IT C SAMPLE The Cherokee Scout AadClay Conn ty Progress ??)? 7 Mafphy, Martfc CaMllaa. Tkvra4?r. hpMafcar IS, 1M1 12 Thi? W*?k Publl.h.d W..kl? ?A-**1T&WVLP.*?9 Sen. Forsyth Named Fo Bank Study Grouf mi KM D decide whether big bank brack growth Is threat North Carolina's Inde nted ty la Raleigh We Jar 5, M Treasurer BdwlnGUl, chalrmi of tha State Banking Commlaaloo. aahad tha co mmlttae-which Includes a predominance of "small bank" man ? make a report la time for the 1963 legis lature. Slam Senator W. Frank Forsyth of Murphy and ex ecutive sice-president of tha Clttnns Bank and Trust Co. was named to the committee. Kemp Do ugh ton of Sparta, former Speaker of the House, was named chairman of the grotgi. Doghton is trustofflcer of Ae Northwestern Bank. The Biking Commission authorised die study after a Jtdy 18, meeting which heard criticism from small bank representatives that As trend toward mergers eat estab lishment of branches by big bike was "seriously threat Fru Jawalry To Bo Givoi Away At Fair A free drawing for two places of handmade Jewelry will be bald at the rock and mineral display at the Chero kee County Fair Friday, Sept. id. at 8:30 pan. The. Jewelry le being of fered by the Tri State Rock Club lac. of Brest There la nothing to buy. according to club officials, Just atop by sod register. Lions Club White Cane Drive Set The a tan-wide data for the White Caw Drive has bean ?at for Sapnmbar 16 through September 30, 1962. This Drive Is sponsored by the more than 14,000Lions In NjC. It presents the greatest chal lenge and opportunity for ser vice la the field of Work for As Blind Kid Visually Hsnd o< the blind in NjC. The NjC. State Association for the Blind is a Lions pro ject. It was organised by Lions in 1934 es a non-profit, state wlde organisation and Is a im ported by Llona through this one annual fund raising pro ject, The White Cane Drive, each September. In 1961, through the tre mendous efforts of the Lions Kid Lionesses and the gener our response of the citizens of NjC? the NjC. State As sociation was able to greedy expand its Prevention of Bllathwsa program. The NjC. Stats Association Is the only organization In the state so structured as to enable It a sponsor an extensive state wide prevention program. Since 50$ of bllwhiess Is pre ventable, preAntlonof blind ness is a cridcal area In ser vices for the blind. The NjC. State Association had bean maHng,annual grants a the NjC. Bye Bank for some years. In the 1961 August Bo ard Meeting. It was decided to Include funds for the Bye Bank In the annual White Cane Drive. The Bye Bank Is an lntsgral part of the over-ell Prevention of Blindness pro gram sponsored by dw Association in la efforts a reduce 50% of faUnthiess in NjC. The Association renders services a any blind and vis ually Impaired person If there Is a need and there are no other resources available. TInm are some of dw out standing services on which funda are expended: Byotreat mant or surgery; glaaaes Kid artificial eyes: a sponsor dw Visual Aids Clinic, Manorial Hospital. Chapel Hill. NjC.; a co-sponsor tba Medical Bye Clinics in local areas whsu Am are essential for ads care; for dw Re ' reject, Laboraary of antal Ocular Path Mamorlal Hospital. Hill. NjC,; the Eye of NjC.; Glaucoma Dat Clinics, s tea-wide, end of BUmhwsa sd mstsrlsls. All ta Bite services Mian a pre Glft radios a shut in blind: wUn cm walkfa? ... _ i Club of Murphy. , md Clay Cotaty will tng community b< No official at Wachovia _ Plrst-Cltlaana BankmdTruet Co. of Smlthflaid, two at dm Starn's moat brack amadous banking ayaiama , wera In cluded on (ha committee. Big Chain Buys Local Tire Firm Eastern Capital Stores. a subsidiary of Carolina lira Co., of Sprues Pins, NjC, has anno weed die purchase of the JJt. Duocan lire Co. In Murphy and Franklin. The new company will ba called Murphy Tire and Ap pliance Co., Inc. and is lo cated in the old AhP Sifter Market bidldlng on Peach tree Street. The manager of the new store will be Reid (Pets) Ru mple, formerly of Thomas - ville, NjC? Mr. Rumple has been associated with Carolina Tire Co. for eight years. Be fore coming to Murphy, be was assistant managar of the Thomasvllle branch. Carolina