THE YANCEY RECORD SOCIAL. SECURITY NEWS 1 By: U. C. HicboU 0. How old dots a pertoa have to be to Bt » aoeial aacuifty card? A. There ia no minimum or maximum, age limit (tor getting • aoeial aecurity card. One ■hoald secure it if pnuible be fore applying for a Job, a* the employer will need the sane end account number aa they ap pear on the card. (Some very young children have worked, for example, in motion picture and television productkoß. and the taxes have been withheld for their social security crediU Q. I’m doing research on soc ial and economic problems for background information that will help me as a teacher. Right now I'm studying the problem of Disability in the United Sta tes. If you have any current, or recent, facta and figures show ing some of the dimensions of this problem, I’d like to have them. BiITONE Roy M. Davidson To Hold FREE Hearing Consultation Tuesday, August 27th At Mt. Mitchell Motel, lirievllU, N. Cerellee BATTERIES- FREE HEARING TEST SERVICE ON ALL HEARING AIDS Thomas A. Reynolds, Dealer f BELTONE HEARING SERVICE^ I 7 Biltmore Av&rtu* I Asheville, N.C. ' FOR SAIF I Property located one mile west of Burnsville! H.C. on Charlie Brown Road. Close to proposed Hew Highway. This property has been subdivided in lots and tracts. i|. iThis property offers the people of this section excellent homesltes close to Bnrnsville with excellent vlaw. Also for builders and spocalitors some of tho host, Investmont property In this section. Close * % * t« •( th* aoit ,r(|i*nlv« ttwii |« Wttltr* N.rth Cinllsi. sits HttU last •f this typa Is offorod far sala la Vaasay Caaaty. laiaailata passassiaa. Taras. Call 612-2776 ' A. Ia the May 1968 feue of the Social Security Bulletin (official publication of the Soc ial Security Administration) are preaentad the findings from the nationwide 1986 Social Sec urity Survey of Diaabled Adults Including all Don-institutional iwd disabled persons 18-64. The field work was done for us by the Bureau of the Census. The Survey showed that disa bility affected about oneoixtk of the nation’s working—age population in 1186. Disability was found to limit some 16.1 million adults in their ability to work, and of those 17.8 mfllka had been disabled longer than 6 months. The survey report classifies the disabled into three categor ies: (1) those “unable to work altogether or unable to work re gularly," (g) the occupationally disabled those “able to work regularly, but unable to do the sane work as before the onset of disability, or unable to work full-time,’’ and (*> those "able to work full-time, regularly, and at the tame occupations but with limitations in the kind or amount of work they could do" in their Jobs. The report documents sub stantial losses of earnings and family income because of disa bility. It points out that public programs designed to offset the wage fame from disability paid cut more than 98 billion in cMh f *>nefits and assistance to Ota disabled and their dependents in 1681 But it explains that these programs are intended pri marily to provide for the sever ely disabled rather than for dis abled persons - with residual work capacities. However, more than half of the severely disabled received no income from public income maintenance programs. and close to three-fourths of these mzimmmA OUR PRICES ARE LOWER ! I POILARDS DRUG STO6E ' BURNSVILLE, N. C. I Pspto-Biamol Pint Size I I Reg. $1.69 Now $1.39 I I Di-Gel-Tablets I Reg. $1.50 Now $1.19 - - * I Di-Gel-Liquid I Reg. $1.79 Now $1.39 I New Dial Deodorant Spray I Reg. $1.49 Now $T.23 I New Dial Deodorant Roll-On I Reg. SI.OO Now 83< I Noxzema Skin Cream I Reg. sl.lO Now 89< I ContacCapsulea I Reg. $1.49 Now 97< 8 -—8 I Bayer Aaperin 300 Size I Reg. $2.39 Now $1.89 I Listerine Large Size I Reg. $1.15 Now 97< , Bw«Ben«e*mn**uMMmßEEnEto*nnEnM*B*EnnE*M^ THUS* ' AUGUST flt UE were woman. “Severely disab led men benefited from disabil ity income-support programs to a greater extant than women. Three-fifths of the severely disabled men received income from one or mane of the public progosma, compared wtUk. fa* then, two-fifths of the sEtoan.” More than 1.1 million severely diaabled men received no wage replacement benefits, or had reduced! benefits, or received public assistance only. Loss than one-third of these were currently doing any gainful work, and only l in ft) was em ployed “full time." For your information the Soc ial Security Bulletin may be ob tained from the Superintendent of Documents. U. S. Govern ment Printing Office, Washing ton. D. C. mm. Price, E cento a copy; nn a year. OF CABMGES^mUMS A royal treat thht reigns su preme in many parts of tho world is the king of cabbage— sauerkraut! As a rule, "saner cabbage"— as it translates literally—is thought to lie a native of Ger many, but similar dishes may have l>een enthroned even ear lier elsewhere. Some say that the Chinese invented sauerkraut by fermenting cabbage in wine. One idea that can make sauer kraut oven more regal is a recipe for “Champagne Sauer kraut,” offered by famous cheb James Beard in a cookbook pre pared hv him. By sending 25<* to James Beard Kraut Book. Box 215. Pheips, N. Y„ you can get recipes for using sauerkraut in more dishes fit for a king than you can shake a scepter at.