PAGE 2 THE YANCEY JOURNAL MARCH IS, 1976 ' ''' '0". ' j •* : ■ ■ '''■■■■■ ■ ’ iGrclne From HUD ■ (Cant’d from page 1J months, SIOI,OOO has been sj>ent; about 90% of that has been spent locally. The balance has been spent on equipment not available with in the county such as the communications equipment far the Burnsville Fire De partment. The program could not possibly have gone as well as it has were it not for the enormous amount of coopera tion from the County Com missioners, the Town Com missioners, and the Board of Education. The five member Citizen’s Advisory Committee has spent many hours in dedicated service. The skills of Gyde Bailey, housing specialist, and Judy fiddle, f AxUtMitii, Rheumatism SufftMu! X ♦ Time Proven ICY-HOT ♦ ♦ PUTS PAIN TO SLEEP X X “Without taking Pills” \ t If you’re one of the many, £ ♦ mrnfmmuumm many folks who have “tried ■fe-.-Jfc Hr ’'il % Hi. ~i|lpi|Tll||]l'fflllW the thousand, capsules I —_j>B on Be mu rif spoonfulls A A K IIJY Isl the ▼Bg jUL SB sight of your medicine cab- TjWKr 1 SE? I 11 nT inet. then time you get v ♦ k nil icy-hot! e* jKmiWjM ♦ ICY-HOT has been mak- ▲ . ing friends for just about 50 W W ▲ ♦ You don’t “take” ICY- B / TSoAiB ▼ HOT. Instead you just rub its ■ V< A ♦ creamy balm over the* as- | as? ! • ■ -Y* fected joints or muscles. I I A ♦ That’s all there is to iOCY- r » d S HOT must get you the result# 4 "■ JR***? V A • B you want—blessed tempo- ■ dv '4x '- •' Al a rary relief from the pain of L "* r- “ ▼ arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, Yes, you must be 100% thrilled A ♦ soreness, stiffness. You begin to frith the speed with which ICY- ▼ sleep peacefully again. You can HOT puts pain to sleep, or we’ll £ ♦ actually feel the pain lessening. return the purchase price with- . Y Jf you don’t have relief in 24 out question. $3.00 for J'A oz. * *#• f 1 POLLARD’S i | Drug Store ♦ X Phone 682-2146 | I Liberty Rings Their Bells I SB* On High Prices! 1 fDIMT-YOURSEUF SALE^ fe. Liberty Cash & Carry I Phone 682-3033 ' 19E By-Pee> Burnsville bookkeeper/secretary have also been indispensable. A preapplication has been submitted for a second year’s funding. The preapplications The Yancey Extension Homemakers ■ food news & cues I WKIWKI PINEAPPLE MARSHMALLOW SALAD [Dorothy Ray] i sm. box Strawberry jello 1 sm. box lemon jello pinch of salt l A cup hot water 1 Ig. can crushed pineapple 1 cup celery are being reviewed by the HUD office in Greensboro, and word on funding for Year II is due within the next two months. 1 c.miniature marshmallows Dissolve jello and salt in hot water. Add . undrained crushed pineapple. Chill until mixture begins to thicken. Stir in celery and marshmallows. Pour into dish or salad mold. Cut and serve on salad greens. Plant Order letter To Deadline Set The Editor ; The Yancey County Agri culture Extension Service will r continue to take orders for > strawberry plants this week. The last day to place an order \ for strawberry plants will be I Friday, March 19. The varieties available will be Tennessee Beauty, Sunrise and Surecrop. Sunrise and Sure crop are resistant to the Red Stele disease. Red Stele is a root rot disease for which the only available control is 1 the planting of disease-free ] resistant varieties. The plants are tentatively r scheduled to arrive for pick up during the first week of April. ■ Church Has Youth Nite r Youth Night will be held at y Bolen’s Creek Baptist Church ► Monday, March 29, at 7:30 pm. There will be special ► music by the Associational y Youth Choir. The message will be given by Gary Hearon, f pastpr, First Baptist Church, ► Waynesville, N.C. He will y speak on the theme 4 ‘lt’s up to you.” The choir will practice ► Sunday, March 28 at Bolens y Creek at 2 p.m. Clwles Gillespie * < &^FerriCMcCurrj£k ’ CS u™!c Flaherty To Speak At GOp Dinner 11 Free chart > ■ helps count food/nutrients . X If you are counting pro * teins, calories and fats in y your should,want \ . ■ to know fWyji many (Or how ' few) of t lefie nutrients are in the foods you eat. For tne acting I’ll send r you a useful chart that y shows you Nat a glance how much proteat; calorie and. ►" fat contentxhere is in aver [ you eat. It , makes meal ► planning Rtpeh-easier, and ► it’s free. \ s'. Send a st&mped, self t addressed envelope to my | Clipping Service, Box 5051, Raleigh, NC 27607, | and ask for “Nutrient Chart.” I’U have it rushed ? right to yoy! : V To celebrate National I Poison nrtyention I Week my Clipping Serv ice will send you a I Poison Prevention | Counterdose Chart. I Just geld them a ; stamped self-addressed enveiopei with your I request. \ Dial 682-2146 I i z kiW'gß ThuaStvie I Burnsville.N.C § ixiisws m> w» Enjoy 32 Weeks Os Golf! A Season Pass Memberships Are yffn Now Avaliabe For the m Beeson At Mount Mitchell s lso°° Individual $1 7COOp, m :iJ inCludin9 Childr en^^^^B II v i 3mily Under Course Opens Sat. April 10 Call 675-4913 Or Come by the ■ ■ Office for more information. Mt. Mitchell WM Golf Club fwy. 80 SouthJlt. 