MUBJHY S C . 3AMFLE Opens Monday, Sept. 10. Sponsored By The Murphy Lions Club. The Cherokee Scout AndClay Coun ty Progress Volwo 71 ? Huiobot 4 Myrphy, Worth Cowling. Thursdor. SoptooAoc 6. 1*2 12 Po,?. Thl. Wool. Publl.h.d Woohly *fm,n?SyAiom?'TAVo C6i? Democrats Promise 4-Lane Road From ToptonToTennessee Paul Nave'* Bar-B-Qued clalolBM and Congressman Roy Taylor chew aome 200 hiaigry and anthusl as tic Charokea County Damocrata to a fund raising dinner at the Murphy Blamantary School Lunch room Saturday, Sept. I. The dinner waa spooi ? ?i aponsored by the Young Democrat and Taan-Dam Clufaa of Cherokee County. Procaoda from the dinner will be used for another Bar-B-Que shortly before ?? -a * ecnoD. Democrat candidaM at Anderson, aharlff; Mra. Mary Faye Brumby, House of Representatives; W. T. Moore, commissioner; J 5* .Dl?lca,1? oommlaalonar; Paul Suddreth. register of asedn; James Howes, dark of court; Herman Edwards, Judge of recorder's court; md Sen aior W. Frank Forsyth. Co-ordlnaior for the dinner was Pea Stalcup of Murphy. Corky Anderson of Andrews, Teen-Dam president, Bobfata Stalcip of Murphy, Taan-Dam vice-president, and Vincent Map, president of die Young Democrats, were responsible for the dinner. Judge Herman "Bdwarda told he group "Democrats are for every lm at and advmcemant In Cherokee County In he past several years. I dial ings the Republicans t> deny He statement," ha added. J?4p Bdwarda want on to ay, "The Damocrata have he best possible chairman to head our party through this election. I qtpredate the task Harry Bishop has taken on." "Our ticket this year will teaswe up to any groip of Democrats ever presented to of Cherokee County," hs said. "The biggest mistake any dtlaen can make is to support the Republican Party. A Re publican can do no thing for you In Raleigh or Washington or my other place." Bdwarda said. "Who la rasponalbla for the ew four lane bridge end high daltndar Thursday, Saptomber 6 :30 pan. Peach tree Homa ?monstratloo Club to mast at dw home of Mrs. Aud Suddsrth. 7:30 pjn. Dsscons of thsPre ibyterlm Church to meet at the Church. 7:30 p.m. Official Board mast ing st First Methodist Church. Mrs. Ruth _Porsyth and Miss Thslma Wheeler 7:30 pjn. Choir rehearsal at First Methodist Church. Siatday, 6:15 ajn. Mass stProvUhncs Hospital r lime I UtOO sa HUy Mass at St. Wllllama Catholic Church 6c00 paMYF at Fire tMetho dist Church 7lS0 pa Servtoee at First Mehodet, Presbyterian, md FresMsihodletChurch. 10 9t00 sa Cherohsa Comity Fair Begins mdrmn thru dm IS. 6(30 pa Rotary Club at Fam By Restaurant. 6t30 pa B fc PWC ? mast of Mrs. Ruto 700 pjn Confraternity of Chrlstfm St William Catellc Church 7t30 Tbwn Council mooting at Murphy Pa way west of Murphy 7 Our good Democrat friend. Senator Prank Porayth." "And thanks b tha efforts Of Sana tor Porayth, ha bow tails ma that the North Caro ling Highway Comndesloaer for this district has pranlaod a 4-laoa highway from Topton B the Taonessee line," Judge Edwards concluded. Senator Frank Porayth In troduced Congressman Taylor by saying the congressman is no stranger B Western North Carolina politics. Mr. Taylor served three arms In the N. C. Senate, and he taderstands WNC politics." Porayth added.: Mr. Taylor opened by re cognizing the YDC and Taaa Dem members. Ha commented that the party In Cherokee County Is In better shape than it has been. He suggested that an active Democrat Women's Club be formed. "Our area is suffering from isolation. To open it up we need roads," he said. "Weatsra North Carolina Is pitting more recognition from WosblngBo today than at my time it its paat hllBry. Tha Blue Ridge Parkway is being completed at an excnleratad pace. 1 am proud that I have been In position b secure ap proval of four major road pro Joca