PAGE 4 THE YANCEY JOURNAL i |[l>j I I \ I I\lp I ff* COME HELP US CELEBRATE...SAVING MONEY IS WORTH A SPREE! I* OPENING THURSDAY AUGUST 9th * OPEN: 9:00 TO 9:00 MONDAY SATURDAY OHE) 1:00 TO 6:00 SUNDAY H| BANKS FAMILY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER y Burnsville X ——Bea—gMM K 1-g-B --HI QU AUTY... L 0 PRICES ■. We’re Starting Off Right... Saving You Money! ||| «SSORTED STYLES COATS 14 00 ro $42.00 LAY-AWAY PLAN & GET READY FOR WINTER LADIES r W, BLOUSES #2 77 COMBED COTTON SIZES 32 TO 44 100&POLYESTER DOUBLE KNIT MENS PANTS 1A99 A GOOD ASSORTMENT ■ OF SIZES AND COLORS ■ Fifth Avenue ‘ PANTY HOSE Super stretch yarn for a -.mooth, sheer fit. Petite and tall sizes. Fashion shades. M i'¥ % ‘i ."A GRAND OPENING SPECIAL Zl* J pr. AUGUST 9, 1973 rssMi S', I gy UNDERWEAR • Tee-Shlrtt and Briefs’ Our own trusted brand made with comfortable, long-wearing cotton yarns Reinforced senms Save more during our Grand Opening Sale! 127 Boys’ Sizes ■ SS, S, M, L ■ ■ Pkg. Os 2 MM SLACKS Bilk nJ k MACHINE WmM WASHABIE 41 T SIZES 7-18 AS SORTMENT OF COLORS “If WORK PANTS SHIRTS "> M * ,CH 099 JM 9 SHORT LONG SLEEVE SLEEVE DOUBLE KAY DRY ROASTED PEANUTS Vi OZ. CAN 2 FOR m SOLID STATE AM PORTABLE t RADIO 077 PICK & MIX CANDY PICK TOUR OWN ASSORTMENT 49c - _ Aluminum 5Pc COOKWARE SET $ 1 f^l/199 ( " GRAND **.-»JO* OPENING ■■IMII SERVICE FOR 8 MELAMINE DINNER WARE GOLD,GREEN 8. BROWN 9199 26 PIECE SET CM »w gffiSi BATH TOWEEffP * Values To $2.99 HAND TOWELS 47C»»< Values To $1.49 v WASH CLOTHS 33ft WESIMARK BY WESIBEND 9 CUP PERCOLATOR cff 799 m AVOCADO, POPPY RED * » & HARVEST GOLD DISHCLOTHS SPECIAL VALUE 119 ■ 4 IN PACK PKG. BSIZES 13’ X 15’ jp»IFRAMED DECORATIVE WALL Hk MIRRORS Mj C 39 j 16 X 24 EARLY AMERICAN PITCHER & OOWL SET WHITE , BLUE & GREEN 8" DECOR DESIGNED SMOKING STAND 1157 mum ac cent mm M any ™ mtw DECOR. EM HnHnMHHHMMHOHHHHHH WIN A VALUABLE PRIZE! 1. Grand Prize! $379.95 Value! 19-IN. ~ PANASONIC COLOR TV 2 2. Three Second Prizes! SIO.OO Each! MERCHANDISE GIFT CERTIFICATES 3. Three Third Prizes! $5.00 Each! ' MERCHANDISE GIFT CERTIFICATES 1 | REGISTRATION BLANK ■ Come in and register. Nothing to buy, no need to be present to win. Winner will be notified. i • J ; ! I Address I Town State _ J.. _ I Phone i • ! ; ABOUT US... In cities and towns all over the United States, the familiar Ben Franklin name end the key with a heart identifies the family - variety store that has become a symbol of service, value and convenience. You can shop with confidence wherever you go, because behind every store, there's a nation-wide network of people. People who are interested in you, the customer. „ They make every effort to bring to all the Ben Franklin Stores, the best quality, the best prices, and the best assortment of merchandise their tremendous buying power provides. Nationally known, Ben Franklin Stores are locally owned. Your store, managed (owned) by , makes every effort to serve the needs of the entire com munity. It's his home town, too. MEN’S AND WOMEN’S • Sporty and Dress * All Shapes and Sizes jSf\\ -> • Expansion and Leather Bands v 'JeZ? A watch lor every wrist! Take your pick of round, square, calendar, sweep Wo--' second-hand styles! YOUR CHOICE AT OUR NEW LOW i GRAND OPENING PRICE OF ONLY EACH jo| Our Own Quality Brand at a Get-Acquainted Low, Low Price! I ;W""" Homecrest’ r l * Wide selection ot colors’ Jjf 2“5 00