WEATHE ?? The Cherokee Scout ?? wm M U.UU ? I oS AndClay County Progress 25 90 62 oiw ________ Volunr 72 ->Number 52 Murphy, North CoroHno. Thurtday, July 26, 1962 12 Paget Thl? Weak Pi*ll?h?d W?fcly Faculty For Murphy Schools Announced The faculty llatfor the 1962- I 63 ecbeol tarn of the Murphy I City School Unit has boon an- ' no mead by HoUwd McSwaln, ? siperlnwndent. Tba Uat U ? comprised ol a lxty-two faculty I members Including thaatgtar lneendant, three principals, 1 the treaaursr, and two ?acmtnrtea. Members of the Murphy Elementary School faculty for the coming year are: John Jordan. Principal. Murphy. N. C? Elementary Principal; Mies Clara McCombs, Mur phy. Rt 1. Crade 1; Mrs. Martha Hatchatt, Murphy, Crada 1; Miss Eiaiice Shields Murphy. Grade 1; Mrs. Ruth Forsyth. Murphy, Grada 2; Mrs, Chris den Ingle. Young Harris, Gm. Grada 2; The Mail Must Go Through The efficiency of the Murphy Poat Office was Illustrated one day this week when apostcard addressed to : "Mother. Ida, Ruth 6 All, Peachtree Street. Murphy, North Carolina," was delivered to Its rightful owners. They are Mrs.MatHe B. Arrant and her daughters, Ida and Ruth. Mrs. Arrant and her daughter got a good laugh out of the unusual address. The post card was mailed In In Inglewood , California on July 21, 1962 and signed "Love, Jo." Thanks 0 the Post Office the card was de livered July 25. 1962. Scout Troop 402 To Elect New Officers Scout Troop 402, which has bean under the leadership of Scoutmaster Mont Rogers trndl his recent Illness, is being reorganized by Tommy Gentry and Gordon Bates. All Troop members are urged m attend the meeting, Thursday. July 26 at 7:30 In the Scout Hut. Election of Troop officers will be held at this time. Many Scout Projects are being planned Including a com pany trip In the near future. Scoutmaster's TommyGen try and Gordon Bates urge all Troop 402 Scouts 0 attend the meeting. "Scouts Let's Go." Is the new theme of the reorganized troop. 12 Rod Cross Pioaforo Girls To Rocoivo Cops Andrews ? Capping cere monies for the first youth grotqp to be trained for Red Cross Grey Lady Service at District Memorial hospital will be held at 8 o'clock Wed nesday evening, At^ust 1, at the First Baptist Church. Twelve volunteer workers celled Pinafore Girls, because of the style of their blue and white imlorm, have completed required hospital training and will receive cap and pin at at thia a me. Miss Franc** Dickson, Murphy, Grade 2 and3(comb) Mr*. Annie Brandon, Murphy, Srndn 3,Mr*. Lena Thompson. Culberson, Grade 3; Mrs. Wil lie Lou Shields, Marble, Rt. 1, Grade 4; Mrs. Maale Lou Penlsnd, Murphy, Rt.4,Grade 4; Mrs. Gladys Morris, Mur phy, Grade 4; Ml** Emily Sword, Murphy, Grade 5; Miss Bobble Joyce Harmess, Mur phy, Rt. 3, Grade 5; Mrs. Made M. Hendrlx, Murphy, Grade 5; Miss Ella FayeByers Blair*vllle. Ga. Rt. 3, Grade 6; Mrs. Olive W. Williams, Brasstown, Grade 6; Mrs. Bertha Chambers, Murphy, Rt. 3, Grade 6; Charles Forrlster, Culberson, Rt. 2, Grade 7; Mrs. Jane H. Reynolds, Mur phy, Grade 7; Mrs. Edwlna B. Shelton, Murphy, Grade 7; James H. McCombs, Murphy, Grade 8; Mrs. Ruth L. Wil son, Murphy, Grade 8; Mrs. Margaret Glbbs, Murphy, Grade 8; Miss Frances Gen try, Murphy, Rt. 3, Elementary Librarian; Mrs. Mary B. Jones, Andrews, N. C.Special Education; Mrs. Margaret S. Bruce, Murphy , Special Edu cation, Miss Leila Hayes, Marble, Rt. 1, Special Edu cation; Mrs. Etfcia P. Whitley Murphy, Music. The Murphy High School faculty list Is as follows: Walter R. Puett, Principal, Murphy, High School Princi pal; Mrs. Sue H. Benson. Mur phy, English; Rupert W. Bo wen. Murphy; Commercial; Mrs. Velma Burch. Murphy, English; J ames David Bris tol, Andrews, History, Ath letics; Mrs. Margaret Carter, Murphy, History, Psychology; Frank B. Gasaway, Murphy, Commercial; Mrs. Ludle D. Gault, Brasstown, French. English; Miss Martha Haw kins, Murphy Rt. 4, Vocational Home Economics; Fred Martin, Jr. Murphy, Rt. 3, Gen. Math., Algebra; Ralph McConnell, Murphy Physical Education; Mrs. Geraldlne Meadows, Culberson. Gen. Science, Biology; Mrs. Emma L. Minor, Murphy, Rt. 4, High School Librarian; John Morris Murphy, History; Joseph C. Morrow, Vocational