5 Burnsville, N.C. 28714 ,| ' <{f ■ •*. ''S'- ' *• * 4 | if,.- . -Mi •- f Dear Editor: On Tuesday, March 23, the citizens of North Carolina go to the polls to cast their ballots for their presidential preference, and also to decide on the quality of the state’s higher education system for years to come. r; ~ . The question on higher education concents the issuance of $43,267,000 in capital improvements bonds for state-sttpported institutions of higher learning. ’ • We in Western North Carolina have a definite stake in this issue since three of the 13 campuses in the University of North Carolina System scheduled for vitally-needed projects are located in the mountains. These include $3,328,000 for a library addition at Appalachian State University, $1,900, 000 for a classroom-office building at- UNC-Asheville and $3,423,000 for an administra tion building-mountain heritage museum at Western Carolina University. Our General Assembly has endorsed this proposition by voting 38-1 in the Senate and 80-0 in l the House. State Treasurer Edwin Gill, long recognized for his budgetary wisdom, supports the referendum, noting that there will be no need for any tax increase for the bonds. Increased enrollment on campuses of the university system is causing this need, and it is being felt on every campus. Since 1964, the number of students has doubled, climbing from 50,884 to 1975‘s fall enrollment of 104,786. The western part of the state has a heritage of support for this state's institutions of higher education, realizing the challenges which face our young people in the future. As chancellors for two of these institutions, we urge the people of Western North Carolina to support the University of North Carolina Bond Referendum when you vote on March 23. W.E. HIGHSMITH AND H.F. ROBINSON Chancellor of UNC-A, Chancellor of WCU [Cont’d from page 1] 1 committees, including Educa tion, Mental Health, Highway Safety, Insurance and Appro > priations. Secretary Flaherty’s pro minence in the field of human services is responsible for his t election to two top offices in > and national organ *; -'izations. He is President of the Institute of Human Resource Development which > encompasses eight southeast . era states. He is also !. Secretary-Treasurer of the A National. Associ»t»on of Hu '.JmmuT Resource Directors. 4 . Flaherty .is a lifelong ■ Republican and was named | North Carolina’s Outstanding ! Young Republican in 1964. While living in Lenoir, | Flaherty’s civic interests in cluded scouting, midget foot •’ ball, little league, Comman ii- dter of Post 60 of the Disabled ■f American Veterans, and the Lenoir Optimist Club. He was | also active in the First | Methodist Church there, as j he is now at St. Marks * Methodist Church in Raleigh. 4 7 He has received numerous honors and awards, including j the Scouter of the Year | Award, the Silver Beaver, and ) listings in “Who’s Who in Advertising,” “Who’s Who in the Southeast,” and | “Leading Men in the U.S.” > He received the 1974 Distin guished Services Award pro sented by the N.C. Public Health Association. In Flaherty was a delegate to the NATO Youth Conference in Bonn, Ger many. Flaherty came to North Carolina from Boston, Massa chusetts in 1955, and has been a Tar Heel for over two decades. Prior to coming to North Carolina he served three years in the U.S. Army and matched government assistance with a job in a factory to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration in only two and half years. He is married to the former Miss Nancy Hamill of Boston. They are the parents of five children-David, Ste ven, Deborah, Jon and Robert. The Flahertys reside on Barcroft Place in Raleigh. Flaherty will make a formal announcement for Governor on April 2. Fortner Yancey Man Announces Candidacy For District Fudee - 1, ? Ronald W. Howell, Attor ney at Law, Marshall, North Carolina, announces his can didacy for the Office of Resident Superior Court Amendment 2 Wins] Widespread Suppoltl [Cont’d from page 1] keen competition to attract new industry. The proposed amendment incorporates several safe guards to prevent industry from gaining unreasonable advantage from the issue of tax-free bonds. It was the failure to include these safeguards that was probably responsible for the defeat of a somewhat similar proposal in an election two vears apo. The * 1 EDITORIAL BY T. AVERY NYE, JR. f Commissioner of Labor | When the voters of North Carolina go to the polls on March 23rd they will have a decision to make which will have a most profound effect on the future growth and development of our state. That J 8 -i* decision is Amendment #Two, the Industrial ' ,v 5 ■ Revenue Bond Issue. * 5 1 * Not only will the decision of the voters have a 3 s * tremendous impact on the state as a whole, it will' * also affect every citizen of this state. As the news " media have been reporting during the last several weeks, state government is facing a very serious shortfall in revenues. The legislature and the p ‘ Governor are working very diligently to overcome .W 2 * this situation. However, in the final analysis there • are only two ways to improve the revenue u picture.. .increase the rate of tax or broaden the tax 1 base. 1 "firt A vote FOR Amendment #Two will broaden the tax base and will thus increase state and local ’ ■ I revenues at NO increase in taxes for the already overburdened taxpayers of North Carolina. Every J * * dime of the bond debts would be repaid with 'f g^ private money. g^ For years North Carolina has labpred under the distinct disadvantage of not having tax-free , revenue bond financing for prospective new ‘ ? ? industry. This has made our competitive position * * very poor as compared to the surrounding states, "<-'g New industry has taken its business to locations in '* these other states which, in reality, were second $ choice...but became first choice because North Carolina did not have an industrial bond financing ■ program. * New and expanding industry in North Carolina : 5 |V has many positive effects upon our J plants mean more jobs for North Carolinians. New industry means more people coming to our state to work and visit which will help our overall economy. : "-’Ba ® New corporate growth means more property on the rjl i 3 tax rolls which means a broader tax base. More W z interest in North Carolina means we can be more B selective about which industries and businesses • ■ will be best for our state. ! All of these benefits, plus many others, can be g a achieved at no cost or risk to the taxpayers. These ' bonds, as they should be, are the responsibility of ■ J * the private enterprise which uses them. J » Tax-exempt Industrial Revenue Bonds will never MJ g become a burden to a single taxpayer in North 8.2 ■ Carolina. * 1 plan to vote FOR Amendment # Two on March Q 23rd, because I believe it is in the best longtefra A R-a interest of the economic growth of our state. A vote FOR Industrial Revenue Bonds is a vote AGAINST Is. !J ■ higher taxes. Judge of the 24th Judicial 1 District, including Madison, Yancey, Mitchell, Avery and Watauga Counties, subject to the Democratic Primary on August 17, 1976. Ronald W. Howell is a native of Newdale, Yancey County, N.C. and graduated from East Yancey High School and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He obtained his Doctorate of Law Degree with Honors in 1966 from the University of North Carolina School of Law at Chapel Hill. While in law school he was Associate Editor of the North Carolina Law Review and became a member of the National Legal Honorary Society, the Order llfi t *\< } > 1111 R AA! Box 667 Burnsville, N.C. 28714 Phone 1704] 682-2120 Edward Yuzluk, Publisher Carolyn Yuduk-EdHor Pat Randolph-Manager Brenda Webb-Staff Published Every Thursday By Twin Cltlea Publishing Co. 2nd Class Postage Paid At Burnsville, N.C. Thursday, March 18,1976 Vol. 4, Number 12 •••••••••». . . Subscription Rates By Mall: In Yancey County One Year $5.00 Six Months $4.00 Out of County or State One Year $7.00 ~ sHT chief objection to the preyiqqs } proposed amendment would have permitted t£- ( . financing of existing utility debt, has been elimi nated from the preset proposal. n - Contrary to some facilities financed under ms* scheme will not be exempt''' from local property taxes, nor. 0 will any direct tax brpak' 1 accrue to the industry oc- f | cupying the facilities. r ,.. h;lK ic if "‘ j v c 5 of the Coif. Mioß After practicing law Asheville for a short time 1 iif- 1 1966, Howell joined ' th«* United States Air Force 4hd was commissioned a Firsf J ’ Lieutenant in the Judgtfd Advocate General’s CoH^4{ h He was discharged from US Air Force in 1970 im8 v began practicing law ‘ c ßpi Marshall where he haft*? maintained a law office' untif !j the present time. 1 v kna He is the son of Mr. Mrs. Woodrow Howell Newdale section of YancejPO County and is married to thfc 11 former Annette Chiodo dP* Chicago, Illinois. He lives Bald Mountain, Madison County, North Carolina. The office of Superior Court Judge for tktv! 24th Judicial District wan hetyo) by Judge W.E. Anglin untif ) January 1975 when he rbkignrM ed. Bruce B. Briggs of MarsiT Hill was appointed by Gmpui Holshouser to serve in tha?.* office until the next ganutaTto election. The primary eleCtioaiq will be held in the. 24th Judicial District only, while the general election will he statewide. >uJ Home Grown Home grown could Cell describe the sausage Ode Columbus County f amity * recently made. Mp The homemaker added * home grown and drjfed*. sage to the sausage that’l was made from a hog , raised on the family farm. "With our family, horn grown seems better than. I store bought,” the boro homemaker explained** to Mre. Ann Hall, assls->' 1 tant home economics ex-* 1 ' tension agent.