Irtt X;VNC£X KfcA-UKU PAGE 14 * Z v*v {congratulations ,V • * vy .%V. | May You Have A Bright § t Successful Future 1 BAKERSVILLE | j Motel & Restaurant | § Wanda & Darrel Ledford || Bakersville, N.C. I I JL| I Good Luck To You All! flfll I May You Have A Bright & I Successful Future. I I PEEBLES KIMBRELL CO. INC. I I lower Main St. Spruce Pine, N.C._| 1 -jftjn jj/mpToMOurifad- J May Success Be Yours In All You Do | | CAROLINA FURNITURE & APPLIANCE ( Spruce Pine. N.C. !^S'>»»^/»! ,^VMW.V//W^<^AWaW.VWMVWAW.VAVA'Af.VAWAV.V.V/.VW/AW MAX U % iy/i ' K * 1 "" Ob Py If GRADUATION DAY—Kindergarteners from Burnsville Kindergarten graduated Tuesday night, May 25th, under the direction of Mrs. Nellie Styles and with an enthusiastic audience of par ents and friends watching. The children recited Bible verses, poems, and sang songs before being awarded their diploma by Edgar Hunter, principal of Burnsville Elementary School. The youthful graduates are: Andy Brown, Mary Banks, Darrin and Karen Byrd, Julianna Buchanan, Terry Hall, Laura Holcombe, David Ivan Peterson, Angela Randolph, Runee Robertson, Lisa Young, Sharon Yuziuk, Kim Yuziuk, Sharon McClure and RusseU Roland. Marshalls were Stuart Hensley and Wayne WiUiam Yelton HI. Mrs. Styles, their teacher, was presented a flo wer arrangement as a token of appreciation by the parents. Pensacola Pipeline By Mxs. Ron Eubanks 682-2700 Mr. and Mrs. George Zettle and daughter of Umatilla, Fla. on their way to their summer home in Pennsylvania, stopped to visit friends in Ifensacola last week. They visited Mr. and Mis. Rollin Gardner, Mr.and Mrs. Thea Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bagwell and family... Everyone enjoyed a picnic at the Clyde Bagwell home. SM; Rev. and Mb. Tom Weeks and children spent Satur day with Mr. and Mb. Kenneth McMahan. Rev. Weeks is a former pastor of the Pensacola Methodist Church. jH; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson attended the Gospel singing at East Yancey Sunday. -t—i- R ecently David Gri ffi th, Charles Wheeler and Billy Brooks Wilson enjoyed a fish - ing trip at Lake James. They caught 22 lbs. of large mouth Bass. Hos: Mr. and Mb. Floyd Hens - ley welcome all the Florida people back. They enjoy their company very much. ** Mr. and Mrs. Dean Geouge and boys visited the Ron Eu - banks Sunday. ** Mr. Edgar Lane was admit ted to Mission Memorial Hos - pital last week. We wish Mr. Lane a very speedy recovery. ?fofc Saturday night visitoß of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Eubanks were Tommy Trye and Paul Garland of Bakersville and Mr. and Mcs. Walter Riddle. •fcfc Mb. Wheeler's Kindergar - ten, also Mb. Price's 3rd and 4th gradeß enjoyed a picnic last week at Mountain Wilder ness. sfofc for K’udeigar ten was Monday from 9 a. m. to 3 p.m. ;|o|g Mb. Anglin's Bth grade class will have their gradua - tion next Tuesday, June 1, at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is invi ted to attend. Those gradua - ring are: Gary Allen, Tony Eubanks, Dan Hensley, Mark Riddle, Maxine Blankenship, Penny Burnette, Janice Hens ley, Teresa McMahan, Teresa McPeteß, Debbie Miller,Cher yll Ann Riddle, Connie Wheel er, Karen Wilson. Maßhalls are Donna Allen, Jane Wilson, Susan Styles, Kathy Pate,Kar en Wilson, Jan Mackey. Speakeß will be the follow ing: Teresa McMahan-"Mem ories", Dan Hensley-" The World Speaks", Gary Allen "A Tuneful History", Karen Wilson-"On Our Way", "Ter esa McPeteß-"My Future", Mark Riddle-"Bartar", Janice Hensley-" The Attic Story'JDeb bie Miller-" Courage in the face of defeat", Cheryll Ann Riddle-" We're bound for high school", Tony Eubanks-" Who Won the Battle". 4-H Meeting Some young people have expressed an interest in what might be called a "Senior-Teen 4-H Club" which would be county-wide. This is a busy tome of year for you at school, but in order to have an active group this summer, we need to get organized before school is out. The first meeting will be held Thußday, May 27, in the basement of the First Presby - terian Church after school. The structure will depend mostly on what you want to make it and the club's ongoing respon sibilities will be up to you. One requirement would be that at least one parent meet with you each time that you meet. I think you would find this type of club very enjoyable. Come —Thursday, May 27, a friend.