£ ---• %-^ii: pHEafA^HiliMi ESTABLISHED 1936 - ■ I EDWARD A. YUZIUK - EDITOR & PUBLISHER § I CAROLYN R. YUZIUK - ASSOCIATE EDITOR MBS PATSY BRIGGS - OFFICE MANAGER I FLOYD GEOUGE - PRODUCTION I f PUBLBHED EVERY THURSDAY BY 1 I YANCEY PUBLEHING COMPANY I I SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BURNSVELLE,N,C. I I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1970 NUMBER FORTY-TWO I SUBSCRIPTION RATES $3.00/YEAR I 1 OUT OF COUNTY $5.00/YEAR J H XT’ 2 Grants Aid Yancey Schools (Cont'd from page 1) is requited by local school au thorities to take hill advantage of all available programs. There is, moreover, in some of the programs considerable competition for the lim i t e d funds. Yancey, for example, is just one of twenty count i es in the State having one ofthe new programs. The source of most of the grant aid comes from Federal money appropriated under the Elementary and Secondary Ed ucational Act. Title lof this act provides for 100 per cent of the financing of a variety cf school activities where pupils come mostly from low income families. All seven of Yan cey County elementaryschcols qualify, but neither of our schools quilifles. Some of the subsidized pro grams are restricted to child - ren horn low-income families Under other Title I if the school qualifies, all the children in that school are eli gible for the activity. The kindergarten program, now in all seven elementary schools, is fully financed un - der Title I teacher's pay, equipment, materials, lunches and transportation all being paid for. Kindergarten classe were first started experimental ly last year at Micaville and Bee Log, and this year were extended to all seven elemen tary schools. Participation is limited to children from low income families, and only 18 children can be accommodated in each school. Other Title I programs that have been in operation longer --mostly since 1966—are read ing improvement classes, now in six of the elementary sc two 1$ the employment of 15 teacler aids (one for each five teacher} and one library aid for each elementary school. The lunchroom program re ceives major , aid under Title I, a subsidy of 20 cents per lunch for 300 low income elementa ry school children. The State school planners from Raleigh, who follow the grant program closely, have stilted that Yancey ranks strong the ten top counties in effec tive utilization of the aid avail able under Title I. In the field of vocation a 1 education four new high school courses were started this and a fifth started last year. These were all aided by fede ral grants Tanging from 50 to 100 per cent. These are all practical courses: power mechanics, health occupations; office occupations, trades and industry, and an experimental course in which boys over 16 work one half day for outside employers and go to sch 00l the other half. The Yancey Record believes the impressive array of new school activities is of suffi - cient interest to justify a series of articles, this being the first. A photographic record of the new programs will accompany future articles. Guess who said this: “The capitalist forces constitute our natural enemy despite the fact that they helped us to defeat their most dangerous representative. It may happen that we shall again decide to make use of their aid, but always with the sole aim of accelerating their final ruin. “Our present policy should therefore be to follow a moderate line in order to gain time for the economic and industrial reconstruction of the Soviet Union and other states under our control. Then the moment will come when we can hurl ourselves into the battle for the final annihilation of reaction.” Yugoslavian dictator Tito said that in 1946. He has never renounced it. No Communist leader has ever renounced the unswerving 50-year goal of Communism: to destroy capitalism and the United States, and then enslave the world. On his recent visit to Yugoslavia, President Nixon praised dictator Tito as a World War II resistance leader who “will be remembered in history as a man of peace.” Peace. The peace of the graveyard. The peace of the prison cell and slave labor camp. The peace of the firing squad. Tito the tyrant established peace by murdering his opponents, confiscating the land and industries and enslaving the people. Sweet peace! What outrageous falsehoods are concocted in thy name! Nixon and Tito reportedly hit it off famously. Or, rather, infamously. Could it be that Tito might replace Rebozo? Regardless, Nixon invited his bloody buddy to visit the United States soon. Criminal, murdering, atheist, slavemaster Communist dictators are welcome here. But an elected Christian gentleman named lan Smith, President of the Free Republic of Rhodesia, can’t even get a visa< to enter “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” USDA has made huge grants to Yugoslavia so that enemy can better control respiratory disease in young cattle. This treason was committed as our own cattlemen were going broke in the cost-price squeeze. \ We have given and/or sold for “soft currency” more than a billion dollars worth of food to our arch enemy Yugoslavia under the “food for peace” program. Yugoslavia sends medicines, the Arabs send cotton and clothing, Poland sends machinery and other steel items, and Britain sends anything she can’t sell to the Vietcong. The Vietcong would collapse in a few minutes without the mas sive Russian aid. Russia would have collapsed long ago with out our aid. W'e “sell’’ (on credit) Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, East Germany and other Russian satellites: radia tion equipment; airborne navigational devices; rolling mills; chemical plants; vacuum gauges; food; radio communications equipment; chemicals; electronic computers; relief maps and coast and geodetic survey charts of our entire coastline; technical data and design specifications for construction of a glycerol (the main ingredient of explosives) plant—all of which they use to help kill American boys in Vietnam. Ameri- Letters