CU, Count, P.^onaHU tn lion Mrs.Nial I.Kitckiis? Phin 3251 ir 2511 ? Hayisvilli,N.C. r (umb of Mr. Paalai mi Mr*. Jack Panland wors j Mr, mi Mrs. WordtDevlsand , Michael of Philadelphia. Pa.. , Mr. and Mr*. PiwdDevls and | fully of Hayesvllla. Mrs. Ro bart Panland md daughter of Miami. Pis. . Visiting Rev. and Mr*. Oda Rogers during the week-end were Mrs. Nora Leveretr and Linda of AshvUle. Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers and child ren of Atlanta. Ga^ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rogers and family of Warns, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rogers and family aid Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foster. Mr. Ruel White, who has been a patient at Happ Mem orial Hospital, Hlawassee, for several weeks has returned home, and Is steadily lmporv lng. Clarence Stamey, a 1962 graduate of Hayesvllle High School has enlisted In the Army and is stationed at Fort Bennlng, Ga. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stamey. Misses Anita Moore and Sharon Wlmpey are spending this week In Adant with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Crawford. Mrs. W. E. Kitchens of the Lick Log community who Is 111 with a heart condition Is Improving. Her daughter, Mrs. Harry Ledford returned S> her home In Bakersvllle Monday after spending some time with her mother. Mrs. Bobby Burch and daughter Pamela spent the first few days of last week In Whlttler with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Edwards, for the last few days. Mrs. Burch has been ill with flu. Mr. and Mrs. A. K.Roberts of Douglas, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McGlamery of Ashe vllle, N. C.; and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bowen of Chattanooga. Tenn. spent last week at their old home in Hayesvllle. Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Starnes, Mrs. Coggln, Mrs. McGlamery and Mrs. Bowen are the daughters of the late Mrs. Carrie Johnson of Hayesvllle. Miss Vernon Hill of Sanford, N. C. spent lastweek-endwith Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gray and family In West Hayesvllle. a ? ? Robert Scroggs, Bob Jewltt Wool" md Clarence Woody attended a poultry meeting in Gaines ville, Ga. Monday night. Those visiting Mr. ?dMrs. Clarence Woody Stoday wars Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rogers and Gary, Mr. -and Mrs. Frank Curtis and chlltkwa. Mrs. M. C. Beck. Miss Myrtle Lou Sears, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Rog ers, Mrs. B. T. Leeds and Carolyn, and Mrs. Claude Woody. The Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Alderman and daughter of Stanley , N. C? were the Sin day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore. * a ? Mrs. Ben Ledford of Frmk Un visited Mr. and Mrs. Firman Davenport atShoodng Creek Saturday afnrnoon. Mrs. Roy Hogsed and child ren of Marietta. Ga. spent last week with Mrs. OdU Led ford at Shooting Creek. ? ? ? Miss Delilah Davenport and Ruby Davenport spent last week with their grmdparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ledford at Buck Creek. ? Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nasi of Fortvllle, Indiana are visit ing Mrs. LLUle Price at Oak Forest this week. Mr. and Mrs. AlvlnPenland and son. spent the week-end In Landrum, S. C. with the Bert Brlstols. ? ? ? Mr. GeterCoffey. Jr? of Atlanta, spent the week-end with his parents here. Mlsa LlndaFoaDrlsi In Admta, Ga. . Jny B? rtth Mr. md Mr*. Jny I tU BdMr.Mil Mm. Ray ? ? ? Mr. md Mm. md ddlchren of Hlawasm. rtslmd Mr*. Blaa Buchanan iinday. ( ? ? ? p Vesde Sanders md family p gf Can am. Ohio vial tad Mr. md Mr*. Prod Onto doing ?be week-end. I ? ? ? , Miss Uada Leverett of t Ashe villa U apaodtng this I ?oak with bar grandparents, 1 Rev. and Mm. Oda Rogers. Visiting the Roscoe Moss family (hiring An week-end were Mr. md Mm. Wlllard McClure md Staves of Cham hiss. Ga., Mr. and Mm. Lawrence Moss and children at Doravllle, Ga., and Kerry Moss aim of Doravllle. I a a a , Mm. OUle Cunningham of | HI aw asses. Ga. and Mm. Ruby | Ledbetter and son Mark of Cowan Tenn. spent last Fri day with Mm. Edith Ford at Warns. a