Andrews ? Capping ceremonial for (he first youth groig> ID be trained for Red Cross Gray Lady Service In District Memorial Hospital were held at the First Baptist Church of The Reverend Paul Miller, pastor of St. Andrews Lutheran Church, gave the Invocation and benediction. Mayor P. B. Ferebee. chairman of Board of Trustees of District Memorial Hospital, spoke of the service rendered to the hospital and patients since Gray Lady Service was Instituted four years ago. The clash was presented to the "hospital by Mrs. Lee Nichols, Jr? representing Andrews Chapvr of the Red Cross and accepted on behalf of the hospital by Robert Pegrsm. hospital administrator. Conducting the ceremony were Mrs. Henry Reed, R. N. superintendent of nurses, Mrs. Loyal Trull, R. N? Mrs. Prank W11 hide. Gray Lady Service chairman and Mrs. Tom Hay who served as class Instructor andYouthGroup chairman. Mrs. Roy Stalcqp was organist for the ceremony. Those pictured, left to tight are Mrs. Frank W11 hide, Judy McFalls, Stella Woo ten. Mary Jo Battle, Nancy Martin, Linda Woolen. Sandra Ledford, Lois Ann White. Barbry Watry, De Etta Watson, and Mrs. Tom Hay. Class members not pictured are June Adams, Brenda Stover and Doris White. Obituaries MRS. HAMLIN Ashevllle ? Services for Mrs. Elizabeth Pruett Hamlin 80, of 32 Chestnut Ridge, Ave., Ashevllle whp died Wed nest^y, August 1 was held at 3 p.m. Sunday In Richland Baptist Church. The Rev. Glenn Callahan ?id the Rev. Harry Dye us officiated and burial was In Riverside Cemetery. Grand sons were pallbearers. Mrs. Hamlin Is the mother of Mrs. F. O. Christopher of Murphy. Berryman F uneral Home was in charge of arrangements DAVID J. (VAN) DAVIS Funeral Service* (or David J. (Van) Davis, 74, of Miami, Fla. were conducted Tuesday, July 30. The Rev. Jack Bar clay Jackson officiated and burial was in Dade Memorial Park Cemetery. He was a former native of North Carolina and was a re tired builder. Surviving are three daugh ters, Mrs. Geneve Mellon, Mrs. Irene Musselwhi* and Mrs. Elinor Osdand all of Miami, two sons, Ralph and Harold Davis of Miami; two sisters, Mrs. Sally McDanlel of Atlanta and Mrs. Ella Applewhite of Wilmington, N. C. and four grandchildren. ...YOUR BEST BUY IN PAINTS! SEEING'S BELIEVING! Most house paints look good when freshly applied. The important thing is how your home will look 2, 3, or 4 years from now. We can show you homes in your neighborhood that prove that Sherwin-Williams House Paints look better and last years longer. Andrews Hardware Co. Phone 216 Andrews, N. C. EVERYBODY INVITED TO SEE AND ENJOY Pioneer Bags IN ASHEVILLE AUG. 9, 10, & 11 FREE PROGRAM INCLUDES: 'Covered Wagons 'Craftsmen Working ?Chuck Wagon ?Free Coffee 'Colorful Costumes 'Parades 'Trading Post 'Old Fashion Player Picrtos 'Barbershlp Quartets ?Square Dancing 'Roving String Bands DRAMATIC! SPECTACULAR! THRILLING! Tourists, Visitors, and All Members of Your Family Will Enjoy This Gigantic Celebration! Don't Mlee It! Murphy Native Takes State Public Instruction Post JERRY A. HALL RALEIGH - Dr. Jerry A. Hell, Instructor In education at Wake Forest College, will move to Raleigh' Sept. 1 to become coordinator of teacher education In the division of rfoeslonal services of the C, Department of Public Instruction. He Is to work with Dr. J J5. Freeman, director of this division of teacher certi fication that Is now under study by the State Board of Education. The board reviewed this program, Thursday, Aug. 2 but deferred action until Its next meeting. Hall a graduate of Wake Forest College, took his graduate work at George Pea body College. From 1953 to 1958 he was a teacher and later a principal In Cljero kee County and later was dis trict supertntendentof schools in Macon County. He Joined the Wake Forest College faculty In 1958 and has been there since except for a year of residency at George Peabody when he was working for his doctor of edu cation degree. He has also done research with the UJ>. Office of Education, conduct ing studies on the attitudes of teachers. He is a native of Murphy. He and his wife plan to leave Winston - Salem later this month. Dr. Kenneth Howe, dean of the school of education at Woman's College at Greens boro told the board that adoption of the proposed pro gram