Volunis 32 ..«<aflKw\. . §m!!mK&mm\ ' " ™ I^HK , : > 4* Bsjjjs *./ V > r ; . '. # y« ' X ■ *s*&&?' .' :.• ’ ' y , . v\'. •••: '/: •■' -•••. •• ’ '* ' . ■.■&#■ _ •>• f. ?•>» Pictured Above Left To Right: Allan Duckett, Dean Shields, Jim Story, Marshall; Back Row, Paul Wooten, Burnsville, James Armstrong And -■ >,- C. F. Gore Weoverviile. WESTCO PLANS CUSTOMER SERVICE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM A Customer Service Improve- Program involving an expendi ture of $1,102,000 has been {den ned for Yancey and Mitchell Counties by the Westco Tele phone Company according to James Armstrong, Pres.dent of the company. Th.s program was discussed at a meeting held fag the news media on Feb. 2, at Dillsboro, n. e. Direct Distance D’aling (DDD) improved long distance facili ties, additional outside plant and central office facilities for new customers and facilities to im prove service to present sub ecribers have been scheduled. The three year construction program will be culminated in the fourth quarter 1970, Arm strong said. * Separate projects hove been set up for Burnsville, Bakers ville, and Micaville. In Burns ville 1968 and 1969 will be ban ner years in Us growth and de velopment. Direct distance dial ing has been programmed at a cost of approximately $34,500 in 1969. The “Primary Switching Center” will be located in Ashe ville for th's new media of tele phone communications for . sub scribers. " --- ■J' In 1968 an expenditure of ap proximately $178,000 has been budgeted for Burnsville. The ex tens on of cable facilities into Jack’s Creek and Prices Creek will cost an estimated $45,000. A cable relief job and the re placement of old lead cable in . Burnsville has been program med at a cost of $55,000 to up grade customer service and to improve service. Routine out side plant extensions, central office additions and central of fice maintenance to keep pace w'th customer demand and to improve the quality of serv ; ce to present subscribers will cost approximately $98,000 THE YANCEY RECORD In 1969 an estimated $290,800 have been scheduled. The old open w're long d’stance circuits out of Burnsville will give way to a modern cable system at an estimated cost of $135,000. The rehabilitation of outside plant, customer statical insallations and central office mantenance to .mprove the quality of ser vice to our customers, Arm- Coßtiuuud oi brek Morrison Construction Co Makes Low Bid On Church Plant Sealed bids on construction of a new church and education budd ng for the First BapUst Church here were opened last Thursday in the church. Five construction companies subm.t ted bids on the construction. The low bid was made by Morrison Construction Company, Shelby. The base b d was $299,- 888.00, with alternate construc tion bids of $7,700.00 and $1,500. On Monday night all sub-com mittees comprising the church bukling comm.ttee met in the church with the architect and voted to accept the bids made by Morrison Construction Com pany, and to present it before the church Sunday. Build ng plans had previously been pre sented and accepted by the membership of the church. Work toward construction' cf athe new buildings should beg'n socn. The structure w 11 be built on the north side of Green Street ttofueen the town square arut Higgins Memorial Methyl Ist Church Burnsville, N.C. Thursday, Fubruary B, 1968 Taylor Announces Candidacy > Congressman Roy A. Taylor of Black Mountain today an nounced his candidacy for reel ection as 11th District Repre sentative in Congress. He has forwarded his filing fee to the State Board of Ejections. He will seek nomination in the May Democratic primary. Taylor, 58, has represented the Uth District in Congress since 1960. “During my eight years in Congress a record has been established and .1 hope that the people w'll judge me by that record,” Taylor said. A former state legislator and attorney for Buncombe County, Rep. Taylor now eeks his sttth term in Congress. He is a mem ber of the House Interior Com mittee and chairman of the flub committee on National Parts and Recreation. Young Republicans To Organiie A Young Republican Qub or ganisational meeting will be held Monday night, Feb. 12, at 8:00 o’clock at the Blue Rdge Cafe teria. All young Republicans (18 to 40), who are interested in better government, and helping in the election of the r chosen representatives for County, Sta te and Federal offices are to be present for this important meeting. : Mrs. Eire Pyatt, of Marion, N. CVIV4 Campaign Manager for Mr. Scott Harvey, will be guest speaker. Accident Fatal To 14-Year-Old Haskins Sworn In As Associate