MUrtffiY LIBiURY MUitHfY N C SAMPLE The Cherokee Scout And Clav County Progress Volume 72- Number 6 Murphy, N ..ursdcry, September 7, 1961 '0 Pages This Week Published Weekly '?URTY U)?NS kt-;- '? ir'- ? ; ve w-re save"! M. owit-r Ra' do p Shf! Is and Ms * fe, VN ilma (Scout Photo) Bulldogs Win 12-0,. Play Sylva Next J . [Hr.a:ratr; !*? ? \1..rp? v i ?.;' \1 \ rv,^ r.>r J ar.d tui: .' : i, * * ? k c C ? p; ?? t k;. k"M, a:. >'iside k;-.k, ???<-.:: var : !me. f'w ? plays :j-. kit* I Jjvi 1 AhtT-.r'fi; later ^ar- Duiu j:: . arric- ! 0 'it: tf" e hall a* 4 ' ,ar : i !!?.'. -all "? re 'rialm2\ jirN rt-Uss ' ert-'hi :-;trs !??: M arp' C Mr^-' H >. \1erph> . .A.,? r<. 'he 2 , ir : ii'it w ' ere the-. ? a. If-' ' jdd "a- utra p'-ir.r. t. r !"si :l e ball n .l-.vns. lit- second r-..i. r wr tatne f . ?. Murpl v held : upper hasir. .n t: e n.i l-.dt ot :bt- lour , |tt r , -?-a" -' -I'le :Vir c*n IU yard line quarter *ben Haber: Htntor d jr,c ^f;en Copper Hasln ro1 3 downs.Copper Basir. P en recovered a Copper Hasin drove to the B.J'Jov ! varJ punteJ out to the 40 yar.t line. UmK. on th 9 yard line. jlr>c Kenny English took the ball Kenny English passed to John V * 1 r i : i. Mh t !o ? . ? t: ? f\ SNOW goes deep for one of Vin Horn's passes. (Scout Photo) /at _ ibrary Club Meet I oik ?' in hi ] r service was aJs^ ussrd at the quarterly meeting of the 'Western North Carolina I ibrary Club held Wednesday August 30, at Murph.v and Nantahala Regional libraries. Attending were 1Q librarians and trustees, some from as far as Shelb\ and Dobson Attracting much attention were the craft exhibits In the Murphv I ibrary. Mra Pen Warner's pewter pin and earbobs exhibited at theC'alro, Kgypt, International World't hair tn March were among the ttrms iisplevpd. Dr. Ceorge h Size's Trans parencies. which rook first prize at the H astern Federation Mineraloglcal and LapCiarvSocieties, Mlam Fla. In August, was included Others participating Inarrang ing the exhibits were the Cherokee County Home Demonstration Clubs, Camp EXHIBITS ON DISPLAY In the Murphy Library are ?hown above. Taklng part In the exhibits were the Home I>emonsrrarion (Tub, the Cherokee Rose and Murphy Garden Clubs, the Folk School and Dr. George Size. bell Folk School, Murphy end Phyllis Snyder, field librarian Cherokee Rose Garden Clubs of the State Library. Raleigh, Miss Joyce Brvmer of Lenoir. made announcements of forth president. presided Miss c?mlng meetings and ar tl vi tie*. SflOW a eXeC Jit'.1 pi d Tor the st'ioiiti r points T e extra poin: attempt wjv a/a:: .10 good. Only one penalty wm valie! in rhe en:ne game and it came Ia:t in the game %\ en Copper Basin was called for backfield ;n motion. Murphy declined :: c penalty and took the pla\. The Bulldogs will travel to Syiva rhis week :o plav Sylva Webster. The game w U start at 8:00 p.m. N. Y. Firm Buys Western Carolina 'Phone Control The Independent 1 elc-phone Corp. ot Dry den, N. \ lis da\ ai qj re 1 - o.vr dlirz interest n "he V, s:t-: r C a roh na Telep'n~>r.: ( o oi Weaverv;lie, N. C. William Harrison, pres.dent or In.lepe it n* ^e'.ep1 O' t sa ? on'rol of it North Carolina .on.panv was bought Ton; Sout'r em bell Telephone \ Telegraph: Co. and through purchases of stock in the open niarke*. The total :1 st v as r.:#t disclosed. s\1 as azert for the t old lng company was VcCarlev \ Co. In... o' Asheville, whuh for !'