Locals ??tttti Lut Vnk VIOLET NEWS Mr. ad Mrs. Grady Daniels t( Atlanta. Ga. spent t kfef, Bencher Rom ift Patricia Graham haa ?ma from Smyrna. Ga. where aha haa baao vlslt ?wr, Mrs. Lucille Mr. wd Mrs. Jim Beavers nd daughters Margaret Aon Mariana rpent Sunday at the Andrews Air BOILING SPRINGS NIWS by Drutp O. OTjoU Raw. Chrltaphir Cravat, a ravtval Miaa Alloa Davit bar re t dmr vt iflng In BUJay, Ga. ? ? ? Mra. A, G. Morrow laboma rfar a vltlt with bar too. Or. Batch Morrow of Aafaa vllla. Ohio. ? ? ? Mr. mtd Mra. Prod Cravat it Sunday la Bnglewood, ? ? ? Mr. and Mra. Prad Graham vialltd Mr. ad Mra. Hoyt Cravat in la Bnglawood, Tan nattaa. Saturday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mra. Baachar Mor row and family tad Mary Lou Roaa and Margaret Ana Baa vara tpent Saturday la MtC-vnavlila. Ga. Mr*. P. B. Anas mm a ad Mr*. '.P.M. Pair lUMt of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. o*oau ~ Rsv. Bands Y< EllloH and Draw * * * Mrs. Btolly Davis aad son at Ohio wars visiting harbro thar aad famUy .Mr. and Mrs. Jack 0*Dall Monday. a a * Mr. and Mrs. Harvsy Mil lar at Ohio and family wars visiting hsr parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Banar Davis laat seek, a a a Rsv. Homer Wilson and family from Atlanta, Ga. sera guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ODell Thursday, a a a Mrs. Ethel Gaddls vlalad her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. j. OUall and slsmr Miss Mabel 0*Dsll. Thursday. Dead Transfers ?S* oi?urry Cortto Brooka to Johnv aod Jarry C. Pair aim. 15 or laoo la Hat B. M. and Boil Daala m ?Mr aod J. nar ?od Jo Taylor MorpfeyTOwashlp. Co. ao Thatma B. Aa ??rf and Heyco A.Corrlgan roporty In Shoal Croak TOom D.' V. aod Mafaolla > Prod and Dorodij roporty in Muiphy 1 _ H.L. and OUoa MdCoaoar > M. C. Oaron, pcopoi ly In lurptoy Townjblp. Cadi and Rofaa Roborts ? ?b aod Hafctta Lao Haoaoo. * Clay Cmaqr Pimtmi, *~ Atrial as. Twa. Jr?1 V allay Rlvar B rally Gantry Yowit ? C. ?lVmGmry,prof ta~~ " " SKIN ITCH DGNT SCRATCH , If i 4? back TODAY at PARKER'S DRUG STORE, Murphy. N. C. "Your Dollars Have More Cents At B & T SUPER MARKET HAYESVILLE, N.C. U.S. Choke Graded Choke By U.S. Department Of Agrkeltere SIRLOIN Our Big Buy SLICED BACON 45C Swift's Premium FRANKS. . .391 Ball FRUIT JARS Qts $1.35 doz. Pt? $1.19 doz. Jar Lids 2 Pkgs. 33C CHICKEN BREASTS $1.23 0 SUGAR 10 lb. for 98t WATERMELONS 4 for $1.00 Nescafe 10 oz. Jar INSTANT COFFEE $1.19 Duncan Hines,. Swans Down, Plllsbury CAKE MIXES. .3 for 99C Chef-Boy-ar-dee 4 ctni SPAGHETTI fc MEAT RALLS Selecto PURE LARD, r49t 9W KLIK - Seal Lids 2 pkg 29C Southern Delight BISCUITS. .6 cans 49C A ! 4 s 1 Ui kk -"W . PAL PEANUT BUTTER 79* Oconee's Best self Rising l FLOUR..25 lbs. $1.59 \ (?3 ami WW";, 3-Lb. Can Swift's PREM Luncheon Meat 12 oz. can.?39C r IMG Larfe Party Can 4-46 oz. Cans Bluebird PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 99C Bartlett Pears.. 21b... .29C JFG 1/4lb. Tea 49C qt. tin ?9* SOAKY 10 oz. Size 69t VEL POWDER IS ox. pk?. 321 SUPER SUDS 2 - to os. bona 49t VEL LIQUID u ?- 3U 1 ptat6os.bot. 53t Carnation MILK 8 Tall Cais Carnation ^ .MILK 99t AJAX CLEANSER a - 14 ox. bom 27( FAB l 1/4 lb. pkg 29( giant size 7K FLORtENT HOUSEHOLD DEOORANT Sex. Size 79 0 AJAX LIQUID CLEANER 15 ox. bo t. 37( 28 ox. bot. 69t I AD DETERGENT 1 lb. 8 8/4 ox. ~29< S lbs. 2 ox. 1 79t INSTANT COFFEE with the percolated taste 10 it. Jar 99C WCC To On Time CULLOWHBB -Vdttri ?rollna CiUaws will do lays". said Dr. Raid. "ta* wo have been teemed the will bo r?dy tor rmuLr 4. or will bo aomo Twenty oddMneal faculty member! hiv? ben appointed t> accommodate the Increased enrollment, la an aOort *9 prevent serious ovorloadlnf of classes. No new classroom space la available, however. Or. Raid said plana are being worked out for adjustment of schedules B> facilitate maximum use of classroom Aside from classroom specs, a problem exists In the absorption of four hundred more boarding studMits into an already over-crowded cafe teria. Additions ? lbs present cafeteria have bean requested, but action Is necessarily delayed until the next meeting of the General Assembly. Applications have been 1 approved for 740 freshman and 167 transfers, a total of 907 new students. They will report to their dormitories on Tuesday, September 4, to begin mi orientation program Wetbwsday morning. The re mainder of the week will be devoted to orientation Mid registration, and classes will begin on the following Monday, September 10. Clay CowtY Deed Transfers Thomas R. and Sarah Beth McClure to Herman H, and Martha McClure, 3/4 acres more or less lnShoodngCreek T?Be?trlce Doyle to Rose Wil liamson. 