THE YANCEY JOURNAL _ .. . » es VOL.I, N 0.4 : .V :* / rtSSF u -, «\r w jr ■ ~C2J Jim Gardner Reflects On Campaign At Early Breakfast Gardner Breakfast Supporters and friends of Jim Gardner gathered at the Amber jack Friday morning for a 7:30 breakfast for the Republican Candidate for governor. The breakfast was attended by about 45 county residents,in cluding Claude Vess and Bill Banks, Republican candidates for the Yancey County Board of Education, County Commission er Earl Young and Republican County Chairman Steve Boone were also present. Orville Co ward, Gardner Campaign Co ordinator for the western section of the state, also attended the breakfast. After "Gardner to Id the group, "lam confident that we will elect the first Republi can governor in North Carolina in the past 72 years. " He stressed the importance of keeping the Republican Par ty together because "we will be the underdog in the upcom ing election. " , Gardner said, "Pm confident that Richard Nixon__will__c a try North Carolina and we can all join together and elect a Repub lican governor." Following the breakfast,Jim Gardner made a handshaking tour of the Yancey County Court house. MHA Annual Dinner Set The Yancey County Mental Health Association will hold their annual dinner on May 5, 1972 at 7*oo p. m. in the Pres byterian Church, Burnsville. Tickets far the dinner are $2.00 each and may be obtain ed by calling Rev. Don Elly, Nonis Deyton or Mae Young. T ,o*Th*Ucrk U Peon 'Poncu CovwT«yST«n* Ni-7¥° u - 3§r » o I t i^Bk ‘1 ' *»•**' » ■ •" m - »^- r - - J - JJr a -- jMMgi -... Gardner Campaigns In Yancey County Courthouse Following Breakfast At Amberjack Men’s Club Votes To Enter Town In Community Development Contest .The Burnsville Men’s Club at their meeting last Monday night voted to enter in the western North Carolina Community Development Com petition for 1972. This traditional competition, in which communities from Yan cey County have participated annually since 1952, has" been sponsored by the Asheville Agri cultural Council. In past years the competition has been qon fined to the smaller rural com munities, and usually a half dozen or more Yancey County community clubs have entered. Only recently has a new entry class been established provid ing eligibility for larger com munities such as the town of Burnsville. - Pat Guyer of the County Ex tension office, who is promo - ting county participation in the program, explained the recent changes in the competition. It was pointed out that this year Burnsville is involved in numer ous community improvements for which the town is entitled to credit. Among these are the water system project, the pro posed face-lift of the town square,the County junk car and waste disposal programs and the achievement of the N. C. Governor’s AvYard. Yancey Voters Denied Voice In Upcoming School Election With the passing of Senate BiU 902 in the 1971 North Ca rolina General Assembly, Yan cey County was divided - into districts for the nomination and election of members of the county board of education. Though the general state law provides for election of school board members on a non-par tisan basis and from the coun ty at large, this special legis lation applying only to Yancey County means that candidates have to file by political party and has resulted imornd'citi zens having no voice at. all in selection of school board mem bers. Senate Bill 902 provides for the election of one member to the board of education from District No. 1 (Sout’- Toe, Pen sacola and Prices Creek) and four persons from the remain- President Herb Allen was '’k m -- authorized to appoint a com mittee which will work closely with the county Chamber of Commerce and Merchant's As sociation in preparation for the final judging which will take place next fall. In the discuss ion it was made clear that the Clean Water Bend Ad Will Help Proted Environment Do ysuknow about tte Clean Water Bond Act you will be asked to vote on May 6th? The 150,000,000 Bond issue will provide funds for provid ing adequate sewer systems and safe water supplies for do mestic use. By cleaning up streams, it will improve fish and wildlife conditions With all the benefits for recreatiai and enjoyment that this im plies. Cine of the important thiigs about this State Bond issue is that Federal assistance will be more accessible and will jump from 33% of eligible cost of a project to 55%. Unless State funds are voted, it will be a great strain on local commu - nitdes to meat the recently strengthened water quality" standards. ' A ■ SAMPLE COPY OSUKC/ltty *76,C ty&KCCty T^CC&tcC THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1972 ing