PAGE 2 THE Y/NCEY JOURNAL JUNE 6, 1974 - ■ fnd't ‘DwpStone J<] 2-2146 Burnsville, N.C | EHAXMACV COMMENTS EALTH NEWS * Your Rx Specialists: Charles Gillespie. Jr., Mike Eudy, and Ferril MdCurry “I Almost Cut My Hair, Today” Sometimes we feel that asking customers to read direc tions on drug labels comes across about like the minister’s hippy son who kept informing his almost cut my hair, today.” People often mean well, but surveys point out that nearly 80% either neg- tßpV' ■- lect, or refuse to read and fol- /JLSyVjtPffi! low drug directions. Are you a /g^l| If so, take heed! Your physician and yours truly (ye ol’ pharmacist) have a plan. By personally instructing you. first in Doc’s office, then at the drug store, we got’cha two ways: coming and going. So, next time we hand you a prescription with our usual smile and verbal directions, you’ll know we’re acting both as your friend and as Doc’s “silent partner” in getting you to follow orders! Each week we present the above comments for your information. We very much appreciate your reader ship and would be especially happy to have you ex press your views regarding the contents of this space. Super Savings ICOPPERTONE SUNTAN LOTION : IP 40l Bottle $4 29 Reg. $1.79 " COPPERTONE SUNTAN OIL 40l Bottle *4 29 Reg. $1.79 *1 SOLARCA^NE QT LOTION l“j| Tube 9 $-Jl9 FOR SUMMER EYE STRAIN VISINE Vi 0l Plastic f\ f\ >. Ret $1.65 39^ I POLL ARD’S I Drug Store I Burnsville, N.C . Phone 682-2146 H ■! -«r tV* A JBTv T Ifx imr IC3 ETalAf LA I li ■! Rir4« * ejk “ * r * JpC ‘ £ gfaMPU Aifuim 11 ; \ * Ip" * " " ■ ' *?x 3'^ Commencement Held At Burnsville School Commencement Exercises for eighth graders at Burnsville Elementary School were held Monday, June 3, in the school gym. The graduates were presented their diplomas by Mr. Larry Howell, Mayland Tech Courses * Mrs. Flora Belle Robinson, Director of Student Personnel, has announced that a few vacancies still exist in Business LISTERINE I I JpL~ S I m V set,.. I ;3y«m2S3** ::: j I 70i fifi I I Reg 89* VV | I 1 35* OH I SECRET I MSS n wSHJj Perspirant I {Secret 9 ° L Reg $1.40 B 99* I LILT I I PERMANENT I I Gentle-Reg.-Super 1 i $2.29 I * Pm*;, *1 59 I I DEEP I WOODS I OFF! I I fTwH I I | ■ \ J Administration, Accounting, and Light Construction courses in the summer session at Mayland Technical Institute. Registration for these courses will be held June 3 through June 10, 1974. All courses offered at May land Technical Institute are open to veterans and are approved by the Veterans Ad ministration for an educational assistance allowance. Persons interested in these educational opportunities may receive more information by calling Zeyland McKinney at 765-4261, Spruce Pine, N.C. hi _ Ul^wm»o< OF Txl U66K FAon 'The Uf?e«, Touch County Country S-rone 3*° U- V3* | DANCE J It Funland J I (1 I M Family Intertainment Center i PJ Higlway 19E Across From J Cate River High School ft Friday, June 7 I J | M 0 - 12:00 J I I UVB Band Loafer’s Glory! i I Now Playing it ’’The Patio” In Asheville [ $1.50 iff Ages Welcome J jl AduH Supervision U Principal and a program was presented before an enthusiastic audience of Burnsville Elementary students. m K i% 1 11 f!* I Got One! This 19 inch rainbow trout was caught by Tim Gillespie, seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Garry Gillespie of Route 2, Burnsville, N.C. on a recent fishing expedition in Yancey County. Learns Communications Navy Chief Electrician’s Mate Wayne S. Silver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Silver of Route 2, Burnsville. N.C. completed advanced Interior Communications Electrician School in Great Lakes. 111. An interior communications electrician communications systems, inclu ding gyrocompasses, tele phones, alarms, guidance systems and automatic engine controls. Jrolk«W?tys and J^k-SP eec ‘l) of SOUTHERN APPALACHIA with Rogers Whili-nt-r N ihl \,,nr I 1..,*., wat.-ruil 1.. tt.. K i r~ thn. n. r, llt« >71., It, V. C. ‘Hill 1 Readers who used to enjoy the original Charley Weaver ‘‘Letter From Mama” segment on the Jack Paar Show several years ago will undoubtedly also appreciate the following mater ial from E. D. Mullins of Wise, Virginia. In an accompanying note he explains that this is ‘‘a letter significant of the type I and any ‘mountain boy’ might have received while away from home.” I have edited the material slightly because of space limitations. Chooseday Morn. Dear Son, I will take my pen in hand to drap you a few lines to let ye no that yore Pap an Mammy haint bin much-well this spring, but hope this letter finds you peart. No sir-e-bob yore Pap an Mammy have bin on the puny list fur the greater part uv this spring. Your Pap was purty porely fur several days an come in a ‘nats bristle uv takin’ new mony fever. Pon my word an honor 1 believe he would es I had not-biled sasafack and pennyrile tea an sweated hit outen him. I thought shore an sartin 1. wuz goin’ to have to take him to the horspital. Yore mammy has bein bout SI -V* laid up with the ’gripp and rumatiz might nigh all spring. The boys air as well as common. They got the newground cleared an had the log rollin’ bout the fust of Aprile. 1 had my quiltin’ that day an we quilted one weddin’ ring an one flower guarden quilt an got the top set up on ’nother one. The boys have got the corn planted an have hoed out the big field but hit don’t look much purty, cause hit has bin so cold that hit has turned yaller. The new ground looks purty good. We had a late frost an all that saved our taters wus the boys kivered em up the evenin’ before. One of the mules tuck the distemper and Pap had to burn two hornet’s nest under his nose before he got hit to break. We lost three yo’s and two lambs. One yo ete ivy and died of pizen. Two yo’s and two lambs wuz killed by dogs one chooseday night an we think ‘Lige Edards’ dog wuz one of the dogs in the killin' cause he wuz seed atter dark that night right fenence ‘Thaniel Bolden’s. Os course he wuz not the only one ’causeMhar wuz a lot uv different-size dog tracks thar in thqffnud 'round the cuarcas uv one yo that wuz killed at the milk gap. adam swapped his 'possum dog to a yo an twin lambs. Old Pide came in frash. Your pap tuck her to ‘Lige’s jersey bull hopin’ to git a heifer calf, cause Pide an Daisy air gittin up in years, but hit wuz a little ole bull-not wuth, the powder an lead hit would take to blow hit’s brains out. THE YANCEY JOURNAL Box 667 Burnsville, N.C. 28714 Ed Yxxiuk—Publisher Carolyn Yuzluk—Editor Patsy Randolph - Manager Publ'ahod E«<