would bring about "a stronger liberal education background for teaching." The academic college faculty members will be brought Into a more active partnership with professional education faculty members In preparing public school teachers and recom mending them for certi fication." be said. The proposal will give the State Board of Ethicatlon "A closer relationship" with the teacher training programs, he said. Howe , who was chairman of the committee which drew up the proposals, said the program would mean that the teacher training Institutions would have 10 "stand behind" their graduates. At present, the state certi fies teachers on the basis of their having taken a certain number of hours of Instruction In various fields. The "ap proved program" approach calls on the state to approve programs for training teach ers set up by the Individual college. The state would then grant certificates to graduates of the programs who were recom mended by the Individual in stitutions. Howe said the state board would exercise stricter con trol on the colleges in ortfer ? prevent poor programs, but. he asserted, the new approach "will permit greater freedom to the colleges in developing differing good programs." The report recommends a reduction In the number of professional education course taken by teachers. It would limit the number of such "methods' courses a> 24 hours or 20 per cent o* the student's work In his lour years at college. Prospodrve teachers would tske dO per cent of their work In general or liberal arts edu cation and the remaining 48 credit hours In courses In the Held la which they Propose ? teach. Stats Treasurer Edwin Gill ??Id the proposals "put the responsibility where It be Jpttgs." And board chlarman Dallas Herring of Rose Hill celled the repor "a real turn the ?f 4-Hers To Attend MooT The seventh Western Dls trlct 4-H Leader!hip Con ference will enliven Monday, August 13 at Camp Swanaanoa and last throughout the week. Six senior 4-H club mem bers will be chosen from Cherohse County B attend this leadership conference. The purpose of this meeting la too fold, namely: (1) *> enable the partklpetfcm member m have a better taderstandlng of the oppornaltles available to 4-H dub members md (2) to secure training that will en able dw member to be a morn affective Junior leader. It Is ejected that these dele gates will share generously The staff of resource peo ple available for this con ference from N. C. Stats College Is rather 1 but they i i of I iter young following i la trip| ClOana Bank Md Trust Co. Murphy: The Maraby Lions Ct*t The Chit nidi Scout, Wayne Hellaad atd Dick The 4-H Club i will era t Marilyn i W.J. Of Jit. Ray. Fred B. Liaaford, mr of Little Baptist Church 4AN-S FEAR AND THE DIVINE CARE Luke 12:6,7, "Fear not barafors ; ya ara of mora ralue than many sparrows." These words occur lnadls jouroe of the Lord ? His Isdpias, in which Ha Is ln i true ting ad preparing them or future work, as bsarlds rf ths Kingdom. Ha wares them hat they will meat with many tagars aid anemias, "but ear not" says the Msstsr, 'You are watched at every imp, and coma life, come bath you are safe." MAN'S FEARS THEY ARE TWO K1ND6 Those which respect this world. Some people go through lie much more anxiously than ithers, though In outward cor aimstaices there seems Hole inference In their respective ots. A good deal depends gno a man's temperament as D the way In which he will take things. As we rise higher In the social scale, then it brings Increasing solicitude. Provision has to be made not inly for the wants of the day, but for appearances. Ids right enough that men should look d appearances. God looks id appearances. He has made this world-house beautiful, and we are but following the Divine example when we try to make our life a thing of Variety, largeness and grace. But In doing so, the gates ofanxlety are opened to us, and we are careful and troubled. The ful lest victory over the cares and fears of this life lsto be gained only by living for a higher world. Let us try to see Jesus standing as Lord of _ both worlds, and saying, "Fear not." This supported and recom mended by several argument, as the limited power of man Bid of circumstances. Man may say and do a great deal which may be