Agent Cites Steps Fer Planting Trees The Agricultural Extension Serv ee has some suggestions f(T these Yancey County citizens who plan to observe “Plant a Tree Week” in North Carolina. “Extension workers have found that there are about eight steps to the proper planing of a tree,” said E. L. Dillingham, County agr cultural extension agent. "If a person will follow these steps, we beleve that newly planted trees will come nearer living and giv ng the satisfaction for which they were intended,” Dill ngham added. Dillingham described the e ; ght steps to proper tree planting th s way: 1. Select the site for the tree carefully. Be sure to look up and avo'd planting trees under neath low vines. Make sure the • space is targe enough to acco modate the tree you select. 2. Select trees that are adapt ed to your locality. Your local nurseryman can adv'se you on tree selection. Also, your county extension off ee has a tree bulle tin that has a list of recommend ed shade 'trees. 3. Be sure to dig a large hole fer your tree. The hole should be about s x inches deeper and twelve inches wider than is nec essary for the ball of soil or to spread out the roots. 4. Set the tree the same depth that it came out of the soil or - ginally. You might allow one or two inches for setting. Leave tiie burlap on if the ball of soil is wrapped. Pack the soil thor oughly as the hole is filled. Add peat moss or woods mold to the fll dirt f your soil is poor and hard Leave a ring of soil around the tree to hold water. 5 For a tree that is six to ten feet h gh. mix one-half pint of superphosphate or bone meal with the soil as the tree is plant ed Use about one-fourth pint of 8 8-8 if superphosphate or bane meal is net ava lable. Mix Hm fertilizer thoroughly with the so 1 as it goes into the hole. 6 Unless the tree was grown in a container it will need some prun ng to balance the loss «t roots. Prune back all side I'mtM around one-third. Do not cut the top out of the tree if it has a central leader. 7. Water the tree thoroughly at the time of transplant ng, and mulch w th three to four inches of pine straw, bark or simitar r ater al. Continue watering about once each week dur ng the spring if the ground becomes dry 8 Guy or stake all trees over one to two inches in diameter. HOUSEWARMING? fpraaSL If this were your home, you'd have fewer worries with a Homeowners policy from us. Our agency will make sure your policy fully covers your home and belongings. See us today—you might be glad you did. ROBERTS INSURANCE AGY. Burnsville, N.C. BB* UFE& CASUALTY *TraJtVi.itl of Ihi fV na I.j\hjli\ & Sat t/> <,o. ‘ j * and tfi auto nU‘4 lompjnict. 1 ; i THE YANCEY RECORD Ths can be done by driving a stake beside the tree or by using three wires anchored to stakes a few feet from the tree. Be siue to pad the trunk so the wires wll not cut nto the tree. “Trees serve many purpoees in additon to providing beauty of blossoms, fru't and leaves," Dillingham sa d. “They help to purify the air we breathe. They protect us from the sun and w nd. They stab'lize our soil and screen out objectionable views. They also provide us with wood for a thousand and one objects.” Medicare Enrollment Period Ends April I The Asheville social security district office wll rema n open until 9:00 p. m.. on Monday, April 1— the last day of the Med care enrollment per od that began on January 1 of this year. James E. Robertson, district manager, stated that the late district off ce hours on April l will be provided as an “extraor dinary serv'ce and convenence for any older people who, for various possible reasons, have failed to sign up before the last day of th's enrollment period.” Robertson explained that any 65-year old and older people who neglect to sign up during the present period will not have another “open season” for the medcal insurance enrollment until January to March 1969 and then would have to pay a 10 percent higher monthly premium because of filing one year later. “Moreover, due to personal events and c rcumstances, this enrollment period will turn out to be the last opportunity some will ever have to enroll in th : s health 'nsurance program. So I urge all older people who do not have this valuable health in surance protection to seriously consider sign'ng up now. And you may take advantage of our late houre on Monday, April 1.” The social secur'ty distr'et of fice is located at 50 South French Broad Avenue, Asheville, N. C. I—^sssc —I 9 fcKrasfcsi'v*.| SSL BMefcyyZ trtr W v^ \a-:V.-.nv Iff • i 8U '>y*vv>u( •••'• tj II Li \ I GARDEN 4 LAWN TOOLS B I Tillers Lawn Mowers YOUR'’ m [TISHIN^ODS -iM lures B tackle I I WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE I BURNSVILLE, N. C. r FISHING i [ SEASON 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1968 r SI»RTS