since going b Congress First . . Extension of the Blue Ridge ParkwayBAtl?ita This will be the moatvaluabU Burlst road ever built in the Amulachlan area wast of Aabevllle. Second .. A forest service road from Roaman la Transyl vania County b Woodrow In Haywood County. Third. . . A part service road from 1-40 BCataloochse Fourth. . .A forest service road from U. S. 64 B WhlB Water Falls, the highest cas cade In BasBrn America." "A 47-mile forest service tend from Robfainsvlllo B Tel lico Plains, Tannessae over tha wagon train route is now in the process of securing Congressional vproval. The one disappointment has been the Fon tana Road, but efforts there are not being relaxed. Congressman Taylor said. "The key B the development of Was tarn North Carolina Is roads, and U I stay in Con gress these badly nsstloil scenic roads will be built Bid others will follow. Wo can mahe Western North Carolina tha recreation capital of America." "I daam it the duty of a Congressman B serve as a liaison representative between the people of his District, both collectlvhiy and Individually, ?id the numerous agencies of the Federal Government. Hit ias is securing oo from en In W< of utmost Importance, Golf Course Adds 7 Members Rul pwn'Mt m reported B have been made on At proposed Murphy golf course during An past week. Seven additional Murphy business men pledged their stpport to the project that has caught - - mm calls for i B he bidlt seer Murphy. The first 79 pert vdpants will own one share of stock Is As pro tact plus ona building sits ad wr<*- c?u ?**? buUdbig sIbs will average ona acre In slsa. Plana include 1 IS SEVEN VOTER registration books wars taken from Oils cabtaat night loot Thursday. The remaining book- are shown stacked in front of the cabinet. The file cabinet at right was reported to have been rifled and also (he desk in the office. The FBI, SBI, and Cherokee County Sheriff's Department are investigating. (Scout Photo) H.W. HUGHES, Chairman of the Cherokee County Board of Elections, points to the panel that was renamed Thursday, August 30, from the rear door when the Election office was broken into and seven voter registration books stolen. G. 0. P. Offers List (Edior1* Note: The atate menta printed below were con tained la a prepared statement given B> this newspaper by J. Doyle Burch, chairman of die Cherokee County Republican ^"The Republican Party, through Its Chairman, J. Doyle Burch, and the candidates In the coming election, re gret that there were a num ber of the registration books stolen Thursday night; Aug. 30, from the Board of Blect io na office. Bach election year we aecure copies of the regis tration list for all precincts In Cherokee County. These lists are furnished according to the law at two cents each at a cost of approximately $225.00. In die campaign we need these lists to find out who are eligible m vote in the com ing election. Owing a> the fact that a new reglstrailoa has been ordered, we would have no further use for any of the old books, as we already have a complete copy of all of the books." "We have offered the Democratic Charlman, Harry Bishop, copies of any of the missing precincts they may need free of all cost" "There has bean some criticism of the Sheriff, Claude Anderson, because It has bean circulated In the cotaity that he has made no effort to solve the break-In. The facts are diat die Sheriff was not notified of the break In isitll Saturday morning when ho was mid that dm mattsr was entirely in dm hands of dm P. B. I. and dm S. B. I. He offered his services In any "" If met Rtsiduts Flu Gathtriifl AKRON, OHIO - The m aual andagef former Cbero wiil he :. 