PAGE 2 #HE YANCEY JOURNAL AUGUST 11,1977 ■ 77- 78 Teacher, Principal Assignments K wTV’ iHIBI V" ■'nflMßMH>rwriMr rTwH Schools, announces the fbl assignments for the 1977-78 BALD CREEK Bonnie Proffitt, Principal Boise Mclntosh Nancy Fox Barbara Robinson Doris Tomberlin Ifene Penland Billie M. Ray Sarah Proffitt Amanda Bennett Ruth B. Labi on BEE LOG ELEMENTARY Wade Holloway, Principal Louetta Harris Z)p-/t- and SAVE TfrV/CE/' .inn cash pu powrs *r BiniHß |2) SAVE WITH OUR v K' LOW REFUND \ I SALgJPRICES I C *jft e S I tJj II lucite- “-..XJnOuse Paint)] 1 1 . p | ■ a< ■ easy over new \(| m Uni ■■ ||| II MAIL IN CERTIFICATE VWWWRfWWK || tJ 00 * DOIT-YOURSELF * ONLY ONE COUPON s | Hs> ▼ I WW AlStI WD WEEDED REGARDLESS 2 I *fG.I im ILF U ■1 or GALLONS PURCHASED <& J ■ Offer Good Only On Gallon. ofLUCITE* Paints Quarts not eligible. NO gallons SIOO _ TOTAL CASH / Entlaa cadi raaMar. ■ST PURCHASED X pa* G allon REFUND ( >*o»*n and Mmli ) To get your refund check -~ ■ 1 Send this coupon with complete A— . L <* * ' * ■%> name and address Yl i j « ST "«’ ■vs 2 Send your cash register receipt tj f V CIT v JX ■S' »«* , ' ort Portion of labels for j THa eoanon * V> V ■S> aaclH .00 claimed (as illustrated or Laan. «tat* zip ” ■%> on right) at proof of purchase \ aowri J . ilu .._ /» ~-\s, Quarts not elidible V. x •»inwin«w«mpanmaraM if* ■Jk i| 3 Mto UggltCMM REFUND, P^S&JSttSttS | FAMOUS *ceMy reproduced Allow 60 wraaKs lor rafurrd check LUOTE n V I Do-It-Yourself Refimi valves on ether LUCITE® paints, too. I HURRY! SB ® G 3 I DuPont’*refund otter \ *•*» Entf* 1 f \ Rff- ( \Wliterßi«!!i [ ■ appHeiontytoLUClTl j |^|| I BURNSVILLE I Furniture & Hardware B Main Street Burnsville Phone 682-2521 Diane Robinson SheSa Ramsey Debra Dorsett Janette Buckner Beverly Brown Shirley Edwards BURNSVILLE ELEM. Paula M. Higgins, Principal Jeannette Fox Maglee Ray Nelle Bailey Jack Boone, Jr. Madlyn Bailey Vemelle Evans Lois Anglin Billie Deyton Gail Deyton Enola Wilson Shelda England Mary Buchanan Sandra Chereshkoff Janet Banks CLEARMONI ELEM. Woodrow Anglin, Principal Betty Deyton Joyce Fox Ruth Rice Opha Hylemon Caroline Deyton Lucy Wilson Linda Deyton MICAVTLLE ELEM. Larry Howell, Principal Lloyd Deyton Hettie Price Billie M. Deyton Julia Norris Grace Whitson Jane Robinson Elizabeth Bennett Margaret Thomas Joyce Dale ' ■■ ■ • Peggy Brown Inabelle Sides Dwight Johnson Pat Mclntosh PENSACOLA ELEM. Ron Chandler, Principal Sandra Orr June Young Blake Ray, Jr. SOUTH TOE ELEM. Sidney Zullinger, Principal Garence Deyton Kay Robinson Barbara Holcombe Queen Faulkner Beverly Chandler Nora Jarrett / Janice Youn£ Judy Byrd Kenneth Nelson CANE RIVER MIDDLE SCHOOL , Boyd Deyton, Principal 4 Orlena Anglin Roy Lee Anglin Beryl Bailey Belinda Robinson Hazel Dellinger Ben Deyton U.B. Deyton Cathy Good Alan Lusk Gordon Banks J.T. Randolph Phillip Young Jeannette Henson Johnny Westall EAST YANCEY MIDDLE SCHOOL Kenny Sparks, Principal Lavonne Beaver Marilyn Bledsoe I Bill Daniels Gary Pate Katie Evans Barbara Hensley Sara Hensley HeleO Hughes Rhonda Peterson Virginia Phillips Bill Sparks I f Alan Styles I Nona Deyton I Margaret Griffith I Serve Cane River And East Yancey I Ben Geouge I Tom Koch I UNIT-WIDE H *-4- ■ Patricia Jordan I Mary Lou McCurry I MOUNTAIN HERITAGE I HIGH SCHOOL ■ Cara Cox, Principal ■ Frank Robinson. Ass’t. Prin. 11l ; V I Highway Meeting ■ [Cont’d from page 1] ■ project costs in the coming ■ years. ■ The Asheville meeting is ■ one of 14 scheduled through ■ out the state to provide I maximum possible citizen B participation in the planning ■ process to improve the North ■ Carolina Highway System. ■ “We encourage and ac ■ tively seek public participa tion in these meetings,” said Thomas W. Bradshaw, Jr., ■ Secretary of Transportation. H “1 have