.it- pas: 1' ? '-ars has deal* i. over "he cminter sales of 'AfS'ern '< at <1 na Telephone stock Western Carol, na serves over 1 ~(f)O0 telep- re s:a*:ons in N -r'1 1 ap"!ir.a at"d1 e- r,-in, with ? \. '? anzes W avt rviile Baker -iv For tana, i1 a > e<= vtlle, ii : spri t?-. Va'-sfail, Mare Hi I. M .rpf K-.hhi s villr a" . 1 n ' ia . t r.. ? i. !"?a \ ' a- a own s : s: liar., Westco. ?a1 .<a- orra m las* J a -at : ? t q . r- a $* *v;! F: ? r ' a*;:.o Ad** uistrat on ?p ? v v is he - a- expansion plan * t ro\ it serv -? e to r ral ar?. 3 - Western i ami i.a is ? I subsidiary r tV ["iepe-nler* Telephone systv:: wi I ;r eludes companies .n F! rida, Mtchiza- . Miss- .n. V-w Jersey, New York an I W ? sr Virgin, a W estern i ar I na V i - c President Thotr is H Saw.?-r of Weaverviile said T esda that tve s*o k p ire-is wo ;M bring no in iiatt change "hat will affe- t *he publ;c n arc. wa.. Andrews Family Has Reunion Andrews - The family of the late Ed Raxter held a reunion or. Sunday at the home of Mrs. AI Adams. "letters to the Editor T1 ? I h tor: 1 r-reived your letter of August 24, t ->M. saving *hat the t. lav t ounrv Frogress and Th Cherokee Scout uad been combined, and rha* my Sub - r:p*ior. *n the SCOOT had j>r< - ?"'xter ied until March, 1 ' '? 2 This :s perfectly sab's facrerv ?Mrh me, mighrv fine, thank vou. I subscribe to several papers through-out the ( nlted States and the SC OCT compares very favorable with anv of them C. W. Holsteln Oklahoma Cirv 4. Oklahoma The Editor: Would vou please print the following In your newspaper: As of September 1, 1^1, I resigned my position as Chief Deputy Sheriff of Clay County, North Carollna Thank you, Fred W. Davis Havesvtlle, N. C. Fire Destroys Dairy Barn., On U.S. 64 2,000 Hay Bales Go Up In Flames swept d r f d ! ar '. or: Nc Farm I .es la. Septe" her \ ar.d a se1 estirt a:t' : >? ,000 .:ar? age The 'arm .s >wried Ra".di<Iph Shields and Murphy JV'S Win P Murphv J VS defeated Andrews J V'S 15-12 In a very close game last Thurs - dav n.ght at Andrews. Andrews struck hard an 1 last in the firs: quarter when Mh k Shetdy scored. Iron Murphv's e >ard line to take .>? ' -0 lea J. Hie extra point 1 a: Led. Murphy ,a:ni- ba.k ro scor-* a Hi in the second quarter with Don Morris plunging over Iron, the 2 yard line, l aid ?'feen ran the all important extra point. Sheidv then scored with: two seconds left tn the half as Andrews took a 12-7 lead as ?he conversion tell again. Murphy came back to take the lead for good as 1 Jaui (1 reen 1 ddle 1 aimer, and Don Morris carrie 1 the ball 70 vards ro Andrews'd \ard line where ? .reer.e then scored. The ro.irrh quarter Murphy con trolled the ball as 'ime ran out to close the ball game. K a ' ? 'di" A *3 . A1 all d are ?ji rs t the at s . : ' ir ? a. .? ? i ? a as Mr- a a..-. ' ? : ; arents. Mr. SI .r . N a . : :;s a fe, 'vV . J: ? j. a ? t: 'he : a r ' an! ?reed *'? 4 ' as b.t were .1. able ' save "he I a'. Mr. Shields a.'.e ! the Murphy Volunteer h.r- I)', parcrr.ent when !e sua 1? '.re about to sprea ! *o jrotl er barn rearbv. The fire:: er react ed e fart:, ir. approxj : a'elv 20 minutes and had ti e fire under . or.trol within 30 ? ;i: s d' 'er arrival. The estin ated .oss ame from the baJes of la., the chickens that were burr.edan! from 'he bar"1. Oniy the stone foundation and walls of the stone and wooden structure remained. FLAMES leap 1 r- into ti e a:r as Jairv Fare, burns. The far-:: .s : ...ate : ??:: er- '? 1 s daaghter Mr. Route 2, '? 'i.ibers ?- . N ie! is sa. 1 '^a: The hay was about I111*s w -? ?: V .r; ? . -r\, ' a-inc :;een the first cut or: t . S. Hii'iwa-. ' 4 ai:-d sron ' several weeks ago. Mr S\ elds sa .! t* a * I ' - ' a', was stacked to the ? oil: s - . ;] ?