Stamp Corner ~ >. By George Cheren THE HOBBY OF KINGS AND KIDS j {Continued) Guest Columnist John J. Britt (Mr. Britt is chairman of the Board of Hollywood Stamp Club, Member of National U 0 S. Postal Service Committees, Past Pre sident of the U.S. Airmail Society, Collectors Club of New York and has many other national and international Philatelic accom ' plishments.) Contrary to popular belief, the scarcity or age alone of any particular stamp is not the sole determining factor in establish - ing its price when offered for sale. The matter of popularity and desirability enter into the picture whenever the monetary value of the stamp is being considered. There are many cases in stamp collecting where a stamp may be rare, but for various reasons the price remains nominal. Periodically, certain countries achieve a measure of popular ity for some time thereafter their postal emissions show a consistant increase in price, but when the collectors interest be gins to lag the price recedes to its normal value. The ’Classics" (Imperforate issues from 1840 to 1870)are con stantly being sought after by knowledgable philatelists and as a consequence, the competition so endangered reflects the upward trend of the philatelic market. There are many examples or "errors" in stamp collecting; some deliberately created, while others come through the print ing process quite by accident. The latter arc in demand by spe cialists and usually command a fairly high price. Perhaps the most classic example of a genuine "error" was in advertently created by our own "Bureau of Engraving and IVintiig" in Washington, D, C., when in 1918 the 24 cent air mail issue was on the presses. Inasmuch as this was to be a two colored stamp, each sheet had to be printed in two stages, one to obtain the red impression of the frame and run through the presses again for the blue cen ter portion of the plane. By some strange circumstance, one of the sheets with the red impression only became turned around in the feeding process and when the plane in blue was applied to it the plane was printed in an upside down position. One sheet of 100 stamps found their way into philatelic hands and this 24 cent air mail with inverted center has become the most popular of all stamps issued by the United States. While the foregoing is merely a smattering of what stampcol lecting can really be like, it is our intention to create interest in our hobby. For those of you who might desire more informa tion regarding the collecting of stamps, write George Cheren , 150 S.E. Second Avenue, Miami, Florida 33131. i JUST STARTED A FINAL SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE I; ! LADIES SUITS AND DRESSES MEN’S POLYESTER PANTS, SHIRTS, I REDUCED AND ALL SPORTSWEAR \M 25% 20% i swim suits, caps. llTT.ciiru r T VyXjR/BOY'S SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS AND : VjJl _ ’ ETC ‘ PANTS REDUCED AAM !; 1/2 price table you will find knit !; MEN'S SUITS SLACKS, SKIRTS, BATHING SUITS AND ;! fSEtrf OTHER BARGINS 25/0 OFF !| WATCH FOR NEXT WEEKS SPECIAL AS THIS SALE CONTINUES ;! Ginny-Lisa Shop HOUSE OF CARPET Ibook corner * BV Mrs. Gladys Coletto -— ~ I Chose Prison by James V. Bennett. 1970. Pp. 229. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.N. Y, Today's prison system is far from perfect, but c ven so, it has come a long way, states James V. Bennett is his auto biography, _l_Chose_Rrison. The book is a personal account of the author's life for twenty - seven years as director of the United States Federal prisons. . Rehabilitation, not retribu tion, should be the true course to follow in our pursuit of the rule of law, declares the au thor. Prison life is unnatural at best, without adding the tor ture and indignity of medievel justice to tne cringing victim. The pillory, the ball aid chain, "The hole", the gas chamber have all labeled mankind as being far from civilized. How ever, society now believes in the value of the "second chance" in controlling crimq by means of the indeterminate sentence, vocational training and the "halfway house". With these reforms in mind, the author decided to be his "brother's keeper", at least for twenty-seven years while he was director of the federal prisons. Substitulingkindness for cruelty, and accomplish - ments for atrocities, Mr. Ben nett sought to compensate somewhat for the disparity sug gested by the old adages "Theny but for the grace of God,go I". a BURNSViUE ARMY STOREI Happy Khmer New Year. * Hens Famous Brand ; DOUBLE KNIT ; ; SPORTCOATS ; ALL SIZES * TINY IRREGULARS MAKES THIS } LOW PRICE POSSIBLE : 19 9 * i 4- 2 for $35.00 ) * ★ *■★★★★★★★★★★★★} * Mens First Quality 3 I DOUBLE KNIT £EH I 100% POLYESTER : 12” J 2 for $25.00 ★★★★★★★★★ * mens KNIT or yL SHORT SLEEVE j * ' SPORT * i SHIRTS i Permanent ) * J Sizes S-M-L-XL ' j r jomp '/j Qff < )♦*★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ : * > 4 Available in * rrnctTi-i Biack < m{ *> Blue, Blue * - ) *★ ★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★) i routon ; * FOOTBALL .JBf ’ t SHOES . REMEMBER NOBQDY BUT NOBODY UNDERSELLS BURNSVILLE ARMY STORE BURNSVILLE PLAZA OPEN Monday - Saturday 9-9p.m. Sunday 1-6 p.m. • 1 @»'V: ' - ' * ■ i ii.i ri r-iiin-AAtiTf'i'RMIMIMIMIMMBMM— » Boys' 14 Os. Flos WRANGLERS > * h CJ‘so77 _ .> Slims Ft. ) MEN’S STRAIGHT LEG 3 WRANGLERS \ • 14 OZ. PLUS ) • WESTERN CUT ) • SLIM FITTING ) • BLUE DENIM j • SIZES 29 TO 42 . *5 47 - - +++++ + + + + SPECIAL BOY S FRUIT OF LOOM SHORT 31 PANTS ; 590 : 2 FOR *I.OO 31 BOY’S 2 PC. OUTFIT 31 shirt ; & i PANTS t1 M ■ J) | SET i MEN’S - BOY’S : ; SWIH WEAR ; BURMUDAS ; ] /l PRICE ¥ ******** ' BOYS FAMOUS 3 808 SMART 3 shoes ; REG. TO *l2 00 J : $5 M i * PAIR ***** * * * * > BOYS FAMOUS ) TOM SAWYER ) SHIRTS ; SLACKS ; SPORT COATS ! 1/2 price ; GIRL’S „ SANDALS 11" - ■ TOE YANCEY JOURNAL GIRLS J AMI AC A SHORTS * :$f i *********** „ LADIES mAHOLER u SHORTS x BURMUDAS J KNEE KNOCKERS 4 ] /l PRICE: ± JL' ’~JL SPECIAL RACK ™ LADIES AND GIRLS SPORTSWEAR " J VALUES TO *5.00 -2“ ; SPECIAL GROUP OF GIRL'S . SCHOOL DRESSES 4 100% ORLON M" 2 EA. ' 3 FOR *IO.OO * * * ** * ** ****** ** ' LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY FABRICS * CLOSING OUT y ’ 3,000 YDS. OF MATERIAL j ; m. w; SOLD ALL OVER TO *1.50 PER YARD * X WE HAVE X McCALLS AND SIMPLICITY PATTERNS **************.,( LADIES SUMMER , 1 HAND BAGS j s2* 2 ★ ★★★★★★★★★ ★★★ VJ 500 SHEETS LOOSE LEAF FILLER PAPER 1 880 3 *************** ZE3CO MODEL US 75 X SPINNING FISHING '|||j REELS * sl* \ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★j -SNSSTRA. HATS \P *, 8H J AUGUST 10, 1972 PAGE 5