MJMtHX LIBRAHT MDBPHI S C The Cherokee Scout AndCIay Coun ty Progress VoiiMM 73 ? Nwohor If Murphy, North Corollna, Thursday. iDkmU 6. 1962' U fifrt This Wo.li Puhllshod W..klr I Vmo i?Vk v*"o ??thT? i So'lh?? MURPHY MAYOR L. L. MASON Is shown at left above delivering the oath of office to the new Cherokee County Commlastonera W. T. Moore, Leater N. Cole, and Dr. W. A. Hoover. (Scout Photo) County Officials Sworn Into Office Cherokee County's newly elected officers took office Monday, Dec. 3, at swearing in ceremonies In the court room at the courthouse. Fred Christopher, county prosecuting attorney, presid ed at the meeting. The Rev. W. J. Thompson delivered the Invocation. L. L. Mason, Murphy may or, administered the oath of office to a host of Republicans and one lone Democrat. Each oath contained three parts, allegiance to the U. S. consti tution, the N. C. constitution, and the dlschargement of the duties of the elected office. Those receiving the oath of office were the three com missioners, Dr. W.A.Hoover, Lester N. Cole, and W. T. Moore, the lone Democrat to be installed. Don Ramsey was sworn In as Clerk of the Stg> ertor Court. J. E.Graves a gain took the oath as Register of Deeds. C. E. Hyde was sown In by Mr. Mason as the Judge of Recorder's Court. Sheriff Claude Anderson took the oath as Sheriff for the third time. J. C. Town son was sworn In for this second term as Coroner. Justices of the Peace for Murphy township taking the oath of office Monday were Virgil O'Dell, M. S.Richards. J. W. O'Dell, and Lloyd Ram sey. W. J. Martin was not present. Valleytown Justice of the Peace Vincent Adams was sworn In while the remaining J. P.s were not present,Rich ard Flowers,Ernest Whltaker, and Harold Gee. Justice of the Peace Jack Watklns from Hothouse was present at the ceremony. Gar land Cornwell, Beaverdam, and Arvll' Williams, Shoal Creek, were not present. County constables taking the oath of office Monday were James Conley, Valley town; Virgil Hog seel. Hothouse; Marlon Adams, Shoal Creek; Jess Wingate,Notla; and J esse Hot-ton, Beaverdam. Will Rog ers from Murphy was notpre sent. Immediately following the ceremonies in the courtroom, the new coiaity commissioners held their first official meet ing. Dr. W. A. Hoover of dis trict two was elected unani mously as chairman. A $10,000 bond was ap proved for Register of Deeds J. E. Graves, Miss Alice Kep hart was approved as assist ant. A $15,000 bond for Clerk of Court Don Ramsey was ap proved. Sheriff Claude Anderson was placed under a $5,000 bond while a $2,000 bond was taken on Coroner J. C. Town son. Fred Christopher advised the board that those county officers required to post bond should place the bonds with the board and be duly in due lad. The board appointed Car lyle P. Matheson of Andrews as tax collector and county accountant. His salary was fined at $300.00 per month, the same salary paid W, P. Walker whan he was coiaity accountant. a At this point. Dr. W. A. Hoover said, "I'm In favor of making all appointments tem porary mtd let's sue how they pan out." The board con curred. Attorney Christopher ad vised that all county Jobs ap pointees bold their Jobs at tht will of the board of coisttj commissioners. Mrs. Loratta Voylee Walk er was appointed the assist ant to the cowty accountar with a salary of $200.00 pet month. The bond for the county ac countant and tax collects: caused some discussion, a motion was mads B liters as' cne amount ox me oonu uvm (20.000 id 130,000. The bond for being tax collector will be Increased from $15,000 to (25,000. The $5,000 bond on die county accountant's Job will remain at $5,000. Fred O. Christopher was appointed county attorney with a salary of $100.00 per month and a 20% commission for col lecting delinquent tax turned over for collection by the county commissioners. Christopher was also ap pointed county attorney with a salary of $225.00 per month. C. E. Hyde, Judge of the Recorders Court, will receive a salary of $275.00 per month. The board appointed John W. Donley tax supervisor. Com missioner Lester N.Cole read Mr. Donley's letter of appli cation. According to Dr. Hoo ver, Mr. Donley's application was the only one received. The letter as addressed to the board read: "To newly Elected Board of County Com missioners for' Cherokee County: I shall appreciate very much If you gentlemen will consider me for the position of County Tax Supervisor. I promise to do the Job to the very best of my ability. Respectfully, J. W. Donley. Commissioner Cole moved that the tax supervisor's sal ary be Increased to $400.00 per month, and not travel expenses. In the past, the sal ary was $300.00 per month plus travel expenses. On the first vote, w. t. Moore voted against the raise in salary saying "Thafs an Increase of $1,200 per year." He further objected that it was not fair to raise one sal ary and not the others. Following a discussion when Register of Deeds Ed Graves said that the travel expense pay for the tax supervisor was hard to keep up with, the board voted unanimously to the raise of $400.00 