The Cherokee Scout And Clay Conn ty Progress Valval* 73 - Nuabir 1 Marphy, Marlfc Car* Una, TkaraJay, Augwat 2. 1942 12 f agat Thl* Waak Publlahad Waakly a*t Mul*Mv *NSifTi}TeAA* Glider Pilot Thanks Andrews Man Andrews ? Sam Stewart who observed a glider crash at pUot Waltar Fuller recent ly and lmmadlataly reported It received the following letter of i from Mr. Fuller. Hayesvtlle.NjC. July. 25. 1962. Dear Mr. Stewart, I'd Ilka id express my deep gratitude for your help in the March, elter I crashed In my sailplane near Andrews. With out you pinpointing the crash area, I might not have bean 'found for some time. With sincere thanks, Waller Fuller. Nantabala Hearing Set For August Raleigh - The State Utilities Commission will hear argu ments Aug. 9 on a motion to reopen the Nantahala Power fc Light Co. rate cam. The commission fixed the date and set the hearing time at 2:30 p.m. in an order Is sued Tuesday. The petition s> reopen the rate case was Oiled July 3 by a group of Western North Carolina towns, counties and agencies opposed to the rate Increase. They Claimed "Newly discovered evidence" that could affect the commis sion's decision. They said they ere prepared ?> show that Nantahala could be supplied with enough low cost power from the Tennessee Valley Authority to "obviate any necessity.... for the company to Increase Its rats of return." The commission already has agreed to hold further hearings on another case In volving Nantahala, In which the company proposes to sell its electric distribution facilities to Duke Power Co. HANDS OFF, UPSIDE DOWN - Flying inverted some ISO feet fron^ the ground with his hands off the controls Is Just one of the precision maneuvers packed Into the All Star Air Show coining to the Andrews - Murphy Airport Sunday, Aug. 12. The air show is being sponsored by the Andrews Lions Club. The show will start at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12. Featured performers will be: Bob Nance, Winston Salem, N. C. - Captain of Piedmont Airlines, Winston Salem, N. C. Started his aerobatics flying In 1930s as a bam storming pilot. He flys a Great Lakes Bl Plane with smoke. He is now on his way back from Europe where he participated in aerobatics competition for the World Championship^ Lynn Backtell, Roanoke, Va. - One of the greatest sail plane pilots of the USA. Will replace Walter Fuller who crashed his sail plane about two weeks ago. Neal Kllby, Atlanta, Ga. - Will radio control an airplane doing aerobatics maneuvers. C. H. "Ace" Townson, Marble, N. C. - Is a local pilot. Was one of the first pilots In this area to learn to fly. Was a fighter pilot during World War II with plenty of action In Burma. Built' his own acrobatic airplane and does a good Job flying It. oral nunuey, imariotte, i>. u, -He has pertormed here many times and Is one of the greatest air show pilots of all times. Has Id Oeaton, Charlotte, N. C. - Is the moat outstanding avlado sport event announcer. Deaton has been In demand as announcer for sporting events from Florida to Canada and has announced 3 shows here previously. Georgia Sky Divers, Gainesville, Ga. - Four divers will Jump from, an altitude of 12, 000 feet and crlss cross one Mother's paths trailing smoke down to an altitude of 2,000 feet before opening their parachutes. The air show will be supervised by Air Traffic Control Stgtervlsor, Atlanta, Ga. and District Safety Agent, Charlotte, N. C. and local and state police. Schedule of events for the are show are: Air Show will begin at 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Parachute Jump - Alton Dishroon Gainesville, Ga.; 2:10 