TO OUR BEN, FRANKLIN CUSTOMERS Due to the fire and loss of our Burnsville Store we will be temporarily out of business in Burns ville. We appreciate your past business and invite you to shop our Ramsey's Ben Franklin in Spruce Pine. You will find the same type merchandise at mo ney saving prices in our Spruce Pine Store. Thank you for your patronage, and we want to keep you as our customers. Shop our Ramsey's Ben Franklin Stores Spruce Pine HIGHWAY 19—E BY-PASS BURNSVILLE, N. C. J. T. \ FRANK FOX, OWNERS AND MANAGERS - 682-6277 I STEAKi§|) MAYONNAISE I I 40 I W j - Zing Quart I DRINKS w#Size I I Kraft Mixed Columbia I I JELLIES |Y. BACON I I QQ 00 I iOforUM ior detergent u#b I Giant Size i sr » a I Limited One With Valleydale W lb. I I 5500 BACON A, I I Kelloggs Danish I I GO-ROUNDS SO W I I 00 | 1 Armour Libby Whole Cornell I . T BACON And Creamed Style 1 I FA CORN I I iX _ 100 I I 149l 49 H ’ I j ■ Jfj, I I By Mrs. Bruce Westall 682-2252 Mr. and Mrs. Ford Bail ey spent Christmas with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mb. Charles Willis of Old Fort, N.C. Their other guests were Supt. and Mb. A1 void Rector from Shiloh National Park,Tenn. HELP WANTED j Ist And 2nd Shifts j 35 experienced sewing machine operators | wanted. Top pay for right kind of help I on Overlock and Safety Stitch Machine. Highest piece rates and daily production. For further information apply at B and E Manufacturing Co. West Main Burnsville l Here And There Mr. and Mrs. George Black and sons of Canton visited Mrs. Black's pareits, Mr. and Mb. Bruce Anglin over the holidays. Two other sons and familys were presents Mr. and Mb. Ed Anglin of Clalrton, Pa. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anglin of Hazelwood,N« C. * Dr. and Mb. W.A.Y, Sargent visited Mrs. Grace Grass muck in Ft, Lauder - dale, Florida over the New Year weekend. They also attended the Orange Bowl Football Game. * Rev. and Mrs, Harold McDonald and children left Sunday for Montgomery, Ala. to visit their parents aid other relatives. * Mr, and Ms. Tom Koch and sons of Miami, Florida visited in town last week.He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koch, also of Miami, who own a home on Azalea Lane and spend the summer here. It was Tom's first vi sit back in fifteen years. * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sta nley spent Christmas Eve with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sta nley in Asheville and on to Rosedale, Va. to spend Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. James White & family. * Mr. and Mb. Eddie Sil vers of Greenville, S.C. vi sited with their parents over Christmas, Mr and Mb. Ben Randolph of Bald Creek and Mr. and Mrs. Burge Silvers. * Mrs. Sallie Williams spmt the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Homer Parnell in Gastonia, N.C. * Mb. James Hutchison of District Heights, Md. and her daughter, Dr. Jane Hutch ison with the University of Wisconsin at Madison, spent time visiting relatives and friends in town last week. * Dr. and Mrs. Kirby Hayes and daughters of Orb in Unlv. in Orb in, Alabama spent Christmas with Mrs. Hayes' parents, Mr. and Mb. Styles of the Prices Creek section. * Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Hol combe will return home to KemeS ville, N.C. with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Warren to spend the New Year weekend The Warrens and another daughter, Miss Patti Hol combe who attends Glade Valley High School in Glade Valley, spent Christmas with their parents. * Mr. and Mrs. John Chaf fin of Rhinelander, Wis. vi sited the George Roberts over the holidays. * Mr. and Mb. Ralph C. Sutton of Raleigh, N.C.and Mrs. Jack Montgomery and sons of Fayetteville, N. C. visited Mb. Z. B. Byrd dur ing the holidays. * Raymond Bowitch under went surgery at the Veterans Hospital in Oteen recently. * Word has been received here of the death of Miss Lor etta Stout in Albuquerque, N. Mexico on October 12. Miss Stout taught school at TSmcey Collegiate Institute in the early 20's and will be remem bered by her former students. * Mr. and Mb. George Ro berts visited Mb. Roberts' mother, Mrs. Lester Lamb of Ingold, N.C. for Christ - mas. * Mr. and Mb. G.A. Brad shaw of Cocoa, Florida visi ted friends and relatives in the county during the holidays. * Mb. Bob Tilson has re turned home from Milwau - kee, Wisconsin where she spent Christmas with her son and family, Mr. and Mb. Robert Tilson. * I. E.Clevenger was admit ted to Yancey Hospital for treatment she first 3 days of the week. * Mr. and Mb. Raleigh Buchanan and family of In- THE YANCEY RECORD AND MITCHELL LEDGER dianapolis, Ind. are visiting nit parents, Mr. and !