ERE AND THERE In Burnsville BY MRS. BRUCE WEST ALL New* has been received here of the death of C, C. Car lo way of Winston-Salem. He is a former resident of Yhncey County and served many years as Register of Deeds. * Mr. and Mrs. Jim Anglin entertained with a Valentine Dinner party at their home on Tuesday night. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Westall, Mr. and Mrs. P. C.Coletta, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoke of Washington D.C. ,Mi*s Theresa Coletta and Phil Ray. * ,Mr. and Mrs. Mack Chap man and family of Ruther - fbrdton, N.C. spent the weekend Mrs. ChapmaiA mother, Mis. Jim Anglin and Mr. Anglin. • ■ * Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Jac kie Mathis a girl, Rita Gail, on-February 19 at Memorial Mission Hospital, Asheville. * Mrs and Mrs. William Gauedin of Belews Creek,N. Carolina announce the birth of a son, Michael Brent, Jan uary 22. Mrs. Gauedin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Lee Wallace of Stokesdale, N.C., formerly of Green Mountain Community. * Phillip Thomas has return ed home from Spruce Pine COOKING FOR PLEASURE € —— BY BILLIE STEKARWmmmmvmm This weather is fine for getting in the kitchen and baking up a batch of cookiff or trying out a new cake re cipe. It's good weather to cook up a big pot of Chili or Spaghetti, too — CHIU CON CARNE WITH TOMATOES 1 pound ground meat 2 med. onions, chopped 1 cup grden pepper chopped 1 can (1 lb. 12 or) tomatoes 1 can tomato sauce 2 tsp. chili powder 1 tsp. salt i/8 tsp. cayenne red pepper 1/8 tsp. paprika 1 can (15 1/2 oz) kidney beans, drained. Cook and stir ground beef, onions, and green peppa in large skillet until meat is brown aiid onion tender. Drain off fat, and stir in re maining ingredients except kidney beans. boiling. Reduce heat; cover and simmer 2 hours , stirring occasionally, (or cook uncovered about 45 minutes) Stir in beans 8 heat. - : . > QUICK ORANGE CUP CAKES 1/2 cup shortening I'cUp sugar 1 1/2 cup flour 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 (scant) tsp.salt 1/2 cup milk 1/2 tsp. lemon extract Cre apt shortening and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time and beat well. Sift flour with baking powder and salt and add altemate ' ly with milk to firtt mix - ture.' Add flavoring. Drop by tablespoons in small paper cookie cup and place on cookie sheet. Bake 20 to 25 minutes in 375 degree oven. * Top with mixture of 3/4 cup sugar, juice of two oranges .and 1 tblsp. grated orapge rind. Spread on each cake while hot. EASY CAKE PINEAPPLE FILLING 2/3 cup shortening 2‘cups shgar 4 eggs 3 cups flour 3 tsp. baking powder 1/8 tsp. salt 1 ctipVateV 1 top. vanij 1 a extract 1 top. lemon juice Pineapple Filling White Frosting Hospital where he was admit ted seriously ill three wks ag>. * Miss Margaret Crowgeycf Wilmington, N.C. has been visiting her grsuidparents,Mr, and Mrs. Fred Proffitt. * Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dilling ham visited their daughter, Mrs. Richard Vanderbloen arid Mr. Vanderbloen in Hic kory over the weekend. * Mrs. Harriet Blankenship spent a week in Winston Sa lem with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Fox. * Rev. Floyd Bailey of Ashe ville has returned home after several weeks in the hospital convalescing from surgery. Also in the hospital was his sister, Mb. Beulah Mae Tip ton. They are the niece and nephew of Harriet Blanken - ship of Burnsville. * Miss lisa Lou Fox of Lex ington, celebrated her birth day the 19th. She is daugh - ter of Mr. and Mrs. R.B.Fox, formerly of Yancey County. * Sgt. Clyde Dellinger, El leree and Maria of Charlotte, were the weekend guests of Mr. Kermit Fox and family of Winston-Salem, N.C. Cream shortening and su gar until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition. Sift dry in - gredients together and add to creamed mixture alterna tely with water. Stir in van illa and lemon juice. Bake in 3 greased and floured 8 inch layers at 350 degrees F. 25 minutes or until tests done. Cool. Put Pineapple Filling between layers; frost with favorite white frosting. PINEAPPLE FILLING 1 tall can crushed pineapfie, drained 1/2 cup sugar 2 tblsp. flour Combine ingredients in a sauce pan. Cook until