V. FOR SALE FOR SALS: Haywl Ru U Or CM 1-1? MR SALE: Ploottc $tgas ?d lac r* x r\ POU.D. Ov?r 300 oaMUdoak,?il CaU VH 7 FOR SALE: 4 Acros land one r Poachtras School. Prioo $1400. Call Murphy. VB 7-2470or Adana497-5770 FOR SALBi 100 aero farm 4 mllia from Culberson on Hltfnr* 64. Hals land Is dw ?ran of fta la* Iva Harris No on laid. Phono BlalrsvUls, Go. 745-2901. FOR SALS: Sears Semi-Auto Sif"* Roaster Oven. uaod. but In food W. P. Man us. Mill Road. Shoot Hayesvllle. Phone FOR SALE: A complete Una gl ?**4* b> order rubber stun*, stamp pads sod stamp pad Ink. rubber stamp holders. Call da Cherokee Scout. VB 7-2332. 29-tfn PGR SALE: 1960 two mnFord Truck S spurt Transmission, two spaed rear and. Good con dition. Will sell, swap for housn trailer or for property. Call VB 7-6113 or 2226 Ban VVU ??* ? ? Palmar or contact Joe Fowler at PhllUpo 66 station. Murphy. SStfn FOR SALS: a 1957 1/2 am Chevrolet, plclng) truck, long wheal base. Call VB 7-2829. S2-3v FOR SALE - Office Stpplles Including adding machine ope, typewriter ribbons, stamp pads, rubber stamps, poster paper and majto markers.The Cherokee f Scout, lltfn FOR SALE: Household Furni ture. Some antiques. 246 Peach tree Street Phone VB 7-3629. 1-4* FOR SALE: On Lake Chatuge ceo S acre tracts with lake frontage and beautiful mt view. Property all cleared and graeeed. Ideal spots for homes or a camp. Can be bought separably for 34400XX) each or ae one tract for $M00 As tracts are adjoining be sure to see this one. Miller Realty-Shooting Creek, N. C. SI-4sc FOR SALS: Good used Ford Tractor. Series S71. WU1 sell cheap. See Dewey Garrett or CaUVB 7-2569. l-3? FOR SALE: 35 acres, 3 miles Hayes villa, 3 sice lake sites, 100,000 ft Choice saw timber. Contact Charlie B. Hall, Hayenrllle. Route 2. Price 33500. 51-4tp SKIN ITCH DONT SCRATCH ITJ Scratching spreads In Iedring quiets down In min utes ad antiseptic action helps spend healing. Pine For, scams. Insect bites, foot Itch, other surface raehM. If not pleased, Your heck at any drugstore, TODAY at HAYBSVILLE PHARMACY In Hsyeevtlle. FOR RENT Traitor Spaca Ban Palmar VE 7-3113 Any Style?Any ? Our Samp See < OL CUoL. ScmJ CALL AN EXPERT Mm Rldg* Trucking Co. C"'i" h "wi*> ?ma *mw pxuttw* sracirr auia iimi AMD MIDlllll ^ V T.MM FOR SALE FOR SALS: Nawlyfraahmiic* ?.* Saa John On N.C. FOR SALE] 11 md 2 acraa good laual farm fruit mi md ra Vlnoa. Good lnatda Mil. ?t 25900.00 Millar milM from Murptiy. A rail ty-Shooting Croak, N. C. Sl-fac FOR SALE: Mate Ifa aaay with a M aat from Tha Charokaa Scout FOR SALS: A 14 ft. aluminum fishing boatwlth71/2Bviiirude motor and trailer. Boat. Moor sod Trailer In food condition. Contact Bart Sawyer, Blufl Road, Marble. N. C. 1-3 qp FOR SALE: Electric nana, Frlfldare, used 1 month. $200 Contact Roscoa OTJell. VB 7-275S. 1-3 tp FOR SALS: 3 Dsthuuui I with 1/2 basement. The John Smith House on Boulevard St. Price $3600.00 with small down payment andsasy terms. CaU W. D.DUlardJU 6-2131 Sylva. N. C. or llaaty Stalctf) VE 7-3506, Murphy. 1-tfn FOR SALE: 1001 new nd re bullt shoes for Ik* an Or* family. Priced 79f ig>. Wide selection of boya end girls back n> school shoes. Gentry Shoe Repair, Murphy, N. C. FOR SALE: 1 five room t 1 flea room | 1 four room proximately 2 acres of I Priced *5500.000 all 7-J An drews, Mrs. Lillian Hlggs. 52-3 tp FOR SALE or RENT: 5 room frame house. 