i mmmssdmsNm V0L.35.N0.17 o *-. m *• to ia r: 5 One Dead, Three Injured In Car Wrack Saturday Queenie Shehan Bailey, 73, of Micaville, was killed in a one-car collision in Burnsville late Saturday morning. Mrs. Bailey, who was driv ing the car, had just pulled out of Smokey's Drive-In onto Main Street, when the car ran off the left side of the road and struck a utility pole. The force of the collision caused the instant death of the driver and critically injured her husband, Charlie Bailey. Mr. Bailey, whose head hit the windshield of the car dur ing the impact, was severely cut by the broken glass and was taken to Memorial Mission Hospital in Asheville where he was listed in critical condition. Two other occupants of the car, Robert Lee Wyatt, 83, of Spruce Pine Route 1 and his wife, Mrs. Nellie Wyatt, 78, also were injured and were taken to Memorial Mission Hos pital where Mrs. Wyatt was ad mitted. She was listed in fair condition S aturday night. State Trooper M. W. Greene, who investigated the said the group was planning to attend a funeral when the mis - hap occurred. The funeral was that of Mrs. Bailey's brother Robert Lee Buchanan, who died last Thursday. One Percenf Sales Tax Unanimously Approved By County Commissioners At the close of a public hearing last Friday on the ques tion of increasing the sales tax one per cent in Yancey Coun ty, the Board of County Com missioners voted unanimously to apply the tax, to become effective June Ist. This is the identical tax which was de feated in an election in 1969 by the extremely narrow mar gin of seven votes. The decision of the Com missioners to apply the tax was the result of general recogni - tion throughout the county of the drastic need for revenue to proceed with the necessary im provement of the county's school facilities. The 75 citizens who atten ded the hearing showed over whelming support for the tax. Not a single individual in the courtroom remained seated when, at the suggestion of Do ver Fouts, a standing vote was called for. Following this dis- Funeral services for Mrs. Queenie Bailey were held at 2:30 p. m. Monday in Pleasant Gap Baptist Church of which she was a member. Reverend L. V. Roberts of ficiated and burial was in the Young Cemetery. Surviving in addition to the husband are a daughter, Mrs. John L. Hilliard of Burnsville Route 2; four sons, Howard, Lee and Bobby, all of Annapo lis, Maryland and Harley She han of Detroit, Michigan; a sister, Mrs. Lee Wyatt; 24 grandchildren and a great grand child. Eyeglasses Hang On Broken Windshield After crash play of support, the commis - sioners went into a brief huddle, and announced their unanimous decision. Chairman Oscar Deyton sta ted that the intention of the Commissioners was that the revenue from the tax should Aleii’s Clob Installs New Officers At Sapper Meeting The Burnsville Men's Club installed officers for the com ing year at a well- attended supper meeting last Monday. Mack B. Ray is succeeding himself as president for another year. Herbert Allen is the new vice president, and Ned Jestes will serve another year as the secretary-treasurer. President Ray, in his in augural remarls, stressed the importance of the service ren dered by the club to the com munity, listing seven objective^ THURSDAY, APRIL 29,1971 W V-or 1 ' •- n * n *- • . ■TV Patrolman Greene Holds Body Os Victim Following Fatal One-Car Collision be used to help with the school building program. He added that the present board would have this intention stated in the board's records. Earlier in the meeting he had stated that the tax is expected to yield (Cont'd on page 16) all in the field of community betterment. These included support of the Yancey United Fund; support of boy and girl scouting, a recreation prog ram for the county, and a solid waste disposal project and sanitary landfill. Following the business meet ing John Martin gave in infor mative talk on international law as related to control of plane highjacking and the international drug traffic. v '' Burnsville Voters To Elect Town Board Next Tuesday Burnsville will go to the polls next Tuesday to elect « a mayor and two commission - r ers to serve as the town board \ for the next two years. The * polls will be open at the Town Hall from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. The three members of the present town board are running for re-election: Mayor Jim Anglin and Commissioners P. C. Coletta and Bob Helmle. All three have had long exper ience with the town govern - ment. Anglin is now finishing his second two-year term in of fice. Coletta has served con tinuously for ten years. Hfelmle served three terms as mayor from 1961 to 1967. In the fall of 1968 he was appointed to fill the board vacancy caused by the death of Bas Penland. -He was re-elected in 1969. Opposing the present board are Carl Carter, who is running for mayor; Ferrill McCurryand Cecil Shaw who are seeking election as Commissioners. Shaw ran as a candidate for the town board in 1969, but was defeated. Both the present board and the opposing candidates are re ported to be campaigning ac tively, which should result in a large turn-out of voters. Dur ing registration week, which closed last Friday, 29 new vo ters registered. The present town board is campaigning on the basis of their experience, and business like, efficient administration of town affairs, and they point to the many improvement* they have made while inoffia* (The improvements are outlined in an advertisement elsewhere in this issue). The present board also stres ses that they have long been working on a major water sys tem project, with construction scheduled to start this summer. Their experience and back ground of know ledge,they state, should be highly valuable in seeing this project through to completion. The opposition candidates state that they are for continua tion of the water project, and for the "implementation of other beneficial projects as feasible". Pre-School Clinics Held If your child will be six years old on or before October 15, 1971, he is eligible to start school this fall. Now is the time to enroll him at Pre- School Clinic. You can help your child get started right if you will bring him to the school on Pre- School Clinic Day and meet the teacher and nurse. Your child will have fun seeing the other children. ft is necessary that you, the parent, come with your child. The clinics this week will be at South Toe Elementary School Tuesday, May 4, 1971 from 9to 11 a. m. ; and at Bald Creek Elementary School on Friday, May 7, 1971 from 9to 11 a.m. 10<