WEATHE a H. L. PUC. 60 91 1.97 U 62 37 0.27 31 27 Tract 60 36 0.40 30 36 Trace 33 29 0 33 29 0 Thursday, Friday, Saairday parity cloudy with no rain MtTBISr LIBHAHT Muarei n c SAMPLE The Cherokee Scout And Clay County Progress " DONOR d^^hS.hS2ia.,c,a"rKl Volume 72 - Number 38 Murphy, North Carolina, April 19, 1962 16 Page* Thl* Week Publl*hed Weekly fUtrpky Chtrchts Uaite Far G00J Friday Murphy Churches are mlt Ing, aa la their want, la tbelr obeervance oI lnter-com m union aervlcea tor the crowning day* of the Christian year. Good Friday aadBaaiar. The unl?d Good Friday aorylce, commemorating die death of Christ, will be held at 1 o'clock Friday rfternoon at Ftrat Methodlat Church, proleatant worahlppera gather at 6:50 E eater Sunday morning at the Beaten end of Staiaet Cemetery B observe the Saviour's resurrection. The worship gatherings coma after Holy Week ser 'vices held in several Murphy churches. Including Episcopal, Methodist Presbyterian; and Lead up to the commemoration of Easwr at Morning worship In the various congregations. A Good Friday service will be held at Murphy elementary school at 2:15 with various ministers taking part, and the school chorus, directed by Mrs. Jerry W.Davidson, slng '''jolnt choirs trill sing at the taiittd services, with Julian Suggs of First Baptist Church in charge. Various shops and seres will be closed for the Good Friday service. . Seven ministers will each give a brief meditation on one of the seven words from the cross. The words and the Inter preters are: "Father, for give them, for they know not what they do". C. F. Womble, First Methodist Church; "To day thou trill be with me In Paradise," the Rev. W.F.E1 Uott, retired, associated with First Methodist Church; "Woman, behold ihy eon." "Son, behold (by mother," George P. A. Haaae, Free Methodtaq "My God, my God. Why heat Thou forsaken me7" Marvin Hampton, Tomotla baptist Church; "1 Thirst" Robert A. Potter. Murphy Preabytarlan; It la (lnlahed," Alex B. Hanson, Episcopal Church of the Messiah; and "Father, Into thy hands I com mit my splrlq" Willi am J. Thompson, First Baptist. Offering at the service will be for the inter church fund. Mr. Potter la to bring the Easter message at the Sun rise service, with other min isters taking part. Including the Rev. A1 Smith of Metho dist Circuit and Harvey Kln caidof Texana Baptist. At the elementary school service the Seven Words are also being given. The concluding service oi the Lenten series Is being held at Murphy High School Thursday morning, with the Rev. Raymond Dehen of St. Williams' Catholic Chapel bringing the message, and other ministers taking part. RaisesQuotaOf $912 The Andrews Chapter of the American Red Cross raised its 1962 fund quota of $912 this week. This total marks the first time In ten years that the goal has been reached with Is Important because the goal must be attained in order to keep the blood bank program. The fund raising chairman was Tom Ledbetter, minister of the Church of Christ In Andrews. Ou r ?-a & ter ~J4a ti Our hats are so funny to some of our men But we think they're lovely, especially when They're tiny and Just fit the top of your head With a perky little bow?or a rose so red. But "He" looks It over with a smirk and a sneer ? "Do you call that thing a hat, my dear?" We have all kinds ? every color and shape. And we never pay more than ? "Four Ninety-Eight." But there's his "Homburg" ? he wears only for dress? And pays at least "Twenty-Five", for, or I miss my guess. Then that "Little old Stetson," bought to wear In-between? Picked up at a bargain ? Just a measley "Fifteen." His colorful little "Straws" with a feather In the band, And his "Panama and Nylon" ? the best In the land. And the little "Soft Velvets" In sizes for all The sturdy "Duck-Back" for hunting In the fall. The long bill "Cap" - in plain, stripes or checks He must have one of each of these - or by heck he'll hollerl And you can't touch a one of these ? For less than a dollar. Oh yes!?Our hats are very funny ? But we save our men ? a lot of money. (dedicated to all our men everywhere) by Sally Davidson Murphy, N. C. Tte first affiliate membership sold In the Cherokee County Soil and Water Conservation District Is shown being presented to Noah Hembree, Secretary - Treasurer of the District to Dr. B. W. Whitfield. Other memberships have been sold to Citizens Bank and Trust Company of Murphy and Andrews, E. J. Whltmore, Herman West and E. D. Woods farms. (Scout Photo) Plastic Veneer Plant Plans Are Announced Plana for a 18,000 square foot modular structures man ifacturlng plant In Murphy worn made known Saturday, April 7, by the George L. Wright Co. of Atlanta. The plant will manufacture acom poalad piaatlc veneer product and la expected to employ 125 1S0 workers with atx to nine months. Construction of the 100 x 180 steel prefabricated build ing will begin sometime In