Tire Co. owns and ope rams nine Goodyear stores in North Carolina and Its sub sidiary, B as tern Capital, op erates seven stores in this state plus five other from Harrlsburg, 111., to Daytona Beach, Fla. Frank Bills of Murphy will be the assistant manager of the new company and Dale Green of Brass town will con tinue as a salesman. Wayne Massey of Br ass town will con tinue to work In the recap ping department along with Charles Kllpatrick of Murphy. Mr. Rumple's family will move to Murphy dm first of Ocmber. They have rented the house on Mauney Street belonging toMrs.B.W. Whit field. The Rumples have two children, a son. six years old, and a daughter, two. Ru mple's wife, Margaret, plans to assist her husband in the business as bookkeeper. The Rumples and members of the Methodist Church. Murphy PTA To Meet The Murphy Parents Teachers Association will meet In the music room of the Murphy Elementary Sc hool Monday, Sept. 24. The PTA still hold monihly meet ing during the school year on the fourth Monday of each month. Officers for this year are John GUI, Pres.; Chester lawson. V. Pres.; Mrs. Her man Edwards, Secretary; Mrs. Paul Nave, Treasurer. Committees for the groig> are ae follows: Program Mrs. Max Blahemora, Chair man, Mrs. RA. Minor, Rob ert Minor. Health and Wel fare- Mrs.George Dyer, Ch Mrs. John Carr airman, Mrs. Kenheth Godfrey. Room Representative - Mrs. Merle Davla. Finance - John Car rlnger. Chairman, Francis C. Bourne, Jr? Don Carter. Membership - Mrs. Willi am J. WaUs, Chairman. Mrs. C. G. Wllhee. Hospitality - Mrs. Harold Walls, Mrs. Herbert Stiles, Mrs. W.A. Singleton. Publicity - Morris L, Newton, Chairman, Mrs, Hobert Me lt sever, Mrs. John H. Bay less. Srfaty - Robert Bnsley, Chairman, Robert Bruce, Donald Ramsey. LecUlattve - Frank Forsyth, Chairman, Mrs. Bdward Brumby, JJi. Duncan. Library - Mrs. Eve rett English, Raymond Jos eph, Mrs. Bdward Dickey, Mrs. J.W. Davidson. PTA Publications - Mrs. Ullard Walker, Chairman, Mrs. Ja B. Hall. Miss Leila Hay Ole Smoky Says night^ageat JO^ Library Serves Many Purposes The high school lib rary provides one of the most Important services of the school. It is a busy workshop where Industrious students are forever seeking knowled ge. Becky Ray, Connie Craig, and BUlia Moore are shown at the bullendn board In the Murphy High School Library. For hundreds of years, lib raries were used solely to keep books. Today there is an entirely differentinwrpre tadon of a library. Its' pur pose Is to get the books Into the hinds of the dudIIs. Murphy High School Library serves MO pupils, who are allowed to coma to the lib rary to browse, check out books, and reed current mag azines, during their home room period. The circulation averages 17,000 books for (he nine-months period. The pre sent collection la 4,400 vol umes. Many of theae have bean given as memorials th rough the Memorial Book Fund. The Increased budget the state has allotted has been very beneficial in securing many worthwhile books that otherwise could not have been purchased. The need la still critical, however. Many of the ? hooka In the collection are < badly wont and many are ob 90lew and need replacing with current malarial. Someone has said, "The library la die memory of the human race. It la like a giant brain that remembers all that rdentlata, historians, poets, philosophers and others have thought and learned. It la the meeting place for Ideas and words of persona who have Influenced the world."(Scout Phots) Letter To The Editor The Editor: In reply to the speech made by Judge Herman Edwards at die Cherokee Comty Dem ocratic Bar-B-Cue, Judge Edwards staled that "the big gest mistake any citizen can make Is to support the Rep ublican party. A Republican can do nothing for you In Ralalgh or Washington or any other place." He than pro ceeded a explain that the De mocrats ware responsible for Improvement made in Chero kee County for the past several /ears. I do not live (n Chero kee County but It Is my guess that a great deal of the pro gress mads has been made with Republican money. This Is certainly true In my cotnty of Qay since a majority of lbs tax money la paid by Republicans. As to his statement