THE YANCEY RECORD V0L.34, N 0.46 Girls' Home Site Studied A. D. Peacock, founder of Boys'Home, Lake Wackamaw, North Carolina, during a visit to his brother, Randall Fbaaock in Burnsville has twice during the past weekend conferred with groups of Yancey County citizens relative to the possibi lity of establishing a Gi rls' Home in Yancey County. Boys'Home, supported by several civic clubs (lions, Ro tary, Optimists, etc.) as well as by individuals and the Duke Endowment, is recognized as probably the best insritutknof its kind in the country, ft pro vides a home for boys desper - ately in need of a home—boy referred by social service agen cies, domestic and juvenile courts, churches, and indivi - duals. The boys' ages range from ten to sixteen. - Peacock, based on his broad experience In the field, is con vinced that a great need exists for a comparable home for girls in North Carolina, «i