BEN-HUR mm ESTHER Charlton NmIm and Haya Harareet ?r? ikt romantic principala o/ **Ben-Hur ?-Coldwyn-Mayor'e/ amy Award-winning picture, ? ~ ' ,Wal bated on the Con. Low Walloon nowI. The William Wytor pre oontotioot wao filmed in Italy and at bar foreign localao in color and MOM Camera U. AdaIt?ion Adult*. 7St CAIIdraa. ?Sd M C M WIUJAJM WYLEKSJ YOUR LAST DAY TO SEE THE AWARD WINNING PICTURE "BEN - HUR." THURSDAY, MARCH 6, HENN THEATRE Card of Thank* We with id express our sincere Thanks to our friends end neighbors for (he many Idndtoeeeea shown us during our bereavement. Especially do we wish to (hank Dr. Rodda, Rev. Sartln, (he staff of We District Memorial Hos pltal, ad (he personnel at Townson Funeral Home. Douglas and Camilla Retd John and Dorothy Chllders 32-lip Liconso To Wod Jay Arnold Stewart20, Kob btnsvllle and Alice Othella Conley, 19 of Andrews. Glen Robert Davenport 21, Culberson, Rt. 1, and Betty Frances Poteete, 18, Rt. 1 Andrews. Claude James Crisp, 21, and Doris Alene Sawyers, 18, of Robblnsvllle. Carl Nelson Bonstead, 20, of Ft. Worth, Texas and Ruby Lena Copeland, 19. of Decatur Ala. Dean Clergy Holds Meeting The Dean Clergy of (he Franklin Deanery held a meeting on Monday at the Episcopal Church of Messiah. Those attending were: The Rev. Dr.'A. Rufus A. Morgan. Rev. John W. A. Tucker, Rev. Dr. Gale D. Wedd and the Rev Alex. B. Hanson. Ralph Baker, 21, Murphy, and Elizabeth Ann Patterson, 19, of Marble. World Day Of Prayar Friday Hayesvlll* ? World Day of Prayar for all Clay Coiaity Church** will fa* observed Friday, March 9 in th* Trues Memorial BaptUtChurch. Th* church will be open all day (or prayar and a abort prayor aarvica will ha bald by the Rev. sid Mr*. Ralph Jacks at 12:00 noon. R*v. Jacks is pastor of the Hayssvill* First Methodist Church. BOB BBPE UNA TDINEK JANIS PAIGE JIM HUHON FWJLA PRENTISS WNDAT ? MONDAY ? TOtlOAY ? WtONCSOAY Bachelor In Paradise Mrs. Nasi Kltebsss 2511 CLAY COUNTY Z.ZZ Personal Mention Mr*. Inez K.ahn end daughter, Helen of Augusta, Oa. spent the week-end with relatives In Clay Couny. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Penland of Murphy, and Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Caldwell of HendersonvUle visited Mr. and Mra. Arthur Panland at Oak Forest Saturday. ? ? ? Mra. Dewey Dickerson of the Qualla community has as her guests Mr. and Mrs. Moffltt of Brevard, who are her parents. ? ? ? Mrs. John Cheek and daughter Carylon of the Tusqidttee section visited Mrs. Ed Roper In WestHayes vllle, Tuesday of last week, e e ? Mr. Morris Davis Is home after having medical care at the Vetrans Hospital, Swan nanoa. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Noah Johnson, Jr. of Nantahala visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Johnson, Sr. Sunday. e ? ? Mr. Belve Davis has been confined to his home with flu for the past week. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin and children, Mrs. Bill Martin and Miss Lois Martin visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheeler at Candler, Sunday. ? ? ? Mrs. Cline Ledford visited Mrs. Jennie Ruth Patterson In Blalrsvllle, Ga. Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. Roy Foster, Jr. of Atlanta spent Saturday night with his parents at Meadow Grove. Mrs. Wilbur Dsiley visited Mrs. Oda Rogers at Meadow Grove Friday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dale and children visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dale, Friday. ? ? ? Rev. and Mrs. Oda Rogers of Meadow Grove visited Mr. and Mrs. Ladflle Hogsed, Sun day. ? ? ? Sunday visitors at the Ken neth Bamards Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Long of Elf, Mrs. Harold Norton and children of Hayesville, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cloer of Young Harris, Ga., Mrs. Cline Mc Clure, Mrs. Hoke McClure and Mrs. Harrison Martin and children of the Myers Chapel section. Mrs. Barnard who had surgery last week is doing nicley; but will have more surgery at an early date. ? ? ? The Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Faulkner were the Saturday night dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Barnard at Oak Forest. