Marphy Hardware Co. GIFT IDEAS ?Withal JDSTRKHT I TOUCH! I ROBESON KITCHEN KNIFE SETS 14.95 STEAK KNIFE SETS 3.95 to 12.95 OUTDOOR TAYLOR DELUXE THERMOMETERS 3.25 BORC SCALES 7.95 to 10.95 SUNBEAM MIXERS - PERCOLATORS STEAM IRONS TOASTERS G.E. STEAM TRAVEL IRON 11.95 REVERE Itt* SAUCE PANS 4.99 WISS PINKING SHEARS 6.95 & 7.95 COOKING 3.30 THERMOMETERS & 3.98 TABLE TENNIS SETS.....-..-":.-:.: 4.95 HORSESHOE GUN RACKS 1.95 & 2.95 BICYCLES "-L sizes "ibu WAGONS 1.95 to 10.95 CROW CALLS 2.75 HARMONICAS 501 to 8.50 OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 3.95 CORNING COOKWARE 3.95 to 14.95 SPORTSMAN SEARCHLIGHT 5.95 BASKET BALLS 3.75 to 7.95 Murphy Hardware Co. 837-2110 TGnnoBisB* Give Us A Look WE LIKE 'LOOKERS' SHOES by Florsheint and Jarman SWEATERS by Revere & McGregor HATS by Champ & Dobbs SPORT SHIRTS by McGregor DRESS SHIRTS by Arrow TIES by Wembley BELTS by Hickok PAJAMAS by Weldon SUITS by Curlee BEDROOM SLIPPERS by larman UNDERWEAR by Coopers & Arrow Don't Forgot A COWARD'S Gift Certificate For The Port on Hard To Buy For. GIRT GERTIFICATE $. Cowards Men And Boys Wear 9^eW*/tca/e to uA fo\ n\e*e/i onetime of yen* detection ? .. . r For the "Bom" or the man try ? ft naine Of or boy who hao everythli*.- WctMU may toa augfoat a Cowarda' WM *#accdn*AM Aem Gift Certificate. Minatura hata _ ' ' given with Dobba or Champ A, Cortlflcotoo. Minatura ahoea ?/!?? AUTMOtiao SY ?given with Florablem Shoo-. Coward's Men & Boys Wear Oa The Square la Murphy, N. C. Mr*. Jim Bater lain Roan oke. Va.. having bean called there dun to aetioua condition bar iliter, Mra. Hubert older. Mra. Snldar recendy pent two waaks aa guestof the aker* and waa accompanied bar home two week* ago by r. Baker. Mr*. Paul Boring ol Can mo. Ga.. waa weekend guaatof her parents. Mr. and Mr*. . A. Dewar. The Dewar'a also enjoyed a vlalt of their aon. arry, of Adanta for three veiling* this peat week. PFC Jimmy Collin*. PFC ohn Cur da* and Corp F rank )e Long of Oxford, Mich., who are stationed at Camp Le eune. N. C? arrlvedSaturday > vlalt relative* and friends. >FC Collin* returned Sunday a camp, Curdaa, and DeLong remained for ten day leave. -A Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Castor and family were visit or* for Sunday morning ser vices at St. Andrews Lutheran Church. Mr. Castor, aformer Ashe vllle businessman, has been assigned to the newMh J Fin ance Corp., which opened In Murphy recendy. -A Ruth Ester Benham became the bride of William M. Plott at the Peachtree Methodist Church, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 9. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles O. Ben ham of Topton. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Plott of Waynesvllle. Dr. Pierce Harris officiated. Mrs. Plott Is a graduate of Andrews High School and at tended Bob Jones College In Greenville, S. C. Mr. Plott attended Waynes vllle High School and WCC IN Cullowhee. He is a veteran of World War II and holds the rank of Captain in Air Force Reserve, assigned to the 63rd Troop Carrier Wing, Donald son Air Base, Greenville. S. C. He Is now employed with U. S. Postal Dept. They are making their home at Rt. 1, Waynesvllle, N. C. Soil Conservation News By W. L. Roberts Soil Conservadonist 1 recendy advised the farm ers of Cherokee County that I would have the Soil Conser vation Service Office open for them to contact us on every Monday and Wednesday morn ing and that I could be con tacted every Friday in the Clay County office in Hayes vllle. I have had considerable opposition to this move from our Area Office In Waynes vllle and from State Office in Raleigh. Therefore, I will be unable to provide this definite date for the farmer to con tact me in the future, as I had planned. If you need to contact us, and will leave a message, we will contact you concerning the date we can be at your farm. District elecdons were held last week in both Cherokee and _ Clav Cotin"es for the elect I ion of District Supervisor. It ANDREWS LUCY LAUGHTER NOTES NEWS STAFF CORRESPONDENT . Andrews Christinas Parade Is Friday^ ANDREWS - The annuel Christmas Parade will take place Friday, Dec. 14, assembling on South Main St., at 3:30 p.m. The Merchants Association who are the sponsors, are making plans for bigger and better parade during the holi day season than ever before. Twenty - four entries of Floats from businesses and Industries have entered with Invitations for neighboring towns to participate. W. D. Whitaker, chairman, announced the following com mittee chairmen: Charles