per month with no travel expense allowance. Outgoing Clerk of Court James C. Howse passed on to the board the recommendation of Judge James C. Farley to draw women jurors at the next term of Superior Court, to draw Negro men and women Jurors, and to install a rest room for women In the Jury room. The board In other business appointed Wesley Totherow of Msrble as courthouse Janitor with a salary of $160.00 per month. Tax listers are to be named at a special called meeting of the board of commissioners on Monday, Dec. 17. At this time the listers will be given in structions and the oath of of fice by TaxSipervlsor Donley. L. D. Schuyler was appoint-. ed county electrical Inspector with salary of $60.00 pervlslt to the cotsity schools. The electrical Inspector Is re quired to visit the schools twice a year. The Citizens Bank and Trust Co. was named county de pository. The board further agreed to pay to the estate of R. S. Parker $40.00 par month for office spece In the new Parker Bulldog for the Cherokee County ASCS office. It was ordered by the board that all parsons having In their hands tax for collection shall surrender them n the tax col lector's office except however any tax sdts already started by ? attorney may be contin ued to final Judgement by the On motion by W. T. Moore, and seconded by L. N. Cole. It was ordered that all qp are made at will i board. N. Cole, $22.90; $22.SO; and Dr. chairman. $500,000 Sewage Plant Improved Water System Available For $165,000 GIRL SCOUTS HONOR THE FAST SERVE THE FUTURE -\ri EDITORIAL Bye, Bye Bye, Bye Cherokee County Cancer Clinic. It's been good to know you. You were an asset to our area, but we didn't keep you going. This could easily be the opening remarks of a future editorial or news article in this newspaper. The citizens of Cherokee County are not taking ad vantage of Cancer Detection Clinic now in operation at the Health Center. The Cancer Detection Center is designed to detect cancer early so that treatment can result in the patient being able to lead a normal and active life. The Cancer Clinic is free of charge. Andrews and Mur phy doctors devote one day a month of their time to running the clinic. At first when the clinic opened its doors, patients flood ed the clinic with applications for appointments. The clinic set for the second Thursday in December (Thurs day, Dec. 13), has only one application for an appointment. With this sort of participation by the public, this cotmty will soon lose this free service. According to Dr. W. A. Hoover, clinic chairman, "If the people are not going k> take more interest, the clinic will soon be discontinued." If you have any questions about the clinic, contact the health office. Dr. Hoover, or Mrs. Betty Jenkins, Rt. 2, Culberson. These folks will be glad to answer any question you might have. The three southwestern North Carolina counties of Cherokee, Clay, and Graham are eligible for 75% grants from the federal government for public works projects. Two Murphy civic clubs have been given a complete explanation of the program and how It can be applied to the town's situation. The Clvltan and Lions Clubs, after hear ing the presentation, have gone on record endorsing the ap plication of the public works program in Murphy. The program can be used to help Murphy construct a sewage disposal plane This plant is required under state law to be built for Murphy by 1965 under the state's stream pollution abatement program. "The question facing the people in Murphy today Is whether to go ahead and try for the 75% grant from the federal government or wait until 1965 and pay the entire cost of the sewage disposal plant." Charlie Johnson, the Murphy town clerk said. It was the feeling of the two civic groups that Murphy should make every effort to receive the federal grants. The Town Board has already taken steps toward making the application. The town at torneys are preparing the forms now. One of the requirements Is that the project be started by July 1. 1963. Murphy Mayor L. L. Mas on told the Lions Club last Tuesday that the town has realized for some time that sewer lines need work and that no revenue is set tq> to maintain the town's sewer system. The present system, he added, was built by a bond issue. "When the 50% public works program became available, the town board had in mind to present a bond issue to the voters to furnish the town with its half of the necessary funds." "Then in September, the accelerated public works pro gram was passed by Congress and signed by the President to spend $900 million in public works construction, exclud ing school buildings. The town board voted to present a bond issue to build a sewage plant, repair and replace some sew er lines, and to improve water Last Chance To Collect Cash Bonuses j Saturday, Dec. IS, Is the last day of the "Laundry Spectacu lar" promotion, according to John H. Bayless, Manager, Murphy Power Board. During this promotion, local consumers of the Murphy Power Board have been paid cash bonuses with the purchase > of electric water