p. m. m the Community Building. The International Relations Com mittee, Mrs. W. A. Y. Sargent. Chmn., will ppresent the pro gram. Hostesses will be Mrs. James A. Anglin, Mrs. Annie Bennett, and Mrs. Hehn Stab ler. Past or s’ Conference To Be Held A Western North Carolina Pastors’ Conference will be held at First Baptist Church, Way nesviUe, N. C. January 15, at 10:30 a. m. Featured on the program is Dr. J. Wash Watts, retired professor of Old Testa ment, New Orleans Bapt st Theo logical Seminary, andauthor of “A Survey of Old Testament Teaching” and other books. He also originated the Southern Bap. tist mission work in Jerusalem. Burnsville PTA l "HI Meet The P. T. a. of the Burnsville Elementary School will meet at the school Tuesday night, Jan. 16 at 7:30. Church Meeting Jan. 17 The regular H'ggins Memorial quarterly family right covered dish supper will be held at 6:30 Wednesday evering, Jan. 17th. ENDS THIS W£EK Stereo Album $3.50 , Classics And Soundtracts $4.50 Portable Transistor Radios, Record Players, Record Racks, Record Boxes - 1/3 Off Monaural Album $3.00 Also Good Selection Os Gospel Sheet Music, Needles For All Record Players. i Children’s Albumssl.oo SALE STARTS DEC. 26th. ENDS JAN. 13th. All Christmas Album & 45’S - y a Off. 8 Tract Car Tapes - $6.00 - Twin Pack Only SB.OO All 45’s - Both Country & "Pop” 75< Hours- 10-6- Monday Through Saturday Except On Wednesday Afternoon We Will Close At 1:30 PM A & A RECORD SHOP Burnsvilje, N. C. yAHIf JHBr f:’ % / * If, / Evans - Cooper Vows Spoken Mias Martha Kay Evans and Paul Dean Cooper were married December 23, 1967, 4 p. m., at the heme of the brides parents with the Rev. A. Z. Jamerson performing the double r.ng cere mony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Lee Evans of Route 3, Burnsville, N. C., and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wess Cooper of Route 4, Burnsville, N. C. For her wedding Miss Evans chose n street length gown of white lace and satin Peau-de THURSDAY. JAN. 11, 1968 sole with an empire waist Inc and long po nted sleeves. Her veil was shoulder length, attach ed to a satin flower with petals of lace and seed pearls. She car ried a bouquet of white Orchids topping a wh'te Bible. The makl of honor. Miss Dana Kay Proffitt, wore a p ; nk su t ■and carried a match ! n«» nosegay of carnations. Mr. William Har m’d Corner was his brothers best man. Hostesses for the reception fol lowing the ceremonv wero Mrs. Harold Harris and Mrs. Bargant Honeycutt