O. Frazler, school. Beauty Queen and bands; Charles Hlgdon, Riding Club with colors and Santa Claus; Advertising - Andrews Merchants Organize ANDREWS - An organizat ional meeting of the Andrews Merchants Association was held In the Mayor's office of the Andrews Town Hall on Thursday night with more than a dozen present. Plans were made for a Christmas Parade to be held at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 14. Other long range plans were also dis cussed, and several of these planned events will be put Into action in the near future. Of ficers elected were Lee B. Nichols, Jr., Chairman; Nor man C. "Sam" Hartman, Vice - Chairman; and Joseph ElKhourl, Secretary. Also present at this meeting were S. J. Gernert of Berkshire Knitting Mills, and Houston Ledford of Owenby Mfg. Co.,, who pledged their support and cooperation to the organi zation. The next regular meet ing of the organization will be held on Thursday, J an. 3,1963 at 7:30 p.m. in the Mayor's office. i seems that there is going id be considerably more votes cast this year than has been the case in recent years.This is another indication that more and more people are realizing the Importance of the role of Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors have in promoting soil and water con servation programs on a basis of the planned use by the farmers and landowners of their land, and the benefits that all of the county gets when anyone or group of farmers and landowners cooperate in a Soil and Water Conservation program like the Supervisors of both counties are advocat ing. As an example of the ex tensive program that the district participate in is a planned meeting on Dec. 18, in Dillsboro for the Super visors of all the Soil and Water Conservation District Super visors of all counties in West ern North Carolina in an at tempt to coordinate activities of the districts. radio. Loo Nlchou, Jo* El Khourl and Sam Hartman; Pubildt, Lucy Laugh tar, F an ile McGutra, Ruth Sursavage, and Jullua Hubbard; Traffic - OaWlttSharp, CAP; Float ^mmltaao, Lao Nlchola, Mark SlliotL Sam Hartman, JoeBl (hourl; Boy Scouta, Brother Ufrad; Explorera, Harold Jee; Bands, Rescue Squad, ind other organizations of rfurphy and neighboring towns ire cordially Invited to take tart. ^alleytown ID Club Plans Christmas Party ANDREWS - A Christmas tarty for Valley town Home demonstration Club will be teld on Tuesday, Dec. 18, at >:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. i. U. Burch. A pot-luck dinner rill precede a gift exchange of land-made gifts among those Members will bring gifts iultable for adult patients to ? sent to State Hospital In Morgan ton, N. C. The Shall Dining Room was tha tailing for lha annual Chrlatmaa banquet for Jinlor department of the Flrat Me thodlst Church held on Saturday night. Following tha banquet, the groig) went a> Fellowship Hall for davodona and recreation. "Gifts the Shepherds Brought the Christ Child" was pre sented by Miss Vera Moore. Rev. Joel Key gave the closing prayer. Sixteen members attended. (arble Springs ~odge 439 To nstnll Officers Marble Springs Lodge flo. 139 AF fc AM wUl bold open natalladon of officers onSat irday, Dec. 15, 7:30 p.m. at dasonlc Temple, Marble, N. with Hardy Morris, In itailing Officer and Victor nstailing Marshal. The following officers will * Installed: Tom McClure, Vorshlpful Master; Walter ?aimer. Senior Warden; Don ild Cook, J tutor Warden; Ver on Bryeon, Secretary - Tra in urer; J, B. Shields, Senior Macon; Ronald Hurt, Junior Macon; Giles Bryaon, Senior tew art; Phil Sancllge, J tailor tewart; Leonard McClure, Ihaplaln and Barneat Cook, Vler. Fifteen Church# ? were re presented with 487 present (or (ha WeiBm North Carol ina Bapdai AaaodaOonal Training Union mooting hold ot Plrat B*Klst Church thla past week. "Bo Yo Wlmooooo" woo the diotne of 8m program. Special mualc woo pre son cod by 8m Poach (too Choir, Aoktn Youth Choir, and 8m Man'a Chorus of the Murphy Church. The speaker was Rev. Roy Smith of Sytva who is In charge of 8m Seminary Bxtanslon Work In 8m six western Counties. Chester Lawson of Murphy, Asaodadonsl Training Union Director, presided. -A Helnrlch Sherz, fromKreh wlnkle Germany, now a student st Lee College, Cleveland, Tenn., recently was guest speaker at the Church of God. -A Mr. and Mrs. R. L. What ley of Richmond, Ind., return ed home on WedtMsday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Luke Bills. -A Mr. Frank Madils of Way nesvllle was guest of his son. Ray. on Saturday. Mr. Madils, who