39 ajrphy no The Cherokee Scout AidClay Com ty Progress Volume 72 - Number 41 Murphy, North Carolina, Thursday, May 10, 1962 >6 Pages This Week polished Weekly ? ? i Cherokee Scout To Give 1962 Dodge Dart, Cash Awards In Big Campaign Of Progress 1962 Dodge Dart 2 door aadao will bo tha flrat prize la the Charokaa Scout** btg "Campaign of Progresi". Plua over $1,000 will be awarded la cash prize*. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES - Laft to right, first row: Herman H. West, House of Repre sentatives; Claude Anderson, sheriff; KeUls Radford, clerk of court; Bd Graves, register of J. C. Townson, coroner; Ed Hyde, Judge of recorder's court; and Carlyle Back row: _ G. Ma the son. Commissioner, district one. (Scout Photo) GOP Name Candidates D. M. Rim* following ? data for foe N. C. Home of feedm o* county Re- Repreeenutlves from Chero mfotlrau committee Saturday kee County In foe feneral elec ?iwired font Herman H. Hon foU fall. Weet will be foe GOP Cm*- Other r?Mean m HAYBSVILLS - Hayearllle High School honor atwfceta. Back mad* a four yaar ivaraft at 90 or abort. Left id right they an: Shirley BUohenahlp, JaoaDa Arm atrong. Billy Nichols. JacC Saltan. Rica Roaenkrang. Mardt Powell and Mariana Moaea. EDITORIAL Vote YES For Bonds Whether or not the school children of today and the school children of the next generation In Cherokee Coun ty receive ?n Inadequate or good education Ilea with the parents and volera of thla county. The time haa come to think of building achool butldlnga In Andrewa and Murphy m replace those deatroyed by fire durtkg the past 1$ months, and of Improving the schools at Htwassoe Dam, White Church, and Ranger. To rebuild the destroyed classrooms at Andrews and Murphy and make the long awaited Improvements la the cotaity, a $900,000 Cherokee Cotmty School Bond Issue will be presenmd to the voters on Saturday. May 26. This bond election coincides with primary elections for toft fte Repuhilrma and Democrats thus saving ftp taxpayers of this cotmty $4,000. We have our present county commla Menars to thank for this wise thinking. Ike school sonde of this county sro apparent to all who wl messed die Ores that swept the Mwphy filamentary School In January 1961, and at Andrews more recently. The cram med, tmsafe, otilnualad qnarttie being utilised speak for ftemselves. If you are not famllar with these situations, you should visit fte campus at Anftwwa High School or Mwphy momentary School aed eoo for yourself. The mmporery classrooms at Mwphy ars firs asp*. Inch adequate toilet facilities, and pros tut fte coaetaet bodily Injury m fte at At Andrews, Mgh school etndantt attend classes In pnrary classrooms afar holding claaana In focal for several lunch at Mk90 s.m. I Some of ftnee children can net net again tmtU they got off a school bne at 9 o'clock in fte wterneen. If you do this, visit tUwwsee Dam School and too for fte ddlftrea hem no place lepley of ? PTAl At WMte Church, fti wton It rnlan, fte PTA These wn fte reaeane fte wars of wS he ashed to vets on $900,000 to ac toads en Snmrdny. May $6. Ike need la qyr?q fte cost Is wlftto fte limits of tof to pay. SuuRadford.* SrtoJw gl9rW- of doods; Rdwle Hyde. Jade* of Record on Court; nd J. C. Town "~p oorornor. . ?:?r for Wo county Word of commlaotoiioro are Corlylo G. Matheeon, Dr. W. A. Hoover and Laatnr Cole. For coDatable - Jesse Hor ??* Beaverdam; Marlon Adams, Shoal Croak; and Vir gil Hogsed, Hothouse. For Justice of the peace J?* Williams, VallneEm! Uoyd Ramsey. Virgil 0*DeIl ?b4 Boyce Stiles, Murphy; Garland Cornwall, Beaver dapi; ArvU Williamson, Shoal Crank; and jack Watklns Hothouse. W. A. Wtshon was named ? otata executive com mittee to replace Radford who resigned a> accept the clerk of court candidacy. Charles McClure Withdraws From Sheriff's Race HAYESVILLE - Charles McClura, a Candida* for Sheriff on the Republican tic ket notified B. M. McClure. secretary to the Clay Cotmty Board of Elections, Saturday, May 5, that ha has withdrawn from the race and will not be a candidate la the May Pri mary. The Primary contest will now be between Sam Cox nd William Bradley on the Republican ticket. Bayse McClure said aince the tickets have already bean Printed, and Charles Mc Cluras name is on We ballot. Wot the judges In each pre cinct will notify the voters at dm polls Wat McClure la not a candidate for Sheriff. Hayesville Man Shot HAYBSVILLB-A Hayesville man was fatally shot Saturday rflsrnoon during an argtanent la Wo homo of another man. Sheriff Nasi Kitchens said Sunday. Robert Lee Parker, 41, of Heyeevllle, dUd In a Murphy hospital at 5<30 pjn. Saturday half an hoar after ha wan shot in Wo chest with a .22 rlfla on a charge of son Frank Byars. 