3 bedrooms. On Cherokee Street. OU heat. Good condition Call or see J. B. Hall VB 7-20*1. 2-3 tp FOR SALE: We now have 6 Inch down to 1 Inch swodl sets with regular standi pasta aid brushes. Ideal for my kind of algn painting or poster work. Neat, easy to use. The Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C. 1-tfn FOR SALE: Lumber Wanted Small Oak and HarAsood squares n?d Boards. Call or Write Gonaeauga River Lum Compeny, Conasauga, l-3tc FOR SALE: Chihuahua ptg> *25.00 each - Mrs. Ross Hol land. Topeco Rd. Robblnsvllle, North Carolina. 49-3 tp FOR SALE: 2 Coal circulator heaMrs, 1 electric range, 1 refrigerator, S piece break feat room suit, 1 elngle bed vltb lnnersprlng mattreaa. CaU VE 7-3158. Mrs. W. H. Taylor, 115 Terrace Ave. l-2tp FOR SALE: One Now Secretary's Chair. Also New Filing Cabinets as low as 547.50. The Cherokee Scout. 14-tftt FOR SALE-25 Horse Jo Sea Horse outfaoerd For Sale or trade for i Elliott Hardware. An Pbone 241. 44tfn POR SALE: 2 Bedroom native stone dwelling. Ex cellent view. 3/4 acre plus Nice grove for additional cottage. Mo attain Realty, Hayesvllle, N. C. Phone 2351. 51-3tc ROGERS ELECfRIC SERVICE Electrical Caatractlaf ??4 Repairs DAY ? VE 7-2423 NIGHT ? VE 7-2S7* WB REPAIR ALL MAKES OF APPLIANCES. MOTOR RBWNXNQ AND REPAIRS. WE ENDEAVOR-TO MAKE ALL SERVICE CALLS THB ?AY THEY ARE RBCBIVBO FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL ELECTRICAL WUUNO. ROGERS ELECTRIC SERVICE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING AND REPAIR* DAY VE 7-UE NIOHT VE 7-M7* Crawford |A. Mlngua Supply| riM?? mm NqrM?tll?, N. C. Plwklai, Palata, UW B?iNla? Mttarlali 24 HOUR Vrickir Sirvict Ed Townoon Auto Co. OAYVK CASH BASIS AU "Wat Ads" ad "Cards of Thaoks" appaariag In I Chorofca Scout ad Clay Coaty Progress ara sold am a strictly cm This lnduda aU warn I ad carda at thanks that i eft wo e oointpoodMUs Id Hayoovtllo ad Aodrews,sli by " Ada ad Carda o< ara cAarad at t raw ol tJ02 par word. 50* tba cAarga (or 25 words < la only soy ? 3 ln w only $1.23 NOTICE FOUND: Oh Parnate hoind. Poind near ChogaLake acroaa te mountain from Amhrews. Wrln or ma Ray Kllllm. Marble, N. C. Omar must pay for this ad. 1-SV SPECIAL NOTICE: Buy Win dow Cornice* direct and save I Strongly built, and attractive. Wrln for detail*. Nana Cabinet Shop, P. O, Box 533 Greenwood, S. C. l-4q> SAW PILING: Expert service. Also scissors sharpened. See Andy Ashe at the old Bass Otdcey home on McCellan St. In Murphy. Beck of Birch Moors. 1-Sp FOR RENT with traitor hltdu 1 Mm. Oaa Co. Call VB 7-2111 44-rta it (or with atoctrlc waiar haaiar, atocirlc boat, and atoctrlc (w. Call Mra. B. B. Stllaa at i VB 7-2980. I-Sy FOR RENT: Modarn Two room furalahad oottafa.PhonaR. W. I 7-2936. Walla, VB 7-2 52-Sv FOR RENTS 2 1 la VaUeytown. large living room, rock fireplace, electric but, refrigerator and electric furnished, rut e> in CaU 144 j. 1^"**N'C" FOR RBNT: 3 room furnished Newly decorated. privets. Nice . Call VB neighborhood. CaU VB 7-3302 2-ltc FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment on Mooreland Heights St, Thru rooms and bath. Private entrance. No Children CaU Ducktown. Term. 7128. Hazel Suit. 3-29 W.J* OfXlf. bv Rev. Fred B. Linsford SATAN AND HIS DEVICBS "For we ere not ignorant of bis devices" 2 Cor J; II. It la very dangerous indeed ?o deny