a a Mr. and Mm. Wendell i Lovtngood of Marble visited Mr. and Mm. Wayne G. West Saturday. Visiting In the home of Mr. and Mm. Ray Mann at Marble this week am their children Mr. and Mm. Louie Mashburn md children of Youngs mwn, Ohio md Mr. and Mm. Ernest Green of Canton. N. C. Mr. James Bradshaw md friend, Mr. Gene Tatra, of Adant, spent the week-end here with J ames' mother. Mm. G. J. Bradshaw. ass Mr. md Mrs. Wallace Crawford md sons, spent last week In Ashevllle visiting Mr. md Mm. BUI Estes and In Rutherfordton with Mr. md Mm. Gene Denning. Mr. md Mm. Porter Scroggs of Sylva and Miss Alma Basom of WUaon, spent the week-end here with Mr. md Mm. P. C. Scroggs. Mr. md Mrs. E. F. More land and family of Mono re, Ga. visited her parents, Mr. and Mm. Guy Burch over the week-end. a a a The Ronald Heddens have returned after m extended visit In the western states, a a a Miss Martha Plemmons and Miss Eve Cox are spending this week In Atlanta with Miss Patricia Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Petnldes. a a a Mm. J. D. Rogem, who Is undergoing medical treatment In Atlanta, md Mr. Rogers, spent the week-end at their home here. Visiting them were Mr. Edwin Rogers, Mr. Beecher Rogers and two chUd ren, and Mrs. F aye H aynes, all of Wenatehee, Washington; Mr. Clay Rogers of Whlttler, Mr. Paul Rogers of Baltimore, Md. Mr. md Mrs. Harold Hdden of Chattanooga, and Mr. md Mm. Alfred Bradley of Wayne svllle. Mr. md Mm. Gene Aber crombte and children 'Cissy' md Terry have returned to their home In South Lyon. Mich, after a weeks visit with Mm. Vers Ledford, Santha, Mm. Georgia Powem md Florence. Mm. Virginia Holden of Tampa , Fla. has been visit ing the Ledford md Powem family on the Beech Creek Road. Mr. Tom C. Day went back to Memorial Mission Hospital for a check-up Monday md Is improving nicely. ? ? ? WUma Ledford of Atlanta. Ga. wUl arrive this week for a visit with Mrs. Vera Led ford and Smtha md Mrs. Georgia Powesmd Florence. ?nf Q0m*nt s4nnounc?J a - Mr*. R. B. John ton at r?flin ?iiainaa Am angafemant of bar daupmr, Eite Mala Hartaoa, K> William Davidson (David) Hyatt, aoa of M, ad Mr*. B. U. Hyatt, Sr. at Braiimm, North Carolina. MUa Hartaoa la *a daughwr at fta lata Mr. S. A. Hi Mr. Md Mr*. Carol Mc lure of the Myers Chapel oranumlty ?lha btrth ( a daughar Mlckie Carol, feffaesdsy, July IS la da roWdenca Hospital. Murphy wight I lha aid 4 oza. ? ? ? Mrajtaory Roger* at (ha >ak Foraat community 1* a ?dent la lha Hlawaaaae Hos pital. a a a Mr*. J. D. Walttooup of the ilyar* Chapel taction is pending 2 waaka In Texas with ar sons and their f amlllea, dentin, George and Robert Valdroig). a a a Bobby Rogers ministerial itudent delivered the mo ru ng message at Myers Clugal -hurch last Sunday. Every ne enjoyed his inspiring mes Mra. Bella Swalm at the Myar* Chapel section spent last week In ScrougetDwn with her daughter and family the Rolen Ledfords. a a a Mrs. C. L. Patterson of the Shooting Creek section Is spending this week In Chat tanooga. Tens, with the Earl Carpenter family. Mr*. Sue MoClure and Mrs. Ethel Hogsed attended the Creftman'e Fair in Aehevllle laet week. a a a Miss Dot Ford who Is em ployed at Fontana Village spent 'the week-end with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. Wayne Ford at Warne. a a a Miss Marylln West la spending s few days with Miss Beck Jo FlorlaatWUson.N.C. She and Miss Florla plan to go a Naga Head for a short stay, a a a David and Beth Ceaey of Columbus, Gs. are visiting their Grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casey at Warne. a a a Mr. and Mra. Robert Scrog gs and daughters tea be Saturday night dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woods, a a a Mrs. Bob Jewltt and child ren are Waiting relatives In New Hampshire this week, a a a Mr. and Mrs. Wendell An derson have moved Into their new house at Hot House Road this peat week. Their little daughter Is s patient In Hla wsssee Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. PerryGrlbble and family of Washington. DC. are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Penland at Old Shooting Creek. a a a Those Waiting the Hershel Garrisons and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrison Saturday afternoon were. