PAGE 2 THE YANCEY JOURNAL AUGUST 6, 1974 I pa RIVERSIDE jd Hi * 1 Ii k i J M m ? / ■ jg ffr y C I I J a / % JH jL» ■■Jfcnj I BURNSVILLE , N. C FRI. SAT. SUN,, August 9-10-11 I sScSjSroTO^^FuuiSAmTj^^^ | COLOR K IheBIMESK W^^MF*** —^ MVfDKST. Jfg\ fFoTtSftXI MpJ^jr &Mtin} Overstaffed I PBnto. /At}iM.T9Rwbf I INTERNATIONAL PICTURE -v —r* r - "■■■ SUMMER SM£ I f H ALBERTO | CULVER I CONDITIONER W 8 OZ. BALSAM CONDITIONER m imrstfl REG ’ SUPER CONDITIONING, ( salsSs EXTRA BODY formij las. t Reg. $1.49 QQ J 8 Oz. 33 | 1/2 PRICE I r"u YUCCA I 1 DEW } rj^SHAMPOO ( /~T \ orma * | 'S^y ( JOHNSON'S ( BABY ( POWDER ' 14 Oz. . Reg. $1.29 • fr" . gm I FREE LOVE-KNOT RING with Purchase of Johnson's Baby Oil 610 Oz. Reg. $1.59 $2 19 | POLLARD’S] I Drug Store 1 f Burnsville Phone 682-2146 | pjjrg ,R IjpoH Ellen Edwards Had Cabbage, Broccoli, Zuchini Inflation and the cost of living concern ns all, but here in Yancey County many people are doing something about it. Leading the way are a group of youth who are enrolled in Extension’s Food and Nutrition Education Program. Extension Nutrition Aides- §1 SCOPE f F\ 20* OFF I Mcom| Re& $1 19 ] $1.85 A € LISTERINE Antiseptic SL USTERIME u| | gstsss I * ,uh i jc Lynn Bailey Has Squash, Cabbage And More Westco Offers Reward ICont’d from page 1] family or business when a call for emergency aid cannot be completed because of needless destruction of our communica tions facilities. Therefore, we are announc ing immediately that a SI,OOO reward will be paid by the Coifipainy to any person who furnishes information resulting in the arrest and conviction of the party or parties involved in a willful act of destroying Com pany property. Additionally, a security agency has been retained to guard certain stra tegic locations and they will be conducting intensive investiga tions into specific damage cases as directed by the Company. Os course, each incident that has occurred has been referred to the appropriate law enforce ment office in the area as well as the Federal Bureau of Investi gation. The reward offer will remain in effect until November 1, 1974, unless rescinded by the Company by public notice, Rogers concluded. Eddie Ogle Grew Strawberries, Watermelons Janet Ledford Grew Variety Os Vegetables letter To The Editor @ se=l|l§P Dear Editor: Once again the Mt. Mitchell Crafts Fair and the Yancey Youth Jamboree have come and gone, leaving behind memories of two events that are looked forward to each year here in Yancey County. On behalf of the Board of Directors and members of the Yancey County Chamber of Commerce, I wish to thank each person who helped in any way to make the Crafts Fair and Jamboree possible. So many of you helped willingly in a number of ways, and hearts have been warmed because of your efforts. Know that everything that you have done will always be appreciated, and I want to offer a special “Thank You”. Sincerely yours, James C. Byrd, Coordinator Mt.Mitcheli Crafts Fair and Yancey Youth Jamboree Dear Editor: I would like to have the following published in The Yancey Journal at ysur earliest convenience: “I think that it is about time for the people of the Tri-Counties who built the Spruce Pine Community Hospital to know what is going on in their hospital. “It is very frustrating to me personally that, as an ambulance driver, I have to take the sick and injured to the Spruce Pine hospital. It is almost a certainty that the patient will have to lie there in that Emergency Room in pain for at least forty five minutes before he gets to see a doctor. If I get the patient there after six o’clock in the evening, he may have to lie on that stretcher for an hour to an hour and forty five minutes before he gets to see a doctor if, in fact, he ever gets to see one at all. “Even when I call ahead by radio to tell them that I am bringing in an emergency, when I get there the doctor hasn’t even been notified. “And this is the place that wants to bar the best general surgeon in Western North Carolina? “You built this hospital. If you care about people, you can make it into the place that it ought to and can be. Write letters, make phone calls, stop donations, and raise Cain when things aren’t as they should be. They can’t bar you from practice or threaten to fire you as they try to do others who want things done right. “Remember, someday you might have to go there. G. Edward Buchanan 220 Hilltop Lane Spruce Pine, N.C. 28777 888 Praises Service Ben Floyd, Yancey County’s representative on the Board of Directors of the Better Business of Asheville and Western North Carolina, attended an interest ing Board meeting Thursday afternoon, August 1, in Ashe ville. Mr. Richard McClain, Vice President of the Council of Better Business Bureau’s head quarters in Washington, who is responsible for operation proce dures in the 140 Bureaus across the United States, spent two days with the Asheville/West ern North Carolina Bureau and reported to the Board on his observations. Included in his report was a special mention of the service this Bureau has rendered to areas outside the headquarters city in the nine counties now having free phone service to the Bureau. In the first six months of this year, over 2,000 inquiries about companies have been handled and 225 written complaints processed. Mr. McClain’s report also stressed the Council’s interest in doing everything possible to further upgrade retail advertis ing. He urged the Board, Bureau members and the public who have advertising questions to take them to the Bureau for action. Although realizing that the subject of advertising inaccuracy is not as urgent in Western North Carolina as in some of the metropolitan cities, Mr. McClain felt it was an area where Bureaus should increase their activities. Officials and members of the Better Business Bureau hope the readers of this article will remember that the Bureau is ready and willing to serve in any way and that they can reach the Bureau by merely asking the operator for WX4-600. THE YANCEY JOURNAL Box 657 Burnsville, N.C. 28714 Ed Ynxiuk—Publisher Carolyn Yuxink-Editor Patsy Randolph - Manager • PuMuihod Every Hy Twin Cities Publishing Co. 2nd Class Pontage Paid At Burnsville, N.C. ’ Thursday, August 8, 1974 Number 32 I Subscription Rates By Mail- In Yancey County One Year $4.-16 Six Months $3.12 Out of County or State One Year $6.00 Six Months <5.00