precincts in the county. Two Republican candidates, Claude Vess of South Toe and Paul McCurry of Prices Creek, are seeking the nomination from District No. 1, No Demo crat has filed in this district. Only Republicans registered to vote in tlie May 6 primary and who are residents of'Pensacola, South Toe or Rices Creek may vote for either of these candi dates. The winner'of this race wiU automatically gain a seat on the board; therefore, Demo crats in District No. 1 will ln\e had absolutely no voice in the selection of any school board member. Further, Republican voters in District No. 1 are li mited to voting for one candi date, likewise giving them no Voice in the selection of the remaining four members to be elected. ‘ entry of Burnsville in the com petition, will in no way con flict with the entry of the sever al local community clubs who are also planning to compete this year. Burnsville will be judged separately, in a differ ent class, from the other com ~munfty clubs. The Bond will be a obligation of the State and will be repaid from General Fund revenues, which, in the past, have grown sufficiently to pay for such an obligation without increase of taxes. For additional information, call at the Yancey County Health Department or write CLEAN WATER, P.0.80x 27687, Raleigh, N.C. 27611. For a cleaner, more attrac tive, and protected environ - ment, cast your vote on May 6, 1972 for the Clean Water Bonds! 4-H Meeting There will be a 4-H meet ing at the Clearmont School : EveryOhe please come. \ The controversial billsplit ng Yancey County into two districts was sponsored by La mar Gudger of Asheville. At the time of its debate in the legislature, Mr. Gudger repor ted that the intention was to give tiie residents of the three precincts in District No. 1 a representative, whereas they otherwise would have none. Election results for 19 70 show that not a single Republi ' can official in the county to day would have been elected if the votes from South Toe, Fensacola and Prices Creek were ignored. It is curious why district No. 1 could not have just as well been Green Mountain, Jacks Creek and Cane River, since the popula tion of those three townships is only twenty-one more than the population of District No. 1. Though geographically connec ted, the three townships in Dis trict No, 1 are abruptly divided by impassable mountain ranges \ and have no more in common in school matters than the rest of the county. The children of District No. 1 attend five different schools: South Toe, Pensacola, Bald Creek, Cane River and East Yancey. Candidate Profile Claude Vess, Republican candidate for the Yancey County Board of Education in Ehstrict I (Pensacola, Prices Creek, South Toe) is a resi dent of the South Toe River section of Yancey County. Vess is a certified public ac countant and a graduate of the University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill. He is -currently treasurer of the South * a Toe School PTA, having serv ed as presfcfinft far two years prior. Vess has beep active in lo ■ cal affairs for some years. He president of the Yance y County Chamber of Gammenqa , His work with the Chamber has been with special empha sis on the youth in the county. He helped establish, through the cooperation of the local the Yancey Youth Jamboree which is held in Burnsville each summer. Through his efforts, the pro ceeds from this event are used for scholarships for local gra duating seniors. The .third annudl presentation of scholar ships was just recently made. Working closely with the local high schools, Claude Vess has participated in the distributive education prog ram of East Yancey and Cane River High Schools. Through this program he has employed a student for the past thre e years, affording them an op portunity to gain valuable business experience while earning extra income. Vess is married to Patricia Rector Vess, Yancey County native and graduate of Mica ville High School. The \fesses have four children; Marcu%l2; Harriet, 11; Eric, 9; and Mar vin, HI, 5. The three older children are students at South Toe School. i, * » Pi * 1 Ak aair~v n I . e B*'- \ n jk fl | spf W .9 (I. to r.) Mack Ray, Bill Banks, Al Calloway, Tom Jones And Mr. Denny N.C. Governor's Award Received At Annual Chamber of Commerce Dinner Burnsville and Yancey Coun ty received the North Carolina Governor's Award at the annual Yancey County Chamber o f Commerce banquet last Thurs day night at East Yancey High School. 