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Moore, Allen and Elaine Moore, Misses Lexle Gar rison, Eva and Willie Garri son all of HayesvUle, Mrs. Mae Burcti of Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Garrison of Murphy; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrison served a delicious bar-b-cue supper at the close of the evening and all reported m enjoyable evening. ? ? ? Mrs. Keith SToggs and son and Mrs. Lillian Kelly and children of Arlington, Vs. are Wsi ting Mrs. Ray Galloway this week and Mrs. Scroggs la also Wsltlng Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Scroggs. ? ? ? Recent Wsitors In the home of Mr. and Mrs. HersbelGar rison were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Drake of Franklin , Mrs. Anna Colett and Fern of Andrews. Mrs. Hazel Garri son, Gall and Nancy of Hamp ton, Vs. Mrs. Mary Garrison and daughters of Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Duke and K a thy of Hampton, Va.,Mr. and Mrs. George Shacklaford and family and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hampton of Hampton, Va. ? ? ? Visitors at the Earl Led fords during the week-end ?ere: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson and son of Btrford,Ga. Mrs. Robert Stephens and daughters Nancy and Blaine mi eon, Kenneth Smith, of Palmetta, Ga. Donald Waldon of Athena, Ga. Audrla Whit Bel d, Raymond and Frank Roper of Clerks Wile, Ga. and Miss Betty Price of Bast Polng Ga. Miss Gibson Is Bride Of Max Brown HayssvUle ? Miss Jessie Ma* Gibson, daughter of Mrs. Beolab Gibson and the lea Jass Gibson of HayesvUle, became the bride of Max ?ram. eon of the Rev. end Mrs. Henry Brown of Young Harris, Ga* July 9, in a ceremony performed by Judge J. Carter In Wallahala. S. C. The brida was attired la a blue dacron dress aid had white accessories. The coigile plan a live in Gas en Coarty. Death Valley In California sBD holds da record for da persons offlcally in da Unlad Saas Oh July 10, 1913, tta mer ry climbed a 1341 ? ? ? Yotng albatrosses on ?had Midway heap cool by etng their feet to an unusual tanner. The birds balance en air heals with ?" the shade of ? BrGBBBf thus carry away mora of tht Mr. ?d Mr*. WUllsSeUars Philadelphia. Pa. apent the wl* Ills parana, Mr*. Adam SaUar* l Creek. Thay went Adanca. Ga. dua *> the Ulaa** of hla brother - In-law, Mack Carmlchaal who Mr. and Mr*. David Walter of Char lea en, S. C. apant last weak at ihalr aummar tern* on Late Chaauf*. On Thursday night thay were the dinner guest* of Mr. and Mr*. Cluda O. Street at Btf. a a a Mrs. Andy Parker of th* Lick Log conumailty fell last weak and airffered a back in jury aa a result of th* fall, a a a Mr*. S. L. Ledford at Spartanburg. S. C. spent a few day* with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burch at Elf last weak, a a a Rev. and Mr*. O. B. Alder man and deughtor of Stanley, N. C. has* spent the past two weeks at their cottage on Late Chanige. He Is a former pastor of the Shooting Creek charge. a a a Mr. Charles Phillips, and children of Roswell, Ga. have spent the past few days with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Burch In the Lick Log community, a a a Mrs. Charles Gallowsy and son of Arlington , Va. are visiting Mrs. Roy Gallowsy tnd Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maths son this week. a a a Mrs. Walter Burch of Franklin Is spending this week with Mr. andMrs.Cress Moss at Tusqulttoe and also visiting other relatives. a a a Mrs. Walter Burch of F ran kiln Is spending this week with Mr. andMrs.Cress Moss at Tusqulttee and also visiting other relatives. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Ed Phillips and son Floyd of Blue Ridge, A. and Mr. and Mrs . Lee Wagner of Toledo, Ohio are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, a a a Mrs, Turner Ledford Is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips, a a a Mr. and Mrs. James Led ford and children have re turned home after a week's vacation In Sarasota, Fla. a a a Mrs. Nancy Mull has been sick at the home of a son, Lonnie Mull, for the past week. We wish her a speedy recovery. a a a Jo aim Parker Is spending a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. W, D. Thurmond and family of Tucker Ga. a a a Mr. Lonnie Mull returned borne from Memorial Mission Hospital last week he had to go back Monday for treat ment. a a a Mrs. Paul Smith Is with her daughter , Mrs. John Patter son and family In Rock Hill, South Carolina. