MRS. KENNETH CLAYTON WRIGHT. JR THE FORMER MISS ALVARETA CAROLYN FRANDSEN ^/kWs (^arofyn ^Jrantlsen W.J, JL.nA C. WrifLl, #r. Sharp Chapel on the Univer sity of Tulsa Campus was (he selling for nuptial vows re pealed Saturday night by Miss Alvareta Carolyn Frandsen of Tulsa. Oklahoma and Kenneth Clayton Wright. Jr., a native of Murphy. His mother Is the former Carmen King. His father was principal of Murphy High School 1937-44. Joyce Boring Wins Grange Sewing Contest Joyce Boring wins Pomona Grange sewing contest. The '(tress was made of a blue and white drip dry cotton with a full skirt gathered on a bias midriff. The short jacket is "made of solid blue to match the blue checks. The Pomona Grange is made up of Peach tree, Martins Creek, Ranger and Robbinsvtlle. Joyce Lives at Rt. 1, Tur tie town, Tenn. and attended school at Hiwassee Dam. Democrat Club Holds Meeting The Young Democrat Club of RobblnsvUle held en Im portant meeting Saturday night in the Joyce Kilmer Res taurant for the purpose of electing new officers. The new officers elected end Installed were tPresldeni Rosi Smith; vice-president. Mrs. Fenle (Bill) Hyde; and sec retary - treasurer Ralph Worley. Short talks were made by Modeal Walsh sad Ross Smith The Y. D. C. project now la to raise $400 for the Vance Acock Dinner is be held In Ashevllle sometime In October. Fifteen members Murphy Smashes Andrews To A 7 to 4 Score Win Murphy baseball team samshed out seven hits for seven runs beating the An drews team by a score of 7 to 4. Right from the * tart It was a cloee contest with each team em run each in both second and third Inning. In dm sixth liming Murphy let go with aU Weir power and owes In 4 big runs. Jtm Carrtnger for Murphy showed die Andrews players what a baaabaU player can do by patting three hits at four times at bat. Lynn Klrkland Mt a solo ho mar for Murphy In dm sixth bmtng and Tarry The bride was homecoming queen and a member of Delta Delta Sorority and Mortar Board at SMU. Mr. Wrighfs fraternity Is Alpha Tau Omega He was also graduated from St. Mark's School of Texas. For the ceremony per formed by the Rev. J ack Hart of Tulsa the bride wore a formal-lenght gown of silk organza over taffeta accented wicn Lhandily lace motifs on the molded bodice and bouf fant skirt which extended to chapel - lenght train. A lace headdress held her veil and an' orchid centered her tra ditional bouquet. Honor attendants to the couple were Mrs. Donald G. Ray, Kansas City, and Mr. Wright, the bridegroom's father. Also In the wedding party were Miss Beverly Wil son, St. Louis; William A. Hoover Murphy, Larry Wil son, Robblnsvllle and Messrs Mid Mmes. D, J, Frandsen, Jr.; Mark A. Mason and Richard Lane. Mr. Frandsen is the bride's brother. The home of the bride's parents was the setting for the reception. Roy Fostar. Jr. hat bean homo for tbn post nak with Ms porana. Mr. and Mra. Roy Foaar. Ha la atadonad In San Dalco. Calif, a a a Mr. and Mra. Bob Jewett v and family were the Wadfaaa day night dinner guaata of Mr. and Mra. Billy Magnate. An**ews Red Cross Has Completed Class Instructions Androwa ? The currant daaa of Gray Ladlea of An drews chapter of Rad Cross haa compleod daaa In structions and la now aervlng a probationary period at Dta trlct Memorial Hospital. Senior Gray Ladlea are Mrs. Wayne Battle. Mra. Lillian Hlggs. Mrs. Carlyle Matheson, Mrs. Howard White ho use, Mrs. Harold Yoiaig, Miss Trilby Glenn. Members of Gray Lady Youth trous are June Adams. **ary Jo Battle, Sandra Led ford, Judy McFaDs, Nancy Martin. Shelby Jean Poaeell, Brends Stover, Louise Trant hem. Barbry Watry, DeEtta Watson, Doris White, Lola Ann Whlta, Linda Woolen, Stella Mae Woo ten. A capping ceremony for this class and the one previous to It will be announced at a later date. District Memorial Hospital Dismissals District Memorial Hospital Reports. Patient Census, June 18, 1962. Robblnsville, Mst. Ronnie Green, Miss Barbara Green, Mrs. Frank Rodgers. Andrews: Mrs.JepBradley, Miss Opal Woolen, Mrs. Howard Jones, Mrs. Arthur White. Nantahala: Mrs. Joe Coch ran, Vincent Jones. Murphy: Mrs. Jake Kephart Jesse