lp|y3^^|p||ppWPpqpuBHW|WWWilpippw' : |^MIPVV>PP9M9OTViPWNVMIIM*i>OT*>BHW^IVPI<|PaiH*HI'M ?HHP The Cherokee Scout AidClayCou ty Progress V.t.,. Tl ? H?hf 4 M"r?t.y, M.m, CwlU.. Th?r.d?. *.?.! a, 1H2 % U PH? TM. w..k PwMl.h^ W..Uy ViVo"*" INantahala Case To Be Reopened; No Hearing Ralafgh?lho Sta?UtUltl*a m hi ?11 Tuaaday the cm* In which P?*r and Ught po. la .taking a Mg rua la in oraar n> raceiva thadfa power from d V allay Autfcartty ? i North Carolina. _ would Inot ha nacoaaary. Thla bocama i John _ hdng i ioccvui, ifwao willing ?d root la cao* da transcript ofmadmony [{which I" %" MMfel 'od July 1 loadmony In 1 on at I by Nantahala a trlbudon oyoai |p,rS?!ii-gj foVTVA.Hj.lDMA. coramlaalon Suld obtain TV A a moot tb* futurane*" of ia public udU^ cwlomera. Attoijuly 19b.Wl*N? tahaU praaldant J?hn lV JEdbar o*d NantdjaU wmdd buy la powor troro tva SUuSi It would result to regulation of the ' 5JE? by th* TVA board of ^^forrMP^^ Wboartag.JordMPoto^^ Oat the commlaalonbaa a* , precedent by I ?d*caa*rjordan aald bawl Watson's antimony wm mora applicable b the ram cio* than Uwas B the lain <:?*? , 1 U^raforNMthb^ ? mad the motion o roopan*0 CrJirt willing for It ? lSSLTtf*ho osdmoej 3SS?wj??SS? yrsrsa-ss laad a ??contd?jy ^ of dda rrtdaocaot I Ho nolnod out that the recort E&.SSS ?Mod dmar* S!"^" -Wa {sSa-rrsr 3"ts.1 1 la amh1~f ram booaa evorag Iabout S3 P*r cant, th* Sfuld coatlo cuaBmersmon than $1 million a year. It bm ffl^inyrn b repay la cue j^r.wlthlnareataUor?2 oart of th* Increaae which tw 'SSml.alondl.dUow.. At the July 1* **** Hataon aald TVA would hi I?""0" ? .rii power? at MTHfMBHtt It )?? Wllh t?o prlvataly-ownod public udllttaa la TMnaMM.HoMid rata* NantahaU would ckarfa would "haua m ba?Mdi NantahaU't Joynar dacUrad ifcat mdar utllldaa CMnaa2o?"to>uld _ alaa" o*ar tha rata * ba chargad Nntahala'i T Off Do Sckoot IWinjDtda' In th* I i la talk of rat* ?d rule i today** te day my Utda tad Start* trudgln' off to school, tyofdhaai And my old haart It U happy, And my old haart It la gay: For my *lx-y*ar-old la i T* start ? school today. And I'm proud as all thing* <rf him; iface *d And his taoa and ndn* both For I'm }uat as son as ha Is. That ha's hotad to top th' Una. Yat my ayos ? they tost will L4ha a bUthartn' old fool. Because today my llttla tad Starts trudta'off to school. (Editor's Not*: This was sent In hy a subacrlbor, Mrs. Poarl Roberts of Murphy. Shs writs, "Since school begins this weak, I think It Is a good time to print this little poem.") Ok* Oirit Z/< ear (Wanda Slmonds dedicates this poam id mothers and their flrat gradara.) At last, has coma the long awaited day. Wfaan we'll eand oar Utile one on her marry way, To bar flrat a lap on the atalrway of learning. So She may open all the doors at her yearning. Knowledge, Lover of her fallow man. Life In all respect la at her command. Pine Teacher a, Principles, Books, all they cm glee id land a hand. Oh. well help her S> learn as much as we can. But moady wall lose her and sand bar off spick and' 111 not worry for I want bar a> learn, ad I know aha'a For tboee Teachers and Principals are Mothers and Pater, Her problems we'll share. She's so excited, so nnlous, so happy and glad. So 111 try not? be even, you understand, a little and. "Hare comes the bus," learn, be good md don't be lm my dur. See hew brave I've bean, My Llttla Girl, Her First year. Oopetereallped a mar. Cherokee County Lady Has Habit Of Graduating CULLOWHEB ? When Mrs. Eld* S. Piece. Route 1, Pi Ton. (Cherokee Cmnty) celved her masmr of degree at Wenern Carolina College Friday night, aha aet something of a local record. It waa her eighth graduation She started collecting di plomas aotne years ago with graduation from Allen Ele mentary School mi at Steele High School In Dayton, Ohio. graduated from Greene Normal School in Dayton, and 1 It became a I at (dance degree in physical eriurattnn at the University of Cincinnati, followed