llhfeMM * a? aHMBSMUKB* VOLUME 34 Vaccine Against German Measles Would Prevent Widespread Epidemic In Yancey An all out campaign to "Rub Out Rubella" (German Measles) is set for May 4, Mon day, in Yancey County. Physi cians hope that every child in the county between the ages of 1 through 11 will be immu nized. The goal is to prevent an epidemic of German Meas Commander Fouts Praised American Legion, Depart - ment of North Carolina Head quarters in Raleigh indicates that Burnsville Post #122 has conducted a highly successful membership drive. Dover R. Fouts, Comman der of the Port, has received a letter from Department Adju - tant J. Carroll Wilson report - ing that Post #122 has exceed ed its Legion Membership Goal for 1970. The Legion Adjutant expressed congratulations and thanks to the Post leaders and membership workers for their effort. A statement of high praise was issued by C. E. Thompson, Jr. of Wilmington, North Caro lina, Department Commander of the American Legion. Commander Thompsonsaid "The membership of every Le gionnaire makes it possible let the American Legion to main tain service far the sick and disabled in hospitals. Menher ships make possible all the Legion programs, such as care for needy children, Baseball, Boys* State, Boy Scout Troops, Oratorical Contests, Communi ty Service, Law and Order,and all the others. lam proud to congratulate Post #122 . upon this notable achievement." Post Commander Fouts ex plained that "Unity and Ser vice for America" the theme of this year's drive - was to remind all America that The American Legion believes in a strong