*!■. Paul Buchanan. * Miss Lena Banner of Mor ganton was home for the holidays. * Mr. and Mb. Billy Ogle of Asheville spent the holi days with Mr. and Mb. Brooks Boone. * Mb. Bas Pen land under went surgery last Wednesday at Memorial Mission Hospi tal. * Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wil son and family of Claris - ville, Md. visited Mr. and Mb. Dawson Brig& and Mr. and Mb. Charlie Wilson over the holidays. * Rev. and Mb. Calvin Smith of Abbeville, S. C, former pastor of Bolens Crk. Baptist Church, returned to help conduct the funeral of Clyde Banks. * Mr. and Mr* Rtusell Cos ta of Asheville ware guests of Mr. and Mb. Csurlyle Bledsoe for Christmas. Mr. smd Mb. Herman Anderson and Julia of Lenoir were guests for New Yeas Day. * Mr. and Mb. Earl Dey ton smd Ronnie spent Christ mas with Mrs. Deyton*s fa ther, Andrew Edwards in Bee Log, N.C. * Mias Lena Banner of Mor g an ton spent the holidays at her home here visiting her friends and relatives. * Mr. and Mb. Cecil Shaw visited relatives in Raleigh during the holidays. * Mb. Holt Miller and children of Greenville,S.C. visited in the county with Mends and relatives over the holidays. * Danny Roland, son of Mr. and Mb. Jim Roland, was home from Bob Jones Univ. In Greenville,S.C. for the holidays. * Mr. and Mr* Jim Anglin entertained Mr. and Mb. Norman Ray of "Baton Roufp, La. and Mr. and Mb. Roy Ray at dinner in their home Thusday night. * Mr. and Mb. Mack vi sited relatives in Georgia over the weekend. * Those spending the New Years Day at the Bruce Vfes tall's home were Mr. and Mrs. Don McQuade, Peggy Ann and James, Mr. and Mb. Vint Westall, Rush Wray and Mary Louise,Ms. John Bennett, Bob Helmle, Phil Ray and David Wheeler. * Mr. and Mb. 1. E. Cle venger and Mb. M. D. Bailey visited Mr. and Mb. John Cahill and family of Gaithe*- burg, Md. for the Christmas holidays. Their son, Jerry, a student at Carson-Newman College home for the holi - days, also accompaniedtlem. * Mr. and Mb. Charles Wil son and daughter Shelia and Tonya of Hendersonville,N. C., Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Wil son, Susan and Teresa of Richmond, Va. , Gary and Ricky Wilson and Mb. Julia Williams were die guests of Misses Mae and Minnie Wilson of Ivy Gap, N. C. * Mr. and Mb. Ernest Briggs attended the dinner at Shera ton Inn Motel and the Top Hat Ball on New Yeaß Eve at the city auditorium in Asheville, N. C. * Fred Ramsey of Green ville, S.C, visited his sis ters, Mrs. Elizabeth Silves and Louise Ramsey over the New Year weekend. * Mr. and Mrs. Willard Fox and family of Baltimore,Md. have been visiting relatives here and in Pensacola. Mr. and Ma. Joe Mcßse and three children have moved to Burnsville tom Robbinsville, N.C.and are living on S. Main St. Mr. McFee la employed by the Wildlife Resources Comm. * Brian Anders of Charles - ton, S.C. made a brief trip to Burnsville the fist of the week. * My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the Ray brothers and ownen of the other two stores involved in last nights holocaurt which destroyed their businesses. * Mr. and Mis. Robert Thomas had all their child ren home over the holidays: Master Sargent Roy Morris Thomas and wife and little son Roy was home tom New Jeßey where he is stationed in the Army; Bobby and fa mily tom Buns ville; Jimmy and family tom Bald Creek; Mr. and Mb. Grover Ray from Pennsylvania; and Mr. and Mb. Dennis McCurry of Burnsville. All had a very nice holiday. Sc Miss Mayland, Melissia Thomas, is now a patient in Spruce Pine Community Hospital. She teaches at East Yancey High School. Sc Mr. and Mrs. Jess Styles