Mother Thinks 4-H Ciehs Hove Helped Her Family by Mr*. A. 0. Qulnn u Tha 4-H Club bat nam t great M a our family. Tha pro)octa oar chllfem bare la 4-H aub wort bare *i di Tha 4-H Qub i our young dilrent *> work, play, than red tlao latrboa h wider aft, camping. All of Om ?cdvtdea of camp work wwrw thoroughly enjoyed by (ha youth. Our children look for ward ?> each aaaaoc of 4-H dub experience. tha experience to record haaping will help our youih of today la everyday living In (he yeara 0 coma. Lat*a keep the 4-H Club work alive and active. County's Important Asset Is Its Youth by Jim I County Farm Afont Tho youth of Cherokee County U In moot Important ?toot. What can ba dona to provide-the vary bait tor our youth? One way la through youth participation in 4-H Clubs and In co - educational activities. 4-H con ba used to asalst youth development spiritually, physically, men tally and economically. -Spfrlnudly All 4-H mombars receive spiritual training through de votions at every club meeting. Vespers and camp fire programs are ways In which these young people receive spiritual training at simmer encampmann. Good character Is another subject Impressed and emhaslasd by programs and by Isadora. - Physically - Through health projects, camping and organised re creation, 4-H youth develop physically. Healdi la necessary to enable hard work and clear thinking. This Is constantly stressed to all members. - Mentally - Regradless of what vocation our Cherokee County youth may enter, whether It be as a doctor, lawyer, nurse, far mer, chemist or engineer, 4-H training will help or provide some things neces sary ofr success. Knowledge of record keeping Is essential In any Job. The ability D make dldslon la basic tor all futura leaders. Public speaking la vital for idiquitt expression of thoughts.Tha ability ?work igi and present demonstrations on varied subjects Is excellent training. - Economically - Projects, such as clothing construction, crops and animals provide many op portunities for our youth ?> make money, win financial awards, and scholarships. These can act as monetary aids for advanced education or planned undertakings. Members are constantly educa?d to tha wise use of Investments In the borne and on tha farm. Cherokee County citizens are to be congratulated for their sigjport for a program which Is making these things possible. Parents deserve praise for working with their own sons and daughters on 4-H projects. Cherokee County merchants should re calve a real thank you for thalr support of club sponsored activities. School officials who provide tha time and phsydal arrange ments for the monthly meet ings need a special salute for their support. Cherokee County citizens who have given time and effort to this program are all to be thanked. The citizens have through positive action shown their love for our youth. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE CLAY COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Under and by virtue of the power of file contained In a certain Deed of Trust executed by Inez Mease Kahn, dated July 11, 1961 and recorded In Mortgage Book V at page 219 In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Clay County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale for cash at the Courthouse door In Hayesville, North Carolina at noon on the 4th day of April 1962 the property conveyed In the Deed of Trust, the same lying and being In the County of Clay and the State of North Carolina and more par ticularly described as follows: In Hlawassee Township, Clay County, N. C, adjoining the lands of W. M. Herbert Heirs and other and bounded as follows: BEGINNING on a dogwood ana irun stake on the oank of the road In the T. V. A. line and rims with said line S 17 E 9 poles to a persimmon ana iron staxe, corner01 r. v. A.; thence N 86 E with T. V. A. line nine and three fourths poles id an Iron stake; thence N 17 W 12 poles to an Iron stake on the South bank of raod; thence with said road, as it meanders , 9 poles to the beginning. Being the same lands des cribed In the deed from B. C. Mease, Jr. and wife, Dorothy Walters Mease to Inez Mease Kahn, dated September 19,19S1 and recorded In Deed Book 44 at page 444, In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Clay County, N. C. , re ference to which Is hereby made. This sale to be made sub ject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and other liens of record If any there be. This the 6th day of March, 1962. T. C. Gray, Trustee 32-4 tc REWARD REWARD: >50 reward for In formation leading to the arrest and conviction of person or persons who entered my pro perty and stole tires and lights off transport truck. Duncan Oil Co. 32-2tc nliUt a i /s TO OBSERVE NATIONAL 4-H CLUB WEEK Cherokee County Girl Explains 4-H Meaning by: Ann Qulnn "What 4-H means n ma" li a question that I find hard to put Into a few sentences. In 4-H 1 have learned to live by our motto: "Make the Beat Better," and by doing this I have learned to do things the beat way possible, but not to settle for that, but even try to Improve that. 1 have done 4-H Club work for four years and have en joyed it all. In the summer there are camps for fun and learning. For the senior groig> there is the leadership camp that trains the youth to teach younger members to do msny different things. My main projects have been clothing, and foods. Last year 1 was the county winner for clothing end food preparation. Clothing has been my most outstanding and profitable project. For the past severel years I have made many of my own clothes. 