the existence and agency of evil spirits, or ? consider such topics B be no absurd for discussion. Their non-existence cannot be proved, and the foundation of our faith on this matter is the testimony of the Scrip tures. We believe and accept what the Bible says concerning the devil as wail as any other sutyect. We believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God There are many things in our experience which tend b cor roborate and confirm the testimony. There are two ml a tabes in to which we are liable to fall rngardbig the prince of evil. On fee one hand, we an apt to over-estimate his Influence, atd think of him as if he wen Mother god. On the other hand, than is the danger of Imagin ing that because Satan is i si seen tea may give ourselves no coocera about him. Among the things which render Satan a formidable enemy la the ex perience he has acquired in dealing with human souls throughout the history of the race. But we, on our side, may become familiar with his ordinary tactics B ensnare Hi* employment of deceitful pro?ni**s. M Ha Is > liar and The falter of It." Ha deceives by exaggerating the ad vantages (hat ara so flow from yielding a> his entice meats, and by concealing tha dangers dtat ara incurred. Ha all ears over tte evil things with apedoua names. A lis la sofimed Into a mistake. Is a frolic, a wasting of early years of life and wicked ness Is a "sowing of wild oats" Infidelity has bean re-baptized as freedom of thought. Poison, honevet you label It Is poison still, but the danger is all (he If it is called a harm - being pained ople, those th that paint man of Satan himself and will haus so stdfer tte results. 11m tragafty is that innocent le will have so stdfer with Ha takes seciwdl holds them 19 a> ridicule. He represents the Christian life as one of sourness, aid talks "vintger-faoed Christ He sooftas tte aotd so sleep by Sm repetition of entrant HERMANN'S TrailerSales "Par Dapaatfabla Sarvlca" CALL MEADOWS Radio A TV Sorvleo VI 7-2*27 -try. | Fannto'i Florist s. s--Jt!?L vi r-lmiMfkr. n. c. m4 t?MU< If sayings, the fallacy of which la not detected. He heepe these sayings In constant circulation. Such as "God la merciful." "There Is plenty of time." "A man's belief matters not if he la sincere," But these people that believe these lies will wake up mo late one day In the clutches of the devil himself. The one great security against his assaults Is m be found in prayer. Satan can never withstand an open Bible ?id an earaeat prayer to God. So let us turn to God and the Bible and not believe every thing that we see, hear and read for they may be a part of the sllmey trail of Satan trying to twist your arm to get you to do aomething, by twisting the truth, all the while he smiles. OBITUARIES Robbfnsvllle?Claude C. Hol der, 58 of Route 1 RohWne ville (Had unexpectedly Tuesday afternoon while working for a clearing company near Ludlow, Ky. Mr. Holder was a native of Graham County, a son of the lata Wilburn mti Julie Cable Holder. He was a member of the Tusfceegee Baptist Church. Services were held at 2 p. m. Friday In Tuskeegee Baptist Church. The Rev. Only Jones of ficiated and burial was in B1 an famish tp Cemetery. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Maudle Burrell Holder; two daughters, Mrs. Naomi Hovts of Stanley end Mrs. Wanda Farley of Fontana Dam; two sons, Otis of Stanley and OUn Holder of Robbtnsrtlle; two brothers, Jackof Waynes vllle and Wade Holder of Robfafnsvllle and five grandchildren. Townaon Fimeral Home was In charge. SUMMERTIME SPECIAL Summertime prices oo storm doors sad windows, all types alizniiusn work until Septem ber 1. Call Herbert Walker day or night VE 7-2341. 3-3 tp Card of Thanks We wish to express our tfncere appreciation to all of our many friends who have baan thoughtful and kind dur ing our hour of sorrow. Words cannot egress our heart-felt diaaks, ao may we pray a fecial "May God Bless you" for each of you. The family of Hoi tP aimer. Sr. Dick Richards REAL ESTATE SALES-RENTALS UtfM PhOM VB 7-2612 Parter Bl<%. MWT*7. N. C. I |?v MS | Watch fir Jawalry REPAIR Davis Jewelers Hugh** Electric Shop ,l,av wan HELP WANTED ad lfs Established ! available 1b Cham Baa County. Wrlta Rawlelgh Dope NCH 200-863. Richmond, Va. 1-5D HELP WANTED: Be Your Own Bom. Barn mora selling Raw l^edawh. aamMrlwu4u ieign rroaucts ? ?vwryDouy knowa and likes mam Work part time at a tart, tf you are dubious. Saa for yourself. Vacancy In Clay County. Wrlm Raadalgb'a Dept. NCH-220-16 Richmond, Va. 1-5tp WANTED: UsedCashReglawr aad Uaad Pile CaMnata. The Cbarohaa Scout Murphy, N.C. 18-tfn FOR woman who are ln to smady Income, Experience tamaceaaary. AVON orile Itself. Writ. P.O. Box 1676 Heodersonvllle or coll OK 2 3739 or VB 7-2320. Murphy. 2-ltp ASK ANY Avon Representative how easy it la a> aell Avon. Dignified rewarding work for ours. Wi your spare hours. Wrlta P.O. Box 1676. Phone OX 2-3739, Handsraonvllla or caU VB 7-2320, Murphy. N. C. INDIAN HEAD CENTS WANTED Will pay IV each. Also will buy old silver and gold coins. T. A. McMAKIN, 3124 i WAVERLY PARK, TAMPA 9, < PLA. 2-ltp WANTED: 10 to 25 acres with a home for living year around on lake, river, or creek, not in resort area. Prefer wooded or partially wooded property. 51,000.00 cash down payment with reasonable monthly pay ments. Write P. O. Box 7055 Tampa 3, Florida. 3-2tp HELP WANTED: Need man with small family K> do gen eral farm work. Experience in farming and chickens. Con tact W. S. Dickey, Murphy. 3-2tp HELP WANTED: California Highway construction Year around work. Top pay. long projects. "Job News" 30? A stamped envelope. ORCO, Box 132, Medina, Washington. 3-ltp READ AND USE THE WANT ADS In Service Lowry AFB.Colo -- Airman Second Class HobertN. Mash burn of Murphy, N. C., Is being reassigned to Lanj^ey AFB, Va. following his gradu ation from the United States Air Force technical training oourae for air armament me chanics here. Airman Mashburn learned operation of the F-106 air craft weapon control systems. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoke Mashburn of Murphy, the air man Is a graduate of Murphy High School. He and his wife, the former Gloria A. Bowman of Bryson City, N. C? have a daughter, Angela. Boston, Mass. ? Gene W. Sneed, yeoman third class, LBN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Sneed of Boulevard Street, Murphy, N. C. is serving a board the guided missile frigate USS Leahy, which was commissioned August 4, at the Bosbm. Mass., Naval Shipyard. Those in the commissioning crew received eight weeks of intensive pre-commissioning training. The Leahy is the first of a new class of guided mlesile frigates. She is equipped with twin Terrier missiles fore and aft. Built in Bath, Maine, the ship la named the Fleer Ad miral William D. Leahy, one qt the first seven man ?