THURSDAY. OUT 10 196* 4-H Leadership Conference Leadership Conference B; ’ ckie Whitson, Jacks Creek, ing received a scholarship tc H Leadership Conference, I Id like to say this was m< l well spent. i ghl ght of the Conference, wl was held at Swannanoa 4-H camp, was the class on "Teenage Decisions” taught by Mr. Leo Hawkins. In this class I came to know myself and the feelings of, those around !7>e better. Another class that I enjoyed was Recreat on Leadership. In this class we learned games, songs and dances in which ev eryone takes part. I also learn ed to cope with smart alecks, wall flowers and shyness. always at POLLARDS DRUG STORE BURNSVILLE, N. C. Pgl& Vitamins - Animal Shaped $2.29 Size—Discount $1.45 SI.OO Size—Discount 63< Softee Flexible Sterile Cotton Swabs 108 to box Reg. 73< Discount 58< Digel Liquid Reg. $1.79 Discount $1.39 A . ' * ; Dorthy Gray Hand and Body Lotion Reg. $4.00 Discount $3.29 Lanolin Plus Glycerin and Rose Water (in tube) Reg. 89< 2 For $1.07 Jergens Extra Dry Skin Lotion Reg. $1.25 Discount 87< Silk & Satin Hand Lotion Reg. 98< Discount 73< Clairol Complete Blonde Lightning and Toning Kit Reg. $4.50 Discount $3.49 During the swimming class I learned how to ?w m. During evening recreation we had a wonderful time. Living in a cabin w th 16 girls was a challenge for me since I had never done this before. I’ll never be able to thank those who made this experience possible for me. I guess I can Just do my best to pass on what I learned to other club members. (Continued) by* Benita Ball Banks Creek We arrived at Leadership on Monday afternoon. August 5. From that moment until the tme we came home our days were filled with fun and excite- ment On Monday night we began to know the other delegates as we enjoyed watermelon and a get acquainted party. From that time on we were "n« big fam ly of teenage 4-H Club members learning to be better junior lead ers back in our home counties. I especially enjoyed the out etand ng speakers at morning Assembly. We had a forum on Understanding State Govern ment by two of our N. C. re presentatives. I enjoyed the class on Nature’* World and was able to learn a new Craft which was Vegetable Block Printing. This was my second trip to Lcade-shp Conference and even though I cannot go another year, I sure wish there was some pos sible way to do so. Highlights Os 4-H-1968 Highlights of 4-H - 1968 By: Pat Guyer. Assistant Agricultural Ext Agent The summer vacation months of 1968 was an exc ting, reward ing, and busy time for the 4-H Club members of Yancey Coun ty. I b lieve those who took an active part in 4-H programs on the Dis.rict and State level would be willing to test fy as to the value they received in per sonal development. 4-H more than any other youth organiza tion teaches young people “to learn by doing” and to enhance personal grow.h and values through the various events in which they participate. To dale Yancey Coun‘y has six organized 4-H Clubs. These youngsters are to be commend ed for their concern and enthus iasm. Those clubs wh ch are or ganized are a direct result of their interest and pa ent re sponse. Active clubs have been estab lished in the Arbuckle , Brush Creek, Double Island, Lower Jacks Creek, Pensacola and Ramseytown commun ties. Much of the credit goes to their lead ers without whom the club can not effectively function. Events this year and those who have participated n them are: Forestry Camp, sponsored by Sou'he"n Bell Telephone and Telegraph at Millstone 4-H Camp near Ellerbe, N. C. Douglas Fairchild was the Yancey Coun ty delegate along with other re presen'atives fom N. C.’s 100 counties. D strict Activity Day drew much m erest wi'h 12 4-H ers in attendance including GINNY LISA SHOP Burnsville, N.C. 0 V L ATTENTION MOTHERS! Bxlo BUST PORTRAIT HI