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Neal Parker and daughter, Betty Jean, of Cleveland, Tenn. visited his brothers Paul and Clifton on Simday. a a a Nicky Mosteller and Buel Parker who are employed at Dillard, Ga. visited their par ents, the Henry Mostsllers and Clifton Parkers Friday night, a a a Bobby Rogers left Sundsy for Adenta, Ga. where he will be employed by Delta Air Lines. He graduated from Young Harris College, Juie 2i a a a Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richard* of Forest Park, Ga. spent th* week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Rogers last week. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Womack of Adanta, Ga. spent the week-end with bar parent* Mr. and Mrs. Halg Davenport, a a a Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Moses of the Crawford* Creek Community were the Simday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr*. Edward Ledford at Shooting Creek. a a a Mrs. Harley Reynolds Is i padent in a Hlawassee ho spite where she has been seriously U1 for several days, a a a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ktmi have sold their horn* in tha Mysrs Chapel cotnmtmlty and moved t> Bryaon City whre Mr. Knox will be teaching in bie Bryaon City school, a a a Mrs. Alex Neal of th* Myers Chapel commimity is 111 in the Hlawassee Hospital, a a a Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCon neU and daughter at Flint. Michigan visited Mr. sndMrs. Jay McClure Sunday. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roecoe and son of Norwalk, Conn, and Miss Wtlla Ms* Swains at Adanta, Ga. spat {set week with Mr. tnd Mrs. Ben Swains. a a a Miss Naomi McCotmall of Cleveland, Ohio has spent two with Mr. and Mrs. Sam s In the Myers dugiel unity. ? * * * Mist Phyllis Barnard has bssn having x rays ntd treat ment at Crawford Lo^Hos F'Ml, Adanta for awvwrnldayn. Mr^nnd Mrs. Buattr Pm land and son of Brevard apam ft* week-end with Mr. t Elf Mrs. Newell Crisp CLAY COUNTY PROGRESS Th? Qiurok? Scout and Cloy County Progrtss, Thursday. July 26. 1962 118 Volunteers 6 ive 88 P ints In Blood Drive NtwPasttrToB* AtFirstMathodist The Rev. Ralph Miller new pastor of the Hayesvllle First Methodist Church and his family moved to the parsonage June 20th. Rev. Miller came to Hayesvllle from Norwood, C. where he was pastor of the First Methodist Church. He *?s reared in St. George West Virginia. He has a degree In Chem istry from the West Virginia University and his B. D. from Duhe University. He married the former Miss Margaret Elizabeth HarreUof Albany, Ga. They are the par ents of five children. Ralph. XI; Malre, 9; Sarah. 8, Kathryn 6; and Allen , 5. WoMoasD?Mocrat CI?bToMe?t Hayesvllle ? The Clay County Womans Democrat Club will meet Thursday night August 2 at 8KM p.m. In the Hayesvllle High School Li brary, Mrs. Garland Martin, president announced. The club was formed early this spring and has 37 members. Mrs. Giles Cover of An drews will speak to the groig> st this meeting. All Democrat ladles are Invited tt> attend whether you are a member or not. Refreshments will be ser *6*1 at the close of the meeting. Clay County Deed Transfers Towery and Earle Dowell to James Albert and Dolly Vea Cabe, 10 acres more or less In Tusqulttee Township. James J. Young to William A Young. Jr. ? ,1. 1^ in Shooting Creek Township. T. J. and Willie Coffey to Reginald and Dorothy M. Wil son, 112 acres more or less in Sweetwater Township. Mary C. and W. C. Hall to J. Elmer and Lena Wyatt Greene, 2 acres more or less In Hayesvllle Township Mae Hollifleld to Monroe J. and Martha V. Hollifleld 1 acre more or less In Hayes vllle Township. Irs M. and Lassie L Beadles to Charles A. and Jenivee Ravensteln. 