> hold fltte star rank and senior to all at them . He served as Chief of Staff ?> President Franklin D. Roosevelt from July, 1942 b July 1949. Port Knox, K. Y. ? Army PFC Ralph B. Payne, whose wile, Christian, lives in An drews, N. C? recently com pleted the IS week tracked vehicle mechanics course at The Armor School, Fort Knox Ky. Payne entered the Army In August 1961 and received basic training at Fort Jackson, S, C, The 24-year-old soldUr Is the eon of Mr. ?d Mrs. Fred Payne, Marble. Fort Riley, Kan. -Pvt.Nor tls K. West, whose wife, Mar garet, and parents, Mr. ad Mrs. Howard G. West, live In N. C. la IPletsl Army pet soiunl nn the 1962National Rifle being it Camp Parry, Ohio, July27-Aug.26. West, who la regularly as rn B of the lstlaftntryDlvlaloo's 69th Armor at Fort Riley, I i? I of The 22 le a 1957 | LEO A t NOTICES Cherokee Counties. N. C. LEGAL NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CLAY COUNTY Under and by virtue of an Order of fee Clerk of the Superior Court of ClayCoimty, North Cerollne made ta the Spado! Protect!nf entitled, "William B . Carter. A foe high eat bidder for cash thoee certain .lands lying and being in Hayeavllle Township, Clay Cotmty. North Carolina, aid mote par ticularly daacrlbodaafoUowa: In the Town of Hayeavllle. Hayeavllle Township, Clay Cointy, North Carolina, daa crlbad aa foliowa: Being parts of Lota 64 and 65 aa laid out In the plat of the Town of Hayeavllle, North Caroline mi known aa part of the lota W. H. McClure bought from M. A. Brooke and more fully descrlbad aa follows: BEGINNING In the canter of the Wast Una of Lot 64 and naming 821/2 feat to the Southwest corner of Lot 65 m?d thence Southeast with the black Una of Lot 65 ? 1171/2 feet to Flora Davis line; thence with laid line ig> to the center of the line of Lot 64: thence bd (he besinnlns end be Ins one-half of Lot 64 and all of Lot 65. Being die lime lands des cribed in (he deed from Georgia A. McClure to Georgia Rowland, dated Feb ruary 11, 1922andrecrodedln Deed Book O at page 186, In (he Office of (be Register of Deeds of Clay Comity, North Carolina, reference D which la hereby made. This 3 rd day of August, 1962. r. C. Gray Commissioner 2-4tc Legal Notice North Carolina Cherokee County Under and by virtue of (he power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Helen Rose, Ruth Rose, Hazel Rose Carrlnger, and husband Earl Cstringer dated the 5th day of July , 1961' and recorded in Book 229 at page 113 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the lndebeethiesa thereby secured and laid Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale for cash at the courthouse door In Murphy, North Carolina at noon on the 39th day of August 1962, the property conveyed in said deed of trust the same lying ?d be ing in the County of Cherokee and State of North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows: An undivided one-fourth in terest in and to the following described lands. FIRST PARCEL: A certain tract or parcel at land In Cherokee County, State of North Carolina adjoining the lands of Ray Mil leaps, titty Heflln and others, and" Rotary Club To Hold Matting In Andrews In Andrews to meet with