CusskhAds FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO Wanted, responsible party to take over a spinet piano. Easy terms available. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Mana ger, P.0.80x 173, Clover, S. C. 29710. pdß-12 ■■MW ——nt FOR SALE: 1966 Pontiac Grand Prix, vinyl top, auto. trans., bucket seats. Will sell be - low wholesale. Call or see Gordon Banks, 682-2243. ch un FOR RENT: Building on By - and intersection of Pensa cola Hwy. See Jeannette Ro land or call 682-2484. pdß-5 FOR RENT: Furnished apart - meat for summer rental by week, month or season. Loca ted about 1 mi. from Burnsville City limits. Newly remodeled, mist see to appreciate. For information call 68 2-3018. ch un >!■■! '■ » - —i%jT' FOR RENT: Practically new house, new furniture, 12 miles ,from retired couple or newly married cou ple. Call 682-2031. pdß-12 ton Ford Pickup Truck. A-1 Condition. New Tires — Low Mileage. Price $1,850. See Frank Horton or ca 11682-6211. _chim LAND WANTED: 10 to 25 acres of land. Would like 3or 4 acres of tractor land if possibh. Local person. Write Box 582, Burnsville, N.C. chun FOR SAI£ BY OWNER: 20 Acre Farm, approximately 6 miles from town. Nice stream, 2 springs, remodeled farm house with full bath, electric, phone, new paint. Good bam, tobacco allotment, pastureland, young timber, good garden spot, several nice buildingsitei Call Frank Horton 682-6211 after 6p. m. No brokers. ch un ■*•»•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••****** free Estimate 1 j Galvanized Casing • * Modern Air Rotary Drilling Equipment * Well Drilling : TRI-COUNTY WELL ORILLERS l Route 2, Box 299A I BURNSVILLE, N.C. 28714 * • HAROLD YOUNG • PHONE 679*4631 • Rate 4.00 per foot complete ; FOR SALE: One Reg. Hereford Bull 4 years old, weighsaroind 1800 pounds.. a real bargain! Also Charolais Bull 11/2 yrs. old..Call Glen McCurry 682- 2761 or George King6B2-2758. ch 7-29 FOR SALE: 15 acres, 6 room exclusive hunting lodge 500 yards to Nation reserve area. High Altitude, deer and trout country, this is a real luxury item for the right hunter .Must be seen to appreciate.s2l fiOO Terms. :*• FOR SALE: 12 acres, 7-room cistom-built house, 2 acres of bottom land, pasture, timber bam, tobacco allotment. Priced to sell at $24,500. Terms. * FOR SALE: 35 acres with 20- stall Stock Bam. New fence, plenty of water, beautiful viev over river. Must see. $10,501 Terms. * See or call Charlie Byrd, Route 1, Burnsville, N.C. .. 682-2013. chun WANTED: 25-50 acres moun tain land within ten miles of , Burnsville near paved road.... Write Nancy Bennett Haynie, P.0.80x 401, Springfield,Ga. 31329. fid 7-29 MOBILE HOME Spaces fear Rent.. Total electric for 2 spaces,rest of spaces 100 amps. Joins East Yancey Ball Field. Call 682- 2015. ch un GET _ PROPERLY HITCHED* - Ghrome frame type trailer hitches for most cars and trucks► 1040 Patton Avenue.. Call 252- 4612. Eddie Joyners Speed’ *. Equipment. (YM)ch un i —• * TOURIST ROOM by theweek. light breakfast, in country home of college graduate... SSO per couple. Reply Box 667, Burnsville, N.C. ch 7-29 FOR SALE: Female miniature Collie and Beagle mixture . . Raised for protection of child ren. Can be seen at Metcalf Trailer Park. pd 7-29 FOR RENT: A place to park a trailer, .water and lights. . . a' big yard and shade trees. Call 682-2287 or see Bertha Smith. pd 7-29 FOR SALE: 1965 Buick Elec - tra 225. Good Condition. See ’ Jeannette Roland or call 682- 