that dm Republican party can do nothing for the citizens of our state, we challenge the lnte Bty of a Municipal Court Ige who would be so narrow minded as a make such a statement. Any Republican would hesitate to be tried ?dsr the Jurisdiction of Mr. Edwards, feeling that he would not he granted Justice. Mr. Edwards leaves thelm presslon that he might even ?import a Communist In our Government Just as long as ha bora dm Democratic label. Bo * want people to repre sent us who show so Uttle regard for the American way of life founded on the two party ayaam? Anyone who la hroad-minded and has the wel ter, of the people hem snows that wa must have a b"? Party system - one to cfcec* n? dt other a keep corngrtoo and dishonesty? a minimal. I suspect that Judge Ed ward's words will reverberate In more way, than one. And, J? P*?? nodes that foe Republican party Is sharp ?njng la political tools to per J? " operation In November on this Democratic treodof thought. Wayne Pord, Clay County Grandfather Clause Is Not Valid Ofly. TMa la no lanpr awn. J: "T-S5S; County Fc The 44th annual Cherokee County Fair opened Monday under the sponsorship of the Murphy Llona Club. The fair la set to run through Sat urday. New Funds For FHA Are Available WASHINGTON -Congress man Roy A. Taylor said here Friday that the government's release of $152,000,000 In new funds for Farmers Home Ad ministration loans will serve to stimulate the economy of Western N JC. Rep. Taylor, who last week asked the Budget Bureau to consider releasing extra money for the FHA program, said $11,000,000 of the all otment will be used to pro cess loans in NjC. "Dozens of applications for needed FHA loiuia have been submitted by rural families In our moiaitaln counties," declared Taylor. The congressman said he had received assurance from the FHA administrator In Washington that all applica tions from North Carolinians which have been ^proved and fully processed, but delayed for lack of funds, will now be filled. "Most of these loan ^jp licadons are from rural counties not served by sav ings and loan associations or other lending agendas," said Taylor. In these com ties, con struction has baen prevented because of the FHA's lack of funds, he said. The government's action to day will bs a definite boost to our economy," he said. DuHucrut Rallies Sit lu Coiuty Two Democrat rallies will bs held In Cherokee Cointy next week, according to Harry Bishop, Cherokee Cornty De mocrat chalrauB. The first rally will be bald at the Htwaesee Dam School Tuesday night, September IS. County Democrat candidates will speak at the meeting. Refreshments will be served. Bishop said. Oe Thursday night, Septem ber 20, a Democrat rally will bs held at the Hot House school. Refreshments will bs will be $200 Reward Offered For Information A $200 reward baa lir Opens Civic clubs and groigts, home demonstration clubs end Individuals throughout the co unty have turned out on abort notice in large numbers In an effort a> make the fair a suc cess. Tuesday judging of the ex hibit halls was held. The win ners In the various groups have been annotatced. The complete list along with pic tures will be published next The sheep and dairy cattle show was held Wednesday al ong with the horse show. The big event of the fair will be held onlght (Thrus day) whan the beef cattle show la held. Judging is scheduled ?d start at 8:00 p.m. Poultry will be judged at 10*? a.m. nd swine at 2:00 pjn. Thurs day. All exhibits must be removed from the fair grotaids by noon Saturday. Golf Club 3 Short Of Goal Of 75 TheTomahawfcDevelopment Corp. came within three mem be rahipe of becoming a rea lity Tuesday night at a meeting at the Murphy Chamber of Commerce office. Seven additional member ships were sold during dm past weak bringing the total ?