To The Editor Dear Editor: In last week's edition of The Yancey Record there was a public announcement that the Yancey County Board of Education would hold a closed meeting October 9 at 8:00pm I am concerned since theypub licly announced to those pre sent at one of their first meetirgs the policy of the present Board of Education was "Hold public open meetings and wAnted the people to become informed'} that now they feel it is neces - sary to have closed meetings.. Surely they have the privacy to discuss anything at their exe cutive sessions. Is it the fact that some criticism has been directed against some of their decisions that they now hold closed meetings so the public won't know what is being done? The people who have atten ded any of the Board of Educa tion meetings were there only because of their genuine con cern for all the schools in Yan cey County and die welfare of the children who attend these schools and hope in some way we might be of help. In the years past when the Board didn't want to vote on an issue, it was customary to straight Y taxte By Tom Anderson OUR ENEMIES—WITHIN AND WITHOUT postpone these meetings or not enough members would attend so they could not vote. "What the people don't know can't hurt them" is a phrase too of ten used in Yancey County. It is time the public knows what conditions our schools are in and what is being done about these conditions. Are the people afraid to speak out and express their opinions? If we don't, I can see our people in a few years like puppets nodding their heads only when the right strip? is pulled. I feel the people should have the right to state a fact or correct someone. This is supposed to be a democratic society so let's keep it that way. The people have a right to know about our schools. Mrs. Bob Proffitt Rt. 2, Burnsville ★ Dear Editor: After the shock of read ing Saul Friedman's view of us,our neighbors and what we're all about, it was with great plea sure that we read Carolyn Yu ziuk's article in The Y a ncey Record. Mr. Friedman assured can money, American tooling and American knowhow have been used to build an auto plant in Russia so that Soviet trucks could peacefully haul ammunition and equipment to North Vietnam to kill American men. Nelson Rockefeller and Cyrus Eaton have even formed a special corporation to sell to the enemy. Russia is one of the most backward nations in the world, outside of Africa. Most of Russia's scientific and techno logical developments and knowhow—including the bomb were stolen from other nations or given to the Russians by our own traitors. In the past three years, hundreds of Russian scientists and spies have combed this learn all we - know about atomic energy, oceanography, chemistry, com puters, astrophysics, electronics, meterorology, medicine, ma chine tools, assembly line production, urban planning, agri cultural know-how . . . On a bitterly cold day at Valley Forge, General Washington sank to one knee and asked for divine guidance. Later he met with his military leaders and with tears in his eyes not tears of fear or failure, but tears of pride in the heroes surrounding him and in our new Republic —he gave a clear and simple command: “Put none but Americans on guard tonight!” A few years ago, Commander-in-Chief Johnson stated unequivocally: “We’re going to fight from now on and we’re going to beat them to a standstill!” Not the Vietcong' He was talking about the Republicans. He had no intention of beating the Vietcong because it might offend Russia, which supplies 80% of the Vietcong’s war material. And neither does President Nixon, who has also requested even more taxes, more “cultural exchange” and more “bridge building” to help our Russian and East European criminal, heathen enemies, while we surrender in Vietnam. Some patriots contend the menace to our country is al most entirely from within. Others agree with Phyllis Schlaf ley (who with Admiral Ward wrote “Strike from Space”) that Russia may bomb us from fcuter space, without warning. I agree with Mrs. Schlafley that a surprise attack by the Russians is a distinct possibility. But why is it a possibility’ Simply because our one-worlding, bridge-building appeasers, opportunists and traitors have disarmed us to the extent that Russia could conceivably destroy us. Russia will attack when ever and only whenever she can do so and survive annihilating retaliation. If we are attacked from without, it will be because of treason within.. The American government, for the past 35 years, has done more to help Communism succeed than have all the non- Communist nations of the world combined. Results out-rank motives. Some Americans want to try some of our anti-American anarchists and traitors for treason. But are Eldridge Cleaver Robert Williams and Stokely Carmichael any more guilty of treason than some of our leaders are? Why start at the bottom instead of the top? Why attack the monkey instead of the organ grinder?—American Way Features us that he wanted people to see us as we see ourselves, and so be reassured of any doubts they might have regarding cur being here. Unfortunately, his vision is clouded by too many hyster ical mass-media articles and he tried to cram us into his pre-formed mold. I won't go into a detai led rebuttal of all the slanted or invented descriptions of us and our lives here, but the many neighbors who live near us, vi sit us, deal with us profession ally- -in short, who know us— were just as angered by his libelous opinions as we were. We came here just because the country is wide and beautiful and because the people here respect craftsmen, farmers and people who mind their ow n business except to be friendly neighbors. Our children get along well at school and are proof of what kind of home life they have. We are reassured that we have chosen the right place to live in harmony and are glad we left the kind of urban, am moral environment which nur tures those like Mr. Friedman. Yours truly, Norma Chereu, Sunshine Handcraft Company