Agricul ture; Morris Lee Newton, Murphy, English; Felix Pal mer, Murphy; Math. Algebra, Geometry; Mrs. Moselle Puet^ Murphy, Latin. Gen, Math. Mrs, Frances W. Ray, Murphy, Typing , Shorthand; Edward J. Reynolds, Murphy, Band; Randal Shields, Culber son, Rt. 2, Geography, His tory; John Thompson, Murphy, Biology, Chem., Physics; Miss Maria Louise Travis, allsm; J ames Samuel Webb, Andrews, Driver Training. Mrs. Pauline B.Bault, Mur phy, Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Ruby H. Bryson. Mar ble, Attendance Officer. The Faculty members of tbe Texana School are: Mrs. Ella B. Ragsdale, Principal. Mur phy, Primary Grades, Mrs. Helen M. Smith, Grammar Grades, Mr. Carl W. Franks, Murphy High School. The Murphy City adminis trative Unit Includes: Mrs. Louise A. Bayless, Murphy, Treasurer; Mrs. GeraldlneG. Garland, Culberson, Rt. 2, Secreatry and Mrs. Anna Ruth Palmer, Marble, Rt. 1, High School Secretary. Tribesmen in Dutch New Guinea have a fetish for an cestral skulls. They sleep with skulls, fondle them, and carry them on food - gathering expeditions. CHEROKEE COUNTY 4-H CLUB members that received awards at Camp Schaub ware left ? right Betty OTJeU, Chartoiae Stalogi, Oemty Smith. V 1*1 an Sneed, and Carl a Beth Sdtea. Not ptcured Jamea Rinaudo and Charles Henson (Scout Phoa>) Cherokee 4-Her s Win 9 Camp Awards Thirty Cherokee Cataity 4-H'er* left Murphy, Monday, July 9 for a *aak at Camp Schaub la Wayne e*llle. There they camped with ISO 4-H'era from Caldwell Cherokee Indian Reservation. The camp had aaoutstaadtaa staff which had a wall plan ned program of activities for White i 4-H'ere ware divided inn four (">??: Hmo, neart, Health ad Hand*. Theee groups at ?oded daaaaa In electricity, wildlife, ewlmmlag, handl. crrft, ad recreation. They ether la wrftball, volleyball ad rwlmmlnj. At Che bttiquet Friday night, eeven 4-H'ere from Cherokee Coiaty received camp ewarde. They were Charlotte Stalcig), recreation award; Betty OHell best girl swimmer; Carla Beth Sdles, best girl camper; Health groigt, and handicraft award; Vivian Snead, National Rifle As sociate Safety Course award; Charles Hanson, bast boy camper Hands grotgt, Mid bast boy swimmer da; J antes Rinaudo, best boy camper Head group; and Dainty Smith dad for bast boy swimmer. DISTRICT AWARDS NIGHT at the Murphy Lions Club was held Tuesday, July 24 as ln?r nadoral Counselors Bob Barnesof die West AshevUle and Gudger Cabe of Candler presented District 31-A gifts o past Lion District Governor Robert W. Easley and past District 31 -A cabinet secretary Charlie Hughes, both of the Murphy club. Easley was presented a clock while Hughes received a rifle. Another presentation was made to Mrs. Easley. Shown left to right above Murphy Lions Club President John GUI, Barnes, Cabe, Easley, and Hughes. (Scout Photo) -t Top WNC 4-H'ers Honored Raleigh - The top honor in state 4-H Club work was bestowed Tuesday night on 40 boys and girls. Including four from Western North Carolina. In recognition of their char acter and achievements, as judged by fellow club members they were tapped Into the State 4-H Honor Club In one of the club week highlights atN. C. State College. Those from WNC were Elizabeth Ann Roberts, Rt. 4, Ashevllle, Betty Davis, Rt. 2, Hayesville, Marshall Hill of Rt. 1, Saluda, and Bruce Kel ler of Rt. 1, Forest City. Wu,Pk Cat. en Jar Thursday, July 26 3:30 p.m. Murphy Garden Club to meet at the home of Miss Leila Hayes. 7:30 p.m Murphy ChapterNo. 10 Order of Eastern Star will meet In the Masonic Hall. 7:30 p.m. Rescue Squad to meet at Murphy Power Board Building. 7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop No. 402 to meet atScoutHut Friday, July 27 6:30 p.m. Lydia Sunday School class of First B^>tlst Church annual picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Godfrey. Sunday, July 29 6:15 a.m. Mass at Providence Chapel. 