> date n 72. A goal of 75 memberships la necessary before the corporation can ba sattp. The remaining three mem berships that are now open are expected a> ha sold be fore the weak-end. The proposed golf course calls for a ohm hole course to be built near Murphy. The first 75 participants will own t of stock in ths pro ject plea one btdldbag alts ad joining As golf - course. The building alias will I acre In Has. Plans Include enlarghw the course to 18 War Games Underway In Forest The UJ. Array's ummmr guerilla wrafare asrdae Devil Arrow Is aowundarwsjr. E. Central St. In Murphy To Be One-Way Once ?eln Beet Central St reet In Murphy will be made me-way. Traffic will flow town the a treat in frpnt of he Cherokee County Jail *> ?rarda Valley River Ave. Sop :lgna will be erected on both ildea of die street at the foot ?f the hill and the ltreet will ? marked with "Do Not Enter 5ne Way" aigna. Action m unanimously taken by die Murphy Town Board Monday, Sept. 10, amending a previous motion that did away with parking on the congested street. The motion as made by the board reads as follows: "That Bast Central Street be made a one-way street from Peach tree Street to Valley River Cherokee County RECORDER'S COURT The Cherokee County Re ?rder*a Court convened et ft30 e.m. August 27, 1962 with the Honorable Herman Edwards, Recorder present and presiding endF.O.Chris topher, Prosecuting Attorney present and prosecuting (or the State. Case No, 4180 State - vs James Graham DAWI - De fendant pleads guilty as charged. It Is the Judgment of the Court) that Defendant be confined In the common Jail of Cherokee Cointy for a term of three months and assigned to work under the supervision of the State Prison Department and pay a fine af 3100.00. The prisons sentence Is sus pended by and with the con sent of the Defendant In open Court upon the following con ditions: (1) That Defendant surrender his operators license a> the Clerk, and not operate a motor vehicle upon any public highway In theState of North Carolina for 12 months. (2)ThatDafendantpay Into the office of the Clerk on or before October 1, 1962 -b- sum of $25.00 and a> be applied toward the payment of the fine and the cost, and pay Into the Office of the Clerk on or before the 1st day of each and every month there after the sum' of $25.00 taitU the fine and cost are paid In full. Case No. 4200 State - re - Howard Bar em - Receiving stolen goods Defendant pleads not guilty - The court finds the defendant not guilty. Case No. 4454 Sta* - vs R. R. Carry 11 - Assualt - De fendant pleads not guilty - The Court finds the defendant guilty as charged. It Is the Judgment of the Court that the Defendant pay the cost. Case No. 4455 State - vs - R. R, Carry! - Property dam age - Continued for the defendant to September 10,62 Case No, 4456 State - vs - ??llas Ray Patarson - Reck less Driving and no Operators - P"??d?ct called and failed. Judgment m, si, si fa, and cjgrtae. I tie further order ed that Defendant give a bond In the sum of $400.00 when Case No. 4457 Sta* - vs - James Brown No Operator's l.friMjipQ ? Defendant plsids not guilty . The Court Finds the defendant guilty as charged. It Is the Judgment of the court hat Defendant pay a One of $25.00 and the cost. Case No. 4458 Stale - vs - Marts! Johnson Aid k Abbott and No ?Operaair's license Defendant pleads Dot guilty. The Court finds the defendant not guilty. Case No. 4500 Stem - vs Tyrone Beverley Burnetts " 70 In 55 aooo. De pleads gtdlty . as It la dM Judgment of Coiart that Defendant No^iXl Stats ? vs Geotge Grady Allen Speeding 65 In 55 sons. Defendant pleads Sly as charged it is dM nnantef As court that de fan fat pay As cose Case No. 4502 State - vs - Jack Burtrum Startord 64 in 55 sees-De ijpdltyi tftTt | tinuea until such time ?? the I defendant la relased. At ? which time It la ordered that I caae be placed on the calco lder for trial. I Case No. 4506 State - va I Billy Ray Wilson - Reckless ?Driving - Defendant pleads I guilty as charged. It is the I Judgment of the Court that ?Defendant be confined in the I common jail of Cherokee Co lunty for a term of three months land assigned ?