1 have tried to match many of the colors so the gsrments can be changed about to make different outfits. I have saved about half of the total cost of my clothing by making them. In my clothing project I sewed for other people. I not only made clothes, but also made drapes and lined them. I have helped other people sew. During the last two summers I have given sewing demonstrations at the District Meetings held In Ashevllle. Bach year I have won a blue ribbon. The demonstration was titled "Watching a Box Change." I took a hat box, put an attractive cover on It to make a sewing box, and placed many necessary sewing Items In It. Bach year I tried to a add a few new Items, for there are many Improve ments made each year. 1 have enjoyed giving the demon strations each time. Giving the demonstrations In front of thirty to forty people has helped me to be at ease when talking to a group. I wish that more 4-H girls would give demonstrations at the District Meeting each year. Last summer I was the winner of the senior division of the County Dress Revue. The following week I modeled the dress at the District Meeting ?nd placed in im Bp ten. My aacond largest project la food preparation which was mostly baking. Bach year I baked many cakes, pies, cookies, and breads. I enjoy trying new recelpes, and by doing this 1 learned the many different ways In which to bake. The beat thing about cooking la that you gat n> eat what you have prepared. Clothing and food pre paration have not been the only projects on which I have worked. 1 have worked on health, good grooming,froaen Kid canned foods, ?>d crrfts. In 1960 1 had the pleasure of attending the 4-H Regional Resource Development Con ference held at F on tana Village, North Carolina. This trip was a once In a life time chance. I was a repre sentative for Cherokee County along with T. L. McNabb from Hlawaasee Dam High School. By working with the 4-H Club I have learned that the field of Home Economics Is far more Important than I had ever realized. Home Economics Is Important K> every bomemaker and mother throughout the world. I have enjoyed my four years of 4-H Club work. I would like to see more of the youth take a part In 4-H and work to make a showing for some of the work that they put Into it. Achievement Night Set . On Thursday, March IS, 7:30 pjn. at First Baptist Church the 4-H club mem bers will observe their achievement day with parents, leaders and sponsors invited as guests. This event is held Mutually to recognize members who have excelled In themviypro jects and activities in which they participate during the year. The outstanding 4-H club boy and girl will be announced and those who have been de clared winners in the following projects: senior and junior dress revue, foods, child care, crafts, beef chair, dairy chain, chick chain, beekeeping, for cnicic cnain Members The 4-H Club members shown above- from Martin's Creek 4-H Club represent some of the chick chain participants which la one of many activities In which club members engage. They are left to right Martha Ann Whltmore daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whltmore, Roy GUlenwater, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy GUlenwater, Sr. and Steve Hatched, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loften Hatched. There are two 4-H dube at Martln'a Creek with a total enrollment of 119, In addition to these two cluba there are 18 other dubs in Cherokee County. Presently these dubs are in the schools but due to the overcrowded conditions in the schools the dubs will soon be organized in the communities. Smaller dubi with adult leaders will mean doser supervision for members and projects completed on time. "Warn tv? MrvMtf.ou^ 4 W ANN QUINN has an unusual talent In Sewing. She has ac complished In four short years what many girls would not accomplish In a lifetime. Her sewing ability connotbe credited to talent altogether. She has been motivated by her interest In being "well dressed at small cost." Ann has helped by making garments for other members of her family. She is an active 4-H Club member. (Scout Photo) estry. health and recreation. The speaker for the even ing will be Bob Jones of Blairsvllle, Georgia. He will show slides and tell of his experiences and Impressions as an Internatlon Farm Youth Exchange 4-H club member to Greece. A most Interesting program has been planned by the 4-H Council Committee. Following the meeting refreshments will be served. Deaths, Fvaerals Compliments of IVIC MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOC. Port on Q. Ivto ? Funorol Dl roe tor MRS. MARTHA RAPBR Mr*. Martha LaeRqpr.Sl, of Rt. 1, C ul bar eon. dlad early Friday morning In a Murphy hoapltal altar an lllnaaa of aeveral day*. Mr*. R^>ar waa a daughtar of ih* lata Hanry and Mahal ay Llttl* Cook. Sarvioaa were bald at 2 p.m. Sunday In Maoadonla Bapnst Church. Tha Rav. Ham Codoy of ficiated and burial waa In tha church cemetery. Surviving are the huaband. Charles Raper; two daugnmra, Mrs. Van Hi?hes of Canton, Ohio and Mrs. W. P. Ander son of Murphy; four sons, Delt