'A spirit of achievement and satisfaction with a job welldone, prevailed at the affair, which is the one meeting of the year at which the total membership of the Chamber gets together. The award, presented by Al Calloway, who heads communi ty and industrial services forthe North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources, is given for outstanding local efforts to promote economic development. Candidate Profile Paul McCurry is a Republi can candidate for the Yancey County Board of Education from District I. A resident of Prices Creek Community, Paul is a native of Yancey County, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. I. F. McCurry of Burnsville. He graduated from Burnsville High School and attended the University of North Carolina for two years. Paul has been working for 15 years at Burnsville Mill of Mohasco, prior to that at *Du plan Carp, at the same site, and is presently Quality Con trol Manager at Mohasco. He is a member of Higgins Memorial Methodist Church in Bumsvil|4 and belongs to the C * °pruce Pine Moose Lodge. Paul states that he wants to work for the betterment * of—» schools in Yancey County, em phasizing that a primary con sideration will be to get poli f tics out of the schools so that good teachers can teach the way they see fit and need not fear that their jobs are in jeo pardy if they don't follow cer tain politics and policies. He feels that schooh can be run in a businesslike manner, and by so doing money can be put to better use for the schools in Yancey County. Paul McCiury is married to the farmer Alma Blalock of Micaville and they have two childrens Mrs. Robert Curtis who lives in Greensboro, N» C. and Mr*. James Sholes who lives in Los Angeles, California, and three grandchildren. Calloway discussed develop ment of the state and the indus trial potential of Yancey County. He stressed the important role, the Governor's Award plays in Y ancey County Council To Discuss Housing The recently formed Yancey County Council will devote its next meeting largely to consid eration of low-cost government financed housing projects. This meeting will be held next Tues day, May 2 at the Courthouse at 7:00 p. m. An interesting program has been prepared, including a slide presentation, illustrating the county's need for improved Anti-Litter Club Starts Cleaning up litter along roadsides will be the job of the newly formed "Litter Bug ger's Club" of White Oak Creek Community. The club is l open to "child ren of all ages" said H. M. "Pop" Warner, who helped to organize the group. The first meeting was held last Sunday at "Pop's Acres". Audie Loftis was elected president of the club. He appointed Chris Traxel to serve as his vice pre sident. The group is hoping for a good attendance at next Sunday's meeting. The purpose of the club is to allow members to have fun, and at the same time help solve a serious problem in the community. Club members will pack up trash with the "litter buggy", and with trucks and automo - biles volunteered for the effort. The "Litter Buggers" will also be selling buttons for 504 that say, I'm a Litter Bugger —I Bug Litter Bugs. " Special Event There will be a Variety Program at Micaville Elemen tary School Friday, April 28 at 7t30 p. m. Admission is $..50 and SI.OO. There will be singing, dancing, and turn _ * y P T A j- 10* attracting new industry. President Claude Vess who is • now concluding his second term of office as head of the Cham (Cont'd on page 3) housing, and the practical pos sibilities for improvement. The public is cordially invited to attend. Interest has been rapidly growing in having Yancey Coun ty take advantage of available government programs for fin - ancing the building of attrac - tive housing projects. T he interest flows both from recog nition of the county's need far better housing, and from urging from state agencies in Raleigh which arc anxious to have North Carolina benefit more fully from available programs. The Mountain Scenic Com mission, the county RAD Com mittee (Rural Area DeveloprnerU) as well as the Yancey County- Council are now all pushing. have the county achieve better housing. Centennial Celebration The Blue Ridge Parkway, the first rural parkway ever built, will hold ceremonies to commemorate the centen nial celebration of the Nation al Park Service* June 30, at Doughton Park, N. C. Many important people will be present at the celeben tion, including the Governors of North Carolina and Virginia and the Secretary of the Is - terior, Rogers C.B. Morton. Captain George AJ3ownin& in behalf of the Blue Ridge Parkway Association, will pre sent Morton with a special proclamation signed by the two governors and by the may ors oi a number of towns along the parkway. The festivities will also in clude a performance by 'The Country Store doggers" of Burnsville. Doughton Park is located