pjn. Aerobatics with Smoke - Bob Nance Winston Salem, N. C.; 2:30 p.m. Sail Plane Aerobatics - Lynn Backtell, Roanoke, Va.; 2:45 p.m. Midget Bi-Plane Aerobatics - C. H. (Ace) Town son. Marble, N. C. 3:00 pjn. Radio Controlled Aerobatics - Neal Kllby, Atlanta, Ga.; 3:15 p.m. Cub Act - Ben Hintly, Charlotte, N. C. ; 3:30 p.m. Aerobatics - Bevo Howard, Charleston, S. C.; 3:40 p.m. Sky Diving from High Altitudes - Gerogla Sky Divers, Gaines ville, Ga. GOPWomen Form Club A group of Republican wo men met last Thursday night July 26, at the Courthouse with Mrs. Frank Cole and Mrs. Robert Griffin of Asbe vllle t> organize a Republican Womens Club of Cherokee County. Mrs. Cole Is area vice president of the North Caro lina Federation of the Republican women and Mrs. Griffin Is district Represent ative. The purpose of a Republican Womens Club is to promote an Informed electorate through political education; to Increase effectiveness of wo men In the cause of good government through active political participation; to foster loyalty to the Repub lican Party and to promote Its ideals; and to train in active citizenship. During the meeting the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. John Dickey ; Vice President.Mrs. Carmen fownson, Recording Secretary, Mrs. Sue Helton; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Virginia Hyde, Treas urer, Mrs. Jane Lovlngood. By-Law Committee: Mrs. Alice West, Mrs. Sue Stiles, Mrs. P aye SherrllL Mrs. Ettas Ramsey, Mrs. Virginia Hyde, Mrs. Nell White. Membership Committee: Mrs. FayeSherrlll, Mrs. Car rie Kephart, Mrs. Edna Ramsey, Mrs. Ruby Stiles, Mrs. Posey Crisp. Telephone Committee: Mrs. Hazel Matheson, Mrs. Opal Graves, Mrs. Marie Hogsed. Hospitality chairman: Mrs. Margie West; Publicity Chair man, Mrs. Carmen Townson. The next meeting will be held Thursday August 23 at 7:30 pjn. In the office of Herman West which is located In the Professional Building in Murphy. All Republican women of Cherokee County are Invited *> attend, Mrs. Dickey said. Coatf*to*Cmt \ NEWSPAPERS SELL THE MOSJ! Litis Art Bis* Tha Lions Clubs Is Andrsws, Hayosvtlla, md Murphy art osrtalaly a busy lot. Wssk toforo last, tha Androws Lions Clto nmouncad that thsy would apuuaor as All-Star Air Stow at tha Andrsws - Mnky Airport, Sixtday, August 12. Tho stow Is sctodsM is sort St 2lOO pja. ad all pro caads srs to bs ussd for Lions did) wort. Last wssk, As Hayssvlllo Lisas Club i Clay Cototy Pork, sponsor - Bade Wosor SU Stow dda Sunday. Aug. 5. Tha ski stow Is srhsihdsl to start at hOO pjn. In front of tha Lloos Qtb Povlllion at As Clay Comity Park on Labs Chatugo. All proossds wOl to ussd for wui Awhlla d*tc projscm tat ?d oromul Hayssvllla. Tbto nook's lop asws Hon la As Cterotos Comity -oa was As fact that dm Mvpbyusaswiu mat owsr PtorAls; Tho Ctorotos Comity Pair_AssodaAmtod ?jans sot m hold a (dr dds ysar. " of dds, thsy laaisdUaaty gmsstol As fair grotg) about too dub ssamnlsg jdom i saposslto 11 ty for As fair tadulag tha midw?y, exhibits, swants, ?? isalons, sac. Tha fair, i Club will to told dm i PLY THROUGH THE AIR with the greatest of ease. The thrilling kite trick will be the featured stunt at the Aqua-Batlc Water Ski Show at Hayesvllle this Sunday. The Clay County Lions Club and the Clay County Park are Jointly sponsoring the eld show. The show will be held at the Lions Club Psvillion at the Clay Cotnty Park on Lake Chatuge. The show starts at 2:00 pjn. Sunday, August S. ? 1 ?T In all thy w?yg acknowl edge Him, and He will direct thy paths.?