Is a technician atDlstrlct Memorial Hospital, will be Joined by his wife, and daugh ter, Debra Gall, this week. -A Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Roper, daughter, Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lowe, Linda Sue and Tommy of Marietta, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Best, Sue and Towana. Cardan Club msmbars ftn 1 plan* (or Holiday Ho una rttlch will ba bald on Saturday nd Sunday at tha homa of Mra. >. B. Pullium on Sunday almr oon at 4KI0 p.m. at tha homa I Mra. Luka BUla. Tboaa pra ent vara Mra. D.B.PuUlipn. Ira. H. B. Davit. Mra. J. may Davit, Mra. P. O. Hlo II, Mra. L. C. Broomt. Mra. Inland Day, Mra. R. A. Dewar, Ira. W. T. Forty th, and Mra. illlt. -1MB CHEROKEE SCdUT and Clay County Prop-tan N. Jarua Bat*.. .Publlahnr Phylllt B. Bat*. . .BdUar Jack Owaaa. .. f roductlon Simarriaor PubUshad B vary Thursday at 117 Hickory St. Murphy N.C. Secood Claaa Poataga Paid at Murphy, North Carolina SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing addreaaat in Charokna, Clay mdGraham Countloa, N. C4 Towna, Union and FanninCotmtlaa, Ga.; andPolkCounty.T 1 Yaar $3.00 6 Moatha ?$1.75 ALL OTHER AREAS I Yaar - $5.00 6 Mentha ? *3.00 On all aubacrtpUias da live red in North Carolina, add tha atate's thraa par cant 1 Spirit Of Christmas Again dawns die glorious season. The most happy Christmas time. The sound of pretty music. The carols and sweet bell chimes. Everything Is decked out in bright colors. The holly so pretty and green Adorned with bright red berries. The polnsettas that add to the scene. Again there's a rustle and bustle. The so laid of hurrying feet. In search of gifts for loved ones. So up thing for a Christmas treat. There's a smile and a Joyous expression. On the face of each passerby. It's as If there's a return of the Christ child, In a manger that Is near by. Each heart seems filled with gladness, May It last for many a day. The special spirit of Christmas, Oh, let It come to stay. By Nelle J une Reld. laoBg Tb? Sick Patients admitted to Pro vidence Hospital, Nov. 30 to Jecember 7, were: Treacy Jugent, Murphy; Howard doore, Rt. 2, Culberson; Miss cle Coleman, Murphy; Mrs. ieorgla Roberson. Rt. 1, Mur ihy; Mrs. Wayne Donald Hog ed, Murphy; Mrs. Ralph lockery, Rt. 3, Murphy; Mrs. 'annie Kephart, Rt.1, Murphy; lelson McKlnley Brown, Rt. , Murphy; Mrs. Ruby Whlte er, Rt. 2, Murphy; Robert H. lockery. Murphy; JohnWayne ngland, Rt. 2, Blalrsvllle; lerald White, Marble, John lncald, Rt. 2, Murphy; Mrs. obert Johnson, Rt. 2, All News and Advertising lust Be In The Scout Office ly Noon Tuesday. Murphy; James Cook. Rt. 1, "opperhlll. Tenn.; Linda Faye Jatlons, Rt. 2, Murphy; Wil ard Taylor. Rt. 4, Murphy; 4rs. Marlon Ennls, Andrews; lev. Charles Alfred Smith, It. 4. Murphy; Baby Ralph ?dward Hughes, Rt. 2, Mur hy. and Mrs. Joe Maxwell, t. 1. Marble. In Service GREAT LAKES, ILL.-Jerry B. McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen N. McDonald of Rt. 1, Murphy, N. C., completed recruit training Nov. 9, at (he Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, 1U. During the nine-week In doctrination, recruits are trained In physical fitness, basic military law, military drill, customs and etiquette of naval service, swimming and survival, first aid Mid basic shipboard routine. During the training, the recruits receive teste and in terviews which determine fu ture training and assignments. Cherokee Scout 6 Clay Cointy Progress, Thurs., Dec. 13,1962 OID YOU KNOW 11 Mnk consume* cnen s I try your Drag Store first for 8 COSMETICS CAMERAS from 5.9 5 PERFUME from 1.50 SHAMPOO from 690 MAKE-UP KIT 2.00 ALARM CLOCK FIRST AID KIT. BILLFOLDS WRIST WATCH MANICURE SET SHAVING LOTION {TRAVEL KITS HAIR BRUSHES BATH CRYSTALS SEAMLESS NYLONS FAMOUS COLOGNE GIFT CH0C0LA1 f Mouney Drug Co. VE7-2192 Murphy, N.C. REST EASY CHRISTMAS BILLS ARE ALREADY PAID! Take the worry out of Christmas spending with a Citizens Bank and Trust Co. Christmas Club Check - you pay cash for your gifts and holiday fltdn's ? that's tu No bills coming in the firs of January or Installment pay ments a (retching out! It makes sense to save through a Citi zens Bank and Trust Co. Christmas Club Accoimt. De posit what you wish ? but Join today ? you'll bless that check next Christmas ? and you'll have a kind word for Citizens Bank, tool with o Citizens Bank & Trust Co. CHRISTMAS CLUB Citizens Bonk & Trust Co. ?CRV1MO ?OUTMWMTIRN . ORTM CAROLINA Miabsr Fiiiril lisiriice Cirpiritin Mirphy, Minns, layisviili, lilkiisvilli, Sylva