PAGE 4 THE YANCEY JOURNAL -v . . Born to Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Sparks a son, Stephen Michael in Memorial Mission Hospital in Asheville on July 7. * Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Briggs visited their son and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Briggs of Winston- Salem last week. * Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jarrett of Black Mtn, N.C. and Mr. and Mrs. James Jarrett of Char lotte, N.C. visited Mrs.W.D. Jarrett over the weekend. * Mrs. Grace Grassmuek who has been a patient in Spruce Pine Hospital for several weeks has been moved to Memorial Mission Hospital in Asheville for further diagnosis and treat ment. > * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shew - chuk from Rhode Island spent several days in Burnsville visit ing with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yuziuk, and seeing the sights. * Mrs. SJ. . Ramsey of Alex i —c ■■ > ; ndria, Va. and Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Ramsey and two boys cf Baltimore, Md. visited Mrs. I|nrnW)n>i*riU I c U Ayej S a| Enroll In listatss Adninktratioß Secretarial Scieace MaYLAND I TECHNICAL I INSTITUTE I Spruce Pine, N.C. Telephone 765-7351 I COST: $35.00 per quarter | ($lO5. per year) plus cost of I STILL ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR I FALL TERM | I Shasta Travel Trailer Dealership I , gp t** «#* | Small Profit Dealer 1 | Low Overhead | I Means Low Low Prices ( INGUSH AUTO SALES | 1 U.S. HIGHWAY 23 I 1 MARS HILL, N.C. I K&">. -T- ■■ « A.— .•. ' - * .i JULY 27, 19^2 i i * • CIE ANO THERE I In Burnsville BY MRS. BRUCE WEST ALL. 682-2252 II Ramsey's daughter, Mrs. Phil lip Styles and family last week. Mrs. Styles entertained her mo ther and brother with a dinner party at her home Wed. night. * Mr. and Mrs. John Beecher, a well-known poet from Ala bama, and now living at Cat tail part-time, was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Koch with a dinner on Thursday. * Ike Laughrun has been ill at his home here for the last several days. * Miss Thelma Killian of Myr tle Beach, S. C. is the guest of Mrs. Lillian Jclley. * Miss Mary Louise Wray re turned home from a summer camp she has been attending near Boone, N.C. __ She is now visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Helen Bellack in Milwaukee, Wisconsin until school opens this fall. * Miss Irene Coletta spent last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Coletta. She is in the school of Pharmacy at Mercer University in Atlanta. * Mrs. Adler Byrd is a patient in Spruce Pine Hospital. * Mrs. Anna Belle Hickman has been elected assistant trust officer and assistant secretary of the N.C. National Bank in Charlotte, N.C. She is cus - tody administrator in the bankk trust investment management How to get your refrigerator to cook things. Stir the right things into v Jell O' Brand Gelatin and L your refrigerator will fix Iw crunchy salads, interesting V fruits and new side dishes. For over 250 exciting ideas, 1 send 25c tin coin) with your 1 name.addressandzipcodeto: kakee. Illinois, i 60901 Jj J t LLO MANOOiIATiH Jell-0 is a registered trademark of the (ieneral Foods Corporation. group. Mrs. Hickman is a Yancey County 'native, a grad uate of Mon treat- Anderson Chi le ge and this year attended the Southeastern Trust School at Campbell College. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Lcs - ter Garland of Burnsville. * Bruce Westall was admitted to Yancey Hospital Tuesday morning for treatment. * Seaman Brady Lee Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bailey was home recently to visit his family after completing 10 weeks of basic training at Great Lakes, 111. He is now stationed at Indianapolis, Ind. * Bom to Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd a 9 1/2 lb. son, lan Wesley on July 17, 1972 at Memorial Hospital in Johnson City, Tennessee. Mrs. Shepherd is the former Dianne Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wes ley Roberts of Burnsville. *■ Sam and Lynn Boone of At lanta, Georgia spent the week end with friends and relatives in Burnsville. They also at tended the Mars Hill Car Show where they took home a First " Place Pi i/c. * Mr. and Mrs. Robert L . Bowes and daughters, Pam and Robin of Roxboro, N.C. and M-s. Earl Link and daughter of Alton, Va. visited Mr.airi Mrs. Charles Pate and family of Ro mulus, Michigan for a week. While up there they went to Canada and toured the 747 Jet Plane at Metro Airport. Mrs. Bowes, Mrs. Link and Mrs. Pate