> work under the | styervlaloo of the State Prison P?y a fine of I >150.00. The prison sentence lis suspended by and with the I consent of the defendant In ? open court ig?n the following | conditions: (1) That defendant not ? operate a motor vwhlcla on 15?pubUc tostate I j .1nl' Carolina for a period ? of 12 months except In con 1 nectlon with hla employment and while working for his em |ployer. (2) That Defendant pay the fine and coat of the action at this time. (3) That Defendat pay to Charles Curtis all damage to his automobile. Case No. 4507 State - vs John Clarence Outen Speeding 55 In 45 eoneDefendantpleaus guilty as charged. It Is the Judgment of the court that | Defendant pay the cost Case No. 4509 State - vs Walter TraynhamHouston, Jr. Greater Speed than Reason able - Defendant pleads guilty as charged. It U the Judgment of the court that defendant pay a fine of $50.00 and the costof the action. Case No. 4125 State - vs Ladd Coffey Larceny Con tinued for Defendant to October 29, 1962 Case No. 4126 Stem - vs Gtles Griggs - Larceny of Gasoline - Defendant not guilty. The court finds the defendant guilty as charged.It I Is the judgment of the Court that Defendant be confined in the common jell of Cherokee County for a term of six months and assigned s> work jipder the stgwrvlsion of the State Prison Department and pay a fine of $250.00. The prison sentence la suspended and the defendant Is placed on probation for a period of three years. Under the simervUlon of North Carolina Probation and its officers. Defendant appeals to the Siawi-lor Court. Appearance bond fixed in the sum of $400M. Case No. 4127 State - v? Jlmmia McClure - Larceny of Gasoline -Dafendwtploada not guilty. The court finds the psfaodMt guilty aa charged. It Is the Jiafcment of the court that Defendant be confined In the common jaU of Cherokee Coimty for a term of six ?dsr As sigwrvlaloD of me State Prison Dnparamnt ?s pay a One of $250.00. The Prteon sentence Is suspended JEV"/""owing conditions: (if That defendant pay Into the office of the ctariTS, or?! for* the let day of October 1962 dm sum of $50.00?d pay into the office of dm Clark on or Info re tha first day of each snd every month dander ""? sum of $50.00 imu the Una (2)dTh?,DefImd?td *" ftlU* ?sneral good behari?*^S"not **of the lawe of On ^?s of Nor* Carolina. No. 4510 Stato - ? Howard Otto Ta ft mph la 55 ? Ave. in the direction of Valley River Ave. and alao that there be no parking on either aide of said a treat from Peach tree Street ? appro xlm ami y 25 feet east of Jail property, parking to be permitted on right aide of Bast Central going east from Jell property n> the crosswalk near Valley River Ave." In other business. It was reported that dis stem's rat halt program la gaining mon entum. Bait bones have bean re-baited at regular Intervals. Approxlmattly fifty bones are now In place In areas with heavy rat Infestation. Considerable rat Infestation has bean discovered and pro gress Is being mads towards eradicating theae rodents. The program has already covered the central part of town and will be moved to the outskirts aa soon as signs of feeding are ellmlnamd In the presently baltod areas. Over 100 areas have bean ba ltod since the program was starwd. "The public can assist with this communicable disease control project by Improving their garbage storage facili ties to the extent that rats will be in able to obtain food. Let me urge you to obtain standard rat and fly proof garbage containers." Charlie Johnson, town clerk, said. WEATHER September H L Prec. ? 82 60 0.06 (4 62 0.19 ? 77 62 0.02 ' 75 61 0.00 84 61 0.02 " 83 64 034 12 86 59 0.01 Forecast: Thursday - Ch ance of thistdsr showers. Friday, Saturday andSunday Scattered afternoon and even ing thunder ehowers. Wurply (^a fen Jar Thursday, September 13 1:00 p.m. Cancer Clinic at Health Office. 7:30 pjn. Murphy ChapmrNo. 10 Order of the Eastern Star will meet In the Mas onic Hall. 7:30 Rescue Sguad to meet In the Murphy Power Bo ard Building. 7:30 Choir rehearsal at First Methodist Church. Friday, September 14 8:00 pjn. Football game. Mur phy vs. Sylva Webstar en local field. Sunday, September 16 6:15 ajn. Mass at Provld gnct Quptl 11:00 ajn. Holy Mass at St. Williams Catholic Church 5:30 pjn. MYF of First Me thodtat Church will be boat to the MYF of Bias Rldpe, et We First MelhodUt Ch urch. 7:30 pjn. Set vices et First Methodist, Presbyterian, end Free Methodist Ch 17 6s30 p.m. Rotory Club to at Family Rastaursnt. 7:30 pjn. Memorial F. den meeting at First otftac 18 HMO ia Circle No. 4 to meet at the heme at Mrs. RjC. Fuller *30 pa Circle No. 3 to 1U? ?" ? mM1 -