On^a^iminf sVnnounctd Hayesvllle ? Miss Marcla Dale Thurman la the daughter of Mrs. Josephine Thurman of Hayesvllle, who announces her engagement to Michael Louis Powell, son of the late Francis Wiley Powell and Mrs. Powell also of Hayesvllle. A December wedding Is planned. lirtTSBan Hoffman and daughmr Mauroor lafr by (at plana from Atlanta.Wednesday ID )otn bar huabaod Lt. Hoff man In Kalaerlautarn, Ger a a ? Mra. Fred Jones booored bar husband with a birthday dinner Sunday at thalr home Guaats attending ware Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sailers, Steve and Sheila. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jonas, Mr. Lawrence Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Moors Jr. and son Brent, a a a Mr. and Mrs. Halghler Scroggs and Mr. and Mrs. Dafaney Click of Alexander, Va. were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Scroggs in HayesvUle. a a a The ladles of the Myers Chapel Church held their Missionary meeting at the borne of Mrs. Alma Swalm Tuesday afmrnoon. Mr. and Mrs.J.V.A.Moore of the Tusquittee section are preparing m move to the home of their daughter and son in-law Mr. and Mrs. Beadle Nelson. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Jack Palmer of Marietta, Ga. and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Palmer and son Jerry of Franklin spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer in Havesvllle. STOP COLD WINMMFT Cover Your Windo^ and Doors with CRYSTAL CLKAR, SHATTERPROOF PLASTIC : - o<'?* Keeps Out Cold Holds In Hoot Saves to 40% On Fuel Costs So Utile ... Anyona Con Afford K Compare the low coat, light weight, convenience and weatherproof qualitiea of Warp'a Flex-O-Glasa with expensive, breakable glue. So Eoay . . . Anyone Con Do It It takea only a few minutes to put up any of Warp'a Shatterproof Window Materials. It's so easy that even the womenfolks enjoy doing it. Don't let cold weather catch you unprepared! Get Flex-O-Glass now! WYtOGOSS, GtAU-O-NCT. SCMfN-GlAU. au o-Mie, rou-PAMi t ia5y*on kits ?r* mltm br Wor, kn, CNcafe 31, ?. \ \ CUT WITH SHEARS TACK ON SECURELY Get Flex-O-Glass at Your Hardware and Lumber Dealers Take this Ad to Your Locol Dealer to Be Sure You Get Only the Genuine Original Fle*-0-Glass BE A GOOD CITIZEN On November 7 citizens of North Carolina will have a chance to vote their confidence In the future. If we would sustain our progressiveness as a State, we must plan ahead. The General Assembly has asked the people of the State to decide whether bonds will be Issued to provide essential improvements of capital outlay. Every one of the objects to be provided is important to the economic and cultural development of the State and to the welfare of the citizens of tomorrow. Vote For The Bond Issue Yourself! Ask Your Friends And Neighbors To Vote! As We Move Into The Future,Keep North Carolina On The Road Of Progress. Vote For North Carolina Novembor 7th, 1961 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Serving Southwestern North Cerollne Murphy- Andrews-Hayesville-Robbinsv ille Member Federel Deposit Ineurenoe Cerporetlon CLAY COUNTY Ptr?*J Wtnliv Min MmI KHiIim rUmm M?H1 Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ashe In the Lick Log section warn: Mr. Glenn Ashe and tonLamar and Buddy, Mrs. Lottie Alexander of Gastonla, Mr. Earl Ashe of ClarkavUle, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. Oral Blankenshlp, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ashe end son Johnny of HayesvUle. ? ? a Sunday afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Claybura Ashe and daughter Barbara also Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moore and "Aunt Mag" stopped by for a few minutes visit. ? ? ? Miss Arlene Reece who Is teaching at Springs Creek spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mont H. Reece at Pine Log. ? ? ? Miss Marjorte Ledford of Atlanta, Ga. spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ledford in the Shooting Creek community. ? ? ? Mrs. Claud Woody of the Shooting Creek section fell last Monday and Injured her right arm very severely. She has spent the past few days with her daughter and fmlly Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rogers. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Miller and son Terry returned to their home In St. Petersburg, Fla. Sunday. They have a summer home on the Pounding Mill Road and Mrs. Miller operates the Miller Realty Office there. She closed her office for the winter; butplans to reopen In May. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hender son of St. Petersburg, Fit. have bought the Robert Woody property on Eagle Fork. ? ? ? Mr. John E. Ledford of the Shooting Creek community Is now a patient In the Young Harris Clinic. His neighbors wish him a speedy recovery. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groves returned to their home In the Hyatts Creek section Sunday night after a two weeks visit with their son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Groves, In Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Groves and children spent the week-end In Fla- and Mr. and Mrs. Groves returned home with them. ? ? ? Mr. Tom Herbert entered Hall County Hospital, Gaines ville Ga. on Monday of <thlsi week. ? ? ? Mrs. Carrie Dalley of the Tusquittee community has moved to Cornelia, Ga. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Cress Moss and son James returned to their home In the Tusquittee section, Thursday night. He has been having treatments at Baptist Hospital, Winston Salem for several weeks. His condition Is pretty good. On Sunday evening he and Mrs. Moss visited Mrs. Georgia Wagner and Mrs. Mae Arnold in Hayesvtlle. ??? Mr. CUmpson Bradahaw of Atlanta. Ga. spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Bradahaw. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Pen land of Ashevllle spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Penland In the Shooting Creek community. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith and children Nancy. Phillip. David and Myraof Atlanta,Ga. spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Clearnce Smith atOak Forest. ? ?? Mr. Adam Sellers returned to his home In the Downlngs Creek community Wednesday from the Hlawassee Hospital where he was confined for three days. He Is now Improving and able to be up again. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stanley and Mrs. Eddie Lee Lovln spent the week-end in Rome, Ga. with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stanley and son. ? ? ? Mr. Jerry Gibson of West Hayesvllle spent the week end at High Point with his sister Miss Joan Gibson. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Tun Anderson of Shooting Creek section are preparing to move to the home of "Aunt Ellle" Crawford, Mrs. Andersons mother. Those visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dee H.Barn ard. Sunday were Mrs. Don Waldroig), Mr. and Mrs. Lush Barnard of Hayes vllle and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnard of Atlanta, Ga. ? ? ? Visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rogers on Sunday was his brother, John Rogers, and two sisters with their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Ranee Ayers and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Colvard, all of Robblnsvllle. ? ? ? Messrs, Neal Cabe, Robert Alexander, Cllne McClure, Jack Sellers and R. G. Vlck spent Monday in Ashe vllle on business. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brendle are now living In the A. F. Passmore house on Mill Street Mr. and Mrs. Max.Passmore of Oak Ridge, spent the week end with the Brendles. ? ? ? Miss Susan Ledford, who is employed in Atlanta, visited several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ledford. Mr. and Mrs. Ttmmy Womack of Atlanta are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Halg Davenport at Shooting Creek and at their cabin in the Eagle Fork section ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods and Jackie made a tour through the Smokies Sunday and enjoyed die beautiful Fall scene. ? ? ? Mr. Cline McClure and son Harold of the Myers Chapel community attended a Dairy meeting In Asheville, Monday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Artie Murray spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. A. M. Coleman. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Kelffer Davenport and son ofGastonla spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Furman Daven port at Shooting Creek. ? ? ? Mr. Sanford Ledford of the Shooting Creek community was taken to a Murphy Hospital Saturday night. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Max Hall spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Hall. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long spent the week-end in Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Davenport. Mrs. Rebecca Powell spent two days last week with re latives in Winston Salem. ? ? ? Friday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Beal were Mr. and Mrs. Haighler Scorggs, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Scroggs and Mr. and Mrs. Dabney Click of Washington O. C. and Arlington, Va. and Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Beal of Hayesvllle. Sunday dinner guests of the Beals were the Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Jacks and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Cloe Kitchens of the Old Shooting Creek section announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, Oct. 29th. at the Angel Hospital, Franklin. ? ? ? Miss Joyce Moss of Atlanta spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Moss. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Bob Duncan, Mrs. Jim Duncan and Joyce Ann of Gastonla were the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Reece and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Reece. ? ? ? Mrs. C. C. Reece was given a birthday dinner on Sunday by the' Duncan's and Mrs. A. T. Reece. Dinner guests In cluded Mr. and Mrs. Max Reece and family and Trasa and Guen Rose. Simday even ing birthday guests wereMra. Bula Miller, Mrs. Nina Owens and Bdwtn. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Millar and Mr. Nolan Ivarar. e e e Bula Miller had as her Sin day dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Keith Miller, Mrs. In Peuland and Cecil. Mr. and Mr*. Neal Roger* vial led M* John E. Ledford at Young Herri* Clinic on Sunday afMrnoon. ? ? ? Mr. and Mr*. Charlie Beadles spent the week-end In Clemsoo. South Carolina with the Leon Crawford family. ? ? ? The James V. Moore* vlslMd Mr. and Mr*. Cress Moss In the Tusqulttee section Sunday night. ? ? * Mrs. Iowa Green and Mrs. Mae Scroggs of Brass town spent last Thursday evening with Mrs. Lola Coffey In Hayes ville. ? ? ? Mrs. Jewell Frye of Raleigh visited her mother, Mrs. Maggie Pass mo re, and other relatives last week. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander visited Mr. Ross Lloyd and other friends in Hlawassee on Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. Gene Moss, who is attending barber school In Atlanta, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ledger Moss last week. Mrs, Mary Scroggs, Mrs. Pansy flradshaw, Sharon Bradshaw, Mrs. TonnieBums and Van Burns, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Arrendale In Tiger, Ga. on Sunday. Mr. Arrendale is the former Clay County Farm Agent. ? ? ? Mr. Earl Ashe of Clarks ville. Ga. visited Mrs.Maggie Passmore on Sunday. * ? ? Miss Linda Alexander of WCC, Cullowhee, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Alexander. ? a ? Misses Patricia and Sandy Knight of Newport News, Va. and son John of Washington. O. C. srn spending s two weeks vacation with then parents Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Scroggs la Hayesvtlle and Mrs. Hoy c.auo?ty at Shoot ing Creek. Mr. and Mrs. AndersonBeU and children of Warne visited Mrs. Bell's mother, Mrs. Wil son In Bryson City Sunday. Mr. J. D. Ryder la a patient In the Providence Hospital, Murphy, where she had surgery last week. Her con didlton Is reported as being good. Mr. and Mrs. FrankMunley of St. Petersburg, Fla. will be new residents on the Pound ing Mill Rd. since they have purchased the property formerly owned by Robert Davetgiort. Mr Munley Is a Fla. real estate broker. Mr. Dicky Scroggs and Miss Stacha Scroggs of Atlanta spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Scroggs. Mrs. Everett Kitchens was the Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cassada in the Lick Log community. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burch and Mr. Bobby Burch of the Elf community andMr. Homer Burch of the Lick Log section spent Sunday at Raburn Gap, Ga. with Mr. and Mrs. James Burch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Phil lips visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moore and "Aunt Mag" Moore Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Grace Nelson and daughter Nancy of Franklin visited friends at Oak Foresc Sunday. Mr. wd Mr*. Frank Hogsed and Mr. and Mr*. DavldBurch enjoyed a picnic ac Tual Gap ? ? ? Mr. Jim Evaaa, *on of (he lam Mr. and Mr*. Dow Evan* 1* seriously Ul la a Murphy ho apical, after suffering a heart attack. ? * ? Mr*. Garth Thompaon and son. Bud, Mlssa* Ada aad Mabel Thompaon. and Mr*. Verdie Smart were at Brass town Bald on Sunday. ? * ? Dr. and Mr*. Frank Kllllan of Franklin spent last Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley McGlamery. ? ? a Mrs. George McClure. Mr*. Enoch Hogsed, Mrs. Elmer Green, Mrs. Nora Fod aad Mrs. Kenneth West of Warne attended the Craftsman Fair, at Gadlnburg, Tenn, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson and Mr. andMrs. Edgar Payne of Swannannoa visited Mr. and Mrs. Nath MoodayandMr. and Mrs. Oliver Dletz at Warne Sunday. ? ? ? Mrs. Carmen Anderson of the Marshall Chapel com munity spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Jim Armstrong. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. Porter Scroggs of Sylva spent the week-end in Havesvllle. ? ?? a Mr. Claude White, who Is employed with REA, is taking a week's special training in Amerlcus, Ga. ? ? ? Misses Mary Ann Kitchens, Alicia Burch and Linda Moss were the Sunday dinner guests of Miss Diane and Phyllis Ann Scorggs at Old Shooting Creek. BURCH MOTORS PUNT, PASS, & KICK CONTEST WINNERS 32 FIRST PLACE WINNERS - Tim Ramsey, 6 years old; Andy Wortey, 7 years old; Barry Lunsforct 8 years old; Russell Hensley, 9 years old; Harrison Little , 10 years old. Doyle Burch, owner of Burch Motors Is shown with the winners. (Scout Photo) SECOND PLACE WINNERS - Terry Sanders, 7 years old; Chris Schuyler, 8 years old; James Barclay, 9 years old, Leon Parker, 10 years old. THIRD PLACE WINNERS - Sm Weill, 9 yean eld; Mlcheal Rudy Barnen. 8 yean old; Roy Keith Bataa, 10 yean eld. "Your Local Ford Dealer" BURCH MOTORS VE7-2121 MURPHY,N.C.

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