April. The building will be constructed on property owned by C. L. Alvereon of Murphy on the comer of Regal Street and State Road 1866 near the Smoky Moixitaln Gas Co. bulk setrage plant. For the peat several weeks, the company, officially called Modular Structural Com ponents, Iac? has been in stalling a press with drying In Mmporary In As basement of Gas Co. on fee Andrews Htg),way. The press 1? being Ina tailed ee be worked out and for train ing purposes. W. B. (BUI) Duncan, plant manner , la in charge of the Installation and training. The steel prefabricated atructure wlU be a clear span building decorated with baked - on green enamel According to the company's prospectus the plastic veneer product can be made available In a variety of standard sizes and pre-forraed shapes. Flat sheets can be used for either Interior or exterior use as wall coverings and for de corative or ornamental pur Sheets wlU be produced for elth Interior or exterior use ae screens, dividers, patio, or m race coverings. Tubes, hexagons, rec and other regular i be used ae light weight. limited strength, structural or aupuuru^g members . Application of these products could be In cluded la new home ? a traction modernization and repair, office, commercial and Industrial buildings for wall coverings and easily Installed and movable par titions, fall-out shelters for above and below ground in stallations, curtain wall panels, the do-it-yourself market, shipping containers, mobile homes, shell homes, automobiles and trucks, signs toys and games. Modular Structural Com ponents, Inc. is the manu facturing operation and a subsidiary of veneer Plastic Research Corpor ation with home offices in the Pulton National Bank Building in Atlanta. Mr. Duncan, the plant manager, has been in pies tic stork for six years. Prior* entering this field, he spent 20 years in the bank andtmre specialized fixtures business, Mr. Duncan plans B> move his wife and their one child x> Murphy ae soon as school is MURPHY'S FIRST GOLD MEDALLION HOME - Mr. and Mrs. James Chadwick proudly dls paly ?he ' 'Gold Medallion Award" presented id them recently by J. H. Baylexs, manager of the Murphy Electric Power Board. The Chadwlck's modern, new all-electric home on Duke Street In Muiphy received the coveted award after meeting the rigid requirements set forth for a Gold Medallion Award, the symbol of the hallmark of quality In electrical living. (Scout Photo) Easter Lily Day Set For Saturday Lilies will grown on the streets of Andrews and Murphy, Saturday, April 21, when the annual Lily Day is held throughout the business district by Cherokee County Crippled Children's Society, to help raise funds for crip pled children. Led by Bill Whitaker and Virgil O'Dell, county co chairman, Lily Day Is a feature of the 1962 Easter Seal Campaign which contin ues through Easter Sunday, April 22. The event will Include par ticipation of Murphy School Band. by Bud Morgan ^ BACK AGAIN: Off the Cuff is back once more after not appearing In die last Issue ol the Scout. It was good to know that there were people who missed it. Off the Cuff re ceived a few telephone calls and was stopped on the street by people wanting to know if the "Scout" had "got rid of me" or If 1 had left. But, the whole trouble was due to the fact that one of our girls was out last week and my "ole" boss had me proofreading and making corrections of the news copy and it left me no time to write this column. Next time It happens, I wish everyone would "gang"up on him so he won't do it again. ? ? ? GOOD IDEA: In the pastfew weeks many people have stopped me asking what can be done to make the Town Square In Murphy more at tractive. Our Town square could have many attractions for the passing visitor, potential resident taxpayer and Industry. I like Murphy but I'd like to see our town square made Into a show place. Many small towns through the country have beautiful squares. Some of them have trees and benches, a fountain, flowers, statues or a tourist Information booth or trailer run by the Chamber of Com merce. Murphy's town square lacks these things. What can be done? What do you as a resident of Murphy think would Improve the square. Give me your views and suggestions and lets see if we can give Murphy a town square with more than Just a red light! CIRCUS IS COMING: The smell of sawdust, the lion's roar, the elephants screech, peanuts, popcorn, the excite ment, all make my heart beat faster and faster. Yes, the dreys Is coming May 14. Every youngster from 1 to 101 will want to go. I'll be there. Buy your tickets early and buy them from any mem ber of the Rescue Squad before the day of the circus. In doing this you will help them pur chase new equipment which Is bedly needed. ? ? ? ? Smile of the Week: A father was teaching his small daugh ter to tell time. "These are the hours, these are the min utes and these are the seconds," he said, pointing them out. The small girl looked puzzled. "Where are the Jiffies 7" She Inquired. FieldsOf The Woods EasterPageant An all night Easter pageant starting Saturday, April 21 at 8 p.m. will be held for the 21st year at the Fields of the Wood. The Church of God, which Is the church of the Fields of the wood directs this Easter service every year. Over 50 costume charecwrs dlplcdng the events of die crudflctlon and the resur rection will be held. The lead ing roles will be played by the officials of the Church. Murphy Calendar ihursday, Apru IV 7:30 a.m. Services at First Methodist Church andPres byterlan Church. 