By Mrs. Bruce Nested 632-2252 Mis. Troy Ray and Mis. Neva Renaldo spent last week visiting in Washington, D. C,, Alexandria and Hampton, Va. * Mis. Cairie Ward is in the Spruce Pine hospital where she underwent surgery last week. * Mb. W. H. Turpin and Mrs. R. L, Orr of Tampa,Fist are guests at the Nu Wray Inn Mb. Turpin is the granddaus>- ter of Mr. and Mb. J.Q .Brant - ly who owned sued lived in the hoise now occupied by Mb. Henry Lewis. * Miss Ray Gibbs of Shelby visited Mb. Bertha Gibbs and Lucy last week. * Mis. 0. K. Masters was called to Johnson City last week where her son, Royce Masters underwent surgery and is in a critical condition. * Miss Jeannie Biggeistaff has entered ASU at Boone as a freshman. * Mr. and Mb. John Shep herd and Jennie spent the week end with his mother,Mrs. Eu - gene Shepherd in Laurel Springs, N.C. * Miss Faye Letterman, who teaches school in Blue Ridge, Ga. spent the week with her parents, Mr, and Mb, Arthur Letterman. * Dr. and Mrs. Ronnie Stan ley of High Point, N.C. were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Proffitt. * Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Viz hil and daughter, Julie Ann of Denver, Colorado are visiting Mb. Vizhil's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mclntosh at Bald Creek. Mb. Vizhil is the for mer Peggy Ann Mclntosh. * Jim Hester and Calvin Rid dick of Raleigh, N.C., two Bank Examines, came by The Yancey Record looking for an Album and found out with much surprise that it was the home of the Mitchell Ledger and The Yancey Record. * Ed Hensley and David Wheel er attended a Barber's Conven tion in Charlotte last week. * Mb. Donald Westall and Anne and Mb, Mark Hall re turned home Thus day from a six week trip to countries in Europe and England. * The Men's Breakfast Club of Higgins Memorial Metho - dfct Church were hosts honor - ing the Boy Scouts with a breakfast Sunday morning. El mer Day was speaker for the event. * Rush Wray and Mary Louise and Mrs. Lillian Jelley spent the weekend with Mr. Wray's Here And TfoaS] cousin, Mb. Fred Quinn and other relatives in York, S.C. * Pete Coletta has returned home from Monticello, Ga. where he has been on a two week business trip. * Misses Norma Allen Fox and Willoree Baker Jobe spent the weekend in Atlanta, Ga. Ytfiile there they visited Six Flags over Georgia and other points of interest in the city. * Miss Rosalynde Jacks has returned to Greensboro College in Greenboro for the next year as a sophomore. * Mb. John Robinson has re turned home to Mas Hill from Yancey Hospital where she has been for treatment. * Mb. George Dixon of Ashe ville and friends from Indiana polis, bid. visited the Bruce West alls last week. * Mb. Ralph PenlancJ with I CASH AND CARRY I ■ raUrfnHlta ■ Bornsville ' Nc - Ph- 682-30331 I CASH & CARRY PRICES Paneling ... I ■ wimm *- uaun »p ■ I ■ i^\| 51 w [H™ chest ™ t 9 1 II Ml Mm lr ° tor Birch 5 69 1 I 'Tf r I Jl7 Cast Iron Tub , ■ Column 8’ 4 Z7 Sf/ef 0 " Wall Hung Lavatory | j 9 5 ■ B’Corner Post 729 p ■ . c> ■ Fiberglass Insulation I 2Va 3Vi 6” 3 I 5 c iF i2 c * J|ggy ROOFING I Decor 8 Wal Paint. *799 v/. , ~| I L rmWindJeal 240\ | Paint Thinner 99 C 6«Hoa 9 s ■ relatives in Orlando, Florida last week, has! a nice visit. ♦ John Jolley of High Pbint, N.C. and Gene Ashe of St. A ugustine, Fla. were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Ray. , * Mb. Everette Kivette has returned to her home in New York City to resume teaching at Barnard College. Mr. Kiv ette remained at his studio on Phillips Knob to oonduct paint ing classes when the fall color reaches its peak. Women Past2l WITH BLADDER IRRITATION Suffer Many Troubles After 21, common Kidney or Bladder Irritations affect twice as many women as men and may make you tense and nervous from too frequent, burning or itching urination both day and night. Secondarily, you may lose sleep and suffer from Headaches, Backache and feel old, tired, depressed. In such irri tation, CYSTEX usually brings fast, relaxing comfort by curbing irritating germs in strong, acid urine and by anal gesic pain relief. Get CYSTEX at drug gists. See how fast it can help you. THE YANCEY RECORD Woman’s Club Meeting The annual fall luncheon of the Burnsville Woman'g Club was held on Friday, Septemb® 17, at the home of Mb. James Anglin. Mb. Elizabeth Silvers was co-hostess. Thirty ladies attended the meeting. Following the luncheon the meeting was turned over to Mr. Carlyle Bledsoe, guest speaker for the occasion. His I NOW RENTING: j Burnsville's First New Modern Apartments. I One & Two Bedroom Furnished & Unfurnished | • Units All Electric Wall to Wall Carpeting I | Westinghouse Range i Refrigerator-Freezer Garbage Disposal I | Hood & Fan - | One Piece Bath Tubs, Vanity, Electric Heat, I Ample Closet Space. | YEARLY & SEASONAL RATES * I For information See Frank Horton or call I 682-6211 after 6 p.m. j I or Write P.O. Box 171, Burnsville, N.C. i SEPTEMBER 23, 1971 subject Was Mountain Wild Flowers, which he supplemen ted with quite a variety of beautiful slides. Open discus - sion followed. After a brief business ses sion, the meeting was adjourn ed. The hostesses for the October meeting will be Mrs. Brooks Wilson and Mrs. Wayne Ray at their home in Fhnsacola. PAGE 5