Let's See What You've Got In That Book Satchel' / v - ? y s’ ’. ■- * , ' kts>)> Proposed Blue Ridge Parkway Extension WASHINGTON-U.S. Rep. Roy A. Taylor announced on Thursday that SIOO,OOO is con tained in the new Interior De partment appropriation bill to enable engineers to establish the center line of the proposed extension of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The bill received final Huse and Senate approval Wednes - day and has been sent to the White House for signature. The 180-mile extension,au thorized by the 90th Congress DEAR MR. PUBLISHER, by PARSON JONES Dear Mr. Publisher: I took a little walk this morning to get my spirit in the right frame of mind before going to work. In all, I reckon I walked two miles. Instead of lifting me ur the little walk made me so disgusted that I felt like going back to bed. I never saw so much trash in my life. The streets were cluttered with beer cans, pop cans, drink cups, ice cream cups, potato chip bag% and peanut bags. Add to that every other throw -away item and you got a pretty ugly picture. It’s getting so the only way you can see a clean landscape is by look ing at a picture. They don't have 'em anymore in real life. Our prosperity has really got us in a bind. ago there wasn't anything considered "throw-a-way". You saved all the drink bottles because they were just like money.. 2 cents a piece. Most things we bought come in a bag, and we saved the bags to pack lunches in. All the canned stuff was in jars, and we hung on to the empties with a passion, so's we could use 'em next year. . Well, all this has changed since prosperity blessed us. Now every thing is throw-a-way! Throw-away cans, throw-away bags, throw-away bottles, and throw away cups. To top it off, they've come up with a throw-away garbage bag. So - now we can throw away garbage in quantities. Now instead of litter bugs, we've got litter-monsters. The way I see it, if we get any more may turn this country into one big garbage can: then, maybe we'll throw the country away. Personally, I wish they'd start making something you keep instead of throw away. It may be more expensive at first, but in the long run it will be cheaper. At least the gar bage bill will go down, and man might get a chance to look at the earth again. Sir, I gotta close for now 'cause my pen has run out of ink. It's a throw-a-way too! Paaon Jones 2 s the result of legislation spon sored by Congressman Taylor will be constructed betwee n Beech Gap near Mt. Pisgah to the vicinity of Kennesaw Moun tain National Battlefield Park north of Atlanta and Marietta, Ga. The states of North Carolina and Georgia are ready to pur - chase the rights-of-way, which they will then donate to the Na tional Park Service far the road way. However, the land accjii sition cannot proceed until the Tms HI6V6U 9©a the WEEK Record to ®» TMtbwui ToRCH - O* TMI Store On the Town Square Burnsville, N. C. Nig»w.7o Lou)- 29 R XdAAtf- Son a 'R*»m —'But t** V)«CK eu® CwAOft Ah« WBi( (*OMAfrA \w Rkwtlt G-woR-y II center line has actually been staked out. Much of the extension, es pecially in North Caroling will cross forest service land already in federal ownership. Rep. Taylor said there is an "immediate urgency" for the two states to acquire all pri - vately-held property needed for the route before rising laid costs esculate further. Immediate acquisition of the land is also necessitated by information that in at least one area, construction has started on a cluster of summer homes in the vicinity of the proposed route, thus threatening to force relocation of the road or pur - _chase of the homes. "The funds which Congress has wisely included in the new budget will enable engineers to pinpoint the center line and avert what could be a compli cated and costly land acquisi - tion procedure," Taylor said. TN 11V1S3Ml? NII9NV yr yejej Ag IS syoe/s lenseQ sAog §> uaw ■ m pJoqqtiH Xg Sfiwj ssdiQ fm sv!vs'vods\M&\ uenequeiAi nlapf U9yn j sAog joj sjdo) sjiods sbz/s // v stayoep s s Aog ® uosbos oq) dn ssmq jtfuae PAGE 3