Reece, Tom Campbell, Hayesvllle, James Martin. Dismissals June lt-181962 Andrews: Wesley Palmer, Frank Adams, Rev. T. C. Christmas, Mst. Steve Nichols Miss Elaine Curtlss, Mrs. Venoy White, Nenia Hall, Judy Ann Painter, Ruth Barnard. Robblnsville: Fred Hyde, Mrs. Mar. Adams, D. L. Orr, Mrs. Lamra Burke, Mrs. John Chllders, Mrs. Bobble Arro wood, Charlie, Jones, Mrs. Dewey Eller, Rena Phillips, Arnold Buchanan, Mrs. Blaine Carver, W. M. Davis, Wayon Odom , Lyle McKeldrey, Jutt Colvard, Stanley Clark. Hayesvllle: Homer Auberry William Cowart, Miss Mary Martin, Mrs. Robert Darrow Mrs. Kenneth Jones, Sylva; Mrs. Irene Roper, Copperhlll Tenn.; Mrs. Delia Clark, Se brlng, Fla.; Mrs. J. L, Mc Mahan, Murphy: Mrs. Lloyd Rose, Hlawassee Dam; Nora Jean Shields and Mrs. Jessie Owenby, Nantahala. Andrews Girl Wins 4-H Dress Revue by Thelma M. Wheelei Cherokee County Home Ageni Prances Pendergrass of th? Andrews Senior 4-H Clul emerged as Cherokee County'! 4-H dress revue winner wltl Brenda Stalcup of Murph senior running closely as run ner-up. In the Junior division Glend Little of Ranger 4-H Clubwa winner with Patsy Anderson c the Martin's Creek 4-H Clu as alternate. Each girl received enoug material for a dress from th following sponsors: Th Graham County Personals David Johnson is home foi the summer from College. He Is now employed at Fontaiu Village. Mrs. Clarlne Lynn anc children, Jimmy and Treat ol Raleigh, N. C? are spending the week with Mrs. Lynn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roj Phillips. Mrs. Robert Russell ol Ashevllle and Mrs. Mat Adams of Sallna, Kansas were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Cordell Russell lest week Some people are lucky ant Dewey Sharpe was one of then: Wedensday, when he hooked i 21 Inch catfish out of San teedah Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phillips and Mrs. Clarlne Lynn ant children were the Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fran 1 Carrlnger in Andrews. Mr. end Mr*. Zane Wilaoi Maryland, were the week-enc guests of Mr. Wilson's mothei Mr*. Carrie Wllaon. Bible School la In aessloi at Mew Hope Baptlat Churc) this week. ? ? a Mr. and Mrs. Max WUsoi of Ashevllle were the week end guests of Mr. Wilson'i mother Mrs. Carrie Wilson ? ? ? Bd Ingram Has sold hit drug s*>re to Martin Deloglei of MaryvUla, Tan. The drug a aire will not change Its name Robbtnsvllle will soon hava a new postoffice as the Uddln) has ben done. High bidden were; Mr. and Mrs. And; phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Jamei Philips, and Mr. and Mrs William Phillips, all of Rob btnsvllle. Fabric Shop, Fayloa's Cloth Shop, Lena's and the Cherokee County Home Demonstration Council, After careful examination each girl participating had a brief conference with the judges and received her score sheet for future reference In Improving her techniques. The experience gnines in making and modelling the dress Is excellent experience and each participant was a winner In this respect. Frances will represent Cherokee County at district demonstration day a Clyde A. Erwln high school on June 27. We are grateful to Mrs. John Smart, Jr. and Miss Frieda Dean Morgan for serving as judges for this occasion. We also wish to express out thanks to the Murphy Library Board and to Mr. Babb of the Cherokee Scout. Mrs. Randolph Shields and Mrs. T. E. Anderson assisted with refreshments at the con clusion of the dress revue. Diane Morrow Becomes Bride Of Jack McDonald On Friday June 15, Diane Morrow, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Poley Morrow Route 4, Murphy became the bride of Mr. Jack McDonald of Mur phy. The wedding took place in McCaysville, Ga. with Roy Chapman performing the ceremony. Those attending the wedding were Betty McDonald, Oliva Morrow, mother of the bride. Christian and Blanche Mor row, sisters of the bride. The coi^le will make their home In Dalton, Ga. Downlngs Creak Mrs. Alice Carttr Is spend ing a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Stroud and family. ? ? ? Mr. and Ms. Bill Mo atelier ?id sons Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Matheson, Mr. md