1 acre mote or less In Hayesvllle Township. c A/B Keilb Gibson l Completes Fives Weeks i Of Basic Training Hayesvllie ? A/B Keith Gibson, son of Mrs. Beulsh Gibson and the late Jess Gib son has completed five weeks basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas and is now at Amarillo, Texas where he will have sixteen weeks train ing for Jet Bomber maintain ance. Young Gibson gra&t atsd at Hayesvllle High School this Spring. Hayesvllle - One hundred- Frank Bristol, chairman of eighteen volunteers gave the Clay County Chapter of the eighty - eight pints of much American Red Cross, an needed blood and met the half nounced his gratitude for the year quota. An Indication of the support of the Blood Program need of this blood Is In that Thursday. J uly 19. twenty-one pints were given Those who took their time to replace Wood already ad- ?d volunteered were: vanced by the Red Cross so Mary B. Allison, Jerry An people in need. This Is al- derson. PriscUla Anderson, most twenty-four per cent. Jtmes Armstrong, Geneve Mrs. Earl Standrtdge Is In Ashe, Frank Auberry, JohnL. charge of the replacement Beal, Lester J. Berrong, Joe program. BlantamsMp. Kathleen Blank ^ VSliK^ rlM^ '' a# Cheap At Twice The Price, Clay Man Makes Real Bay By Mrs. Nesl Kitchens Hayesvllle ? Charles An drew Auberry of Clay County recognized a good business deal when be saw It In 1923, and as a result Is still enjoy ing the Ashevllle Times for 14.00 per year dally and Sun day. Auberry said, "My wife and I were married In 1921. We started housekeeping with a wood stove, an oil lamp and no conveniences. At that time I was plowing a mule. Soon after we set ig> housekeeping I subscribed for the Ashevllle limes. We have been getting this paper almost 41 years." "In 1923 the Times sent out notices to all subscribers that all who renewed their sub scriptions between Dec. 1st ?id 10th would receive a certificate that would entitle them to a life time subscript ion for $4.00 per year provided they resubscrlbed each year. Fire Destroys LedfordHome Hayesvllle ? The home of Mr. and Mrs. BUI Ledford of the Lick Log community was completely destroyed by fire, Sinday about 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Ledford was cooking sigjper on a wood stove, and there was a large rick of dry wood behind the stove. It has not been determined whether a coal fell Ine the dry wood or whether the fire started near the flue. It was a three room wood construction with a metal roof, that burned very npidly. All the clothes belonging to the family, fur niture and possessions were complexly destroyed except two wear buckets and a chair. DtarSibscribtrs. Would you Ilka for our pqwr B have mora news? Have you had an anniversary celebration, a birthday party. church meeting, aotne one B pat married, been visiting or do you know about aotne thing imusual that would be a good feature aatryT Would you please lot ma know about these things. Savwral iwsponalhlo people send ma news each week. I would Ilka for others u> send news. 1 can only gat the news * the office la Murphy that you let ma know about. Everything must be In B me on Monday ? die earlier the batter. I hope you will help ma B make our pq?r better each waak by letting ma know what la happening ta your comraimlty. Sincerely, Mrs. Neal R. Kt I got my certificate In 1923 and have enjoyed the paper all these years for this same price. The present rate Is $23.40 per year, so I am en joying a big saving on this." "During the depression there were times when we did without the bare necessities of life In order a> keep our paper. About the only money we could get was by selling a little cream and afew eggs." '1 enjoy the dally paper more than I do television or radio. I enjoy the world news, the Western North Carolina news, the editorials and I especially like the columnist In the Times. On hHldays I can go to the post office and get my paper for It always comes In an Individual warp per." Auberry, age 70, Is now a retired farmer. He and his wife are active members of the Sweetwater Methodist Church, where he has been Sign, of the Sunday School for the past ten years. Auberry said "We now enjoy the modern conveniences and It would be easier to get $23.40 today to pay for the times than It was to get $4.00 when I first started taking the paper. As long as I live I hope to continue my subscription." Mr. and Mrs. Auberry have four children. They are Mrs. Lomar Arrant of Clyde, Mrs. James Sanderson of Hazel wood, Mrs. Leanord Ramsey of Dal ton, Ga. and Horace Au berry of Waynesvllle. All four children get either the Ashe vllle Citizen or the Ashevllle Times. Auberry went on to say "As for our weekly newspaper you can bet we think the Clay County Progress and Chero kee Scout Is the best. We look forward to it each Thursday for It gives all the locals." BlbUScbtal CiicMii AtOakVUw Hayes vllle ? The Oak View Bartist Church has completed ~ Ibis School their Vacation Bible ! with m enrollment of 34 i The revival will start at hda church, Simdey July 29 the Rev. Lester Stowe has an The Rev. Andy Clear of will at MO p.m. B Invited to atasad. is hip. Pansy Brads haw, oanne Bristol, Starr Bristol, ohn B roc km an. Commie I town. Bobby S. Burch, rankle Cabe, Lou Cable Rella :ase, John F. Carter, Clara Chambers, Ray H. Chambers, 'm. M. Chambers, Wm. A. has tine, Susan Coleman, fenman Cothren, DoUyCrlap, Jewell Crisp, Robert B. Cun ilngham, Dorothy Davenport >elue Davis, Maurice Da via, 4rs. TOm Day, Clyde Dayton, iarold Dyer, Clyde Fraley, 4ary Alice Fraley, E. Frak ialloway, Naomi Garrett, 'loyd Garrison, Horace Gar leon. Slater Rachel laslorowskl, Jerry Gibson, 'aullne Glover, Mrs. Tom Jray, Evelyn Groves, William T. Groves, Jamea Hogsed, 3Uu Hogsed. David Hyatt, darle Johnson. Willie Jones, rilcheel Langell, James Law- < mnce , Cline E. Ledford, 2arly L. Ledford, Guy Led ord. Brother Leonard, Edwin Lldsean, Evelyn Long, Omega Lowe, Sister Helen Marie, Dorothy Martin, Evelyn Mar tin, Harley Martin. Howard Mertln, James H. Martin, rhelma Martin, Vernon Mar tin. Harry Mauney, FletaMel ton. Eula Miller, WUburn Mlngus. Paul W. Monroe. Doris Moore, Eugene Moore, Evelyn Moore, Frank C. Moore, Herry H. Moore, Wm. A. Moore. W. Q. Moore. Alice Murray, Arthur Murray, Car roll McClure, Cllne McClure. Horace McClure, Paul Mc Clure. Glynn Nichols, Joe Padgett. Guy Padgett. Juanlta Palmer. Zeb PatSon, Alvln Penland, Robert F. Poand 1, Moot Reece, Nole Smart, Rial Smart, Harvey Stampler, Father Wilfred Stelnbacher, Bernard M. Stern. Alma Swalm. Opal Swanson. Florence Thompson, Herman Thornbert, Josephine Thur man. Opal Tiger. R. N. Tiger. R. G. Vlck. Eugene Waldroigi. Donald Weaver, Hazel White, Ruby Wlmpey, WUdred Wood ard, Pauline Woodard, Ted Zawasky, Thomas Zemalds. Mrs. W. T, Groves, chair man of volunteers and Mr. Edwin Lldseen. Blood Donor Recruitment Chairman, Ex pressed their gratitude for those who gave so generously of their time and services. They were: Mrs. Myrtle Alexander, Mrs. Bess Arm strong, Mrs. Geneva Ashe, Mrs. Kathleen Blankenshlp, Mrs. Pansy Bradshaw. Miss Annette Cable, Mrs. Clara Chambers, Mrs. Dollle Crisp, Mrs. Geraldlne Ford, Mrs. Minnie GlUstrom, Miss Caro lyn HaU. Miss Reta Hall. Mrs. Lucy Hyatt, Miss Betty Dale Lowe, Mrs. Omega Lowe, Mrs. Ore MoGlamery, Mrs. Eula Miller, Miss Annette Moore. Mrs. Doris Moore, Mr. Jonny Mull, Mrs. Arthur Murray. Dr. J. C. Padgett, Mrs. Lucille Padgett, Mrs. Jaiailat Palmer, Mrs.Richard * Powers. Sister Raphael. Mrs. Irene Schultz, Mrs. Amelia Spurr, Mrs. BlU Standrldge, Dr. L. R. Staton. Mrs. Alma Sewlm, Mr. Thomas Swanson, Mrs. Florence Thompson. Mr. Max Wladroig), Miss Sandy Zimmerman. "If the Importance of this program could be conveyed throu the lips of one who had bean helped or saved by need ed blood Clay County's grati tude to theae people would also he expressed." Frank Brlaml Said. MissWattratUi TitUAwardtd TaBlaadBaaaty Pageland, S. C. - Mies Sue Roach, daughar of Mr. and Mrs. VlrgU Roach, former residents of Clay Coaty and the granddaughter of Mrs. Clyde Cirds ad Mrs. WUfaa Dailey of HsyesvUle wee nam ed gueen of da Pleiad Watarmelou Festival lat Wednesday night. Mtea Roach a blua-eyed blond beauty was alao crownad Mlsa Moncka Corner ta F Carolina recently. " n 40 I *a Staa tried for She will receive a trip B New York, a oil trait ad a ?2SOjOO

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