of Cluberson, Ho mar of An drews, Claaaton of MarMtta, Ga? and Austin Raper of Can ion, Ohio; two slstars, Mrs. Carl Thomas of Clubarson and Mrs. B. L. Townaon of Murphy; three brothers, Will of Murphy, Ed of Culborson and Claranca Cook of Blalra ville, Ga.; 12 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Townaon Funeral Homa was In charga of arrange man ta. Peachtree News by Mrs. Dock Suddorth Sunday morning services wore well attended at the Paachtroe Methodist Church. The Rv. Orr substituted (or the Rev. A1 Smith who Is 111. Sendy Ledford, six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ledford played "Abide With Me.". Visitors from Hender sonvllle, Murphy, end Marietta, Ga. were welcomed. ? ? ? Miss Ethel Donley has re turned home after being a patient In a local hospital for several days. e e e The Peach tree Home Demonstration Club met Thursday afternoon March 1 at the home of Mrs. Gene Gist with Mrs. Olson as co hostess. The demonstration was sing a song of salads. Salad recipes were exchanged and a social hour followed during which the hostesses served ribbon salad, cookies and coffee to the following: Mesdames Evelyn Sudderth, Tiny Barton, Lois Barnett, Guylene Grasty, Annie Mae Sudderth, Sue Hendricks, Meb Hendricks, Miss Nancy Luns ford and Miss Thelma Wheeler ? ? ? The Intermediates GA's met Sunday afternoon, March 4 at the home of Mrs. Ralph Sud derth. The theme waa pictures of other lands. During the social hour the hostess served refreshments to the following: Shirley and Judy Rogers, Kay Zimmerman, Doris Stiles, Jane English and Mrs. Bill Barnett. Mrs. Mildred Wiggins of Atlanta spent last week-end with her mother and sister, Mrs. Harley West and Mrs. Rozella Zimmerman. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Grady Mc Gulre of Maryvllle, Tenn. were week-end guests of Mrs. Henry Sudderth and family. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. B, Jack of Bryson City were week-end guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sudderth. ? ? ? Mrs. R. C. Pipes has re turned home after undergoing surgery In a Winston-Salem hospital. ? ? ? Mrs. Paul Ledford visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barker on Friday night. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklin Smith and daughters, Audrey and, Carmollta visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Crlsco of Charlotte over tne week-end. While (here they attended the ice capadea. ? ? ? Mrs. Jimmy Slmonde has returned home after being a patient In a local hospital. ? ? ? Mra. Prank Morrow and daughter, Eva Nell shopped in Ashevllle last Saturday. ? ? ? Luther Truett of Andrews andMrs. Or an Witt spent last Saturday In Ashevllle. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lovln good have moved Into their trailer and are at the Zimmer man Trailer Court. ? ? ? Frank Barton of Bath, S. C? spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Whit Barton and Marilyn. * ? ? Mrs. William Davis and baby daughter of J acksonvllle Beach, Fla, are spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.R. C. Pipes. Mrs. Davis Is the former Miss Dorothy Pipes. ? ? ? Mrs. A.G. Morrow of Unaka spent last week-end with Mrs. Frank Morrow. ? ? ? Visitors sod supper guests of Mr. snd Mrs. Willie Led ford on Sunday were his sisters and brother-ln-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ledford of Franklin, and Mr. and Mrs. Wymer Burrell and son, Btlly of Hagvllle. ? ? ? Mrs. Johnny Wilson and Mrs. Paul Ledford shopped In Gainesville, Ga. Monday. ? ? ? Mrs Lester Ramsey, the former Miss Vernle Rogers has rented her house to Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Hembree and Is presently making her home with her sister andbrother-ln law, Mr. and Mrs. JohnLuns ford. ? ? ? Mr. Bill Puett who has been a patient In a local hospital for several days has gone to Dora vllle, Ga., to spent sometime with his son, James and family. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. DockSudderth spent last Saturday In Hender son vllle and Ashe vllle. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lovln good have re turned home after a visit with their son, Howard and family In Me bane, N. C. ? ? ? We are glad Mrs. Bruce Mauney Is home again after being a patient In a local hospital. This Advertisement Sponsored in The Interest Of And As A Salute To The 4-H Clubs Of Cherokee County COLLINS-CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE Store of Dependable Values Insurance Department Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Murphy ? Andrew*? Robbinsville ? Hoyetville Serving Southwestern North Carolina "Complete Insurance Service" CHEVROLET Oldsmobile SALES and SERVICE Dickey Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Co. 116 Tennessee Street Murphy, N. C. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 4-H CLUB BOYS and GIRLS MiriPiwirtiYu W. D. TOWNSON ' I r ; . , < ' : / j -r .. J ! tlOT I itAn 'mi ii .Siw?'"-" Your Friendly FORD Dealer BURCH MOTORS Ford Cars ? Ford Trucks SALESMEN J. N. Boling and J. Doyla Burch Complata Body and Paint Shop ? 24-Hoar Wrockor Sooico VE 7-2121 Murphy, N. C. Night VE 7-2394 E. C. Moore DODGE SALES and SERVICE Dial YE 7:2316 Murphy, N.C Stiles Produce Co. St. Murphy. N.C

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