11:00 a.m. Holy Mass At St. Williams Catholic Church 5:30 p.m. MYF meeting at First Methodist Church 8:00 p.m. Joint Services of Methodist and Presbyterian Churches atFlrstMethodist Monday, July 30 6:30 p.m. RotaryClubmmeet Family Restaurant Wednesday, August 1 7:20 p.m. Mid-week services at Presbyterian Church 7:30 p.m. Mid week services at Free Methodist Church 7:30 p.m. Midweek services at First Methodist Church 8:00 p.m. Choir rehearsal at Presbyterian Church 8:30 pjn. Choir rehearsal at First Methodist Church Eternally An 8-Year Old Boy The mortal mind can not comprehend why the hand of God reaches out and takes the breath of life from the body of a happy 8-year old. The sadness of such a tragic event Is relieved by the sweetness of knowing that these things rest In the hands of God himself, beyond the capacity of human understanding. One great blessing of faith Is the knowledge that God has His divine purpose. Of such Is the tragedy which has touched the family of Hubert Anderson Bourne of Murphy. The little boy died In Georgetown, S. C. in the midst of a carefree vacation with his family. One second's change of time, just a small turn of a boy's hand with a Roman candle, and a family's bereavement ? shared by all who know and love them? would have been spared. But God's design would not have It so. It must be of lasting comfort that death found him within the loving care of mother and father, and even with the ready care of a physician. Little Hubert was partaking of a joy that should belong m every boy ? the sharing of youth's happiness with loving parents. The compassionate heart Is torn with sadness at the passing of his short life, yet soothed with the rem embrance of our Lord's wonderful words: "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for such Is the Kingdom of God." The life of Calvin Coolldge was stricken with a similar tragedy while he was President of the United States. This man of faith. In his grief gave expression 0 an assurance which applies as well right now. Hubert Bourne will have the everlasting joy of living through eternity In heaven as an 8 year old boy. READ AND USE THE WANT ADS COURT TERM OPENS; GRAND JURY REPORTS The July am, of Cherokee County Supeior Court opened July 23 With fheHon orehle J ames C. Forthlng pre *"d SoUcl?r Glenn W. P?>?ecutlng for the # 1100 Suae vs Lewis Smith. Break. enter & Steel. Alias Capias. ?1105 - State vs Frank Whl teher-Forgery - Alias Capias nj* 1112 -??"? vs LeonLan " V P L - Due to the fact that the Defendant Is now esrvlng a term In the Federal #M3* t"s^M??so?>tlnued. V* Robe" Earl Jwi *iz5oodBeh,v,orShowi> Cwtttnued under former mfJiw I SttlB *" Gerald (Bud) Jones - Forgery - De fendant pleads guilty. Judg consolidated with #1142. fB?n t " ?* *" Gerald (Bud) J ones-Breaking, enter 5%mfwSCeny (?ver the value ? nil lSP " Gefendantenters aplea of guilty to Larceny of 52^ 2 Zore lh*n ,200-?? th?^lii second cotsn in ?e bUl. uid In view 0f ft,t Pte^State takes a Nol Pros <*? ?be first count charging ffiBSFiff en,Brtn*- Gases y* 2136 are consolidated '?rJudgment. It is the fude J* court Ihtt ?fendant be confined in the a Pfl90n.? Raleigh for * *?.of I'M than 3 nor more than 5 years _#1137. #U3g.#ii39 -State vaGerald(Bud)Jones -For ??y-Cases consoUdated for Ju<%ment. It Is the Judgment rourt that defendant be 2^!?Jn,the S??'s Prison , '?*ielgVor a term of not less than 3 nor more than 5 ?s sentence to begin ?^e expiration of the sen ffi? iST.ff" ** te nos. "?and 1136. and la ?> be 2S^fro?2r"Bly "-"'rom. * net concurrently 2d^???* OH? U'"spen^by and with the consent of the duandant given in open court; SL M?rt0d * 5 from Tf ***. ? wlc the 23rd day <*_jB?y. 1962. qpon the follow S5oSfr#M tBnM ?? i *h"e Irving th. etrm of 3 ? 5 years, that he obey ? p?'JL ^i^sBcns 7* rt*on ?spt, not escape jor attempt to excape jlij*" release from the aarvice of said wrm, that he aeek gainful enmfoym.,,7 *ork regularly and atmort *nd w* "d roraain of ydhehavlor and viola* nooe m., ** <* lha State of I lence lnio effect at any sub sequent term of this court durtng said 5 year period ?q?n motion of the Solicitor end on proof satisfactory to lhen presiding that , Defendant has In whole or In part failed to comply with ?ny of the provision of this suspension. (^1109 - State vs Forrest PT?n C^rds - Carnal Know ledge - Defendant called and failed. Judgment Nl Si, Sd *? end Capls Instanter #1140 - State v, Jerry An derson - Driving Drunk - De 001 Pdlty.Jury