are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox of Burnsville. * Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Funder burk of Charlotte spent the last week at the Margaret Smith's home in Rocky Springs Height*. * Mr. A. K. Wilson and Jeff df Jackson, Miss, spent last wk. visiting his mother, Mrs.A. K. Wilson and his sister, Mrs. Bob Rhinehart. Other guests visit ing the Rhineharts last week were Mr. and Mrs. Carter Rhinehart of Canton and Mrs. C. K. Rhinehart of Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harris & Mr. and Mrs. Pete Raymer and family, of Troutman, N.C. Also Dr. and Mrs. Frank Rich of Asheville, * A birthday dinner was held Sunday for Wesley Maney who celebrated his 93rd birthday. Out of town visitors were Mrs. May Wilson and Lucille Wil son of Asheville, Mrs. Grace Robinson of Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Piver of Asheville, and Miss Margaret Zepp of Bal timore , Md; Harold Maney of Ardai ,N.C.; hi and Nfc. Jolni Barnard of Erwin, Tcnn.; Rev. and Mrs. Nat Penland and sons of Swannanoa; hi and M's. Ba der of Clearwater, Fla.; Rev. Bill Hyere of Loafer's Glory, N. C. ; a Missionary, Mr. Tige from Mexico, and Rev. Jim Garrett of Johnson City, Tenn; Mr. and Mrs. L»C. Maney of Black Mountain, and a host of friends and neighbors from the community. Homemakers Club Met The Pensacola Homcmak - ers met at the home of Mrs. Isaac Williams on July 17, at 7:30 p. m. with the majority of members attending. - Since the theme for the month was "Take a look at t Youth and You", each member gave a thought on keeping young--physically and spiritu ally— as well as'"fashionably". Tire devotions were inclu - ded in the talk given by Mary Margaret Deyton, who used pictures and a musical record of a lovely "young type" hymn, to demonstrate that the youth of today are the "happening" generation with inquisitive, searching and optimistic minds. They look for peace and mean ing to their world. During the business session, some handcrafts were display ed--including leaf priming notes that will be sold at the Crafts Festival. Each mem - ber agreed to donate time and money or an article (or all three) to the festival. The hostess served refresh - ments and the group discussed some help as a group toward the proposed Hospital fund--as suggested by Mary Melton. Plans were made for the Au gust meeting to be a family type picnic^August 14th, at the Mrs. Melton. Penland School Auction Set The Penland School of Gafts located in Mitchell County has designated the Blue Ridge Hos pitals Development Fund as the recipient of the proceeds from its auction to be held on Aug ust 3, 1972. The auction will be held in a large log building known as "The Craft House" and will be conducted by auctioneers who are residents at the School. All proceeds will be given to the Blue Ridge Hospitals Funds for the expansion of the Spruce Pine Community Hospital and for the construction of the Ex tended Care Facility at Burns - ville. Instructors and students at the School will donate hand crafted pieces in different me dia, including weaving, pottery, m etalcrafts, jewelry, hand blown glass, graphics and pho tography. Prior to the auction there will be a buffet supper at the Ijome of Mr. and Mrs. I T/iE CHU«>^!s| I H ° UR I CHILDREN'S HOUR will not be held in Yancey County Public Library July 13 or Au gust 7. It will resume regular schedule on Monday, August 14 at 10:00 a m. The children who attended this week's CHILDREN'SHOUR : learned how to talk with their 1 instruments as they played the Percussion Instruments. Hi Cat! by Ezra Jack Keats was read to the by Mrs. Elaine Reed. Following the story, the children made paper masks like Archie did in the story. CHILDREN'S HOUR conclu ded with the filmstrip, "Little Red Riding Hood", which all the children really enjoyed. Attending the program this week were Randy Byrd, Cliris tine Kelly, Pam McGalliard, Chris Fender, Crystal Davis, Becky Loftis, Jeffrey Autry, Lisa and Gregory Street, Ricky Crout, Chris Autrey, Angie Rid dle, Angie, Shannon and Jeff Warren, Tammy Street, Donna and Darrell Mitchell, Curtis Hughes, Norma McCuiTy, Jolin Keglcy, Lou Ann and Steve Robinson, Eddie Rose, Gregorys Moore, Jerry Rose.,. Roycp Chrisawn, Randy Rose, Diane Raby;, Steve Ness, Gregory and Donnie Ness. t jiff jr HHv Td tddiKty lutivtx&axy Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mathis will celebrate their 50th Wed ding Anniversary on July 30, 1972. They are being hon ored by their children with an open house from 2:00 until 5:00 p. m. Their