52, of Hoysovllle. Kitchens aald Bynra ahot Parharta Wachest In Wa noma of at) to Bynra'1 Golf Club Gats 3 Now Members The New 1962 Dodge Dart Sedan And $1,000 In Cash Awards Are Offered Local Residents The Cherokee Scout and City County Progress axlay anno iwces i gigantic "Campaign of Progreaa" aufaacrlptlan drive in which a new 1962 Dodge Dart 2-Door Sedan and hiatdreds of dollars In cash swards atd commissions will be dlstrlbmed In a comprehensive drive for Increased circulation of The Scout. Complete details of the "Campaign of Progress" plana appear In a two-page advertisement In Ms Issue. The list consists of extremely Interesting awards t> be given energetic persona taking part In the campaign. ?????? The object of the campaign la to Increase further The Cherokee Scout's growing subecriptlon list. The newspaper will not be content with anything leas than complexly "blanket ing" the entire field, with The Cherokee Scout In every home in the area. A total of about $4,500 will be distributed, the 1962 Dodge Dart 2-door Sedan as theflrstswardandothar cash awards and estimated cash commissions to ths campaign workers In cluding $500 In cash as second award, $250 In cash as third award and smaller awards to others. Those who do not win one of the regular awards will be paid cash commissions of 20 per cent of money collected and turned In by them, according the rules of the campaign . The fact that ths campaign will last for only a few weeks makes the proposition appeal to energetic campaign workers sad the race promises a> be snappy and Interesting from start to finish. Votes and credits, according a> the announcements, scale, trill be given upon each subscription and at the end of the campaign persons with the greatest number of votes will receive the highest awards. It is a free-for-all campaign, with no entry fees no handicaps. This campaign is open to tndfrfduals only. All subecriptlon selling will be confined to persons who enter the campaign and thalr friends or relatives who wish n assist them. Any former agreements between the Cherokee Scout andanygroigte clubs or individuals for selling suuecrlpaons ere rescinded for the duration at the campaign. Rural correspondents for The Scout and Progress are eligible p take part In dm campaign, and are lnvltad m do so. The plan adopted by The Cherokee Sceut Is a novel one. It could reach thousands of new readers by employing scorns of solicitors to cover this section, but It would take a long time to do the work thoroughly. In Inaugurating dm "Campaign of Progress," this imwep^er has adopted a better and quicker method. The plan gives friends and raadara an oppornadty to earn bfg awards during spare time. An especially attractive feature of dm campaign la that all will be paid handaomely for the results they secure. A cash commission of 20 percmnt will be paid id those who do not win one of the regular awards. Thus dm scamp algn la a sure thing from the beginning. The reward depends entirely on the effort put forth and dm results obtained. In offering such valuable awarda to those who take an active Interest, The Scout Is not playing dm part of a philanthropist. INafther- la It a so me thing-for-nothing schema. Itls a business proposition. The awards will ha glvun In arching, for a well directed effort on dm part of the contestants and thalr value assures everyone that his or bar efforts will bear fruit m dm fullest extent. In everyone's life there Is one bfg moment when he makes the decision that robs him of succes or lends him to fortune. The world Is full of those who yearn for bettor things that never come. Ths action Is missing, but let them see and grasp dm opportunity and there will be an tmtring transformation In their for The main thing Is an early start In ths campaign. It meats everything to thooe who have amhlttoa end a desire to succeed, so the first and best thing to do Is m enroll your name at once aid then get out among your friends mid acquaintances and mil them you want thalr subscription or renewal to The Cherokee Scout. Campaign headquarters ate located at The Cherokee Scout office. Call aroimd and meet dm managers of this busy organization. All Informstioa concerning the "Cam paign of Progress" will be cheerfully given and suggestions mads relative to outlining and planning successful work. "Clip out dm coupon now - while It la fxesh In your mind mid bring of send it to campaign bandquarmra or mlephona Vernon 7-2222. It may moan what yon have been wishing for, a New Car or Big Sum of Cash. Don't wait, enter today." Auto Rams Another Off Road MURPHY - A car rushing the victim of a shooting In Goorgla to a Murphy hospital Sunday afternoon rammed Into the roar of another carrying too airman, hurling both sums over an embankment. No one wan Injured In the accident. Sta? Trooper R. H. Bnaley who invaodgaad, said ha had not bean able a> identify the (Moor of An car ^amrtng the victim, Chen. 41. of Route 2, Murphy. Bnaley gave Ma aocotme A car, driven hyjoa William CrtawaU of Sprlngftald^Mo^ wast of la man Jr. of Austin, hflnn* aleo , woe hart. The Mr Re Groat Anderson quoted Hatches as saying aster Georgian had shot him sift a pistol. Hatches was listed la criti cal condition from the pistol wound In Murphy boapltal Sun day night. Mtrphy Rtffall Mtrcbiits Eltct Officers At a te following officers Aldn Coward; Ihrts Deals; Jlnaals Wallace.