Jv*" - Not pdity. #1141 State vsjerryAnder son -Improper Registration - Defendant pleads not Guilty. Jury Trtal. Verdict - Guilty at|?!LDe?end*ntp*y *e cost.' #1104 - State vs HughCole si"lAtWSf~ Break, enter and Steal - Defendant though his "J?"1 Leonard Lloyd, pleads gjdlty to Larceny of Goods uSVOteL*" th"n woo. It Is the Judgment of the Court that the defendant be confined ta the common Jail of Chero toe County for not less than 18 nor more than 24 months *nd assigned u work umfer the Sates Prison Department. This sentence Is suspended by and with the consent of the defendant and his Counsel Leonard Lloyd In open Court tor a period of 3 years from this date to win July 23 1962, and defendant placed on probation under the general arms of the probation judg ment and the following con ditions added thereto: 1. Defendant a pay the cosl to Include the sum of $10.00 a Mr. Ray Frye. #1115 - Sue vs ArvU Dean Pulllum - Larceny - Defen dant withdraws his plea of Not Guilty and enters a plea of Guilty of Larceny of Goods of the value of less than $200,00 It la the Judgment of the Court that the (fefendant 1,1 da common jail of Cherokee County for not less than 18 of nor more than 24 months and asslgiod ? oork aider the sigjervtslon of the Sates Prison Dept. This sentence Is suspended by and with the consent of the defendant and hit coinsel In open court for a period of 3 dalB* to win July 23, 1962, and defendant pieced on probation under the esneril terms of the pro be don lodgment Mid the following conditions added thereto: 1. The defendant to pay the cotf, a include the sun of $10.00 for Mr. Ray Frye, and $153.85 to reimburse Chero kee County for the amointax pawded on his raua a to the state of North Carolina. #1120 - State v? Bmory Al bert Duckworth - B & E & Larceny - State takes a Nol Pros with leave by reason of the lack of evidence at this time. # 1133 , #1134 - State vs Amos McP he arson - B & E A Steal - State takes a Nol Pros with leave by reason of lack of evidence. We the Grand Jury of Che ro kee County, N. C. for the July 23, 1962 term of Court do here by fined the following: That the Grand Jury has considered and passed on all bills presented to It by the Solicitor. We have Inspected and find the following: COUNTY JAIL - Kitchen and rooms were clean and In g??d order. Cells were clean as might reasonably be ex pected. Repairs and recom mendations made at last term of Court have not yet been complied with. COUNTY COURTHOUSE - Generally in very good con dition and there Is evidence of good housekeeping and care. Recommendations made atlast term of Court relative to leaks through wall have not been complied with and there are several additional areas which show damage to walls ap parently caused by moisture coming through uncaulked cracks In outer walls. HEALTH OFFICE - Interior of Building not accessible - Outside woodwork needs painting.* STATE PRISON CAMP: Ap pears to be In excellent con dition showing continued maintenance and repair. The Grand Jury recommend: The Grand Jury recom mends that appropriate steps be taken to enable the Court at the Spring Session id ap point nine members of the Grand Jury for one-half year ?d nine members for one year and appoint nine mem bars each half year thereafter to aerve for one year. This would enable the members to continue work that is carried over from one session to the next. WHh reference to recom mendations recently matte for repair and maintenance of the Cotaity Schools, the Grand Jury requests that the chair man of the Coiaity Board of Ectecadon and the Chairman of the Coiaity Commissioners bs notified that they will be caUed at the next term of Court f *dvt** *bat repairs have b~n made to school property ?? recommended at teeSprii^ pi wis for continuous care and maintenance of school pro perty. The Foreman wishes to commend the members of the Grand Jury again for their fine spirit of helpfulness and co-operation. Respectfully, W. A. Single ton, Foreman. Court adjourned to convene at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday morning, July 24. 