thick; stir constantly. Cool; spread between layers. Cadette Girl Stouts Meet By Martha Am Vfestall Cadette Troop 65 of Yan cey County held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Becky Gillespie on February 16. Nineteen members were present including our two leaders, Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs. Patti McCalL Mary Louise Wray intro - duced our guest speaker,Mr. Charles Hoke of Washington, D.C. He made a very in teresting talk on Korea,ifthere he has been living for the past year. He also showed some very impressive and colorful slides. Mr. Hoke teasingly sug gested that if you didn't like people, do not go to Korea, because there are more peo ple there than there is land and that conditions are very crowded. The troop wishes to exp-tss our appreciation to Mr, Hoke for taking the time to talk to us. Women Past 21 WITH BLADDER IRRITATION Suffer Many Troubles After 2), common Kidney or Bladder Irritations affect twice as many women as men and m»v make ycu tense an-* nervous from too frequent, burning or itching urination both day night. Secondarily, you may lose sleep and suffer from Headiches, Backache and feel old. tired, depressed In such irri tation. CYSTEX usually brings fast, relaxing comfort by curbing irritating germs in strong, acid urine and by anal gesic pain relief. Get CVS I EX at drug gists. See how fast it c-~. help you. Vickie Slagle Couple Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slagle announce the engagement of their daughter, Vickie Lynn to Roger Wayne Fortune,son of Mr. and Mb. Max Fortune of Marion, N.C. Vickie is a senior at East Yancey High School and will enter Cecil's Business Co 11 eg: in September. Roger is a 1971 graduate of Marion High School and is presently employed by O. L, Broyhill Furniture Company in Marion. A July Ist Wedding is planned. Homemakers Meeting Held ByNorma Peterson Brummitts Creek Exten sion Homemakeß Club mem bers met February 10 at Mis. Will Bennetts. Membeß present were Mb. Star Bennett, Mrs. Judy Miller, Mb. Linda Mil ler, Mb. Abbie Renfro, Mrs. Norma Faye Peteßon and ' Mb. Lois P. Williams,Home Extension Agent. Meeting was called to or der by Mb. Star Bennett. Then the Club elected Committee Chairmen as follows: Cultured Arts-Star Bennett; International and Educational-Norma Faye Peteßon; Family Life and Youth-Judy Miller; Health- Abbie Renfro; Public Infor mation-Ethel Miller; Citi zenship-Nora Metcalf. After the election, each member filled out a ques - tioTina ire and had a discus - sion on Creating Concern for Others. Star Bennett served re freshments which were en - joyed very much. The next meeting will be at Mb. Kathleen Byrd's March 9th. Linda Miller and Eloise Renfro will pre pare the program. Strip Cropping - Corn, Tomatoes, And Grass Rotation Furrows Plowed Up And Down Hill Become Race Tracks For Rain Drops! H.A. Dobbin, Pres. Calvin F. Hall, Set.-Treas. FORTNER INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. All Kinds Os Insurance c 3urnsville Established 1919 6 682-2147 765-4588 In And Around The Tipton Hill Area In And Around The Tiptc By Ethel Miller Due to the snow ttere was not much going on in and around Tipton Hill this week. Most everyone was snow bound and just stayed ft home by the fire. ** Mr. and Mb. Shelton Byrd of Johnson City, Tenn. spent the weekend of Feb. 20 visiting Mr. and Mb. Scott Griffith and son, Joe of Tipton Hill. Mr. and Mb. Sherrill Grif fith, Robin and Randy of Johnson City, Tenn. spent . the weekend of Feb. 20 vi - • siting Mr. Griffith's mother, \ Mb. Edythe Griffith of Tip ton Hill. Mr. and Mb. Howard Butler and son, David of Buladean spent Sunday, Feb -20 visiting Mb. Butler's mo ther, Mb. Edythe Griffith of Tipton Hill. ** Mr. and Mb. Kenneth Tipton and daughter, Kaye of Johnson City spent the weekend of Feb. 20 visiting their parents, Mr. and Mb. Ferrell Tipton and Rev. and Mb. Holt Griffith and Betty of Tipton Hill. ** Mr. and Mb. Jack Mc- Call of Johnson City, Tenn. spent Sunday, February 20, visiting Mb. McCall's par ents, Mr. and Mb. Roscoe Griffith of Tipton Hill. ** Mr. and Mb. Lonnie Tip ton and son, Steve of Spruce Pine visited Mb. Kate led ford, son Greg, and Mr. Beecher Griffith Thtnsday, February 