Mrs. Arthur spent Sinday at the Indian Re nervation. Mr. and Mrs. BdgarShalton ?id sons of Atlanta spent the Week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nel son and chilthwn visited Ms parents, Mr. wd Mrs. G. N. Nelson over the week end. Cfay Countf P*rsonatW*ntion Mrs.Nnl R.Kitchus? Fhiii 3258 ir 2511 ? VIM Hug the family of Roacoa Mosa during ths week end vara Mr. and Mr*. WUiard MoClura and See van. Mr Hury Moaa of CbambUe Ga. and Mr. WUbart Moaa of Dora villa. Ga. Mr. Herman Bama la In Veterans Hospital, Otaan. N. C. where ha had an operation for appendicitis. e a a The Meadow Grows Bible School Commencement will be Friday night at 7:30 p.m. everyone la Invited B> attend. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Can up of Charlotte visited Ms slater ?id family, Mr. and MRS. Arvll Monkus Saturday. Mr. Charlie Cloer visited Ms wife and son-in-law and daughter in East Point, Ga. Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. David Bram falette and baby of McAdenvllle visited Ms grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brambles and Ms Aunt Sophronla Brambles during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Gllne Man have returned home Mter spending some time with her mother at Bryson City. Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers and baby of Atlanta spent the week-end with his parents Rev. and Mrs. Ada Rogers. Mrs. Myrtle Lowe and Patricia visited Mr. and Mrs. Troy Lowe and famllySwday. Mr. Fred Martin has re turned home after spending two years in the U. S. Army. Mr. Jack Cloer, who Is em ployed In Atlanta visited his wife, Janice and son durng the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hall of Atlanta visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace McClure Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Guffey and children and Mrs. Mamie Hall of Canton visited Mrs. Belle and Alma Swain Sunday. Mrs. Viola Myers who underwent surgery several weeks ago at Hall went back Friday for treat ment. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Mc Clure and Mr. and Mrs. Cloud White enjoyed a cook out at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McClure Saturday night. Mrs. Audrey Rhinehard of New Port Tenn. spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Ray Swalm who has been very sick for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Witch and children and Miss Lila Ashe of Atlanta spent the week-end with Mrs. J. E. Ashe and Mary Lou. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adklns spent several days last week in Blowing Rock N. C. visit ing relatives. Mrs. Jennie Coleman Is very sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cllne McClure Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Berry of Klngsport, Tenn. spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murray. The Myers Chapel home demonstration club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Cllne McClure Thurs day. Due to the absence of Mrs. Rozler the nutrition leader, Mrs. AlmaSwalmpre sented the club demonstration. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. laent Adams of Andrews spent the week-end at Warne with Rev. and Mrs. Jimmy Rogers. Miss Joyce White of Young Harris , Ga. spent the week end with Mrs. Edith Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carter and daughter Sibyl of Leaks - vllle are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Claude Moore at Warne. Miss Dot Ford spent last week In Marietta, Ga. with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ford. Carl Hogsed had returned id duty with the U. S. Navy after spending a thrlty day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Hogsed. ? ? ? Miss Sheila Wltnpey of Murphy Is spending this week with her aunt Mrs. Edwin Barnard. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ford during the week end were Mr. RlnkMumpower. and daughter , Debbie. Mr. Charles Mum power and Miss Jean Aiken of Swannanoa. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Barney Cagle of Symarna, Ga. spent the week-end with her parents, Phillip Mr. and Mrs. Ben Phillips. Mr. and Mra Frank Moore Sr. and Mr. and Mra. Frank Moore Jr. enjoyed a picnic at Clayton. Ga. Sindry with Mr. and Mrs. Bd Singleton and family. ? a a Siatday visitors at the L.R. Moo res were Mr. and Mra. Ray Rogers of Grinasvllle, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moots Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Cagle, Mr. ?d Mrs. Leanard Smith, Mr. nd Mrs. Baaa Hyatt, and Mr. Ml Mrs. B. H. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bwreu via!lad their chUiksn In At lwta, Ga. last week. They are Mr. Wayne Burrell, Ralph Mrs. Betty Wlmpey'i child ren visited her over the week end. They ere Mr. end Mrs. Claude Wlmpey, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wlmpey and Mr. and Mrs. Arihur Jones. Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jones will re main for a week's vacation, e e a Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ste wart and family, of SaMord, visited their aunt, Mrs. Prod White and Mr. White, for afew days last week. Mr. and Mrs.Garth Thomp son and son. spent the week end in Cullowhee with her mother, Mrs. Nan McGulre. Their daughter, Becky, Is spending several weeks there with her grandmother. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Garland Led ford and family, and Miss Con nie Limsford. are spending a week's vacation In Florida. ? ? ? Mr. James Sellers, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sellers, visited last week with his aunts. Misses Esta and Ua Penland. He Is employed by the U. S. Government as a supervisor for the Public Health Service, and he and his family have spent the past two years In Indonesia, where they will return on July 1 for another tour of duty. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogsed Mr. and Mrs. David Burch. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mason, Patricia and Sandy Knight, Misses Carolyn Davenport and Marilyn Ledford, all of Hayesvllle, and Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Hogsed of Atlanta, camped at Deep Gap over the week-end. Mrs. Ronald West and son, of Albany, are spending this week with her parents, Mrs. Pansy Bradshaw, and Col. and Mrs. Wayne West. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. White and family of Beaumont, Texas are visiting their mothers, Mrs. Lou Brakens and Mrs. Hazel White and other relatives. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alex ander and children, spent Fri day In Chattanooga. Mrs. Laura Lyon has re turned home after spending last week with her sister In Andrews. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy John son and daughter, spentSunday at Vogel Lake. Mrs. Ina May Queen and son of J acksonvllle, Fla. are visit ing her mother, Mrs. Octavla Henderson and other relatives In Clay County. Mr. Homer Auberry Is at home after undergoing sur gery at the Andrews Hospital. Miss Sandy Zimmerman Is spending two weeks In Augusts Ga. with her cousin. Miss Helen Kahn. Mr. Fred Martin Is In the Andrews Hospital where he will undergo surgery on Tues day. Mrs. Sieve Zimmerman ol Cullowhee spent the week-enc R. L. McGlamery at Oak Forest. Mr. nd Mra.OacarBanakar and family of Qualla spant the week-end la their hometown of Manning, S. C. Mr a. Ztt filler visited Mr. and Mr*, grwd Waldroup and Winona at Qualla ooSimday afternoon. Mr. and Mr*. Bob Cunning ham and Mra. Bob Mease spent the week-end in South Caro lina with Mr. and Mrs. Berts Bristol and family. * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyatt Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Pen land and Mrs. Jo Bates visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Herbert at Oak Forest Sunday, afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood ot ICnoxvllle, Tenn. spent the week-end with the ZebPattons. Mr. Jerry Owens visited his daughter and family, Mrs, Mable Panther at Blalrsvllle Ga. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Cof fey of Baltimore, Md. visited relatives at Pine Log recently. Mrs. Coffey Is the former Miss Hettle Kernel. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Owens and David of Pine Log visited Mrs. Hatzle Ledford and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Panther at Blalresvllle, Gt. last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sellers of Philadelphia, Penn. are spending several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sellers at Downlngs Creek. Mrs. Polly Ann Ledford of ' the Elf community was patient at Hlawassee Hospital last week. She is recovering nicely now. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jewett and family , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scroggs and phyllls attended the Horse Show at Clayton, Ga., Sunday. Mrs. Vernon J. Kitchens of Washington, D. C. came to Ashevllle last week by plane to visit her father Mr. W J. Nix who Is a patient in an Ashevllle hospital. She came to Hayesville and spent a few day with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kitchens at Lick Log. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Daven port, Marvin Davenport and Charles Woodard spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davenport. Miss Mary Bill Allison was the Monday dinner guest of Miss Carrie Swanson. Mrs. Adam Sellers of the Downlngs Creek community has been confined to bed most of the time for the past two weeks, ill. ? ? ? Mrs. Ma trie Penland who has been a patient at Hlawassee Hospital for several days Is slowly Improving at this time. Mrs. John Henry Martin, Jr. returned home Saturday after a weeks visit at Fort Bragg with her son and family 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Jr. Mr*. Martin left bar aon and daughiar, Mike adjKlce In Charlotte for a week at tha Church of God can?. The returned with bar Saturday. ? ? ? Mlsa Kama Wait attandad June Weak actlvltlaa and graduation axerdaea of Cadat Howard Prince at the U. S, Military Academy, WeatPolnt a a a Mr. Junior Duckworth and family of Charlotte are vlaltlng his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duckworth thla Vtatttag Mr. i Smarowkii Mr foUowtae families: Gsrof* ofColanbU. S. C. Charles of PtnMr, Arizona, Mr*. Bill Boat?g*r aI Richmond, Va_ BUI of At lanta, Paul of S. C. ad Prod, Mr*. Albert HaU wd Mr* Dm Hall aU of Ca Miss Carrlo Swanson span, a few day* laat week la Can on and Ash*villa. ? ? ? Mr. and Mr*. Thomas Bill* aid two sons, of Brevard via Iced their aunts, Mrs. Glenn Byer* and Misses Myrt and Mart Bllla laat weak, see Mrs. Pat Warner and child ren of Atlanta, (past th* week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Swansea. NEW! MEWS MEW! ^ Dayton Thoruhred. WITH TWIN-TREAD DESIGN $13?? 470-15 114(1 TOM 1 SIZE 7.10 X 15 7.60 X 15 .50 X 14 i.OO X 14 HACK* | WHITE* TU5E-TYPE 15.64 18.19 19.94 21.79 TUKIESS 15.55 17.75 18.73 21.31 ?All ptkn p\m tax mi *14 lira aff jmt car Where else can you V"> ^1 get such a luxurious looking, wide-track tire V The safest surest stopping, a s&r rssrSd i ???< ?-nm*?? >,?, of quality built into this great price range! new Dayton Thorobred. Here is '"IH&lttWKiiytft. the best buy in tires for the thrifty ^ motorist who wants distinctive styling, safety, performance and long life. Buy the tire that's easy on the budget... the tire with "big car appearance' and performance. Buy the new all nylon Dayton Thorobred. Outstanding nationwide guarantee No Time or Mileage Limit All Dayton Passenger Tires are guaranteed by The Dayton Tire & Rubber Company for the life of the original tread against failures caused by CHUCKHOLES, GLASS, NAILS, SPIKES, etc., as well as DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL. Adjustment made on a pro-rata basis at current DC prices. GRAVES TIRE CO Near Fanners Garage Andrews Road VE 7-2181 Murphy, N. C. itay at slim at you oral dietaite cola only two calories per can! Low in calories Only 1/6 of a calorie par ounce... one calorie per serving. High in flavor Your taste can't tell the difference... but your figure can. Two foil glaaaoa la ?h IB-es. S? A Product OfNEHI Bottling Co. In Murpny ONLY 2 CALORIB PER 12 QZ. CANT

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