film 32 .>2 -•wffTnWP^^SW%r^^K^~T^^ ; j ' K i f— MhgdHMflfijfHHflv .-Zjf .^KJ^fe l&C*' • spt '"ttiliuH - v ' ' '^P 1 \ ' >•" ■>. ■•■ — ■ «r- — »-* - ffr' - -^•^♦^'■^ppy !^^p|p||pp|^»' at Ban Hill College, and East Carolina (Adversity. She ha UM boner graduate of East Yaa eey High School, Burnsville, sad Is one of ten students to ra ce ve a college preparatory «r Service Friday Night May ms is Girts’ Auxiliary Focus Week is Southern Bap tist Chunbex GA’s in Yrecqr Aawnciation will have a Cxaa- * tin Service to West Bunrerßs Baptist umren on rnoay night. May 17th to 7:3D. Ite following girls hare met the qualifirations and vrifl participate in the service: Maidens: Rebecca Riddle, Jean Blankenship. Rhonda S'yles, Glenna Whitson, and Dekbie Taykr. Ladiesto-Watting: Ramona Bay. Mary Aim WestaU. La Ann Banks, sanora, npm Debbie McDowell. Obsidton Harris, Carolyn Bay. Marie Hun er, Kim Weston, Carol Bay. Sheila Patoer, Cynthia WUwn, and Sandra Laws. Princesses: Judy rjuWsrus, J3TI iidewjy Queens are: Vickie Bennett and Ctohy Deyton. The Queen- Regent is Janice Raster Sunbeam Band Attendmts are: Sherri Phmipx Bradley Grindstaff, Janice May. Saua dra Fob, Carole McDonald. Na talie Fox, Anne Hunter, Belin da Hensley, Hal McDonald.