friends and relatives are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Mathis have nine children: Mrs. Jack Pen land, Mr. Ed Mathis, Mrs. James Robinson, Mrs. W.J. Fer guson, Mr. Ward Mathis, Mr. Ted Mathis, Mrs. Willard Neighbors, Mrs. Hyman Young Jr., Mr. Wayne Mathis. ■ They have 2S grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Out Our Way' By Mrs. Ji m Arrowood Mr. and Mrs. Lester Arro wood and family from Lime stone, Tenn. visited the Ar rowoods on Monday. i *** Judy Deyton and Louise Ar rowood went to Chudkey,Tenn. *** Wilma and Janice MoCurry from Jonesboro, Tenn. are visiting their grandmother,Mra Ola this week. Howard Ford. The Penland School of Crafts, which is a non- profit educational institution, was opened in 1929, incorporated under the laws of North Caro lina and is one of the oldest and largest institutions of its kind in the United States. Stu dents have come to Fen land from every state in the Union as well as from sixty foreign countries. Usually the funds from thse art auctions are retained by the school but Bill frown, Execu - tive Director of the Pe nl and School, stated that "the impor tance of the Blue Ridge Hospi tals Fund for better healthcare must be stressed by the active support of every institution, club, organization, and indivi dual who will benefit from the program for vital health faci - litres. " I 1 > News From Cattail Creek ■ I I By Mrs. Neva Renaldo There is good news this week. Our own Grace Grassmuek is home qnd able to be up a few hours a day—we all hope you will continue to improve and soon be your old vivacious self again. ** The Gronquist Cabin is be ginning to bulge--Harold's fe rn ily have been here for a month with grandmother Gronquist Now Harold will return with his brothers wife Barbara and her children Eric and Erin— They Postal Inspector Warns A chain-letter scheme invol ving United States savings baids is in operation, Leo C. Shatzel, area Postal Inspector in Charge warned today. The scheme is illegal, he said. The operation involves two savings bonds and a list contain ing names and addresses of var ious persons. The list is sold to a "customer". The buyer gives one bond to the seller of the list and, in his presence, mails a second bond to the person whose name appears on the list, Shatzel said. The first name is then re moved from the list and the new.participant adds his name HOUSE OF CARPET I juLf 'A mEn * ■ will all spend the next month together. ** The Bruce Mozerts flew in from Ocala, Fla. for a few days. They have as their guest hanie Cox of Blowing Rock, N.C. to the bottom, makes two cop ies and sells the list to two other persons. The idea is to reap a rich harvest of bonds as the personk name reaches the top. Shatzel warned that such schemes, in addition to being illegal, always turn out so that the few who start them gpt lack more than their investment, while others lose their, money. Participants may be prosecu ted under the fraud and lottery laws, Shatzel said. He urged anyone receiving such a letter to notify local postal inspectos or office of the Inspector in Charge, Chattanooga, Tenn. 37401. ======= —1 NAME OR NUMBER? Are you just a number to your Insurance man? To our agency, you’re always a name - be cause you deserve P.S.--Personal Service when you deal with us. Call us if we can be of ser vice, we’ll call you by name. ROBERTS Insurance Agency Bernsvilie, N.C. wm W«st Mali J t n.M2-21«l —■ ■■■ ■■— ... .J Mrs. Fischer has had as her guest for the past week Mrs. Myra Thomas of Bethlebam, Pa. Mrs. Thomas is an avid bridge player and we welcome her to Cattail. ** Here 'tds is full of activi ty these days with the Revjled bergs of West Palm Beach in,as well, as the Robert Rudolfs of Cleveland, Ohio. Both families are former Miamians. ** Mrs. Lay Morrow and son, have been at Castle in the Sky for a couple of weeks. This past week their daughter, Lcry, joined them after attending a youth seminar at Junaluska. R»v. and Mrs. Brabham of Grace Me thodist Church of Miami, ac companied Lory to Cattail and paid a few short visits to their many friends here. We hope next visit they can stay long enough to be entertained. ** Mary Ann Batchellor is due back with us after a trip to Flag staff, Arizona with her sister, Edith Hazlehurst, by camper. They visited the Petrified For est, Painted Desert and Grand Canyon on their travels. Wel come home Mary Ann. ** Again let me remind you all of the Monday nite Movies Bingo on Wednesday and Cards on Friday nights--all at 7:30 p. m. Come--Take advantage of she Club House.