1962. #1135 - State vs Dallas Ray Patterson - Not a True Bill Manslaughter. #1132 - State vs Haskell Doanldson - Escape - Defend ant pleads guilty to an escape. Sentenced to 6 months. #1109 State vsBroadusCar rlnger - Manslaughter - J ury Trial. At the close of the State's evidence Defendant through his attorney, Leonard Lloyd withdraws his plea of Not Guilty and enters a plea of Guilty of Involuntary Man slaughter. It Is the Judgment of the Court that the Defendant be confined In the States' pri son at Raleigh for a term of not less than 3 years nor more than five years. This sentence Is suspended, by and with the consent of the Defendant and his counsel, Hon. Leonard Lloyd, given in Open courtfor a period of 5 years from this date, to-wlc the 24th day of July, 1962, dhd the Defendant placed on probation under the general terms of the probation Judgment, and the following in addition thereto: 1. That he pay the costs of his action. 2. That he pay Into the office of the Clerk of the Stgnrlor Court Of Cherokee County the amoint of 3682.X for the use and benefit of Mrs. Jode Phillips and Mrs. RJL. Phillips, and to be disbursed one half B etch. 3. That he not drink, sell, buy, transport, or possess aiyln D xleating beverages of any king. 4. Not manufacture intoxicants (hiring said S yr. period. 5. Surrender his drivers 11s oenee to ths Clerk of Sib. Court. 6. Not operat a motor vehicle ipon the public highways fore period of 5 years from his AUNT HET ?? r a mat traaa wUa versa taa a yellow ? him la Just actfa' to Hubert Bourne Fatally Injured ByRomanCandle Hubert Anderson Bourne by Phyllis B. Babb Hubert Anderson Bourne, 8 year old son of Mr. aid Mrs. Francis C. Bourne, Jr. of Murphy died In a George mwn. S. C. hospital early Sin day morning, July 22. The Bourne family had been vacationing at Pswley*s Is land, located ten miles north of Georgetown, when Hubert wis injured by i Roman diet backfired, late Friday afternoon. Mrs. Bourne was with her son when the accictent occured. The child was not though to be seriously Injured Im mediately after the accident and a physician in attendance said that only a lump and a bruise appeared on his stomach. Hubert's condition worsen ed during the night and he was hospitalized early Satur day morning. He underwent surgery for Internal inj teles shortly after arrival at the hospital. He died shortly after ml (blight Saturday night. Fineral services were held Tuesday. July 24, at the Episcopal Church of the Messiah In Murphy. The Rev. Hamilon C. Witter, vicar, and Eugene M. Carr of Ashevllle officiated. Burial was lnSisi aet Cemetery. Pallbearers were Harold Wells, Hobert MdCeever, John Carrlnger, John H. Bayless, all of Murphy, Henry Baker of Ashevllle and Jack Ledford of Andrews. Ushers were Duke Whitley and Jerue Babb. both of Murphy, Surviving are the parents; two brothers, Clarke and Tripp of the home; a slser, Elizabeth, of the home; the maternal grandmother, Mrs. W. H. Anderson of Pletcher, N. C.; the paternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis C, Bourne. Sr. of Murphy; and four aunts, Mrs. Baxmr Taylor and Miss Tops Aixier son of Ashevllle and Mrs. Jack Hounson of Atlanta and Mrs. Less Cralgo of Denver, Colorado. Shetland Pony Falls, Breaks Leg * Pe?y Taylor Stan Correspondent Culberson ? Pooch, a little Shedend pony that has captured the love and rftecdon of every child in this com misilty by his gentle ways, fall and broke his leg last Thursday, July 19. Pooch la the prize possession of Jerry and Gary Dillard. Pooch was in such a bed way that the veterlnanlai cal led ?> the scene thought It best to put him away. Thanks to the fact that the DUliard family tlmply could not part with htm and expert treatment received from the veterinarian. Pooch la now getting a ponldlllan ahotevery fiber day and asprtn every four hours. The veterinarian put the P?"y ID sleep and set bta tag. Reports are that he Is slowly recovering. Everyone wishes Pooch a rmnttn at. ? ? ?a iupuiusi 1 My. be ewe had us all wor rind. He la truly a Irian ? ?tj child tat this ares "Good luck. Pooch, htsrr ?ad gst well soon, from al your llota friends in mm Traia, Car Collide Near Regal by tae Sat* tram Om'cw; , Mr.Smlth was baenght to a

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