PAGE 4 t THE YANCEY JOURNAL NAME OR NUMBER? Are you just a number to your insurance man? To our agency, always a name be - cause you deserve P.S.— Personal Service v\hen you deal with us. Call us if we can be of ser vice, we'll call you byname. ROBERTS Insurance Agency Bnrnsvillt, N.C. BB West Main 5 . UFE&CASUAUY Pk. 682-2191 I jKg|^| SYLVAiVIA ,j [ CONSOLE COLOR m ' ROOM SUITS 5-HORSEPOWER jj HEAVY DUTY TILLERS '; I r , «« i xnimciiawow I H.StIERS MIO DRYERS ’ <: ij ™™o*to« freeze* red rcsuits 23900 !: EVERY DAY IS A BARGAIN DAY AT YANCEY FURNITURE ; And Electrical Supply !■ Next To Joe Young Ford *. • IMHOF CARPET 1 * « < MAY 18, 1972 -y . „ . I (jjg HERE AND THERE II If ~JcrL In Burnsville I VW \ * - BY MRS. BRUCE WESTALU I y* 682-2252 I Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lane of Pompano Beach, Florida have returned to their summer home on Cattail Creek. Mrs. Lane will work again as desk clerk at the Nu-Wray Inn this sum mer. * Miss Betty Hensley atten * ded a dental assistant's meet ing in Pine hurst, N»C,lastweck. * A meeting of the association of Daily Vacation Bible School Workers of First Baptist Church held a covered dish supper at the church Tuesday night. Dif ferent subjects were taught by the State Workers of Raleigh, N.C, Mrs. Lester Heavener of Asheville spent the weekend with her sisters, the Hensley girls, * Mrs. Ernest Brigg% district president, attended a meeting of the Black Mountain Woman's Club in Black Mountain on Tuesday celebrating its 51st birthday. * Mrs. Geraldine Styles under went surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital las t week. + Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith of Abbeville, S.C. - spent last weekend with Mrs. John Banks. * Rev. C. W. Britt has accep ted a position as pastor of the Bolen's Creek Baptist Church. * Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Higgins spent Mother's Day with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blackburn and Wil liam of McLcon, Virginia. * Mrs. Sue Bailey spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey in Coral Hi Maryland. * Correction from last week's paper: a baby girl bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walter Ed wards Jr. instead of Ralph Ed wards Walter Jr. 1 * Mrs. Grace Shotts of Ashe ville spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. John Martin. * Mr. and Mrs. Grady Donald son of Columbia, S.C. were the guests of Mrs. Lillian Icily' over the weekend. Also Mrs. Marie Murray of Asheville. * v Miss Mary Louise Wray ** ; spent the weekend in Asheville visiting Mrs. Russell York and family'. 1 » * Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wes tall visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan and Anne Westall oyer the weekend. They are from Charleston, S.C. * Mrs. Elizabeth Silvers has returned home from a six week visit to Mr. and Mrs. J.D; Green in Duluth, Minnesota, and to her daughter and fami ly, Mr. and Mrs. Penn Hymes of Minneapolis, Minn. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Pete Coletta for Mothers' Daynveek end were Mr. and Mrs. David Coletta of Knoxville, Tenn., Mrs. Charles Hoke of Washing ton, D.C. and Miss Frances Coletta of Columbus, Ohio. * Dr. and Mrs. Jock Rodgers and family spent the weekerd with Mrs. Rodger's mother, Mrs. Ransome Silvers. WiSm v *'■ l_ ' ,-'-i' By Kaye Honeycutt Mr. and Mrs. Billy McCun ry and kids visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins and Deborah and Mrs. Ruby Briggs in Win - ston Salem. . ♦ *** Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Duncan and family visited Mr. Will Duncan and LoDella Sunday. *** Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tip ton and family and Mr. Jay Tipton and Kathy, all of Ashe ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Honeycutt Sunday. *** Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muse and family of Atlanta, Georgia vi sited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bail ey over the weekend. t Mrs. W. Z. Robinson visited her son and daughter-in -law, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ray Robin son in Johnson City last week. * The Youth Group of the Methodist Church conducted the worship services at the 11 o'clock church hour Sun day jn song and scripture. * Mrs. Monroe King of Cane River was honored with a mo ther's day dinner given by her granddaughter, Mrs. Harold Harris and Mr. Harris in their home on Bolen's Creek. * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall and family of Johnson City, Tenn. spent Mother's Day with Nlrs. Hall's parents, "The Hubert Coopers". * Mr. and Mrs. John Cahill and family of Gaithersburg, Maryland have been visiting Mrs. Cahill's mother and fa ther, Mr. and Mrs. Lum Clc - venger. They all attended the graduation of jerry Cleven ger who graduated from Car son Newman College in .Jefferson City, Tennessee on May 12. Jerry was business manager of the 1972 Year Book, member of Alpha Kap ta Tsi professional business fraternity and a member of the Ski Club. Miss Nancy Gibson of Cincinnati, Ohio, a classmate of Jerry, is visi - ting in the Clevenger home. * Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wit son of Allen Park, Michigan has returned home after spen ding a week with Mrs. Wilsorfc mother, Mrs. Flora Shepherd and the community is so grate ful for the road they built to the Gibbs Cemetery at Bald Creek while they were here. * Mr. and Mr* Robert C. Hamlin from Greensboro, N.Q were here over the Mother's Day weekend visiting Mrs. Hamlin's mother, Mrs. S.S. Peterson of Jack's Creek. * Alison and Jack Patterson of Knoxville, Term, spent the weekend at the Cattail home of her parents, the A1 Brown'S. Nancy and Mickey McCloeky, friends from Knoxville, arriv ed Saturday to help celebrate Alison's birthday. * Mrs. Stanley Henson of Can ton, NC. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Sparks,while her husband, Sgt. Startley Hen son is at Ft. Bragg in summer camp. He is with the 211 Mi litary Police Unit. ' * Kenneth Higgins and Yvonne Hunter from Charlotte, N.C, -•Visited friends and relatives in Burnsville over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Freeman and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. John Evahs. *** Mr. and Mrs. Jack Laugh - run spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Luke Laughrun and Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Bennett* *** Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Honey cutt and Kaye and Mr. (Jack Laughrun visited Mrs. Louise Honeycutt in Marion Monday. Lf—' B) 1 Bk J HV Glenda Kaye Honeycutt (?