by the R. N. degree at Maeon Memorial Hospital in Murray, Kentucky, and a degree in physical therapy at College of Medical Evangelists, Lome Linda Uni versity, Los Angeles. Following a long career as nurse, teacher, and physical therapist, aha has enrolled for work at WCC during re, and summers, i the master's decree. For t or the past two years she in full-time nurs In'Charohee County, and teach near Murphy ICHBROKBB COUNTY TOMATOES - Receiving a box of < Mb Gill, laft, of the Cltfaana Bank fc Treat Co. Clanda StDea, right, i lor dtapUy md ntmriuA an invitation ? attmd tha Bmao field day Friday. StUaa la I Tomato Fiold Day Sot For Friday Aagust 24th bjr Jnu M. County Agricultural Agaat A Tom**) Plaid Day la " fat flda am for at ItM pjn. oa Mm oi Clauda StUaa. StUaa IB fta haart *a P Tka purpaaa of d? flaldday fea ?{ ? crap. TMa iNarACwa at traUiaad aaaaai The 1962 crap la " 2,000' The Tomaas Field Day la fcdwttia I will ba will ba aRaglawradY< Saw PtsTEfrai ha aarwae. Tha itaatfly New VA Law I Will fit fMMTMr i mrit o* a new law mmemi by <a m Coo ? J. D. ? <X the Nar* CaroUaa Varwrwu QBoa. The law te VA^ aa't"*? SSuyUi a aap " ,TMa efaa re Dr. Richard S. Parkar Heart Attack Takes "Doc" Parker's Life Richard S. Parker, 78, of Murphy died Saturday night August 18 in a Murphy hos pital following a brief illness. Mr. Parker left his drug store at noon complaining of a pain in his chest. He suffered a heart attack at his home be fore 1 p.m. and another one at 8:00 pan. He died at 8:20 p.m. Mr. Parker, known to citizens of this area as "Doc" Parker came to Murphy in March, 1911 and started the buainese he headed for 51 years. He was burn January 30, 1884 in North Wllbesboro and was a son of the late James L. and Nancy JohnsonParker. Mr. Parker was a 1905 graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Pharmacy. He was an active member of the Presbyterian Church, a 32nd degree Mason and Shrlner. He operated Parker's Drug Store in Murphy since March, 1911. In 1919 he built the Par ker Building on the square. Mr. Parker served on the Murphy Town Council, was a member of the Murphy School Board for 20 years, and also served as chairman of (he school board. Recently he was awarded an honorary position with King's College, Bristol, Va. Services were held at MkSO ajn. Monday In the home. The Rev. R. A. Potter officiated and burial was la Sunset Cemetery. Pallbearers were John Car - ringer, Blmer Kllgorn, Wallace Williams, Richard Howell, Karndt Graves, Ken neth Godtrey, Jim Hendrlx and Natt Kinney. Survivors include the widow, the former Miss Grace Abarnathy of Hickory, whom he married in 1911. Other survivors include two daughters, Mrs. William G. Darnell of Murphy and Mrs. Bllzabeth Williams of Talla hassee, Pla.; two sons, Richard S. Parker of Hickory and James A. Parker of Mr phy ; one sister Miss Dora Parker of Wllhesfaoro; two brothers, VirgU Parker of Lexington and Lawson Parker of Charlotte: as sea grand children and one great-grand child. Townson Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. ASCS Elections To Be Held By Mail This Year wuu ijr buu u/uuuuuiy wui mlt?men will be elected dur ing September, to 1 year terms beginning October I, 1962. Theee ere annuel election* and tide year the voting will be by mall. According to L. L. Kls eelburg, ASCS county office manager. On or before Aug .31, the county office will mall ballota to all eligible votara on record. Any termer who doea not recleva bia ballot promptly abould contact the county office and obtain one. Full Instructions will be furnished votara along with the ballot. Voters will be asked to vote for 5 persons. After voting, the ballot will first be sealed In a blank envelope bearing no Identification, and then pieced In another pre eddressed envelope (requir ing no postage) for mailing, or personal delivery to the Letter To Editor Dear Bdler, I had my first tasa of honest - to - goodaasa motait sta sourwood honey this pest weak. Every good thing I have ever heard about sourwood is 1 veto. The trua sourwood 1 honty, almost dear In color, ad with real beeswax, can't to duplies tad anywhere. Thus " it's hard to find. A good friand of ndne la dwt a fal to a teem of , eat out to Last ? 