16 at2077 WEATHER August H L Pare. 30 89 48 0 31 90 54 0 September 88 56 1 0 2 88 56 0 3 89 62 0 4 92 64 0 5 90 66 0.76 Forecast: Thursday -Cloudy K> partly couldy with rain end ing. Friday - Fair. Saturday aadSiaiday - Scattered cloudi ness with scattered thunder showers more numerous on Sunday. AA Group To Meet The Tri-State Grot? of Alcoholics Anonymous will bold ?> open area masting at the Hfenon Center, Hayesvtlle, NjC., neat Sunday afternoon. There will be a picnic lunch at 1:00 p.m. and dm regular . meeting at 3:00 p.m. A medical doctor who baa recovered from alcoholism by practicing the twelve steps of the alcoholics anonymous psogiam will be the speaker. All who art In the third major disease of our nation should seine the opportunity to hear this out standing speaker, and la am of the One work of alcoholics anonymous, a spokesman said. "Groodfothor Clots#" To Apply la Nov. Car Rolls, Kills Child Darrell Wayne Hamby, two year-old eon of Thurman and MoeeUe Gravea Hamby of Rt. 4, Murphy, wee killed about 9 a.m. Saturday when a car which wae perked In the yard at hla borne rolled forward and atruck him aa he waa Coroner J ?. Towneoa ruled die death accidental and a aid no Inquest is pinned. Surviving In addltlan B the parens are twoalasra, Sheila and Glenda F aye of the home; Mra. BesaU Hamby. and the maternal granfearanta, Mr. and Mra. Fred Gravea. all af the Violet auction. Servicaa were held at 2 p.m. Swday In Violet Bapttat The Rev. WJ>. Graham af ?d burial waa la the SHADES OP YESTERYEAR - The 107 year old "Central" came huffing and puffing tna> Murphy Tuteday to be greeted by the Murphy School Band and several hundred apectatore. A group from Murphy boarded the "General" at Blue Ridge, Ga. at 3 pun. for die commem orative excursion to Murphy. Tickets Issued a> passengers sated for "continuous passage no stop over allowed-Blua Ridge to Murphy". The tickets were punched with a replica of the die used by the conductor on the historic run on April 21, 1362, when the engine was stolen by Yankee spies. The hlamrlc locomotive, traveling under la own power, pulled Into Murphy around 5 p.m. and stayed over night, leaving for Canton Ga. at 8 a.m. Wetkwsday. (Scout Photo) Seven Voter Registration Books Stolen ty product iwlit books were reported rata from the Board of Elections time during the night Tim day, August 30. Mrs. Mas Sneed. Board at Blecthraa dark, discovered the thief at 9 a.m. Friday, August 31, shordy after opening the office for the day. Mrs. Snaed had closed the office the day be fore at 4:30 p.m. The registration books con tained the official list of voters in the Murphy North ward; Murphy South ward; Andrews North ward; Andrews South ward; Brasstown; and Walker's School House pre cincts. The books were taken from an upright metal cabinet. The locked doors of the cabinet had been forced open. H.W. Hughes, Chairman of foe Board of Elections, called la On FBI and SBI after re porting the Incident a> Raleigh arotad IQtOO ajn. Friday. Misuse oft Is a federal < Entry to the Board of Elections office was made through foerear wooden door of foe building. The office Is located several doors igtfrom foe Bus Station awards foe square on Tennessee St. The botfom pawl pushed ?> foe Inside of foo building. "Everything hoe been goon through Including foo file cabinets which mn reined of ficial papers and my desk." Mrs. Sneed sold. According to Mr. Hughes, foe FBI reported Wefowsdey that they had several leads. At press time, not I Sad Oo Sckaof Marian* Hugh#!, daughw of Mr. and Mr*. Clifford Hughe*. Pam Raaoa, daughtar of Mr. aad Mr*. D. M. Raaoa, and Sua anna Taylor, daughter of Mr. Md Mr*. Elmer Taylor. p t I 1 1 4 S * 7 ? * w it n ? m u m it it mot n ? >4 umrun M ? ' - ? . . For All Your lasirmct Naatb INSURANCE DEPARTMENT CITIZEIIS BANK t TRUST COMFANY Murphy

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