officers of the local dubj ones Y. Pherr Jr., Rotary governor of this ares, Tuesday night addressed the club at Its meet ing held at Berkshire area. Mr. Phsrr, president of Jones Pharr company of Charlotte, spoke of the lmernatioaallty of the Rotary organization and the significant contributions Rotariana everywhere making to the advweement^ of world understanding aid' goodwill. "Rotariana in more than 11,200 communities on six continents," he said, "areM helping to draw nations closer I together through tbelrefforts b build tadersondtaig among man of different creeds and color. They are also at work in die area of public opinion, helping B stupe It on im portant world la suae by prov iding Information on which sound decisions can be made". 4 Mr. Pharr also emphasised* die imporfce of Be lndhr vldual Rotarlan b the dobal 1 program of Rotary. "This year," he reminded Aakwwa? Rotariana, "we are urged by a (toko m a 14 loot *luawayi *? bock WaatwarOy *Uk said *l?awaj 54 tent a> dw Ban at tm GUbart drtva 90 a 14 Bo* of tfaa i vara mi parcals at land bnlnc tfaa aama landa da acrtbad In daad damd Orabar 19. 1999 from Janaao P. Roaa and vtfa. LaUa Roaa. mHalan Roaa, Unmartiad,Hazal Roaa, Unmarrtad; Rutb Roaa, Un marrtod; and Jamaa Carlton Roaa. at Cfaerohoa County, Nor* Carolina, racordad In Daod Book 191 at paca 907 rocorda at Cfaarokaa County, Nor* Carolina, andnfor B which la fanraby mnda. Thla aala will bo i Jact* a ?td otfaar prior liana at rwcord, if my tfaaro bo. Thla tfaa 26* day at July 1962. H. L. McK never. l-4tc LIVE IT DP "Like A King" at the fabulous ntfewia-A LUXURIOUS BEDROOMS TV * nmjcam_ IN-HOTEL MOTOR HOTEL ? PARKING In tlx Cantor of Downtown Atlanta ? AKIr. Spring & Carnegie Way ? Phone 688-8600 ? rUUL ANU COMPLETE RESORT FACILITIES ? SUNDECK LUXURIOUS HIDEAWAY WEEKEND Check in Friday?Shop Friday fc Saturday I ? FRIDAY - COCKTAILS at the "Room at the Top" ? DINNER In the "Golden Palm" Reataurant (Roaet Beef ? Lobatar ? Turfcey) ? 8ATUROAY- BREAKFAST and DINNER b- SUNDAY-BRUNCH ?25?? Pot Paroon Double Oooupanoy 1/2 tOT Children l?Tl CHICK OUT ? CWILDWN't COUNSELOR ? MOVIBS For complote Information and frsa color foldar, Sand your nam# and addroaa to: ATLANTA AMERICANA SPRING AT CARNEGIE WAY-ATLANTA. GEORGIA NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE Wm Whether you hire a painting contractor, or do it yourself, there's a quality Pittsburgh Paint for your particular job. Don't be con fused by extravagant claims and high-pressure promotions. To be sure of your job, insist on quality paint?it always costs less in the long run. SUN-PROOfl America's (inesl oil base house paiot keeps your home ????? ______ |> I looking just painted HOUSE PAINT IHTTSHJttj] years longer. VMM OH keeps paint live, tough and elastic. Special lame resistant pigments protect] against discoloration. White and ready-mind body colon iVALLHIDEJBML ah RUBBERIZED ?BWgjflft R ' " 110 f*?*' a*tin ftWISH IC""T^?I U? |o? or no SATIN FINISH [F>TT$tSt?*l ? brush msrks, touch ?f ? "Taauon upt don't show and ?AINT 1 a.^ ?? drtu, in jurf 20 min utes- Can be washed Reedy-mixed colors 1 ? ~HH SATINinDfi Plusing, ton, wni townri enamel fisiir, lid covin tedy-miitd colon SSSiiSS. n<7S Ei?i#r to apply, aa HOUSE PAINT Mm dmt-frw and ba|-lrM aitNi 301 Www woo rwoy-miieo row* ia,ML? ?? i /?_ WwipBJr mWWIW VB7-XD0