=?? oke w' r-.o* r " : ban: lcfHe added *? ' bed. IK- .??"!? was t* a* s> .t-ral electrical wires co-: -u To:: a v. ,d:- : T r-.ssed tf . roof or the barr. checker: :n :nerator . Short!. and the :ia::ies sec-Tied to have thereafter *he Tire was dis one.-:ate ; mar th? roof. N. C. Sweethearts Take Honor At Apple Festival K orth Ccrolina Swcethetrts won the Junior t 1 .ib C hatr.piopship at the N. C. Apple Festival ir. Henderson vi lie Saturday night, September 2. TheSweethearts won over the Canton Chanion \ At. C.A. clog team. Hach member of the bwee: hearts received a medal and also 3 trophy and prize money for winning the contest. This title will earn, until next September. At the present time the clogging team holds several titles. Thev are: Cherokee Indian Fair Championship Junior Division, which they will try again for in October and A she vi lie Mountain Youth Jamboree which will carry until next May. TFe Sweethearts have re ceived a personal invitation from Mascomb Lamar Lunsford, director of Folk 1 estiva], to take part In the State Fair in Raleigh in October. - 3 Bad Breaks Hurt Hayesville In Loss To Sylva "Three ha J breaks made the difference " These were the Aords of the Hayesville Yellow lacket head .oach, Bill Briezs, abo it the Sylva Wybster versjs Hayesville football game at Hayesville F riday oizht. Sylva won the zame 31 i S'a'ist.cs stow that Coach 1 Brizgs knew what he was ?aiking aboui when he said ??breaks lost the game for .s". Svlva scored three to ich inwr.s on two pur.t rcr.irns and on one kick-off The r other TD a"ie on ar end sweep play. Wh.le Svlva zained 14" ? cards on the zround and K> ?hro izh the a-r Yellow J acket q larterback Bill Tlvire i completed d o' 1 passes Coach Brizzs went on v praue his tearr 'or the r pi a v . hrldav night and added tha in his opinion thev would ho.d their own in the r class fh s season Coach Brtggs said he s countlnz heavily on sophomore quarterback Bill Thurman, a standout in Frtdav's zame. "I'll put him up azainst any quarterback in the conference now ." "Our two motor ends. Lerov Coker and J im Tipton, are both zood rece vers and can hang on to the ball WingbackTom mv Davenport is a real speedster, runn ng the 100 yard dash in 10.1 without eq upment. The coach added that the Hayesville fans all feel this year's team is going to win some ballgames. Mystery Picture Winner Named The winner of our last week's mystery Is J.C. Hembree of Murphy. He correctly Identified the picture ss T. L.Collins' store that .if located onTennessee Street In Murphy THE N. C. SWEETHEARTS are shown above performing at the Apple Festival Hi Hendersonville. Members of the clogging team are Karol kaye, Charlotte Stalcup, J ane Britton, Sandra Chastain, Mary Ruth Chance, Dianne Wilkfns, Pam Chastain, Blllie Stalcup, Connie Farmer, Billy King, Caller, Charles White, Jerry Decker, Wayne Watson, Robert Bruce, Charles Henson, Harold Teague, John Bruce, and Doug White. HAYESVILLE - Rill Thurmar, Havesv.lle Yel.'ow Jacket Quarterback, fades back with good protection to toss a 30 yard pass to wing back Tommy Davenport. Sylva Webster won the game 31 7. Thurman completed Q of 17 passes for 108 yards. (Scout Photo) Back To School SEPTEMBER 1961 SM twt f s" 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 HUNTERS HEADQUARTERS ulo 1 If?'? JANIE MASON Daughter Of Mr. fc Mrs. L. L. Mason, Jr.

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