17. jjojc Staff Sgt. William Ed - wards spent several days this week visiting his wife, Mb. Modean Edwards and his mo ther, Mb. Myrtle Edwards. Edwards has been stationed in Ohio but will return to Indiana to be stationed for five weeks. ifdf. Mb. Sena Ray of Pigeon Roost returned to her home Monday, February 14 after spending two months visit - ing her grandson, Mr. and Mb. Jack Ray and daughter Loretta of Statesville, N.C. and her daughter-in-law, Mb. Atlas Ray of Charlotte,N.C. ** Mb. Peter Hoegl of New York spent several days on Pigeon Roost with her mo ther, Mb. Luther Honeycutt. She was .called here due to her father's sickness, Mr. Lu ther Honeycutt. Mr. Honey cutt is still in intensive care at Spruce Pine Community Hospital but is improving. Also visiting Mb. Honeycutt was her other daughter, Mb. Scott Bennett and children of Charlotte, N.C. ** Mr. William Grindeland, retired elementary school E.YH j Riiporrts By Robert Howard Monday night, the girls of East Yancey captured the championship in the Blue Ridge Basketball Tournament by winning over Polk Central. The East Yancey L ady Pantheß were led by Kathy Griffin and Sandy Ray, who netted 17 and 12 points re spectively. For Polk Central, Karen Gray paced the Re bels with 9. The Lady Panthers led throughout the game. Polk Central cut the deficit to 10 points, 26-16, in the third quarter, but the E.Y. squad pulled away on the hot shoot ing. The boys champions con test has not been rescheduled. Melissa Is Contestant February 26, Melissa Tho mas, Miss May land, will travel to Ashebaro for a meet ing with all contestants in the upcoming Miss North Car o lina Pageant. As Miss Mayland, shewill be a contestant in the Miss N.C. Pageant which is to be held June 11- 17 at Owen Au ditorium in Charlotte. The purpose of the Febru - ary 26 meeting is to discuss plans for the upcoming pag eant. Accompanying Melissa to Asheboro will be Mrs. Billy Ray Edge. Mrs. Edge will also be the chaperone for the pageant in Charlotte. Melissa is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas of Micaville. She teaches dramatics at East Yancey High School. principal, of Grand Forks, North Dakota spent the week end of February 20 visiting his son, Mr. and Mb. Rich ard Grindeland and family of Red Hill. ** Mr. and Mb. Donald Me- S Coury of Tipton Hill spent A Tuesday night, February 15 * visiting Mr. and Mb. George I Barnett and family of Ltnoir, 1 N.C. I By Rick Huskins 1 This year the boy's ba9- j ketball team had six seniors. They were Dennis Wooteiy I Dennis Huskins, Boyd Howell, i Darnel Boone, Jim Narrisand ' Randy Banks. These boys j will be graduating this year. The rest of the vaisity are | juniors. There will be six junior I varsity players moving up i next year. When asked about next year's team, | Coach Banks said, "The 1972- , 1973 team should be loaded | with material but will be li- i rnited in experience. Over- ' all we are all hoping for a | very competitive team." SHINES UP BRIGHT < IN MINUTES | LASTS UP TO^^y a week WOP; 1 GRIFFIN WAX SHOE POLISH ! OPTILETS ”” «\ ! MULTVITAMINS CONTAC CAPSUIESX | Reg. 58.28 Reg. $1.59 £K4F \ I | 7« 99* | POLAROID COLOR FILM | I Reg. $1.09 Type 108 A ff 89* "V,r» f Free 69* Tooth Brush ■AAini PANTY HOSE las a Oaa Stas fits All 1» ~ggi 100l 00 I rk. “t? I VITAMIN E-(natural) | H 100 tabs m PEPSODENT Re9.M35 fjOOTH BRUSHES , Pik 3 75 n A Re9 wo prell I? \l \ 3 fori CONCENTRATE SHAMPOO I X 3 Super Size M | A Reg. $1.99 | VITAMIN C-TABLETS 159 « j 100 tabs. ti»Airi*ikTi —! I W | Stamps 5? | DRUGS f 4 ——— ■ *—:■ ‘ —' —' ! BIG FEBRUARY __ | clearance UNDERWAY I Buchanan-Young I [ Has 80 Great Used Cars | | From Which To Choose I I Here Are Some Os Them: ( I 1970-Plymouth, Gold Duster, 3-S&eed Transmission ( I 1970-Monaco Dodge, 4-Door ft I 1968—Valient, V-100, 6 Cylinder, Automatic 1 1967—Baracuda, 318, Automatic, Red ft 1971—Chevelle, 2-Door Hard Top, Air 1 1967-Volkswagon, Square Back r I 1970-Ford Galaxie, 2-Door I 1970-Mustang, V-8, Automatic ft ft 1968-Firebird Pontiac % ft 1970-442 Oldsmobile s 1969-Cutlass, 4-Door, Air 1 I BUCHANAN & YOUNG I I Chrysier-Plymouth-Dodae-Dodge Trucks ( ft Bakersville, N.C. _ _\ The Yancey Record, Mitchell Ledger PAGE 3 February 24, 1972