Justice • f t. r ■ p' RALEIGH (AP) - J. Frank Huskins was sworn in Monday as an assoc ate justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court to succeed retiring Justice J. WHI Pless Jr. Chief Justice R. Hunt Parker admin stered the oath of office to Huskins, who is a former di rector of the admin strative of fice of the courts and a former Superior Court Judge. Parker also admin stered the oath to Huskins* successor, Bert M. Montague, who was promot ed from assistant director to di rector of the courts administra tive off ce, and to Frank W. Bullock Jr., who succeeded Mon tague as assistant director. Parker noted that Gov. Dan Moore has appointed four mem bers of the state Supreme Court, all six members of the new state Court of Appeals, and will by the expiration of his term have named a maiorty of the Superior Court judges in the state. Parker said the state has bees fortunate in having a former jur st as governor at a time when so many court vacancies have occurred. Housing Dept. Announces Grunt Secretary Robert C. Weaver of ttt* U. S. Department of Hous ing and Urban Development has announced approval of a grant of $53,265 under the Urban Plan nng Assistance Program to help pay for the comprehensive planning for growth and devel opment of Beaufort, Burnsville, Marshall. Newport, Southport, Stantonsburg, end : Carteret County in N. C. They are an offic ally desig nated redevelopment area. The HUD grant, payable to the state, will cover three-four ths of the total cost of planting work. Supplemented by $17,755 in non-Federal funds the grant wi l ! finance planning activities for two years. Grants under the Urban Plan ning Ass'stance Program are authorized by Section 7PI of the Hous ng Act of 1954, as amend ed. These grants may be used in counties and small cities to help pay for planning work such as preparation of base maps, analysis of land use. population and economic conditions, pre paration of a comprehensive de velopment plan, and measures to mplement this planning, such as zonmg and subdivision re gulations. Nunbur Twuaty Thru* A 14-year-old youth, Gary Lee Howell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Howell, died in an Ashe ville hosp.tal Wednesday after noon from injuries sustained in an auto-bicycle accident Tuesday even ng, accord ng to Patrol man Roland Davis. According to Patrolman Davis, who investigated the accident, the Howell youth was travel ng east on H ghway 19-E on a bicy cle east of Burnsville when a 1967 Cadillac driven by Mrs. Vivian Wr ght Vance of Plum tree, also heading east, struck . the Howell youtth, Patrolman Dav's said. The accident occur red around 6:25 p. m. Mrs. Vance, who is 63, stated that she d d not see the bicycle and youth until he swerved in front of the vehicle, the patrol man said. The b'cycle did not have any lights and the youth was dressed in dark clothes. Mrs. Vance was returning from Ashe ville where she had been visiting her husband who is ill. It was thought that the Howell youth may have planned to turn into the old paved road, No. 1427 just east of Jay Styles' store, and swerved in front of the vehicle before making the turn. The accident was termed un avoidable, and no charges were made against Mrs. Vance. Arrangements for funeral ser vices for the youth have not been announced. Ben Deyton To Couch All-Star Team East Yancey Coach Ben Dey ton was honored last week as be ng named Blue All-Star bas ketball team coach this year. The Blue-White All-Star fame is an annual event when basket ball stars from high schools in counties bordering Buncombe County play all-stars from Bun combe County schools. The game th s year wall be played March 29 at Roberson High School. Deyton has distinguilhed him self as coach of East Yancey’s football teams and both boys »nd girls teams in basketball. He can boast of coachng basketball teams at East Yancey Hgh School that have won four Ap palachian Conference champion ships and three tournaments. And last year his boys team played in the state tournament at Durham after winn ng die Dstrict 8, class A champion ship. A basketball player himself,. Coach Deyton played at Bre vard Junior College and at M;!H gan College, where he received a degree in physical education. The over all record made by Deyton at East Yancey is im press ve. His girls have a 180 win w : th 14 lost, while the bays have won 66 and lost 19. And In football the record shows 22-7-1 during his years as coach. Coach for the White All-Star team w'll be C. L. Moore, coach at South French Broad in Ashe ville.

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