(Prov. 3:6). AUNT HET I'm (tad I never worked for my own money before I mar ried. Amy did, mid it hurt* her pride not to be able to Vend a dollar fbotohly with out EDITORIAL Open Letter To Teenager The following mesiage Is borrowed from the bulletin of the First B^ttlst Church et Inman. S. C, Open Letter to a Teenager (from Denver Juvenile Court) ALWAYS WE HEAR THE PLAINTIVE CRY OF THE TEENAGERS: WHAT CAN WE DO? WHERE CAN WE GO? THE ANSWER IS. . . Go home and hang the atorm windows. Paint the woodwork. Rake the leavea. Mow the lawn. Shovel the walk. Wash the car. Learn at cook .Scrub some floors. Repair the sink. BuUd a boat, Get a Job. Help the minlater, priest, or rabbi; the Red Cross the Salvation Army. Visit lha sick. Aaslat the poor. Study your lessons. And the when you are through ? and not mo tired ? read a book. Your parents do now owe you entertainment. Your village does not owe you recreation facilities. The world does NOT owe you a living. You owe the world something. You owe It you time and energy atd your talents so that no one will be at war or in proverty or sick or lonely again. In plain simple words ? GROW up; otdts being a cry-baby: get out el your dream world; develop a A Loving PAeat \ Murphy Lions To Sponsor County Fair The Cherokee County Pair Association announced Wed nesday, August 1, that the Murphy Lions Club will sponsor this year's county fair. The fair, an annual event here for many years, will be held the second week in September, The (air association assigned all rights (or the official Cherokee County Fair to the Murphy civic club fol lowing a meeting at the Power Board Building Tuesday night. A contract covering the next three years was signed by the (air association and the club. Faculty For Andrews Schools Announced Andrews ? The faculty list for schools in the Andrews Administrative Unit for the 1962-63 school term has been announced by School super intendent Charles O. Frazler as follows: Andrews High School: Mrs. Annie Ruby Barnett, Mrs. Aline Bristol, Miss Jean Christy, Mrs. Lillian Freel, Miss Ruth Hamilton, W. Hugh Hamilton, Mrs. AnnaW.Luis ford, Cecil W.Mashburn, Mrs. Jennie M. Reschke, Ralph D. Roberts, Alvln J. Russell, Mrs. Ruth Sursavage , Miss Meredith Whitaker, Miss Elizabeth Whltson, James S. Webb, and Mrs. Pauline B. Bault. Andrews Elementary School: L, C. Broome, principal. Miss Trilby Glenn, Mrs. Carrie R. Womack, Mrs. LouiseC. Zim merman, Mrs. Ruth Starr Pul 11 um, Mrs. Lenna H. Ford, Mrs. Blanche C.Garner, Mrs. Louise P, Enloe, Mrs.Veanah R. Radford, Miss Elizabeth Kilpatrtck, Mrs. Ruth C. Pul 11 um, Mrs. Annie S. McGulre, Mrs. Betty P. Harris, Mrs. Hazel W. Elliott, Mrs. Alice T. Hogaed, Mrs. Louise C. Rector, Mrs. Gertrude B. Walsh, Mrs. Leila M. Thom masson, Mrs. Mellle R. Stewart, Hugh Ray burn, Billy M. McFalls, Mrs. Leila G. Van Gorder and Mrs. Agnes W. Price. Marble Elemenatry School: J. Dean Truett, principal. Miss Geneva Chastain, Mrs. Vesta W. Wood, Mrs. Maude D. Radford, and Mrs. Helen H. Waldroup. Andrews Negro School: Mrs. Ida Mae Logan. Mrs. Pauline B. Bault will continue her work as Guid ance Councelor, and Mrs. Ruby Hall Bryson will serve as attendance officer. Teachers will report for work and prellmanary plan ning on Wednesday, August 22. Students will attend one half day on Friday, August 24, for class assignments. School buses will make usual runs that day. School will begin with a full 1he Qldiimtm If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people jumping with joy?" schedule with lunch rooms In operation on Monday, August 27, 1962. WurpL, da tin Jar Thursday, August 2 1:30 p.m. Peach tree Home Demonstration Club to meet at the home of Misses Mae and Dale Sudderth. 