12:30 -5:30 p.m. Bloodmoblle to be at Murphy Power Board Building. '6:30 p.m. Holy Mass of the last Supper at St. Williams Catholic Church. 7:30 p.m. Services atPresby terian and First Methodist Churches. 7:30 p.m. Communion service commemorating the Last Supper at Episcopal Church Of Messiah. Friday, April 20 7:30 a.m. Services at First Methodist and Presbyterian Churches. 10:00 a.m. Communion ser vices at Episcopal Church of Messiah. 1:00 to 2:00 p.m Union services at First Metho dist Church. 7:30 p.m. Services at First Methodist, Presbyterian And St. Williams Catholic Church Saturday, April 22 7:30 p.m. Services at St. Wil liams Catholic Church. Sunday April 22 6:30 a.m. Sunrise services to be held at SunsetCemeaery. 7:30 a.m. Easter Communion at Epslcopal Church of Messiah. 7:30 a.m. Holy Mass at St. Williams Catholic Church. 5:30 p.m.MYF atFlrstMetho dlst church. Monday, April 23 6:30 p.m. Rotary Club to meet at Family Restaurant 7:45 p.m. Women of the Church to meet at Presbyterian Church 8:00 p.m. Wesleyan Service Guild meets at the home of Mrs. Duke Whitley with Mrs. Louise Bayless as co hostess. Tuesday, April 24 11:00 a.m. Murphy Home De monstration Club to meet at the home of Miss Kate Hayes. 2:30 p.m. Mae Perry Circle of First Baptist Church to meet at the home of Mrs. Hayes Dockery. 6:30 p.m. Presbyterian Youth Fellowship ?> meet in the Westminister Building. 7:30 p.m. Circle No. 2 of First Methodist Church to meet with Mrs. Dixie Pal mer. 8 p.m. Alcoholic Anonymous to meet at Andrews Metho dist Church. 8:00 p.m. The Murphy Garden Club K> meet with Mrs. Glenn Ba?s with Mrs. Ruth Carrlnger as co-bosMs. Wetfctesday, April 25 7:20 Midweek services at Presbyterian Church 7:30 p.m. Midweek services at Free Methodist Church 7:30 pjfi. Midweek services at First Methodist Church 8:00 p.m. Choir rehearsal at Presbyterian Church 8:30 pjn. Choir rehearsal at First MeMadlat Church. TownBoardOK's Purchase Of New Fire Truck The purchese of a new fire truck for the Town of Mui'phy was authorized last week by the Town Board. The Town Board of Alder men approved the purchase of a new fire truck and all necessary fire fighting equip ment Including additional warning devices. The town attorneys were authorized id negotiate with civil defense for their assistance. In other action, the con Murphy Baud May Lead Bridge Dedication Parade The proposed trip of the Murphy School Bend to the dedicadon of the Lindsay C. Warren Bridge over the Aligaaor River near Manteo, N. C. has become more than Just a possibility during the past few days. The Idea of the trip Is id promote U. S. Highway 64 from Murphy to Manteo. The Town of Murphy voted Monday, April 9, id give the band *150.00. Murphy Chamber of Com merce president W. D. Town son reports that the Hendersonvllle Chamber of Commerce has offered to fur nish lodging and meals for one night. U. S, 64 runs through the center of Hen dersonvllle. Tenadve plans are for the band to leave Murphy at 3 p.m. Tuesday, May 8 and follow U, S. 64 Bo Henderson vllle. The band has an appointment with Gov. Sanford In Raleigh at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday May 9. The group Is expected id arrive In Columbia, N. C. around 9 p.m. the same night. The dedication of the bridge will be at 10:00 a.m. Thursday May 10. The Murphy band will be the only band on the bridge Itself. Several bands will take part In the ceremonies but the entire direction of all the bands will be under the leader ship of Murphy Band director, Ed Reynolds. A committee Is to be formed this week to complete the details and to raise the nec essary funds for the trip. It's Time To Point, Fix & Clean Mayor L. L. Mason pro claims Monday, April 23 thru Monday, May S as clean ig> for the town of Murphy. Please place rubbish In an accessible place and call the town hall for removal of same, Mr. Ma son said. Livestock School To Be Held The annual Livestock school for Cherokee County livestock producers will be held Thurs day night, April 19. This meet ing will take place at 7:30 in the Power Board Building in Murphy. Highlights for this school will be color slides on the procedures and methods of stacking silage; the use of com silage in a livestock program, plans for a new sale