THE YANCEY RECORD PAGE 14 Outstanding Athletes Named At Cane River High School The principal of Cane Ri ver High School, Mr. C. R. Kates, and the coaching staff, Mr. Woody Ammon* ,Mr James Neill and Mr. Ronnie Proffitt are very proud to recog n i z e their outstanding athletes for 1970-71. The athletes have devoted their time and talent to the Cane River Athletic Efe partment. The principal and coaches wish to thank them very much. The following students will receive an athletic award; Football— Danny Ray, Me Gardner, Ricky Peterson, Ron nie Woodby, Ronnie Robinscn, TV»e A SMALL ARACHNID./ Like'em little? Pinto $1919: Like'em luxurious? Ford LTD, biggest seller in its class. Why pay more? jsf|jf See the Carolina Ford Team. 'Manufacturer's suggested retail prices White sidewalls $29. accent option S6O. dealer preparation charges, if any, transportation charges, state and local taxes not included. JOE YOUNG FORD ' * r »■ t , Burnsville MARCH 25, 1971 Bobby Buchanan ,Dromon Hen son, David Henson, Jimmy Crain, George Renfro, Donnie Ray, Johnny Westall. Football and Basketball-Ste\e Maney. Football and Baseball-- Ger ald Pate, Ossie Parker. Basketball- - (boys)David Whit son, Dennis Thomas, Ronnie Randolph, (girls) Jayne Bal lou, Carolyn Allen, Alice Jobe, Cathy Anglin, Ramona Ray, Betty Ball, Betty Fox, Teresa Fender, Donna Peter son, Janet Fox, Debbie Gar land, Linda Doan, Rhonda Stiles, Shirley Austin. We are extra proud of the following three "Rebel" boys, who letter in all three sports. They axe: Bruce Honeycutt, Jeff Parker, Keith Webb. GHFKDJGHLS Green Mountain Grapevine By Mrs. Dee Hensley 682-3601 Mr. and Mis. William Schneiderman and Mr. and Mrs Oran Manwarrcn of Freeport, Illinois visited in Chapel Hill, N.C. recently. On their way home they stopped in Green Mountain for a short visit with Mrs. Manwarren's granddaugh ter, Mrs. Gearld Pendly, the former Miss Sharon Hopson and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hopson. They also planned to visit ano ther granddaughter in Kegley, W. Virginia, Mrs. Marvin Rick man Jr. the former Miss Nora Jean Hopson. • • • Dennis Deyton was home last weekend to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Yates Dey ton and Douglas. Dennis is attending N.C. State University. Mrs. Minnie Ross Winebar gerof Los Angeles, California, fc visiting her father,Mr.Hiram Ramsey and other members of the family and friends. • • • Mr. Frank Garland,the Post master at Green Mountain,has returned home after a week vacation visiting family in Wichita, Kansas and El Paso, Texas. Mr. Garland says he is very happy to be home! • • • We in the Green Mountain Community lost a good friend and neighbor, Mb, Lydia Ren fro, who passed away this week. Our hearts go out to her child ren, Mrs. Hank Kissinger of Clearwater, Fla, Mr. Bill Ren fro and family of Charleston, S.C., Mr. Cecil Renfro of Green Mountain and especial ly to Mb. Kate Kilmer of the home. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Card - ner and David of Erwin, Tenn. visited on Sunday with Mrs. Lula Gardner. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Gene Miller of Canton, Ohio is spending 2 weeks visiting Mrs. Mil parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fox and Mar. and Mrs. Blane Peter son. • • • Mr. Wash Fox celebrated his 71st birthday Sunday. His family set a large Birthday Dinner for him. Those pre sent were Mr, and Mrs. T.H. Fox and family, Mrs.Vaughtie Hopson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McKinney, Mr. J. D. Fox and son, Mb. Sam McKinney and Racheal Gale, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ayres and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fox and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hilemon, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tipton and son,Mr.and Mrs. Keith Renfro. a • • Mr. and Mis. Cecil Mc- Cuiry's little daughter, Karen was 2 years old March 24th, • • • Caprtain Jess Webb, U. S. Army retired, of Huntersville, N. C. passed away recently. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Webb of Green Mountain. • • • Mr. and Mis. Roger Peter son of Erwin, Tennessee visi ted Mr. and Mis. Ernest Peter son during the weekend. LEGAL NOTICE NORTH CAROUNA YANCEY COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE - DISTRICT COURT DIVISION YANCEY COUNTY, Plaintiff vs. LONAS H. GRINDSTAFF and wife, EDNA GRINDSTAFF, Defendants NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO ICNAS H. GRINDSTAFF AND WIFE,EDNA GRIND STAFF: Take Notice that a plead ing seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The action is for the fore closure of tax liens against you and in favor of Yancey County and upon the property describ ed in the Complaint in said ac tion for the yeais of 1968,1969 and 1970. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than April 19, 1971, and upon your failure to do so, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court relief sought. This 16th day of March, 1971. Madeline S. Bryant, Ass't Clerk Superior Court March 18, 25, April 1, 8 ch