heaters, washers, dryers, and water systems. Mr. Bayless said, "We hope that any of our consumers who have planned to purchase electric laundry equipment will buy them this week to take advantage of our cash bonus offer. "This has been a successful program, and a popular one with our consumers, Mr. Bayless said. "Many of our homes now have modern laundry equipment." Additional copies of the free laundry planning booklet are still available at the system office, Bayless added. systems." "Application was made when we thought we could get a 50% grant. Engineers were hired and a study has been made." "Now under the new program, the federal govern ment will pay the engineering cost." The engineering firm of W. K. Dickson has recommended that the sewage disposal plant be built 1,000 yards below the quarry on Hlwassee River.The site would be out of the way, with a mountain between It and the town. The sewage treatment plant would cost (410,000. With a 75% grant from the federal government, the cost to the people of Murphy would be (102,500. This would Include the cost of land and right of ways for the sewer lines. The site of the proposed plant Is on forest service land. The engineering frlm fur ther recommended that the town float bonds for (125,000. "If the money Is not needed, then It does not have to be spent," Mr. Dickson said. Concerning the improve ments to the Murphy water system, Mr. Dickson said, "Your water system has grown. Pressure Is not good In the high places." "We have recommended that dead ends be connected to Increase pressure. Then an eight Inch pipe will re place the six Inch pipe In use now in Bealtown. And that the new eight pipe run under the river from the storage tank." He added, "That a storage tank be built over - looking the town. A water system la like blood system In your body. Water follows the course of least resistance. When you cut yourself, the blood rushes out. The same with water when a line breaks or the water is in use - It rushes out. Under this proposed plan, the sys tem will be improved along the Joe Brown and the And rews highways." "It will take (40,000 to meet the town's share of the water Improvement cost," Dickson added. "Therefore a total bond Is sue of (165,000 for the Town of Murphy would give this area over (500,000 worth of con struction work and most of It would use local labor." Hepatitis Hits Five Girls Here Hepatitis has shown Its un welcome favor to five girls In one school room of the Murphy Elementary school, the grade taught by Misa Ella Faye Byers. All of the girls afflicted with the disease, which la an Infection of the liver, caused by one of two viruses, are Girl Scouts. One theory is that the yotsig folk caught the liver ailment In arecentScout outing; but It has been pointed out that no fifth-graders, also on the camp, have been attack ed by the complaint. Cure of the illness calls for three to six weeks of rest with good dietary sigiport. It ' is transmitted by die mouth; and girls and boys are being advised to see B hand-wash ing all the more. The laid-ip lassies include twins, Mildred and Marilyn Coleman. Mary Alice Shields, I Susan Tutherow , and Donna W11 kins. 3 Defendant* Gel Suspended I Sentences Two at a $645,000 Ins p>UtT la U. S. District Court at Bryaon City. ? Thny wore Wealay J. Par. ry, 47, ot Paraat Perk, Ga, zz a< $3,300, md Daaey Sharlfl. S3, Of Adwta. gT??a tea n?ss . of$U?. CLAUDE ANDERSON, Sheriff J. E. GRAVES, Register of Deeds C. B, HYDE, Jik%? of lUcordtr** Court DON RAMSEY, Clerk of Court J. C. TOWNSON, Coroner Visitor Goes On Door Hunt; Misses lll-Fated N.Y. Flight The urge to hint deer In the mountain* of western North Carolina delayed a New York geologlat from return ing bom* aa planned laatweek. The visitor to Murphy had reservations on die Ill-fated Baa tarn Airline* flight from Charlotte a> New York laat Friday. No*. 30. The DC-7 crashed while landing in heavy fog at New York's Idlew" ' Airport. Twenty-f I we of the S3 parson* died In the crash. Dr. Yvor Smlttor of 1160 Fifth Street. York City, wan a laying at the Coneheetsh Mow I in Murphy whan ha de cided a> stay over la Mwrphy and go deer hunting. l>.Smit wr Is consulting geologlat tor Universal Material* Corp. of Murphy. Ha ha* been here 3 day*. Dr. S ml tier's brother, not knowing of die change In plans was waiting at the New York airport. He witnessed the flaming crash. The phone lines were hot all Friday night K> the mo ml, Christmas Float Winners The winners for the bast floats la Sa 1962 Murphy Christmas Parade last Flr day were as follews: Chero Gardsti ClUb, first piase; Murphy Pep Clah. and; sad Murphy Llaaa < Club. according to Ban Palmer, motel owner, aa anxloua rela tives started at check of Ik1. Sml titer's whereabouts. Dr. Sminer's wife called from New York and Ids mother from California. The deer-hutting Dr. Smlt ter returned home by airliner from AshevtUe on Satu-dey. Letters To Saita Clsus Hey, kldel Start your letters at Santa Claua new ae tea can put them In the paper before Christmas. Last year a lot of yea wrote n Santa via sua