to market feeder cattle and proper procedure (or cul ling cows in the cow calf herds. These topics plus the latest Information on teea lng marketing and management will be discussed at this livestock school. Income for the sale of livestock In Cherokee County will be greatly Increased if farmers are willing to do a better job with their cattle. To find out some of the latest practices which will help Increase livestock in come, farmers are urged to attend this meeting Thursday nights, says James M. Ste wart, County Agricultural Agent. Don't Tst This Happen To You !! SORRY, BOYS? BUT I'VE GOT TOGO BACK-1 FORGOT TO GIVE BLOOD BEFORE ' I LEFT! M BLOODMOBILE ! MURPHY POWER BOARD BUILDING s (Thursday, April 19) 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. Flower Show Set For Tuesday The Murphy Garden Club will present it's spring annual flower show featuring "Springtime In The Smokies" on Tuesday, April 24, 1962 at the Presbyterian West minister Building from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. In Murphy North Carolina. The show Is open to anyone Interested in exhibiting horti culture specimen which must have been grown by the ex hibitor. Potted plants must have been In the exhibitors possession at least three months. Cut flowers, flower ing shrubs, trees and vines will also fell in this division. Another competitive high light will be on ertistlc arrangements. There will be five else see of this division which are as follows: Class 1. Arrangement of fruit, vege tables, or both: flowers and or foliage permitted. Class 2. Arrangement stressing lines: Crescent, Ho garth Curve, Assymedcal triangle, Perpendicular Una or convex curve. Claes 3. A composition sug gesting a bobby or vocation. Class 4. Arrangement of one awm with or without buds. Class S. Arrangement v sanction of ? five foot slda welk from die end of the present walk near Mrs. Kate Mauney*s on U. S. Highway 19 East to the town limits provided the town has iif flclent right of way for the sidewalk was authorized by the Board. This sidewalk will pro vide a safe walkway for high school students walking Band from school. Lighting of the ValleyRlver Bridge on U. S. 19 was ap proved. Lights will be placed at each end of the bridge. A contribution of $150.00 was approved for the Murphy School Band toward the pro motion of the Murphy B Man teo Band trip. The Murphy Band was Invited b Man too by the Manteo Chamber of Commerce for the official dedication of the new bridge across the Allgamr River opening a continuous highway from Murphy m Manteo. In other business at a town board meeting, Monday, April 9, a group of local citizens met with the town board m discuss the Increase of the dog population In the Town of Murphy and the damage which these dogs were doing and also the possibilities of rabies due m this increase of dogs was discussed. Me thods of controlling or cor recting these condltlmn were discussed and It was suggested that collars with rabies vac cination tags attached should be placed on pet dogs so that the strays might be more eas ily recognized. Town or dinances relating m dogs are as follows: Section 314: Part Two: That from and after the 1st day of November, 1950, it shall be unlawful for any dog owner to allow his dog to run at large within the city limits of the Town of Murphy unless the dog shall have been vaccinated for ra bies within a year of the daB found running at large and in less the dog shall wear a metal rabies tag validly Issued by a rabies lnspecBr within such period of one year. The owner shall also have In his posses sion and present upon demand by city officers a certificate of vaccination of such dog validly Issued by a rabies ln spector within said period of one year. Section 167: No person own ing a vicious animal or dan -, gerous animal shall allow same > B run at large, and any per son convicted of a violation of this ordinance shall, on - conviction, pay a fine of twenty five dollars. ^ These and other ordinances relating m dogs can be ex * amlned at the town hall should 4 anyone feel the possibility of violating said ordinances. GolfClub Gets2New Members The proposed Murphy - Andrews golf club member ship drive crept slowly towards its goal of 75 as two more names were added a> the list. L. W. Shields, Murphy moel owner became the second motel operaer to throw his support Into the county-wide project. John Yandell, a Florida bus inessman bought two shares in the proposed gqlf club. This brought the total to forty-six just 29 short of the required number. ? pair of containers. (This may be a single arrangement or two separate arrange taj dlvMon coootaa of drted maarlals or any < Mhifalt of lnaraot to |ardao dubara ad non-mombara. Bntriaa will ba raotlvad baaaaaa feOO ia art I QUO a.m. on ka day of da i mn el Mt ? sZZ? Mr*! jim Mn. JM Ray. *?

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