12 ft . Comity) . Last year, to tolls ma, wasn't a )tr of sour county office. Write-in vols* wtll be permitted. However, the total number of pereone voted for Including wrltt-lna, must not exceed 5 or thebellot will be void. The community committees met August 22 in the cotmty office end completed the nom inations for this year's elections. Where necessary the community committees will add additional parsons to complete the slats. Also in cluded will be nominations made by petitions signed and submitted by tan or more eligible farmers. County and community committenmsn currently serving may be In cluded In the nominations. The county committee will meet on September 12 for the purpose of cotmtlng the votes and officially enaofrlng the results. The person motiving the moat votes will be com munity committee djelnnan and delegate to the county convention, the second highest will be vice-chairman, and. tha third highest, regular member will be coimty convention. The first and second alarnaie will likewise be chosen by tha wither of votes received. The alncwd commit! delegates, will meet cotmty 20 m elect mime. All commltasemen will tabs office on October 1,1962. AD persons who am par ticipating, or ace eligible m participate, tn ay of tha ASCS programs are eligible to Four Mon Inducted Into Sorvlco Golf Course To Be Built Near Murphy on 300acraa31/2 mllM from ?te aquare In Murphy, haa baan eaten by a groip Murphy buataaaaman, meter the nama of the Tbma hawk Oavalopmant Corp.. The group look the option ? law An 300 ecree tor *50,0)0.00 In thirty day*. A .propoaad 18 hole golf course is planned with 75-100 ataee O be laid out arouad the Andrews Schools Open This Friday ANDREWS ? Schools will open in the Andrews City Unit on Friday of this week.School bases will bs In operation and students will be In school from 8:30 mtil 11:30 B receive class assignments and mxt books Mid to pay fees. The stats textbook fee for Ugh school students Is 96.00 Special high school faes in clude a 91.30 science fee. a 91.30 borne economics fee, a 92.00 vocational agriculture fee, and a 910.00 typing fee. Scholastic Inpursnce for accidental Injury Is available to all students atcostof 92.00. Elemenatry school students will pay a general fee of 92.30 per studsnt for the pur chase of supplementary read ers and other Instructional materials and equipment. Campbell College Appoint* Dr. H. G. Hanson Campbell Collage an nounced today die appointment of Dr. Howard Gordon Hanson of Erwtn as associate profes sor In Its departments of English and German. Dr. Hanson spent six years In residence at Vandertdlt University and Is a three time graduate of the school in Nashville, Tenn. She re ceived the Ph. D. degree there In 1956, with major study In English, French and German literature. The first student to qualify st Venderbllt for the degree In comparative litera ture, she wrote her docoral dissertation on the origin of the Holy Grail Legend. At VanderfaUt she won elec tion ? the Phi Beta Kappa (scholastic) and Delta Phi Alpa (German) honorary societies. She Is a member of the American Association of University Women and of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution. She comes n> Campbell College from a year of travel In Europe and study In Vienna. For three years, 1957-60, she was Instructor In modern languages at Young Harris Collage In Georgia. Dr. Hanson Is the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Alex B. Hanson. The Rev. Mr. Han son is rector of SatatStephan's i Brwln. Episcopal Church fat Brwln. Republican Candidate Withdraws K. W. Radford, at Andrew*, Republican candldawfor