Injurious to you, but you always come to a limit after there Is nothing more they can do. Again there la unllmlwd power wfth God Is unlimited power with God, and If we are true trusting disciples of Christ this Is a great dissuasive from fear. God will use all that Infinite power to protect and save His trusting children. "He telleth the number of the stars," and has regard to every spar row that flies. Why should we Everyhalr of my head Is telling me to be Quiet and to trust, for the very hairs of my head are all numbered. Then our Lord teaches us that we are of more value to God than the Inferior creatures. He has r nigner care about us. it la part a knowledge r rellgK? b ac - but b cherish a high estimate jt our worth la slao a part. We ware made In the very Image of God, having the emotions, thoughts and feel - tags of God In our human mea sure, and though we have ?timed, we can also repent, turn, and come again to our Father. We should never fear men but always have a constant fear of the living God. 1 am glad be cares mtd I cango to Him lndtvldualy and not have K> ask aome one si go for me. God has given you the pri vlllge to trust Him and ? be his child, "A child of a King" and It Is up to your own being notlhe being of an other. To everyone there openeth A way and ways and a way. And the high soul climbs the highway And the low soul gropes the low And In between on the misty flats The rest drift b and fro; But to every man openeth A highway and a low. And ever man decideth The way his soul shall go. Darloae Powars, Bride-Elect, Hoaorad At Shower Andrews ? Miss Darlene Powers, bride - elect of Vincent Waldrotgi, was honored on Friday evening with a miscellaneous shower at the Methodist Fellowship Hall. Hostesses for the oc casalon were Mrs. Bill Marr, Mrs. Dean Truett, Mrs. Jo Ann Collins and Miss Vera Moore. Approximately thrity guests attended. Tommy Deweose Celebrates 4th Birthday Mrs. Richard Deweese honored her son. Tommy, on his fourth birthday with a lawn party, Saturday August 4, After playing several games refreshments were served, favors given and gifts opened. Mrs. F. L. Abernathy, Jr. received the following guests: Dean Deweese, Kathy and Dan Hughes, Janet Crisp, Tlmmy Davis, Karen Kid Connie Hughes, Pam Morgan, Tim White, Debbie and Opal Davis. The adult guests were: Mrs. James Hughes, Mrs. Boyd Davis, Mrs, Jim Morgan, Miss Katrene and Frances Gentry, Mrs. Vincent Crisp, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gentry, Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Abernathy, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Deweese. On y a $ em en t -An noun cea Mr. and Mrs. Grady Davidson o( Route 2, Murphy announce die engagement of their daughter, Carol, B> Newton Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller of Blalravtlle. Ga. Wedding plans are Incomplete. mxr^ covin covin ?MI IAKTH YOUR BEST BUY Sherwin-Williams Paints SEE US FIRST for all your paint needs EXPERT ADVICE FOR BEST RESULTS Carolina Hardware Co. 104 Poachtree Street Murphy, N. C. BEST IN PAINTS ? BEST IN COLORS ? BEST IN SERVICE LENA'S BEST BUYS FOR ? < acK to Schoelj FREE-FREE Register Every Day For Free Poir Of Vogue Shoes To Be Given Away Aug., 25th. Nothing To Buy ? Just Come In And Register. Lodlaa. Glrl? and Boy? PLASTIC RAIN COATS $1.98 & $2.98 Lodlps Plpstic UMBRELLAS....11.98 BOY S WRANGLERS, BILLY THE KID, I RED SNAP BLUE JEANS $1.98 & up Lodlti and Girls SCHOOL DREESES Value* is, 98 to $9.98 Only $3.98 On* Bo?k DRESSES Volu?( $9,98 to $10.98 Only $5.98 On# Tabla BLOUSES, SKIRTS, PLAY SUITS, AND OTHER ITEMS Only $1.98 Boyi Rob Roy SHIRTS t olktr Him VoIimi $2.98 and $2.98 Only $1.98 On* T?bl* Bloisos, Shorts, Drossos, Swio Triaks, Swio Caps, loach Baps, Saa Hati Only $1.00 Lorgt Shipment Of New Fell SWEATERS In All Slsee and Colors $2.98 to $9.98 You Can't Afford To Miss Soolng LENA'S Skirts And Swoators. Uoo LENA'S Loy-A-Woy Plan To Got Skirts and Swoators1 to Match Now SKIpwwt of Now Foil HAND BAGS N??LIm SUEDE and VINYL JAC KETS. Got First Cholc# of Styl. and Calor $4.98 I >9 $2.98 ?p Large Shipment Of DARK COTTON DRESSES JUST ARRIVEDUII ladies k SS.fS I tp Children si.ts i tp LENA'S I* Loodad With SUITS, SUMS, HOUSES, SWEATEIS All to Match aid Ml* $5.98 up SI* T