and son, Danny, Mr. and Mb. Bill Anglin, Rev. and Ma. Ralph Young and daughter Barbara spent the Christmas holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ramsey .of Hickory. Also joining the family get-together were Mr. and Mb. Albert Powell and son, Paul, of Statesville and Mr. and Ms. Bill Powell of Hickory. Sc Mr. and Mb. James L. Teague of Abilene, Texas spent file holidays with their parents, Rev. and Ms. B. Metcalf of Creston,N. C. and Mr. and Mb. Bynum Teague of Boone, N.C, and they also visited relatives at Pensacola. Mr. T e ague is in the Air Force stariozed at Abilene, Texas. Mrs. Teague is a staff nurse at Hendrix Memorial Hospital. Freezone is for corns that hurt Absolutely pain less. Nodangerouscutting, no ugly pads or plasters. In days, Freezone eases the hurt...safely helps ease off the ' corn. Drop on Freezone-take off corns. REMOVES f CORNS AND CAUUSES I Yancey Health Dept | Health Department's January Schedule January 5, Wednesday January 6, Thußday January 10, Monday January 17, Monday January 18, Tuesday January 20, Thusday January 21, Friday January 24, Monday January 25,Tuesday January 26, Wednesday January 27, Thusday January 31, Monday February 1, Tuesday rVllitchell Health Dept.~| Monthly Schedule for January, 1972 Mondays- Third Pediatric Clinic starting at 11:30 (app't only) Fifth Pediatric Clinic starting 11:30 (app't only) Tuesdays Every week Bakersville Health Department.. Im munizations and blood test 8:30 to 11:00 and 12:30 to 4ioo p. m. Wednesdays First Eye Clinic at Burnsville Health Department (by app't only) Third Family Planning Clinic at Bakersville.. by appointment. Fourth Orthopedic Clinic at Bakersville (app't only) Every week Immunizations Clinic in Dr. Buchanan's Office from 200 to 400 p. m. Thursdays Third Mental Health Clinic (by app't only) Third Cheat x-rays are made from 100 to 200 Fridays First School Health Clinic starting at 11:30 a. m. (by appointment) **Chest x-rays are made on the Third Thursday from 100 to 200 p. m.! JANUARY 6, 1972 Couple Engaged Mr. and Mb. Alvil Mo- Mahan of Route 5, Bumtrille, announce the engagement of their daughter Teresa Gail McMahan to Wesley Neil Mc- Curry. Mr. McCurry is the son of Mr. and Mb. Wesley McCurry of Route 2, Burns - ville. The bride-elect is a Jun ior at East Yancey High. The groom-elect is a student at Haywood Tech, in Clyde, North Carolina. Wedding plans are incom plete at this time. Annual Churth Observance Set Membezs of the Women's Society of Christian Service of the Higgins Memorial Un ited Methodist Church will participate this week in one of the most important an nual observances of United Methodist women through out the United States. Tlie Call to Prayer and Self-Denial focuses on pray er, a deepened spiritual life, a guided mission study, and a much needed self- denial offering for special mission work in the United States and around the world. Over 1 1/2 million women in ap proximately 34,000 socie - ties in all 50 states will join in the observances. The Call-inspired by the needs, and the opportunitis to be made possible by self denial gifts-is sponsored by the Women's Division of the United Methodist Board of Missions, the national body through which the local women's societies func tion. The major events of the observance are the Quiet Day, prayer, meditation, a silent meal, and an interpre tation of the mission projects for which the special offer - ing vill be made. The Quiet Day program, entitled, OPEN UP YOUR LIFE, will begin atthe church at 11 o' clock, Thins day, January 6. Each lady will bring her own sandwiches and the service will close at WH The general meeting of the WSCS will be held at 8 p.m. and the U.S. and overseas needs will be presented at this time and the offering received. Eye Clinic by appointment Mental Health Clinic by app*t. Immunization 8-12 Child Health Clinic at 12:30 by appointment Immunization 8-12 Nurse Screening 8:30 - 12 X-Ray 10 to 11 Eye Clinic, by appointment Immunization 8-12 Nurse Screening 8:30 - 12 Othopedic at Bakersville Register before 11 NX) Family Planning 8:30 - 12:00 Immunization 8-12 Child Health 12:30 by appt. PAGE 7