instructed my staff to ■ record all public comment at ■ these meetings so that the ■ suggestions and concerns Your Family Mountain Vacation “Fair In Color COME FOR FALL SEE IT ALL Toe River campground 4y 2 Mi. sOf Micaville By NC 80S j Frl-Sut-Sun. August 12-13-14 Adults *1.50 Children Under 12 Free I IF YOU’VE GOT A TASTE FOR TERROR TAKE CARRIE TO THE PROM. I . V> XI "CARRIE”] If only they knew she hdd the power. fIH I iRMJL MONASH huhiMi»BRIAN DePALMA,./'CARRIE" \ SPACER / JOHN TRAVOLIA • PIPER LAURIE • saw** t* LAWRENCE D COHEN daant 0" Hie novd Dv STEPHEN KING • Produced fay PAUL MONASH I |r| UirecieddyßßlAN DgPALMA • PioducimnServices'uyUnebUitiuc •— 1 United Artists ' I Ford Bailey Elaine Boone James Byrd Linda Campbell Rebecca S. Ellis Horace Cox Thanna Davis Charles Hawkins Gwen Harris Robert Buckner Dean Hicks Irma Higgins Joe Higgins Ed Chereshkoff Louise Hughes Joe Kruk David Mauney William Perkins David Peterson Dorothy Ray Mary Swann Jane Thomas Beth Thomason Mary Turner Elizabeth Westall Blaine Whitson Pat Whitson Kate Zuver Lisa Mauney Jerry Collins * Elaine Ray Carroll Fender Herbert Allen Billie Ray Bailey James Neill Jack Buckner Wilhelminia Hensley Mike Orr Terrell Ray Nancy Shaw - Iva Neill Amelia Fortner Jeanette Hardy Jack Hensley voiced by the citizenry can be reported to the full Transpor tation Board for its considera tion.” Concert [Cont’d from page 1] bassoon and cello and the Bartok Duo for two violins. The board of directors of Music in the Mountains met Tuesday, August 9 at the home of the president Jean Ellis, to discuss plans for a winter series and for the concert series next summer. The board hopes to develop some programs for elemen tary school children in addi tion to the concerts and the Toe River Ensemble. 1 11 1 1 v «| I. .■ ■ ’ -. $ : Dear Editor: Aa a visitor in yonr area, I wiah to acknowledge and thank the members of the Newdale Volunteer Fire Department and Yancey County Rescue Squad and die Spruce Pine Squad who Joined the search for my rm and nephew who were loot on the South Toe River Monday uight, August 1. Their efforts were unceasing until the boys were found at 11:15 p.m. that night. Their kindness and consideration to us will never be forgotten by two cold, scared and hungry young boys, or their badly frightened mother and family. To all the men who became hoarse from calling “Cort” and “Jeff” for hoars, we thank you and owe you more than words can say. Most Sincerely, Jeff Houston, Cort and Boots McCord ★ Dear Editor: \ As so many parents of teen-age girls know, there are problems which yfeare unable to cope with. About a year Raleigh News and Observer carried a full page on “Girl’s Haven”. This home, located in Asheboro, N.C. was represented as a Christian home for girls. They would find love, firm discipline, and hopefully be prepared for a wholesome life. Being parents of a very rebellious daughter of twelve and unable to cope, we called and made an appointment to visit Girls Haven. We went to Asheboro, but were very disappointed and believed our daughter should not be placed there. About three months later, we were Invited to visit Girls Haven again. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones were the new house parents. We took our daughter and were very impressed with the new appearance of the home; to say nothing of the love and , warmth, and the real feeling this couple possesses for the - well-being of children. So, we admitted our daughter a week later. Our daughter stayed three months and was really showing , a marked Improvement. The Jones were asked to resign; at! which time we brought our daughter home. j,« Readers: What I don’t understand “What’s happened to Girls Haven? The butt house parents stayed only two months. ’ The remaining four youngsters