7:30 p.m. Young Dem Club to hold a special meeting at the Cherokee County Court house for the purpose of (und raising dinner. All mem bers are urged to be present. Sunday . August 5 6:15 p.m. Mass at Providence Chapel. 10:00 Anderson Reunion will be held at Shady Grove Bap tist Church, Murphy. All relatives and friends are Invited to come. 11:00 a.m. Holy Mass At. St. Williams Catholic Church. 5:30 p.m. MY F atFlrstMetho dlst Church. 8:00 p.m Presbyterian and Methodist union will be held at Presbyterian Church. Monday, August 6 6:30 p.m. Rotary Club to meet at Family Restaurant 7:30 p.m. Cherokee Lodge 146 AF and AM will meet In the Masonic Hall. 7:30 p.m. Evening Circle of the Presbyterian Church to meet In Westminister Hall. 8:00 pjn. St. Jude Adult Edu cation Club to be held at St. William's Catholic Church. Tuesday, August 7 6:30 pjn. Clvltans to meet at Family Restaurant Wednesday, August 8 1:30 p.m. Sunny Point Home Demonstration Club to meet at the home of Mrs. Ran dolph Shields. 7:20 pjn. Prayer Services at Presbyterian Church. 7:30 p.m. Prayer services at Free Methodist Church. 7:30 p.m. Prayer Services at First Methodist Church. 8:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal at First Methodist Church. Thursday, August 9 1:00 pjn. Cancer Clinic at Helath Office. auoust ma S M T W I Ft -*-1234 S 6 7 ? 9 10 11 12 13 M IS 16 17 It 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2t 29 30 31 - Over 65 Million Times A Day Forsyik, m at Mr. wmi' W.FrMFwqt. 3nk Under the sponsorship of the Lions Club the official fair will be held the week of September 10. Pair as sociation directors had announced earlier that the fair would not be held this year. All participants In last year's fair are Invited to enter exhibits this year. Ribbon awards will be given n winners In the different events and exhibits. The same series of events and exhibits as followed last year will be used again this year. Emphasis will be on blue rib bon awards to first place win John Gill, president of the Murphy club, said the aim of the club's sponsorship of the County fair will be "improve the Cherokee County Fair to the Point that It exceeds the Georgia Mountain Pair held annually at Hlawasaee, Ga. The Lions Club will work to give the people of this section a bigger and better fair than has ever been held in Murphy" he added. John Reld's All-American Show will return again this year. All concessions will be handled by the various civic groups as in the past. J. Doyle Burch, Lions Club Pair committee chairman, Mid Bob White, Club fund raising chairman, will co-ordinaw this year's fair. Details will be published in this newspaper weekly dur ing the next six weeks on all aspects of As rules and regulations governing the 1962 Cherokee Cowry Fair. WEATHE Date July H L Perc 26 77 66 0.89 27 83 51 0.02 28 81 52 0.00 29 79 65 0.24 30 87 66 0.10 31 89 66 0.03 August 87 1 58 0.00 Forcasc Scattered Thunder showers Thursday through Sunday. Riding Club Invited To Asheville Andrews ? The Merchants Association of Asheville has Invited 'members of Andrews Riding Ring to participate in the annual parade on Thurs day, August 9 In Asheville. Chairman Jeff Brooks has announced some 30-35 mem bers will ttssnd, eight wagons, 30 horses, using 15 trucks for transportation to and from Asheville. The Wagon Train will leave Andrews Wednesday morning and camp out at Asheville Live Stock Co. Members will be guests at George Vanderbilt Hotel on Wednesday night prior ?> the parade. This la the second year An drews has been invited c> par ti dpew In this annual event.

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