OUR WEEKLY PAGE OF COMICS Rural Delivery I'D LIKE TO SEE A ( MAYOR, MAN LIKE ROMEO RUN yoU'RE Grubby n f HEY, SHERIFF™ \ N DEEMS SONNY SOUTH /'SOON as ah get this MIXED \ It’ AH WANT VOH T WHITEWASH Ji jVTH' BACK FENCE Grandpa’s Boy iP|F THOSE WERE THE DAYS CONTOUND IT!! WHEN ARE TEY GONNA PUT UP ROAD SINGS?! GRANDFATHER USED TO GET LOST EVERY TIME OUT THOSE WERE THE DAYS tyb DON'T BE SILLY...WOT KIND O BALL GAME CAN WE PLAY OUR HERE ON TH' DESERT? Released by Smith Semes Deraaretc. N- )• llps?vC^xv S ‘X’OttfAM «HE»ra r^l SEg/THATfe WHAT I MEAN.' I LIKE A MAN WHO IS HUMBLE AND NOT EGOTISTICAL' I ( NOW WHAR DID TOUT BOV 60? I \tKTENCE AIN'T ALL PAINTED^^ i we «2. By ART BEEMAN IHAlil —they Ve over- / mV) I A|#|lilf I dome rr, ANJO ME'6 tflff I fl# MORE CONFUSED Us ffV”l THAN EVER / JEH, I KWOW! THAT'S WHAT I LIKE MOST ABOUT ME By Warren Sattler , By TOM OKA By Brad Anderson S~\ OW LBT'eQa 9 yo UR HOUs£ WF F&A-ZZLE y&)G.MOKS THE YANCEY RECORD By Al Smith By COURTNEY ALDERSON (AH'M STILL MEAH .SRANNvjj Ycy J - V-V ;:*■ t -* f - ' l| NOVEMBER 27, 1969 POPS ayj, ,;^Z o ® sett i @ov | * O ' ow/ N ° VO —^ i. S-7 i$ LOOKING AROUND Five men cooked up an elaborate scheme to embezzle sl2 million from Chace Man hattan Bank but slipped up on one word. They were indicted on conspiracy charges when their cable to a Swiss bank called for the money in dol lars instead of francs. Volunteer firemen of the Kanarraville, Utah, Women’s Fire Department, are all fe males Men of the town work in nearby Cedar City, so the gals, keeping in contact over the 12-family party lines han dle the rickety pumper in an efficient manner. They built the fire house with money raised at cake sales While having his car refuel ed, a motorist in Portland. Oregon, rememberd an ap pointment and took off before the attendant could remove the hose nozzle. The gas pump was ripped loose and a S6OO fire started PAGE 17