left; two of them went to the Joneses who are keeping them at their own expense. > To you people who are interested, I would like you to know this Home is state licensed. It is not supported by the state.: , You members of various clubs such as fciwanis, Jaycees, Business and Professional dubs do support it. But what you. may not know is there is not one youngster there [letter dated Aug. 1,1977]. Please! There are so many young girls who need help. Who do we ask to investigate? A very concerned Mother and Father Name Withheld on request May be released to interested parties Mount Mitchell Golf The ladies of Mt. Mitchell Golf League held their annual dinner last Wednesday even ing. Many brought those dear husbands and friends. Every one enjoyed the evening together. It’s so bad we only have these fun get-togethers in the summer. Everyone sends a big thank you to Troxells! The service and food was excellent as always. As our league comes to the end of the season, the League Championships started last Thursday. Our gal Karen Dawson is in first plae with 1 a 90, and Rose Marie Altemus in second place with a 99. We couldn’t have two nicer ladies as our champs. Good luck to everyone on the second and last round to be held this week. The ladies league banquet is being hald this year at The Chalet in Little Switzerland on August 25. Friendship Hour begins at 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., followed by dinner with the awards and presentations. More on this next week. MENS GOLF LEAGUE Team #3 tied #6 5 to 5; Team #2 defeated #4 by a score of 6 to 4; #1 defeated #5 by 6‘/j to 3‘/i. Closest to pin 11th hole was Dale Hilemon; 15th hole Phillip Thomas; 6th hole Sam Jones. Low Gross was Tony Allan with 41, Low THE YANCEY JOURNAL BOX 667 Burnsville, N.C. 28714 Phone 704-682-2120 Edward Yuzluk- Publisher Carolyn Yuziuk-Editor Pat Randolph-Manager Brenda Alien-Staff Published every Thursday By Twin Cities Publishing Co. 2nd Class Postage Pair At Burnsville,N.C. Thursday, Aug.ll, 1977 V 01.5, Number 33 Subscription Rates By Mall: In Yancey County One Year $5.00 Six Months $4.00 Out of Coun v or State One Year $7.00 * Six Months $6.00 Net was Fred Bacon with 28. TEAM STANDINGS #2 won 7, lost 2, 53 points; #6 won 5, lost 2, tied 2, 52 Vi points; #1 won 5, lost 4,43 Vi points; #4 won 3, lost 5, tied 1, 47 points; #3 won 2, lost 5, tied 2, 36‘/a points; #5 won 2, lost 6,34 Vi points. The Golf League Tourna ment will be held August 20 between 9 and 10 a.m. Each, team member can play. Four low net scores each day to determine the winner, using handicaps. Space for 36 players. There will be prizes for longest drive on #l7, closest to pin on #6 and #ls, Low Ball-in event of tie-play off to start on #l. We need to know how many players intend to participate—please sign up now!! See Pro Wm. Deck for all particulars. Mens Golf League Ban quet will be held on August 13 at Carolina Hemlocks. Please note; Date changed from September 1 as originally scheduled. Troxells will serve a Fish Fry for this banquet. Remember-August 31 is the date. After dinner the awards and presentations will be made! » Slowpitch Softball Slated The “Cheerwine Invita tional” Slow Pitch Softball, game is set for August 22 at Micaville Elementary School,' sponsored by Murphy Dist.' Company of Burnsville. All' players must be permanent residents of Mitchell, Avery or Yancey County. If you are interested in; playing, contact Earl Knight, 682-2890 after 4 p.m. of. come register your team al Micaville Ball field between the hours of 5:30 p.m.-ll:0fll p.m. Deadline for registering teams will be 11 p.m. 18 (Thursday). muffxershop" b ™|» lifetime Guarantee Faat Installation Next to Bob Fnrey’a I Speed Equipment 1050 Patton Avenue amcvIIIQ) N.C. Phone 2‘il. V.fn I