2 acres more or less In Hlawsssee Township. Wayne and Ruby Splvey to David H. Mid Brudilla Cope laad, land In Shooting Crook Township. Bronco and Omle McClure? Charles and Helen Phillipe, 1.5 acres more or loos In Shooting Crook Township. jwies Howard and Willie Kay Mashburn to Jack Shook, 20 seres more or less In Shooting Crook Township. WNC Baptist Association Holds Annual Meeting The Western North Caro lina Baptist Association meet for It's annual two day session with the Valley River Church of Andrews the first day August the 14th and with the VaUeywwn Church of An drews on the second day Aug. 15th. The Rev. Fred Limsford, moderator presided aselsted by the vice Moderator, Rev. Jimmy Rogers. This was one of the ftn nest moorings of this sort ever held by this association. Thera was a grant spirit through out both days. The eplrltof fellow ship am co-operation was very great. The very Inspiring annual sermon wae given by the Rev. W. J. Thompson pastor of Murphy First Church. The Rev. Harold Anderson Pastor of the Valley River Church gave the welcome aid opening address on the first day. The Rev. France Post aU pastor of the VaUsytown Church gave tfaa welcome and opening address on die second noon day meal was fur nished by the host churches in to be commanded for the splendid job they did, with Christian welcome and bos pa till ty on the part of die good pastors and members. The ganeral officers elect ?d for dtt coming yur aro ae follows: Moderator: Fred Limsford, vice moderator; Jimmy Rogers, Clerk Miss Doris Raster, treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Hamilton; His Brian, Mrs. Clarence Hendrl*. Sun day School stgtt. Richard Powers; Training Union Dtr actor, Chester Leweou; Bro preeldent, Don SpriagfUld, Ohio Rosidoits Ploo Auoal Roiiloi Th# 49* mm ; Nor* Carolina Ra wtll faa hold f ' sa 'oa Sunday, Sopt. 2 at ; N. C. I The moderator would like a> thank everyone lor their oo-operadon. Wa regret that Elmer Gre ener the Associations! Mls alonary could not ha with ua because of the death of his brother In Wayneavllle. The Aaaodatton wlahes to express It's sympathy. Culberson Mail Carrier Gets Award CULBBRSON - Rural Car rier Forest Bernard Johnson has been swarded hla eight year Safe Driver Award by die National Safety Council through the Poat Office De partment. Mr. Johnson has eight con secutive years aid approxi mately 173,000 mile* of safe chiving w hla credit on Routs 2 since the program began at tha Culberson Poat Office, according to Maude M. Gul ledgs. postmaster. Revival Services At Brosstowe Chercb Aeeeeeced BRASSTOWN? Revival vices will begin at da Little BraesBnrn Baptist Church, Sistdsy, August 26. i will t There will be services? evening at 7:90. Everyone la bnrtssd n> attend, according u> the pas or of the church. Rev. Fred B. Limsford, the visiting evangllst la the Rev. Jlmmey Hogsed of Hayesvllla. Company Is Awarded Contract ANDRBWS-Roberth. janes, m, Secretary-Treasure at South andja Georgia, i 14, his< contract for a Ugh Andrews, N. C? $169,000. Wort will John t. I M, C. to te L >fl?C. OUtnar Harrtll. at Ashevtlle. Standing Indian Camp Sit* Constraction On Schadnla dM North Carolina Nattooal Poraoa this yaar. ThaPoraat Sanrtoa will apart >330,000. 