CterokM County Clerk of Cowt withdraw from Cba forth f, Auguat 15. Bad ' " r Clark of Govt to twdar bla i Radford tttonitmd Mi ?r m *o loard of TW Bowrd at allow I Schools will open on Mon dey, August 27, with ? full schedule and lunch rooms at Andrews and Marble will be In operation. There will be no change In the cost of student lunches during the 1962-63 school term. Students are requested to come to school on Friday pre pared ? pay all fees. Clay Farners Urged To Vote la ASCS ilectioa HAYESVILLE ? An In creased voting participation by the farmers of Clay County Is urged la this year's ASC By getting a larger vols In the elections this year. It will mean that the committees elected will be mora representative of the farmers toy serve. All ASC commit teemen and ASCS comity office personnel will exert every effort to assure that the elections will he properly end fairly conducted so ea to re flect credit upon our ASC committee system end the De portment of Agriculture. Bal lots for voting for community committeemen will he mailed to all eligible voters on re cord on or before August 31 and must be postmarked or personally returned to the county office by September 10. The county convention will be held September 20 for electing comity committees. All elected committeemen will take office October 1. C^a ftn Jar Thursday, August 23 7:30 p jn. Murphy Chapter No. 10 Order of Eastern Star will meet In the Masonic Hall. 7:30 p.m. Rescue Squad will meet In the Murphy Power Board Building. 7:30 pjn. Choir rehearsal at First Methodist Church. 7:30 pjn. Republican Women Club will meet In the Her man West Construction of fice at the Professional Building. 7:30 p.m. The session of this Presbyterlgn Church will meet in the Westminister Building. Simday, August 26 6:15 ajn. Mass at Providence Hospital. 11:00 a.m. Holy Mass at St. Williams Catholic Church. 6:00 pjn.MYF atFlrstMstho dlat Church. 8K)0 p.m. Union services at First Methodist nd Pres byterian at First Methodist Church. The Rev. R. A. Potte Monday, August 27 6:30 pjn. Rotary Club u> inset at Pa " ~ re m MU 9 boles in the first year. Tto 300hmteedacrsoract is out the Harshsw Farm road dtracdy serosa from tha Harahsw Farms and ia fart of tha J. B. Multoy Farm. To dam flOO.OdO.OOhM bean pledged by Murphy Baa lnaaaman m bay amefc in tha corporation. Plans aaaataaoad at a moating of *o Tuaaday. AugOat 21, at lha Murphy Chamber of Com maroo offlca tnrlarts a ra canvssslng of dm Murphy ana for artrtlflinnal pledges. A ? itsms mat any part of dm initial Invest ment in tha projact will hava stock ia It and that dm emck boldars by majority sots will Idas of tha corporation. I person purchasing a lot in dm propound rati estam davalop mant and golf coursa will have a share of stock. It la planasd m lay oatM 18 tola goU coursa with 100 lorn of adequate sine am ami the course. A nine hole golf course with first class greens will be built within one year of tto formation of dm corporation. The otter aine tolas ara m be completed if and when enough members are secured m smnort m 18 hols Anyone owning ooa share of stock or ooa lot in lbs develop ment ia an tided m mem bership in lbs country cite with golf prlvllegM by paying the mutual dims. New members will be taken Into dm club from dma m time but mast pay mt lnl ds don fee of $30# plus regular dues. Parsons propeed for ntomlmrohip who do not havo a lot or ohara of stock must bo paasod on by mambers. Tto omckholdoro tat lbs corporation will own tto golf course and ouch land m ia lefttamold. WEATHER August H L Pare 16 87 63 Trace 17 87 62 0j00 18 83 58 0.00 19 86 60 0.00 20 90 62 0JB 21 90 62 OjOO 22 89 62 0 JOS ForacMt - Scattered after noon and eva sin wen ?. Thursday d Stmday. Attention All Candidates In Cherokee And Clay Counties Both Democrat And Republican 1%opo?oBa<*ia an aroilablo .All !? bo* Oar IB *o boglontrooaaoanttavri

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