2484. pdß-5 MUFFLER. SHOP ■ Lifetime Guarantee Fast - Free Installation i Next To Eddie Joyner’s V Speed Equipment >; 1050 Patton Ave. ... *B3 5682 I v Women Past 21 WITH BLADDER IRRITATION Suffer Many Troubles After 21. common Kidney or Bladder Irritations affect twice as many women as men and may make you tense and nervous from too frequent, burning or itching urination both day and night. Secondarily, you may lose sleep and suffer from Headaches, Backache and feel old, tired, depressed, fn such irri tation, CYSTEX usually brings fast, relaxing comfort by curbing irritating germs in strong, acid urine and by anal gesic pain relief. Get CYSTEX at drug gists. Sec how fast it can help you. IF YOU NEED ' || gj Landfill —Bam Bedding— Mulch—We . have the | ideal!! S ;X Sawdust —Fine Bark —Sha- .V % vings Available at >j: banco n, §• !;•; Burnsville Mill and Banco •X Cane River Mill. Loaded on your truck or We Will :? Deliver. Reasonably Pri- $• ■X v. ■X ced. Banco Lumber 682- a,*, *,% 2188. . Luther Black 682- •$ •$ 2866..Ca1vin Blevins6B3- ;j:| :|i| 3401. chun j? : WORLD BOOK ENCYCLO-J • PEDIA, DICTIONARIES,; •CHILDCRAFT AND OTHER* : learning aids, contact; •ZULA C. WILSON, YOUR LO* :CAL REPRESENTATIVE....: : 682-2354. : ! 1 Linville Heights I i I I n i I Come see the finest | homesites in North Car | olina mountains. Mag- | I nificent panoramic views | lat 4000 to 5000 ft. elev. I lin the center of the ski I J and golf area located on I J Highway 181 one and a j half miles west of Linville. I 1 ! I CALL ROBERT WEBER I 704/733-5307 I I IWEBER DEVELOPMENT Co| P.O. Box 195 J Linville, N.C. | , * mm mm mm s™" mm T™ l * * THE YANCEY RECORD mi Reduce excess fluids with FUJIDEX, sl.69—and LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex -A- Diet, 98$ at Pollard's Drug. pdß-19 FOR SALS: 6 Acres Close In, High School nearby. See Don Banks or David Peterson 682- 2438 or 682-2558, (ch un) WILL DO GRADING and Back hoe work. Call 675-4962.,.. Ward Woody & Son. ch un DOG FOUND Long-haired, silver - beige dog—looks like Scottish Ter rier—found in vicinity of the Parkway Playhouse Wednes - day evening. Call 675-4439 or write Mrs. Ruth Pope,Celo Farms, Route 5, Burnsville, N.C. 28714. ne. FOR RENT 3 bedrooms, 1 bath house on Sampson Branch Roa<( SSO / month. Reply Yancey Record .. 682-2120 • 4 • ' -M'S I n hb ■ |HI I * ' it ▼ • Mid Summer Clearance 1970 Mustang Low Milage 1970 Camarro Low Milage : 1969 Camarro : | 1969 GTO j 1968 Vi Ton Chevy Truck And Camper 1966 Volkswagon j 1969 Chevelle j j 1966 Olds j We Lisfen To Your Offer At ! GREENE-McKINNEY j CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE Phone 765-4235 Sgr«M Hi# M.C. JULY 29, 1971 FOR SALE: 50 Acre Farm-re modeled 8 room and bath home, 1/2 acre Tobacco Allot. Coxes Creek Route 4. See or Call Herman McCurry. ch 7-29 FOR RENT: 2 Kitchenette Apartments in Pensacola. Con tact Kenneth Wilson at 682- 3723. ch un Tri-CountyßackhoeCct, | located at Tri - County | - Concrete Company, Bums- . * ville, can All your every • need in the line of septic tank installation, ditching . I back-fill and loader work. * | Just call 682-2298 by day | or 675-4920 and 682-2548 I at night for fast, efficient service. Remember, Tri-County I Backhoe, located at Tri- I ■ County Concrete for expert | service in ditching, tank | installation. Call 68 2- | ■ 2298 by day or 675- 4920 ■ * and 682-2548 at night for * | fine personalized "Service | With a Smile!" PAGE 11