00 In racraath tads te Waal Carolina la * part of (hair "MWdpla Uaa' program. Bwaoual plana for dw Indian ara call for 100 family camping ada. Tlda r, 32 trta will ba litatillod. with ralaad aanrtca facllldaa. To da a. dw access ' across Nantahals River coinplaafl; wad con tract! for a 30.000 gallon waar aaraga raaacvoir, a 4-twit fluah allot aid eowor aga ayaam. art grsvolfortn artor roada, have baan lot. Couraca for 2 additional 4 imlt allot tniUdlnga will balot in tho naar futura. Tables art Rhodo News by Hartey Grant Joycn and Jarry Corn of Headersonvllle apa veek-eod hare visiting (hair Uncla Homer Corn K?d family. Sue Day of Kings I vlslBad her grandparents, Mr. md Mra. Harlay W. Grant r Mr. and Mra. Clint Day and children of Beaaemer City warn vlaltora In Rhodo Satur day afternoon. ? ? ? Mr. and Mra. W. M. Gre gory and eon, David Barl. visited Mrs. Gregory's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Grant, Swda y evening, a a a Rev. Johnny Walkings tick of Cherokee will preach at Mountain View BaptlstChurch Sunday morning, August 26. The public la Invited. a a a Mr. and Mrs. KannethGrant Kid children, Natalia and Chucky, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Day Sunday night, a a a Mra. Ethel Day and daugh ter, Mra. Leoora Wilson, of Bryson City visited relatives at Rhodo Sunday Mtsrnoon. Mra. Alma Orfa son. Theodore loft Thursday morning for their home at Homestead, Fla. after spend ing several days hsratsoridng on their motel. They plan to open for business around April 1, 1963. a a a Several of our people at tended Homecoming at Bear Creek Church Staiday. 01 Franklin, Will ha a Wg ta> filling m daman? lor mt camping (adUflM It tcrixi?" Fire Truck Can Not Go Out Of To wit HajmvUle?The Comrnls stooers of Uw Town of Hayoavtlla and foetnasnbei of Oi voluntary Ore depart oMBt for ttM Town of Kayooyftllo would lite to brlnd 10 m twta Of ?u people la Clay County the roam why fa fire truck for Ota Towa of Hayoavtlla cannot go aida of Town limits a put out fliwa. Tha flra truck wai purckaaod by m Town for Bra protection, which also re sulad in a raduction o! inauranca ram in Town, mc la balng paid for by tha residents of tha Town at Hayoavtlla for these purpose by Town Tanas. Should tha Art truck laavw tha Town 11ml ti a put out tiros, pooos will bo dofeaad since tha Town would bo without pro action whllo the thick li out of Town and alno, tha fin Inauranca ram will be In craaaad for all paraona llvlnf In HayesvUle. Tha Toup o Hayaavllla baa already baas warned by tha N. C. Pin Insurance Rating Bureau tha tha Town rnuat aap 1 tha flra truck outside tha limits. Therefore, it Is that the people of Clay will understand why t truck cannot leave thi limits when called n a which is outside the limit of the Town of Hayaavllla, This Is not arbitrary dedsloi mode by the Town of Hsyea villa, but was forced to do for the reasons herein sta* William B . Carter, Town Clerk. Book Rental Fees Must Be Paid HAYESVILLB ? rental fees must be peid i their books. Rental fees 1962-63 school term are: lac end 2nd. grades SO i 3rd. ( 4th, and 5th, 60 cent: I 6th., 7 th., 8th. 70 cents. Hlg School - $6.00. j All Clay County teachers request the children ? brln their rental fees, Friday Au| 24th. so they can get theli | books. The lesson asst will be made on this < In order for the students t| be prepared for their wor I assignments on Monday the I will need to get their book | on Friday. SkoalCrttkNtw Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods and daughters. Lint and Llna of Oolecewah. Tan spent the week-end srtth Mr James Allen. Linda and Lb furnished the special mus for the morning service atd Shoal Creek Baptist Churc ? ? e Mr. andMrs.J.B.Slaugha spent Friday In Chattan^og Tenn. as the guest of M; and Mrs. B. W. Vellenowef i see Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brent! and aon, Jerry, of Ashevllti N. C. spent the week-end VI Mrs. Qtdnce Allen, see Mrs. Jeanstae Ragsdald < Cleveland, Tenn and Mr Katherlna Floyd of Rossvli: Ga. alstara, of Mrs. J. B. Slaughter are apendlng afal days with the Slaughmr's Miss Susan Whitfield Atlanta. Ga. Is spending with Mr. md Mrs. see Mrs. Mary Brown family at Atlanta, week with Mrs. Young. see Mr. Md Mrs. Kemery 0 visited Mr. Samuel Dills 1 e e e Mrs. Lisa Johnson ofl da, N. C. spent pert of week with Mr. and Mrs. T Brown. see Mr. Arnold Allan at < loot, N. C. Is rest of the sumn see Mr. Wm. Johnson la very 111 tn the Copper " Hospital. ? e e Mr. ami Mrs. Joe M. Jo spent dm week-end wldi I md Mrs . Gay Jc sr UL? Ga. where hey will ATHLBTB-S FOOT! HOW TO KILL [TINS!