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stalcup and daughter of Ashevllle visited Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Burch in the Elf community Saturday night. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Worth Palmer of Birmingham Alabama an nounce the birth of a son, Saturday, March 3. weight 10 lb and 2 oz. Name Bronsoo Lee. Mrs. Palmer is the fbr mer Miss Pat Alexander of Hayesville and Mr. Palmer Is also a native of Clay County. ? ? ? Mr. W11 burn Mlngus, Cline Tiger and Frank Hall made a business trip concerning ths poultry industry to the Del Mar section at Laurel, Delaware last week. They returned home on Wethiesday. They also saw points of In terest in Washington, D. C., Norfolk, Va. and Eastern parts of North Carolina while on ths trip. Visiting Mrs. Betty Wlmpey over die week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wlmpey, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wlmpey ad family, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, Jr? all of Atlanta. ? ? ? Miss Peggy Bllar spent Wa past week-^od with Miss Becky Thompson. ? ? ? Mrs. Harry Maimey ad daughter, Nancy, ad Mrs. Margaret Armstrong, spent Friday in Adata. ? ? a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alas ad daughter, and Mrs. Gladys Patton apont Friday In Dennis Woody, son of Mr. sad Mrs. Clarence Woody calebrsmd Ms 7th birthday Sunday, March 4. Several of Dennis's friends ad relatives stooped by Sadey afternoon with gifts ad wished Mm a haprv birthday. All of it TuaqiMttt Sunday vara Mr. Waltar Johnson mi Mr. and Mrs. William Moora and Mrs. Ida Mull Is 111 at bsr ho ma in theTusqultaea sactloo this week. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Jos Mysrs of Murphy vlsllsd Mr. aid Mrs. Wyana Moors, Sunday, a a a Mr. and Mrs. Halan OUls and family of Warns vlsltsd his mother at Franklin. Sunday. a a a Mrs. J. M. May, Mrs.Mary Scroggi and Mrs. W11 bum Mlngus of Hayssvllla vlsltsd Mrs. Ellzabaih Hunt at bar home In Murphy, Sunday and also Mrs. J. B. Gray at the Providence Hospital who Is 111 with pneumonia. a a a Mr! Gordon Parrls of the Lick Log section vlslmdMr. and Mrs. Cress Moss at Tusqultts Friday night with his tape recorder. Since Mr. Moss Is unable to pedal the old fashion organ with bis legs, Mrs. Moss pedaled the organ while he played It and they sang together. They all enjoyed listening to the re cording when it was played back. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Padgett announce the birth f a daughter, Thursday March 1. Weight 8 lb. and 2 oz. Name, Aneglla Ludle, 'at Melbourne, Fla. Boyce better known as "Buddy" Is a native of Clay County. Mrs. Frank Long had sur gery at the Hlawassee Hospital, Saturday. ? ? ? The Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Faulkner and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Crawford and sons were die Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Pen land on Riverside Ave. ? ? ? Among the visiters at the Charlie Bernards In the Oak Forest section Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Sammy O'Neal and Mrs. OUle O'Neal, Mrs. Gladys Mills, Mrs. R. L. Mc Glamery, Mrs. Event and Mrs. Neal R. Kitchens. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waldroup of Marietta, Ga. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lush Barnard at Myers Chapel community. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. N. L, Ramey of Franklin and Mr. BUI Thomas of Clayton, Ga. were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adklns. ? ?? ? Mrs. Belle Swalm of the Myers Chapel community left For canton this week where she wlU spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Swain and Mrs. Maymie Hall. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown of the Sweetwater community rtslted Mrs. Hattle Patten iunday. ? ? ? Mrs. Flora Curtis of the Myers Chapel community re urned to bar home Sunday tfmr an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Roach In Charleston, South Carolina. ? ? ? Douglas Dlckeraon amam *r of the U. S. Air Force vho has been stationed in Sen kntonlo Texas, la spending a wenty day leave with his >aients at their home on }ualla. He will go to Japan when he returns to duty. Howell's Marks Their First Anniversary At Their New Location With DONT MISS THESE FOOD SPECIALS H0W?LL5 SUPER MARKET Armour's Kornkist 100% Corn Oil MARGARINE 39C EGGS From Our Own Flocks Tenderized STEAK One Year " Sellabration "In Our New Location 3 DAYS ONLY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY MARCH8-9-10 Just To Show Our Appreciation For The Wonderful Business This Past Year And To Start Off Another We Offer You These Wonderful Buys. LAY'S " Three Little Pigs " SAUSAGE 3 lbs .891 All The Peanuts You Can Eat While You Are In The Store If You Will Only Throw The Hulls In The Floor. Firm, Ripe BANANAS 5t lb. 501b. Bag POTATOES 89$ Fresh Ground HAMBURGER 3 lbs. $1" Howells SUPER MARKET Nut hull III Put Iff ici li Mirpky Masked lo hide his terrifying facial distortion. Gay RoHe as Sardonicus bitterly views the romantic relationship existing be tween Ronald Lewis and Audrey Dalton in the new William (V-tle horror film, "Mr. Sardonicus." Oscar Homolka also stars in the Columbia release, a story of ghouls and graves and torture chambers deep in a medieval Central European castle. TKbSctMbnioui THURSDAY AND FRIDAY HENN THEATRE THEATRE March I, B8N HUR. Friday art Saturday, March ? and 10 - THE COLOSSUS OF RHODBS.Laia Show Saair THB MASK Mooday, Tuaaday art Wacfcwaday, March U, 12, IS, art 14 - BACHELOR IN PARAOSB. Thuraday and Friday, March 15 aid 16. MR. &ARDGNK5. Murphy 64 'Drive Friday, Saturday andSunday March 9, 10 and II. TBBN AGB MILLIONAIRE. Hospital Notes Providence Murphy Patients admitted ot Provi dence Hospital: Mr. Herbert Gaddla, Rt. 3, Murphy: Donald Garrett, Culberson; Mr. Dell as Millsaps, Rt. 1, Marble ( Transferred to Ashevtlle); Mrs. Dasma Chasdan, Rt. 3, Murphy; Sheridan Chambers, Murphy; Richard Chambers, Murphy; Mrs. John Harper, Rt. 1, Murphy; Miss Bennle Hensley, Murphy; Mrs. Helen Ashe, Murphy; Mr. William Tolvtn Evans, Rt. 2, Murphy; Mrs. T, A, Case, Murphy; Miss Ethel Donley, Rt. 1, Marble; Baby Debbie Sue Baine, Rt. 4, Murphy; Mrs. Candace Brendle, Murphy; Andrew Kaylor, Murphy and Patricia Cole, Murphy. District Memorial Andrews Patient Census March S, 1962. RobMnsvllle: Claude Rogers, Sylvia Millsaps, Sarah Godfrey, Mrs. Stafford Williams, Mrs. Charlie Mauck Mrs. J. R. Mehaffey, Mrs. Alma Buchanan. Andrews: Sam Cover, Annie Ruth Jones, Rev. George Jones, Rev. George Younce J. H. Franks, Grant Phillips, Jack Jones, Mrs. GeorgePul lium, Mrs. Bell Payne, O. A. Rescke. Sam Craig, Marble; Clifton Kephart, Ernest Stiles, Murphy. Stork Report: Mr. and Mrs. Douhlas Reid a son, 7 lbs, 3 ozs. March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mc Ktnney, a son, 2 lbs. 3 ozs. February 28. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Guffey a daughter, 7 lbs, 6 1/2 ozs. February 26. hospital for treatment at regular Intervals. ? ? ? Mr. James Ledford of the Tusqulttee community entered Oteen Hospital, Oteen, N. C. on Monday for observation. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Ermil Cheeks and children of Marietta, Ga. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Perry Tipton at Needmore and Mr. and Mrs. John Cheeks at Tusqulttee. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Alvtn Daven port of Atlanta, Ga. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davenport at Need more and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Scroggs at Brasstown. Mr. Scroggs returned to Atlanta with the Davenports to have treatments at an Atlanta hospital. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Nath Moody visited their son Clinton and family at Greenville, S. C. during the week-end. e ? ? Mr. Ray Mam returned to his home atWameSatuday He Is doing nicely after having surgery. His son-in-law and daughter, Mr.andMrs.Brnest Canton Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Moore at Manchester, Tenn. announce the birth of e son, Friday, Feb. 23, weight 8 lb. and 9 oz? name Thomas Paul. Mrs. Mo6re is the former Miss Ruth Aim Cook of Hayesvllle. food, Buys B LARD * ? ? ? ? f3 Can Kozy Kitchen BLACK EYED PEAS 5* #303 Can Kozy Kitchen BLACK EYED PEAS 10 for ff< ?1A Hem k Potatoes #303 Can Kozy Kin NAVY IEAN SOUP.... .101st 99* With Ham Rafular 9" Frwh Bab*rjr PIES all flavor* 39* 1 lb. 6 ?s. Praab Babtry CAKES all flavor*. . . . , 39* 8 V. M CLOROX 75* TOMATOES vi?iup?* 18t lb. Johnny's Superette Opm 7 Day* - 8:00 to 9:00 ?.*. Phon? IIS2 layaavilit, B.C.